–Vishwa Kalyan Award 2015 Environment Category

October 24, 2015

PA VKA Award 2015

By Padmini Arhant

Vishwa Kalyan Award in environment category 2015 is awarded to developing nations in recognition of the endeavor to eliminate fossil fuel and carbon emission reduction in the respective domain.

The public sector role in  energy programs with rural electrification as integral part of the project address developmental needs across the spectrum.

Environment Awardees are as follows:

  1. Ethiopia – The East African nation in the Horn of Africa is leading power generator in the region.

EEPCo – Ethiopian Electric Power Corporation is a public utility enterprise.

CEO – Ato Miheret Debebe.

The company overview – The corporation is in the business of producing, transmitting, distributing and selling electrical energy in accordance with economic and social development policies and priorities of the government and to carry out any other related activities that would contribute to achieve its purpose.

Ethiopia Clean Energy Program.

The grid based electricity generation is developed for national power supply.

Ethiopia’s clean energy drive through Wind, Hydro, Geo thermal and Waste Energy Projects facilitated Grid based rural electrification in the country.

Wind – The grid based wind electricity generation capacity – the total national potential is assessed at about 100 GW.  Many projects completed with more underway.

Hydro Projects – Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam already producing power from various stations in the country.

Geo thermal – The power plant connected to national grid allowing additional flow to meet energy demand.

Waste to Energy Power Plant (WtE) – The energy plant near open dumping site set up to transform 1,200 tons of waste a day into clean energy.

As a result, Ethiopia is able to provide energy to East and Central African nations in the Energy Transmission Construction projects to Kenya and Sudan besides addressing national requirement.

IT Projects:  The project aims to digitalize business processes and automate in EEPCO for efficiency and cost effectiveness in customer services and communication with stakeholders and concerned networks nationwide.

The current undertaking:


The acquisition of state of the art software; with a thorough consideration of integration with the current system and future expansion of the corporation.

To improve EEPCO’s commercial operation by replacing the existing system with decentralized systems to establish a fully integrated Management Information System (MIS).


2. Latin America.

Solar Energy.

Peru – The South American nation is embarked on solar power. 

National Photovoltaic Household Electrification Program expected to benefit more than 2 million people in Peru.

The program aims to provide electricity to poorest households using solar panels. The remote areas and villages using oil lamps and dependent on hazardous fuel would be relieved with connection to power grid.

The Peruvian government launched the first phase to provide 500,000 solar panels and installed some in the northeastern region of Cajamarca lighting homes with no access to electricity. The program poised at providing 95 percent of Peru with electricity through clean energy by the end of 2016.
The National Photovoltaic Household Electrification Program cost is about $200 million.


3. Costa Rica 100% Renewal Energy with departure from fossil fuel.

The Central American country generated electricity entirely from renewal energy – the combination of hydroelectric and geothermal power permitting clean and affordable energy supply in 2015. The national commitment towards 100% carbon neutrality by 2021 sets important precedence for the rest of the world to follow suit.

Costa Rica record on renewal energy for electricity with determination to reach milestone in 100% carbon free status has earned them the environment award.


4. KayapoIndigenous Tribe in Amazon protecting rainforests against miners, poachers, loggers and drillers in the region.

Kayapo ChiefRaoni or Ropni has led the tribe in dedicating their lives to preserve the Amazon rainforest – the treasure cove of Planet Earth.

Kayapos have been defending the world’s richest ecosystem for generations sacrificing their life as they are constantly threatened by land grabbers and big corporations not to mention systemic attacks against them leading to genocide. Kayapos fearlessly remain in the frontline to save habitat for entire humanity.

Rainforests are the nerve centers for ecological balance.  Since industrialization, rainforests face decline due to deforestation, dam constructions, contamination of rivers, soil and ground waters with oil residue and mining projects such as gold and other precious metals besides coal and minerals that require mountain top removal.


5. Protecting endangered speciesIrrawathi dolphins of Myanmar in Mekong river are critically endangered from fisheries by catch and habitat deterioration.

In Zimbabwe, Africa – poachers prey on elephants by poisoning them with cyanide laced oranges or salt.  The recent incident in north and western national park involved 14  elephants  deaths and reportedly in 2013 – 300 elephants died from cyanide poison in Hwange.  Human greed prompts such cruelty against other species ignoring ultimate toll on natural surroundings.

The dismissal of global warming as a myth among skeptics slight polar bears plight in the arctic with melting glaciers posing challenge to marine mammals existence.

Human recklessness is not only endangering rare species but also targets original inhabitants in the world.

The indigenous population across the globe are subject to gross human rights violation and deprived from maintaining their rich cultural heritage.  The natives’ meaningful customs and traditions that are sacred to them prohibited with unnecessary enforcements indicative of disrespect for aboriginal spirit.

The award acknowledges efforts in revival of plants and animals on the brink of extinction. Accordingly, the aborigines are honored as reliable guardians and stalwarts in earth conservation especially with pollution and rising toxicity endangering life and planet survival.

Congratualtions! To winners of Vishwa Kalyan Award 2015 in environment category.

Peace to all!

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant









United States – NDAA Veto and GITMO Closure

October 22, 2015

By Padmini Arhant

The White House decision on National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) introduced, enacted and implemented in December 2010 now vetoed in the wake of disagreement between legislative and executive branch on defense spending bill to a tune of $612 billion deserves attention.  

NDAA was unconstitutional with serious infringement on civil liberty.  The legislation on NDAA defined political reality.  Similarly procrastination in shutting down Guantanamo Bay prison holding inmates without due process clarifies democracy in subjugation.

Revoking NDAA and GITMO closure would reinstate democracy and restore human values in rapid deterioration since 9/11.

Besides GITMO, United States and NATO run detention centers in Afghanistan, Middle East, South East Asia, Eastern Europe and Latin America facilitating renditions and gross human rights violations under the pretext of war on terror exacerbate terror manufacturing and activities to prolong conflicts in Syria, Iraq, Libya, Afghanistan and throughout Africa. 

Regardless of motives behind undemocratic rule and practices such as NDAA and GITMO camp, anything counterproductive is unsustainable with inevitable adverse effects on the source and catalysts.

Notwithstanding economic liability in maintaining prison complexes worldwide. 

Sponsoring terrorism by funding, training and arming terror networks to destabilize nations is the current trend leaving scores dead and millions in refugee status ultimately affecting the origin of the problem witnessed in refugee influx on EU shores and inhumane response to humanitarian crises.

Likewise, military interventions with aerial bombing and air strikes claimed as expunging terror in Syria and elsewhere are more favorable to boost defense expenditure ignoring massive infrastructure destruction in war zone considering hegemony deployed terror factions across the country.

The repeat proposals from this website to ban weapons supply to terror groups in addition to disarming militants and rebels across the globe is not appealing for those attracted to failure and mayhem. 

Simultaneously arms and ammunitions distribution to terrorists, dictatorial regimes, nefarious elements, drug cartels, organized and underground crime syndicate benefit stake holders in defense (more appropriately offensive) stocks to continue status quo.

Nuclear states with military might inability to contain terror and militancy in Pakistan, Afghanistan and Middle East in particular pose credibility factor revealing the background and complicity within as well as outside the domain. 

Hegemony aspirations for global dominance producing enormous casualties, human tragedies with generational impact along with economic burden and environment degradation is a lost cause in otherwise fait accompli. 

Repealing NDAA and departure from torture techniques cited at GITMO would confirm recognition of erroneous actions and sincerity in reviving democratic principles and fairness in justice.

United States could be the land of the free and the home of the brave upon respecting life in general –  own citizens and foreign nationals alike.

Peace to all!

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant 






United Sates – Gun Violence, Gun Rights and Gun Laws

October 4, 2015

Padmini Arhant

Padmini Arhant

Dear Citizens,

Welcome to the topic on gun violence in the United States.

Nothing happens without a reason.  There is always a cause behind every event. Unless the solution addresses the cause or the source of the crisis, the problem lingers on and surface at frequent intervals desensitizing response regardless of severe impact.

Unites States citizens once again came under fire.  As per news report it occurred in the West Coast of the United States.  In the State of Oregon,  at least ten students were killed and several injured in shooting rampage at the community college.

Gun violence in the United States has escalated exponentially in the past three to four years with incidents  almost every month. 

The recent incidents not sparing children in elementary school in Connecticut, people praying at the church in South Carolina and citizens watching movie in the theater in New Orleans have become regular occurrence.

Gun violence and gun sales are on the rise in parallel mode.

There is an established pattern surrounding gun violence that deserves attention.  In every gun related episode, the shooter ends his own life.  The killer rarely survives to face investigation on mass murder.  The assassins are invariably declared suicidal.

Accordingly, I raise the following questions to Congress, lobbyists and pro gun rights segment.

In every gun violence, the shooters turn the weapons on them after claiming innocent lives, then

Why there is no mandatory requirement for background verification?

The travel documents such as passport and visa are issued only after the applicant details are found satisfactory and in compliance with respective government’s rule.

Employment permits and documents pertaining to citizens eligibility for benefits etc. is not available in the absence of proper submission.

The employers conduct background checks on potential employees and property owners do the same on renters as standard procedure.

How come there is no federal law for verification on firearms sales to prospective buyers whether online or in the main street?

Apparently the State of Oregon introduced verification obligation not long ago.  In the latest shooting the shooter could have purchased earlier and in possession of firearms prior to introduction of the law.

How come the homeland security and NSA labyrinthine surveillance and pervasive spying on citizens in the nation and worldwide could not detect something ominous as this activity?

Obviously they are focused on law abiding citizens exempting the stock reserved for false flag events nationwide.

The simple background checks with buyers submitting to verification and sellers to examine buyers’ information would at least rule out the consistent explanation behind gun violence i.e. mental illness or emotional instability prompting such actions turning them suicidal.

When the tobacco industry – equally powerful and influential like NRA on Congress was challenged through civic activism and successfully implemented the law prohibiting tobacco sales to minors – eighteen years old and under considering harmful effects on health from the use of tobacco,

Why can’t the law be passed restricting individuals with criminal and health conditions from firearms procurement?

Could there be any objection from NRA or pro gun rights segments given the argument on gun rights ownership citing 2nd amendment in the Bill of Rights that ought to exclude anyone posing threat to citizens’ safety?

Now I present national predicament on misuse of power by those in position of authority again not just the masquerade, my focus is on the figures behind the mask in charge of the gambit.

The terror attack on 9/11 set the stage for masterminds, architects, protagonists and catalysts to amass power in advancing the Project for New American Century targeting foreign nations and,

New World Order with law of the jungle replacing constitutional governed law of the land in the domestic front.  The prototype now developed and imposed internationally through proxy governance.

The complicity on 9/11 facilitated horrendous terror assault on Americans and foreign nationals on American soil ignoring credible intelligence and blatant warnings on imminent terror operation to befall in the United States.

When authorities – the administration and lawmakers in power slight responsibility to protect citizens and collude with forces behind 9/11,

The trend continued until today sponsoring terrorism and authorizing predator drones killing innocent children, women and men in developing nations in pursuit of PNAC.

Should it be surprising the policy setting bad precedence for elements at home to engage in summary executions emulating leaderships in power?

Congress and White House funding, arming and training terror networks leaving thousands dead and millions as refugees in Syria, Iraq, Libya and Yemen other than countries like Somalia, Nigeria, Afghanistan and Pakistan transformed into terror havens with ammunitions influx to terror factions and militancy defines governance premised on violence.

Not to mention arms supply to drug cartels in neighboring Mexico through contentious fast and furious program in 2009 and 2010.  The outcome is Mexican national defense force outgunned by drug syndicate generating native exodus to United States across the border.

When Presidential hopefuls debate on constructing wall with thick fat door preventing illegal entry across the border into United States, the discussion as usual fails to  deal with the origin. 

Perhaps due to myopic view on issues considered politically inexpedient.

United States passing laws regardless of political affiliations – republican or democrats confirms pledge of allegiance not to the nation or the people, however to illegitimate incognito forces operating behind the scenes to prolong global destruction.

Otherwise the law with direct infringement on civil rights – National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) more invasive than controversial and unpatriotic Patriot Act and subsequently  Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA) passed using 9/11 as the pretext to curb freedom would not have been legislated undermining democracy.

NDAA targeting United States citizens at home and abroad became effective in 2010 that allows United States government and federal agencies to apprehend U.S. citizens denying them due process.

United States citizens deprived of legal representation and rights are subject to military tribunal rather than civilian trial under NDAA enabling government to press charges with or without evidence against people in the country.

The extra judicial executions carried out misusing executive power that has risen substantially in the twenty first century following 9/11 cannot be discounted raising questions on systemic abuse of authority.

While tax payers funded political system is controlled and maneuvered to suit external and internal collaboration to subjugate population under New World Order,

Yet another government wing – the law enforcement agency at public expense pose challenge to citizens’ safety.

The police brutality towards unarmed citizensAfrican Americans in particular and immigrants in minority groups fall prey to excess use of force.

Adding insult to injury, the victims and families declined justice with series of acquittals despite evidence based convictions on members of police cadre.

Likewise, huge police deployment to quell peaceful dissent and assembly witnessed during Occupy Wall Street in New York and elsewhere crushing citizens’ movement demonstrated New World Order in action.

On another occasion with citizens protest against NATO summit in Chicago in 2012, the armed police personnel aggressive tactics against unarmed civilians resulting in citizens bleeding profusely from police manhandling along with arrests and detentions further exemplified New World Order anti-democratic strategy.

The government and political establishment representing agenda such as New World Order with authority evolving into authoritarianism suppress citizens voice and refuse the right to express grievances on economy, political, social and environment matter.  

Furthermore, zero tolerance to critical analysis of policies together with brutal crackdown on non-violent gathering endangering life and subvert democracy.

Communication media, information superhighway and entertainment sector predominantly utilized for misinformation and propaganda besides profiteering from incessant violence and gross human rights violation.

The brazen authority and undemocratic settings foster apprehensions among those fearing prevalent lawlessness in the governing body forming the basis for pro gun rights in affirming 2nd amendment in the Bill of Rights.

The government laws and lack there of in terms of interventions to deter firearms access to those with ambiguous profile attributed to skyrocketing gun sales in the current period.

The proposal on gun laws amid government egregious decisions and active participation instigating violence via terrorism in foreign land and against citizens in national domain is the red herring in the senseless bloodshed within and outside United States.

The damaged roots cannot be expected to bear edible fruits and pruning the branches would not necessarily change the process.

Statutory law on background clearance to obtain and retain firearms is paramount to protect lives from gun related violence.

In conclusion, violence by any means is to be condemned and contained with fairness in enforcement of laws honoring life and restoring normal existence.

Any procrastination or resistance to public security would clarify political reality.

I convey my sincere condolence to mourning families of the students in the Oregon Community College shooting with prayers for speedy recovery of those affected in the preventable tragedy.

Peace to all!

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant























Gandhi Jayanthi (146th Birth Anniversary) – Remembering the Mahatma in 2015

October 2, 2015

By Padmini Arhant

Commemorating Mahatma Gandhi’s 146th birth anniversary.

Peace and non-violence pioneer’s steadfastness to free India from foreign rule posed immense challenge to the imperial power.

Mahatma Gandhi’s simple and humble attributes was in contradiction to flamboyance and pompous disposition maintained in the position of authority.  The genuine leadership is often recognized in sincerity, integrity, courage and commitment to serve humanity.

Most importantly speaking the truth without fear or concern for smear determines individual character and selflessness – a rarity in power oriented politics promoting false image to subvert reality.

Gandhi exemplified virtues with emphasis on equality and harmony transcending prejudice based on race, religion, caste and creed. The world blinded by violence and acrimony emanating from greed and desire for dominance rejects peace with no respect for life other than own existence despite death a certainty for all.

Mahatma’s relentless pursuit on liberty and unity characterized Gandhian principle in the hope to alleviate suffering among the poor, hungry and oppressed population worldwide.

Freedom struggle continues in the aftermath of Mahatma Gandhi and compatriots sacrifice with corruption and criminality governing politics contributing to huge economic and social disparity.

In pre-independence period there were remarkable members in society pledging their life, time and resources for the country sharing the common dream to liberate homeland. 

The alacrity in claiming sovereignty from foreign control attracted volunteers across the spectrum with single goal in mind to decline subjugation.

In comparison, the present time sworn allegiance to sources embarked on treason and depleting state treasury with guaranteed political impunity.

The dominion republic status is acceptable due to benefits to political establishment and affluent class from subservience to undemocratic system compromising national and public interest.

Nonetheless, Mahatma Gandhi and legions dedication in  patriotic endeavor ever remain the beacon of light to awakened mind.

Tribute to Mahatma Gandhi and other great souls for indelible mark on patriotism and honorable legacy.

Peace to all!

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant




Syria – Conflated Hegemony Conflict

October 1, 2015

Padmini Arhant

Padmini Arhant

By Padmini Arhant

Syrian conflict has many dimensions with hegemony premeditated scheme to destabilize Syria. The plan implemented in 2011 under the guise of Arab Spring.

The war premised on achieving hegemony goals i.e. toppling governments regarded adversary in the Middle East and elsewhere.  Iraq, Libya, Thailand and Ukraine are examples preceded by nations in Latin America, Asia and Africa throughout twentieth and twenty first century.

United States, Britain, Israel and France along with allies in the Middle East – Turkey, Saudi Arabia, Qatar, Jordan, Kuwait and UAE involvement since onset devised different strategies to invade Syria.

The principal approach was to circumvent congressional or parliament approval knowing well that would be confronted with public dissent following the deception on Iraq war.

Additionally, disillusionment on 9/11 as insiders collusion with United States allies to accelerate Project for New American Century (PNAC) substantiated in PNAC listing Afghanistan as the initial target among several nations viz. Iraq and Syria.

Hence any direct military interventions would have prevalent hegemony control disguised as democracy prominent.

Citizens protest to hegemony intrusions in foreign land thwarted United States and Britain military actions on Syria.

United States, Britain, Israel, France together with Saudi Arabia, Turkey, Qatar and Jordan sponsored al Qaeda.  The terror network was relocated from Afghanistan to Syria having organized Libya as weapons warehouse to channel arms delivery.

Western nations and coalition in the Middle East declined peace initiatives with EU lifting arms embargo rather than extending ban on ammunitions supply to terrorists in Syria. 

EU decision repercussions experienced now in the refugee influx on EU shores having been responsible for fueling fire.

The western and Middle East allies backed al Qaeda evolved into al Nusra Front in return becoming ISIL, ISIS and now Daesh Takfiri not surprisingly assigned yet another name in the near future.

Western and Middle East armed, trained and funded terror factions were not limited to wreaking terror in Syria. 

They also became cannibals besides committing horrendous crimes like use of chemical weapons, rape, abductions, forcing children to become terror recruits in the four and half years old brutal terrorism unleashed in Syria.

United States, Britain, Israel and France as the origin of weapons cache to terrorists directed Turkey, Saudi Arabia, Qatar and Jordan to provide comprehensive support to terror camps to decimate Syria.

The western powers and coalition sabotaged Geneva peace accord on more than two occasions to end bloodshed in Syria posing illegitimate demands on the population for Syrian government to step down despite Syrian electorate overwhelming mandate electing the incumbent power in the internationally monitored and appraised Presidential as well as national election.

United States, Israel and Turkey launched air raids in Syria with U.S. and Israel air attacks laden with nuclear components repeating combat operations similar to Iraq and Gaza respectively.

United States backed terrorists were behind chemical weapons massacre in incidents verified and confirmed in the U.N. investigation.

In a bizarre twist, instead of disarming terrorists in possession of biological and chemical weapons, Russia and United States subjected the victim Syria to stockpiles disposal under UN agency purview.

Meanwhile, Israel the major weapons of mass destruction (WMD) stockholder having used against Gazans in 2008-2009 shelling and supplied terrorists in Syria never probed or expected to comply with so-called international law.

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu traveled to Moscow to express personal gratitude to Russian President Vladimir Putin on Syrian disarmament.

U.S., Britain, Israel, France and alliance – Turkey, Saudi Arabia and Qatar notwithstanding Lebanon drawn into quagmire.  The terror infiltration in Syria until today with spill over effects in Iraq has left nearly 250,000 dead and millions as refugees in Syria alone.

Turkey citizens have also been hit with terrorism due to Turkish authorities overt engagement in aiding and abetting terror against Syria and Iraq. 

Turkish Premier Recep Tayyip Erdogan close relationship with Iran irrespective of Turkish administration role in proliferating terror explains political and economic interests prioritized over humanitarian issues and regional security.

Not to miss the opportunity amid chaos Germany occupies Turkey with Patriot missile installation and western defense contingency in Turkey stated as necessary for missile management.

Similarly, hegemony trump card Russia occupation of Syria in the Mediterranean coast Tartous with the Russian naval base and the latest airstrikes claimed as wiping Daesh Takfiri on western counterpart behalf is exploiting Syrian political trust in advancing hegemony agenda.

Russia having recently annexed Crimea from eastern Ukraine predominantly to maintain Russian strategic advantage in Black Sea and overture to Caribbean nation Cuba with debt forgiveness in exchange for Russian military base corroborate hegemony multifaceted expansionism in the One World government and New World Order.

The former Soviet Union presence in Afghanistan essentially revived in the current extension of United states and NATO military permanence.

Russiathe key member representing hegemony with veto privilege at unipolar UNSC exemplifying military options in Syria perhaps exhausting defense inventory to replenish reserves other than promoting military industrial complex stock value.

The terror manifestation via hegemony terror recruitments  that began to debilitate Libya, Yemen and other parts of North Africa facilitating mayhem in the Middle East is a convenient situation to justify aggressive maneuver.

Hegemony waged Syrian and Iraq war creating, manufacturing and fostering terror clarifies exalted organized crime against humanity.  States bankrolled terrorism asserted as political leaderships license to kill innocent children, women and men anywhere.

Not to mention hegemony colonization through pervasive terrorism substituting conventional warfare.

Hegemony apocalyptic ambitions contribute to alarming rise in death toll and humanitarian disaster in Syria, Iraq, Libya, Ukraine and wherever hegemony footprints are detectible i.e. almost worldwide.

The terror networks survival is dependent on financing, artillery procurement and logistics made available by none other than hegemony.

Upon terminating terror groups lifeline, the activities would substantially diminish without the need for exhibiting aerial military might.

Hegemony duplicity in classifying militancy into moderates and extremists to suit policy fall short on facts deepening fallacy.

The terror operatives are instructed and led by hegemony authorized organizations and affiliation.

The real commitment to expunge terrorism would commence with the source and catalysts held accountable for heinous crimes and atrocities against unarmed civilians in Syria, Iraq, Libya and elsewhere.

No terror outfit could possibly exist without hegemony and proxy governments complicity in the nuclear age and superior information technology era.

Regardless, conclusion of protracted warfare in Syria, Iraq and Libya with the exclusion of bombs, missiles and air assaults that invariably produce massive destruction of infrastructure and civilian sites is prudent.

The global sanctions on weapons transportation or transfer to terror elements combined with terror shelters demolition and freezing terror benefactors undertakings is the preliminary step towards stifling terrorism.

Addressing the root of all evil fomenting terrorism would cease terror existence.

Hegemony and terror domains exit in entirety is the saving grace marking turbulence and tribulations expiry.

Syria, Iraq and Libya or for that matter any other nation on earth could no longer be subjugated under false pretexts to prolong dying supremacy and parasitic tradition.

The counterproductive measure on regional and global dominance best abandoned with resources divested in improving lives in the domestic front and international cooperation on universal economic development would guarantee global peace and progress.

Wishing peace and stability in every aspect to citizens in Syria, Iraq and Libya.

Peace to all!

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant