United States – Accountability Across The Spectrum

January 9, 2021

United States – Accountability Across The Spectrum

Padmini Arhant

Having been caught in direct involvement organizing and directing mob attack in Capitol Hill on January 6th, 2021,

It’s time for perpetrators of horrendous assault on democracy, constitution and election integrity to be charged with TREASON, STEALING ELECTION and perpetuating VIOLENCE throughout 2020 and into January 6th, 2021. In fact, the criminal conduct falsely framing innocent members to suit political agenda back in 2016 continued until today is abuse of power in taxpayer funded government position.

The democrat party prominent members Hillary Clinton along with ex-President Barack Obama, former Vice President Joe Biden, former national security adviser Susan Rice, former FBI director James Comey, former CIA director John Brennan and former director of national intelligence James Clapper…are privileged violators with political impunity among many others for 2016 Russian hoax squandering hard earned taxpayers dollars on political vendetta.

Juxtaposed, Congress is yet to deliver long overdue $2000 stimulus checks to pandemic affected American citizens nationwide.

The House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, Presidential candidate Joe Biden and running mate Kamala Emhoff and others in Congress are accountable for deception, election fraud and the latest Capitol Hill infiltration to disrupt electoral college votes objection and that too right at the time when Arizona electoral votes were challenged in the hall of Congress.

The timing could not be perfect to once again upend constitutional procedure by those in coalition with anti-republic and undemocratic electoral fraud.

The groups Black lives matter (BLM), Antifa and similar outfits with direct political connection and backing having been responsible for unrest, chaos and serious damages to lives and property in different parts of the nation endangering safety and national security are to be banned and tried in the court of law barring partisanship to dismiss lawsuits to oblige political establishment as witnessed post election 2020.

Kamala Emhoff fund raising via twitter to aid violence and mayhem via Black lives matter (BLM) and Antifa in 2020 is an act of terrorism.

Any average citizen would have been convicted with fullest extent of law if the latter were to be engaged in open solicitation and engagement as Kamala Emhoff was to cause harm against citizens and nation at large.

Accordingly, the equal application of law disqualify the running mate Kamala Emhoff with charges for inciting and abetting violence.

The ex-cabinet members in Trump administration like Betsy DeVos and others who exited using pseudo pretext to quit post falsely accusing peaceful attendees of assembly on January 6th, 2021 as rioters, when live video footage presented below confirm reality on pre-meditated and orchestrated criminal activity in Capitol Hill involving democrats favored groups need to apologize for arbitrary claim.

These actions and behavior from political members and organizations they foster to unleash criminal wrongdoings are condemnable. The incessant dispositions having reached a crescendo necessitate accountability for breach and institutionalized transgressions.

Personally, the insidious insinuations and nuanced projections – the established tradition against me from criminal cartel and crony contingency wherever they are engaged in propaganda and violent implications are abhorrent and reprehensible. No deeds and none are exempt from Karmic effects with irreversible impact.

The case in point – the alleged protestor Ashli Babbitt shot dead in Capitol Hill on January 6th, 2021 profiled as Air Force veteran and die hard TRUMP supporter is a mere example of a pattern associating me with fabricated crimes in futile smear campaign. Not to mention the fatal obsession among adversaries targeting me is fait accompli besides wasting their life to own peril.

The corrupt media, the deep state filthy swamp and widespread criminal cartel’s cowardly and wicked tactics expedite self-extinction with the day of reckoning upon them from the Supernatural force behind natural creations and universe.

Above all, the sadistic pleasure from enacted murders implied against me only immortalize me in repeat resurrection to life.

Jesus Christ was resurrected once and I am being resurrected since my emergence in public domain by murderous regimes and perilous power mongers.

As a spiritual individual, I convey the message to democrat majority Congress not to politicize religion and religious representation. The reference is to prayer at the commencement of 117th Congress and unprecedented invocation of Brahm i.e. Supreme being and Soul in spiritual realm though applicable to all religions and spirituality as Almighty God, the term specific to Hinduism followed by democrat initiated pronouns is unnecessary political indoctrination.

Importantly, Almighty God epitomize Truth and light dispelling falsehood and darkness – unfortunately the main characteristics of politics, media and institutions as well as anyone in cohort with degenerative decline.

The Supreme entity grace and blessings are earned by righteous and virtuous not exploiters of human value and character.

The nation deserves corruption and criminality free governance. The Biden Presidency is marred with unscrupulousness and criminal dealings delegitimizing status to head the government.  The inauguration of such representation would be essentially validating immorality, corruption, unconstitutional, undemocratic and unethical usurpation to power.

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant


United States – Capitol Hill Riots

Padmini Arhant

TRUTH is unassailable.

The live video footage on ground in Capitol Hill on January 6th, 2021.

The segment is from Flashpoint – The Victory Channel, Thank you.



More updates to follow shortly.

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant

Author & Presenter



United States – Electoral College Votes Objection

January 7, 2021

United States – Electoral College Votes Objection

Padmini Arhant

I, Padmini Arhant, representing divine mission hereby vehemently and unequivocally object electoral college votes in the swing states PA, AZ, NV, MI, GA, WI and NM in the Presidential election 2020.

I’m submitting this statement in response to deep state and political class hired surrogates on you tube questioning my engagement despite the sources continued exploitation of my life and tireless contributions thus far.

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s direct email to me seeking my endorsement prior to 2020 election reminiscent of predecessor Barack Obama and Vice President Joe Biden in the past decade is a proof of the political class awareness and knowledge of my authenticity regardless of proxies, pawns and puppets staged by deep state and criminal clique to stymie my existence and real identity.

Similarly, the democrat running mate in 2020 election as my substitute is a devious agenda. The criminal syndicate imposing proxies denying me my individual rights to be identified by my birth name and personal identity is condemned in no uncertain terms and bear serious repercussions for deplorable action.

Now on the subject of Electoral College Votes objection in the 2020 Presidential Election:

Having provided numerous irrefutable reasons for my objection, I call on the democrat members beginning with House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and entire democrat party as well as electorate to reflect on their response to election result in 2016 citing foreign interference viz. Russian collusion found a hoax in the investigation carried out in the entire term of incumbent President Donald J. Trump since election.

In 2020, the voter fraud and voting irregularities via manual counting and Dominion voting machine as well as software related voting tabulation designed to favor designated candidacy Joe Biden is incontrovertible.

Furthermore, the foreign interference in 2020 unlike 2016 is factual and confirmed by Director of National Intelligence John Radcliffe subsequent to Executive Order issued by President Donald Trump on September 12, 2018.

The scandals involving Joe Biden and family in billions of dollars transactions with China CCP, Ukraine and Moscow… and activities mentioned above adequately disqualify the candidate Joe Biden from Presidency on ethical grounds upon ethical efficacy considered important by political establishment and deep state-run politics.

The naysayers on electoral college votes objection are self-contradictory predominantly in reference to constitution and rule of law.

The incumbent republican vice president Mike Pence citing constitution as constraint in returning electoral college votes to state legislature in swing states in essence marginalized constitutional violation by state legislators in key battleground states like PA, AZ, NV, WI, MI, GA and NM. The irony is deeper than Grand Canyon and can’t be ignored without casting a shadow on the creek in deep state politics.

Likewise, the republican majority leader Mitch McConnell and Senator Lindsey Graham – a regular attendee of secret society meeting emphasizing the requirement to follow the rule of law on their terms while favoring status quo on swing states electors’ voting procedures slighting constitution and election rules confirm disparity and political catharsis in the dismissal of electoral college votes objection.

Notwithstanding vote manipulation in Georgia and other disputed states flagrant violation of election laws captured live on camera in world view hardly a matter of concern for lawmakers behind electoral college votes validation. Not to mention systemic corruption across the board in voting machine calibration and illegal transfer of ballots overwhelming election integrity.

Last but not the least, the congress members in the House and Senate cheering fraudulent election outcome highlighted the swing states’ lower and higher courts having declined incumbent President Donald Trump’s lawsuits adding the state of affairs as irreversible.

Juxtaposed, the democrat Joe Biden’s scandals deceptively protected from public debate and,

The running mate Kamala Emhoff elimination in democrat primary in 2019 as the first casualty within two weeks of the Presidential bid reverted to Vice Presidential nominee could only be possible in corrupt political environment.

In conclusion, the voter confidence is severely affected in the disenfranchisement of legitimate electorate who cast legal votes in compliance with voter qualifications and registration in swing states inarguably enabling the incumbent President Donald J. Trump, the actual winner in the 2020 Presidential election.

Congratulations! President Donald J. Trump in re-election to second term in office.

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant









Freedom Under Siege

January 6, 2021

Please stand by for personal message to House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, Democrat Party. This is in response to your message.

Freedom Under Siege

Padmini Arhant

Freedom lovers all over the world – If you love your freedom, inalienable individual rights, sovereignty of your country and above all constitution guided governance and election integrity to represent the nation and citizens in the government of the people, for the people and by the people,

Please do not promote and support media, tech giants – FACEBOOK, TWITTER and GOOGLE YOUTUBE…and the rest against everything that is non-negotiable such as liberty, peace, non-violence and justice. The mainstream and foreign powers controlled communication outlets are determined to destroy United States of America and every nation that cherish democracy and corruption free election.  The tech oligarchs silencing free speech and democracy in social media is unacceptable and abominable. 

Your voice is silenced even though your participation as consumers and social media subscribers instrumental for tech giants to reach the pinnacle of success. The economic power bestowed on tech behemoths and media conglomerate by people from all walks of life is now abused upending election process to usher in COMMUNISM.

The people can turn the clock back by abandoning anti-democratic and anti-freedom forces emboldened in denying citizens rights in every respect.

BOYCOTT those who deprive nation from free and fair election, transparency and accountability and facts as well as TRUTH in principle and practice.

WE THE PEOPLE  have power to retain freedom and sustain constitution governance.

“Senate Majoity leader – Mitch McConnell – Congress cannot overturn election.”

Message to Senate Majority leader Mitch MCConnell – Congress is reminded of the power granted by the people, for the people and of the people in a democratic system.

Congress is expected to respect and honor republic will and not submit and surrender the nation along with citizens to foreign COMMUNIST REGIME as delivered by the Senate majority leader Mitch McConnell in the entire political career per revelations on China Communist regimes’ influence and dominance over American politics and entire system.

Furthermore, the electorate hold power to RECALL those in Congress and other branches of government committing TREASON denying the nation due process with checks and balances to investigate massive voter fraud, election corruption and constitutional violation in state and national level.

The desperate measures and tactics deployed to usher in COMMUNISM in the United States is the beginning of the end of political system entrenched in corruption, quid pro quo scandals and criminal wrongdoings in betrayal of electorate trust demonstrated in fraudulent elections.

No scandalous government can ever perform with credibility and integrity seriously in deficit prompting underhanded tactics and unscrupulous means to gain power.

The REPUBLIC WILL ultimately prevails over undemocratic, unconstitutional and unethical dogma translated in action.

The government and those installed in power against legitimate electorate disapproval would only experience defeat and colossal failure in all endeavors.

Padmini Arhant

Author & Presenter









United States – Presidential Election 2020 now and beyond

January 5, 2021

United States – Presidential Election 2020

Now and Beyond

Padmini Arhant


United States – Presentation on Status Quo

January 5, 2021

United States – Presentation on Status Quo

Padmini Arhant

United States – Georgia State Runoff Election 2021

January 5, 2021

Happy New Year 2021!

January 5, 2021

United States – Georgia Runoff Election 2021

January 5, 2021

United States – Georgia Runoff Election 2021

Padmini Arhant


There is an urgent need for checks and balances in government that is controlled by deep state, foreign powers, special interests and political members in defiance of constitution, rule of law and ethics.

The politics is deeply entrenched in corruption besides collusion with foreign powers and domestic saboteurs of democracy. Under these circumstances, the republic is under siege as experienced now with tech oligarchs’ gag order in social media prohibiting free speech post-election 2020.

The situation in the United States is precarious with direct threats to constitution, individual freedom and voting rights witnessed in Presidential election 2020 result. The election corruption facilitating voter fraud, voting irregularities and Dominion voting machine owned by democratic party prominent members viz. the spouses of Senator Dianne Feinstein and House Speaker Nancy Pelosi posing a major conflict of interests is a serious matter. Similarly, Smartmatic software used in Dominion voting machine has ties with democrat running mate Kamala Emhoff through the candidate’s spouse Douglas Emhoff partnered with DLA Piper Global in return having members who are close associates with China’s communist politburo and China’s People Liberation Army. It can’t get any worse than this in challenging election integrity while derailing voter confidence in local and national election.

The democratic party heavily funded by tech giants is a problem that cannot be ignored considering tech companies blatant violation of constitutional guaranteed first amendment. The tech firms such as Google’s YouTube, Facebook and Twitter prohibiting citizens from freedom of expression on election fraud correlate with China communist regime intolerance to liberty and peaceful dissent. The democrat party network with tech giants, Hollywood, foreign and domestic billionaires and China’s communist party as well as China’s PLA has removed the political party from democrat base and mainstream population. The democrat party once touted as the party for struggling average citizens has evolved into elitists club with leading members more conscious of preserving billionaire and multi-millionaire status. The evolution disregard democratic principles and values that are evidently no longer important in the party strategy to win election at any costs and squander taxpayers money in politically motivated pursuits like the kind deployed against incumbent President Donald Trump on alleged Russian collusion prompting Robert Mueller committee. In the absence of negative findings by Mueller committee, the democrat upper echelons embarked on unsuccessful impeachment proceedings to oust sitting President Donald Trump wasting resources and time that could have been invested in improving American lives instead of obstructionist politics.

The democrat party focus on identity politics is yet another deviation from main issues that neglects reality over superficiality. The democrat party’s trend on identity politics is destructive as the policy indulge in profiling based on gender, race and background rather than promoting merit and mass integration without specific tag alienating individuals from general society.

Last but not the least, the democrat party political ambitions contrast relevance and meaning creating confusions among own democrat base and concerns across the aisle on extreme ideology and goals not in favor of United States democratic foundation and republic realm. The democrat candidacies close ties with China’s communist regime and external powers influence in United States governance and affairs is a natural cause for reservations against a major political party appear to have lost voter trust in the apparent undemocratic means to gain power.

Georgian electorate exercising discernment in electing representatives to United States Senate maintaining balance of power is critical to avert drastic engagement from democrat party with a narrow majority in the House of Congress.

In light of latest developments in 2020 Presidential election, Georgia re-election of republican incumbents should require them to curb China communist regime’s anti-American policies essentially protecting election process from foreign and domestic sabotage.

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant

Author & Presenter














United States – Presidential Election 2020 now and beyond

January 4, 2021

United States – Presidential Election 2020

Now and beyond

Padmini Arhant


The Presidential election 2020 has been one of a kind in terms of historic fraud and nepotism to grab power. Power corrupts human mind and absolute power corrupts absolutely prompting actions resulting in defeat and self-destruction. History is testament to the fact.

There has been enough discussion on the Presidential race 2020 detailing the elaborate pre-meditated election rigging via calibrated Dominion voting machine with Smartmatic software designed to flip votes from the actual winner Donald Trump to designated candidacy Joe Biden. The scientific evidence was also presented in the public hearing in Arizona and other swing states targeted for voter fraud.

The live witnesses under oath with penalty for perjury exhausted the quest for evidence from the other side. Despite the flurry of sworn affidavits and enormous proof on election fraud, the guilty declining to accept truth and reality is least surprising.

The questions arising from the tainted candidacies Joe Biden and running mate Kamala Emhoff are mountainous scandals involving both of them. The Bidens fiasco linked directly with United States foreign adversaries mainly China CCP financial dealings benefitting Joe Biden and family are incontrovertible. Furthermore, Joe Biden transition team having Peter Neffenger tied to Smartmatic software and Kamala Emhoff’s husband Douglas Emhoff, partner in DLA Piper Global partnered with Smartmatic overwhelm conflict of interests. To top it all, the Dominion voting machine configured to switch votes leads to prominent democrats viz. Dianne Feinstein and Nancy Pelosi with their spouses’ ownership and investment in the company whose equipment was reportedly used in 30 states of United States that in itself delegitimize the democrat candidate Joe Biden and running mate Kamala Emhoff in the race.

The Director of National Intelligence (DNI) John Radcliffe assessment in adherence to Executive Order issued on September 12, 2018 irrefutably found foreign interference in the Presidential election 2020 with China CCP instrumental in subversion of election process. Not to mention the subsequent massive cyber attack is confirmation of enemy infiltration with internal collusion.

The deep state is primarily responsible for foreign intrusion in the United States beyond comprehension. The members in government, bureaucracy and judiciary together facilitating election corruption from inactions and refusal to conduct hearings on lawsuits verify foreign and deep state influence at every level. When the people’s court fails people declining hearing on constitutional violation lawsuits slighting Supreme Court’s prime constitutional responsibility to uphold constitution with actual interpretation and practice of constitutional law, the nation is confronted with constitutional crisis.

The legislators in swing states neglecting constitutional procedures substituted with arbitrary election of electors is a deception. Thereafter the battleground states falsely claiming the action as maintaining electorate will is a deliberate motion to discard electorate representation in crucial legislative process.

The electors appointed by swing States without conforming to state constitution in the electoral college votes have not only made constitution irrelevant but importantly ignored electorate participation in the critical undertaking.

In order to rectify the serious anomaly, the states PA, WI, MI, GA, AZ, NV and NM represented by republican electors favoring incumbent candidate Donald Trump qualify to cast electoral college votes on or before January 6th, 2021.

On the issue of corruption scandals – the deep state members are held above law. The Clintons with their fair share of activities and Hillary Clinton as the former Secretary of State running the State Department on a private server notwithstanding spying on all members in politics, United Nations and general society deemed prerogative. Then after losing 2016 election, Hillary Clinton framing then Republican winner Donald Trump on alleged Russian collusion combined with authorization of illegal activities from outgoing President Barack Obama and Vice President Joe Biden against incoming administration high rank officials like General Michael Flynn and others is self-explanatory on deep state authoritative privilege on crime.

In 2020 – Biden family scandals directly implicating Joe Biden, the principal beneficiary in all financial dealings with China CCP and foreign governments in Ukraine, Russia viz. former Moscow Mayor’s spouse donations and more masqueraded during election is betrayal of voter trust and mass deception. The media, democrat party and candidate Joe Biden withholding scandalous information and incriminating quid pro quo transactions between candidate Joe Biden and China military endanger national security.  The Biden family’s numerous contracts with China CCP owned companies in billions of dollars severely impact United States position in every respect weakening negotiation power on trade, economic and strategic issues.

In plain honesty, Joe Biden and Kamala Harris team with ties to China and election debacle in the domestic front jeopardize credible representation to lead and govern United States and the republic. Furthermore, majority do not concur with election result and unilaterally declaring Joe Biden as the winner.

The incumbent President Donald J. Trump and Vice President Mike Pence are duly elected administration to govern United States in 2021.

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant

Author & Presenter




United States – China Communist Regime Dominance

Padmini Arhant

It is important to focus on China – the immediate and by far the most aggressive adversary having deeply infiltrated United States politics, academia, entertainment, sports and economy with American media included in China’s investments nationwide. When China could install a spy in national intelligence committee long before through Senator Dianne Feinstein’s chauffeur and now recently in democrat congressman Eric Swalwell case, the political parties and leaderships should have been on alert and exercised utmost vigilance in screening and monitoring anyone casual or close with members in intelligence committee, national security and sensitive areas of the government.

How does China trap key members in government, economy, academia and so forth?

Needless to say, with money and power as confessed by the communist party members in the video released and published in public domain and presented below.

Human weakness to fame, fortune and power unfortunately misleads them towards self-compromise.  In doing so they take down everyone including the nation they belong to without any regrets on their actions. In politics and judiciary, integrity has long been abstinent and more so post election 2020.

Integrity is rare and not a criteria for positions as witnessed in election and appointments to the lowest to highest office on land. Otherwise, those entrenched in corruption with scandals all around would not be the ideal preference to lead and govern the nation. It is unthinkable and unacceptable to grant power to those struggling to come in terms with ethical deficit throughout their political career.

What does this mean?

The scandalous and those wanting power by any means i.e. by hook or crook noticed in this election 2020 are backed and installed in power.

At what and whose cost?

Undeniably, at national and citizens cost with an open invitation to enemy to undermine everything that is irreplaceable beginning with constitution that guarantees freedom, individual rights, democracy and sovereignty that has no meaning or relevance to adversary rooted in brutal communism immortalizing concentration of power among core circle in the system. Within that power centrifuge there is internal conflict for supreme authority leading to authoritarianism wreaking havoc for citizens in that country and nations near and far. Not to mention corruption serving as the arsenal to remain in power and influence those whom they target for dominance.

Let there be no misconception on undemocratic forces and ideology having little or no respect for basic rights, independence and individuality to work hard and achieve respective dreams and ambitions in life. The narcissism defies rationality and reason on all matter and fails to recognize imminent danger surrounding such attribute heading the nation.

China’s communism is premised on central authority dictating terms and conditions on living and lifestyle to personal and political aspirations largely managed via indoctrination and subjugation.

As for United States, China’s intrusion is well embedded in politics, academia and economy. The political infiltration is across the aisle and conspicuous in delivery from members heading the House of Congress and Senate. The republican majority leader in the Senate Mitch McConnell’s close ties with China CCP and military affecting United States politics is not a secret. The republican Senator Mitch McConnell’s spouse Elaine Chao relation with China’s communist party and military is long established and continued till today. The republican Senator Mitch McConnell rise to power in politics is attributed to China’s communist regime close associate and confidante Elaine Chao through investments in political campaign of then rookie republican Mitch McConnell from the great state of Kentucky.

Georgia runoff election and more will be presented shortly.

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant

Author & Presenter



Happy New Year 2021!

January 1, 2021

Happy New Year 2021!

Padmini Arhant


Padmini Arhant

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