United States – NSA Surveillance Through Subliminal PRISM

June 17, 2013

By Padmini Arhant

National Surveillance Act (NSA) defended by the government even though the dragnet spying not only on U.S. citizens but also spreading across the globe is equivalent to searching for needle in a haystack under the blanket presumption of national and global population as potential terror suspects without probable cause or evidence.

In contrast, the political establishment arguably deserves public scrutiny for lack of transparency and accountability considering the authorities direct alliance with al-Qaeda and affiliates al-Nusra Front terror networks in Libya, Iraq, Mali and Syria producing massive deaths and destruction.

NSA infringement upon civil liberties meant to protect criminality by keeping citizens on radar to detect any anti-government plan followed by aggressive interception through unconstitutional measures such as Patriot Act, FISA, ACTA and NDAA leading to flagrant authoritarianism.

The pervasive espionage is not limited to accessibility to phone numbers and Internet communications as mentioned by the government representatives on this controversial matter.

In fact, the program involves private citizens financial, health and other personal records extrapolation by gaining unlawful entry ranging from hacking into the computers to eavesdropping on conversations especially those identified as whistleblowers sought with vengeance given the state intolerance and sensitivity to truth seekers and speakers for their commitment to reveal political leaderships crimes against humanity.

NSA sprawling activities is in accordance with Bilderberg group agenda that was the key issue in the recent conference held in Watford, England on June 6 – 9, 2013.

Bilderberg directing loyalists on big data or Meta data diligently exercised in United States, Canada, Australia, Britain…and Europe.

Western intelligence agencies like NSA, FBI, CIA, MI5, MI6 and Mossad in particular are the terror in creating terrorist organizations viz. al-Qaeda and splinter groups using them for false flag operations along with fundamentalist networks to ignite sectarian violence around the world.

Moreover the western intelligence serve hardliners in government crackdown on peaceful protest witnessed in Bahrain, Saudi Arabia, Jordan, Egypt and Yemen.

They provide assistance and guidelines to ruling authority in violent engagement with marginalized and disenfranchised demography for their genuine demand on equal opportunity seen in Mexico against indigenous Zapatistas and similarly elsewhere.

The western intelligence apparatus preoccupy in national and regional destabilization to promote hegemony goals with prolonged unrest via warfare accompanied by proliferation of arms race not barring WMD lately used by United States, Israel, Britain and France in Iraq, Gaza, Libya and Syria respectively.

NSA is the preliminary and comprehensive mind control strategy to curb uprising amid growing dissatisfaction and disappointment on continuous betrayal of people trust and political power failure to resolve national crises exemplified in gross neglect of economy.

The argument that NSA is on congressional oversight and independent courts jurisdiction to protect civil rights rather favorable to the political helm based on collusion within hierarchy and demonstrated in defending each other behind the veil of secrecy maintaining the smokescreen for en masse subjugation.

Justice department under executive branch influence decisions on cases handled in circuit courts, appellate divisions and supposedly autonomous body at the state and federal level weighted on judicial promotions swaying outcome per authority instruction.

Besides, in terms of the highest court on land as the last bastion for justice –

Supreme Court justices as incumbent administration nominees reciprocate in vindicating Presidency on Presidential disputes or return favors to political parties and corporations contributing to conflict of interest compromising ethics and constitutional law required to be upheld in real democracy.

In this instance, the Supreme Court life term appointment is hindrance to justice for the same reason attributed to judiciary function as fiduciary.

Meanwhile, the people are the victims without recourse in the inextricably flawed system.

NSA serves the purpose to justify unjustifiable actions denying citizens the fundamental right to share grievances on the state of affairs with consequences for honorable and courageous steps in exposing the systemic abuse of power.

United States freedom and democratic values are under siege with coalescence among the powerful in eliminating republic from governance.

National and international solidarity calling for NSA termination is critical to restore human dignity with privacy currently regarded as entitlement to the privileged class depriving the rest from inalienable natural right.

Inaction or complacency to this effect would be surrender to dominance endangering peaceful co-existence.

The pretexts of safeguarding security with unlimited and unwarranted intrusion is deflection from reality.

Recognition of common factor i.e. loss of individual liberty is the binding element to challenge with collective response in turning the tide against superficial power.

Wishing citizens in the United States and worldwide independence from surreptitious captivity enabled through subliminal PRISM.

Peace to all!

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant

Iran – Presidential Election 2013

June 15, 2013

By Padmini Arhant

Congratulations! To President-elect Hassan Rohani for recent victory in the 11th Presidential election and citizens of Iran with impressive voter turnout contributing to peaceful electoral process.

More on this topic will be presented in due course.

Peace to Islamic Republic of Iran!

Peace to all!

Thank you.

Padmini Arahnt

Syria – U.S. And Allies War Crimes and Genocide Warrants Indictments Barring Exemptions

June 15, 2013

By Padmini Arhant

United States armed and financed Jabhat al-Nusra committed yet another massacre of children and women mostly Shia belonging to Hatla village in Deir Ezzor on June 12, 2013.

Meanwhile western partner Salafi Sheikh Shafi-al-Ajami from Kuwait funded terrorists plundered villages and towns in addition to desecrating holy sites and demolition of infrastructure.

Sponsoring terrorism by arming and financing to slaughter innocent children, women, elderly and the rest across the nation is choosing to be a terrorist via proxy.

The western leaderships especially the United States espousing Zionist and Takfiri self-destructive doctrine already resulting in economic and political decline with the office of United States Presidency misused for egotistical desires ignore ill-fated consequences in continuing war crimes and genocide in Syria.

Reiterating the fact that decimation of Syria means promoting regional catastrophe with Israel being the first one to plunge in self-inflicted disaster accompanied by Saudi Arabia, Qatar, Turkey, Jordan, UAE, Kuwait, Egypt, Tunisia… and eventually affecting the entire world with nuclear arsenals in possession of those unrelenting to peace.

The office of U.S. Presidency deviation from democratic system to unilateralism discarding public opinion on warfare when almost 62 – 66% of American citizens oppose any interference in Syria is abuse of power revealing the executive and legislative branch surrender of sovereignty to criminality.

The political establishment hired surrogates, spokespersons, authors and doctored you tube videos attributing executive decisions in escalating violence and killings of civilian population in Syria to arms industry and Israeli lobbyists while absolving the Presidency and legislators from any responsibility is admission of American electorate casting ballots not for candidacy projected as the so-called leadership or representatives of the people but instead the dark forces reining control over United States politics and economy.

Accordingly, the elected officials in the highest office on land and Congress are committing treason through misrepresentation and defiance to citizens dissent on wars with unwavering loyalty to those misleading the nation and global society to abyss.

Such complicity whether due to lack of political will, courage and integrity to stand up to undemocratic elements or alternatively sharing common values with those allegedly prodding elected members to squander American taxpayer dollars for illegal warfare and terrorists activities proves massive collusion against national interest.

President Barack Obama declaration to directly arm foreign terrorists via CIA is acknowledgment of United States engagement long before and throughout Syrian conflict given the United States intelligence agency involvement in mobilizing ammunitions to U.S. recruited mercenaries and cannibals in Syria.

The nefarious dealings transporting lethal weapons since Syrian crises onset and President Barack Obama seeking no fly zone targeting Syrian population with Britain and France having callously used chemical weapons on them and ascribing blame on the popular government of Syria in this regard is repeat of weapons of mass deception tactic used against Iraq.

Unlike United States and western powers cooperation in terror attacks on respective soil against their citizens,

Syrian leaderships and national army relentlessly defending national territory and citizenry from United States led widespread terrorism and massacre.

United States, Israel, Britain, France, Germany with EU lifting arms embargo along with coalition of the willing are responsible for Syrian holocaust up until now.

Notwithstanding the war crimes and summary executions of unarmed civilians warrants indictments of every one of them barring exemption from privileged status.

According to UNHCR latest report – the death toll in Syria thus far is 93,000 with approximately 6,700 are minors and among them nearly 1800 reportedly children under the age of ten died in the ongoing annihilation not to mention the growing refugee situation exacerbating suffering for all and 6.8 million citizens in particular stranded within and outside the country.

United States cavalier approach coordinated with Britain, France and EU unscrupulous strategies to serve Israel’s delusions is worthy of condemnation and merit international intervention to prohibit further onslaught on Syria bringing the western powers and partners to justice for heinous crimes against humanity.

United States outrageous disposition to use Turkey and Jordan for weapons delivery to terror networks in Syria is an assertion of supremacy rejecting Turkish and Jordanian citizens protest to western infiltration undermining national independence of those nations in the region.

Hence Turkish and Jordanian society must rise to the occasion and restrict arms flow into their country by western or disguised supplier i.e. rerouted from Eastern Europe like Croatia with Turkey having suffered terror attacks in Reyhanli and southwestern Hatay province along Syrian border.

Middle East solidarity regardless of religious, social, political and sectarian belief is critical to thwart hegemony goals prolonging illegal invasion and occupation for strategic and economic gains at the expense of vast majority.

The global participation specifically the western civil society bear the burden to terminate Syrian bloodshed for these atrocities are carried out in their name with taxpayer funds ostensibly wasted in denying children, women and men in Syria the right to existence and simultaneously depriving U.S. families survival in the dire economy.

The hegemony depopulation agenda encompassed in geopolitical dominance is sought with war machinery plus economic sanctions in Syria and elsewhere concurrently subjecting western citizens to severe austerity leaving the people on either sides victims of violence and monumental fraud.

In conclusion, United States and western indulgence perpetuating abhorrent crimes in Syria is suicidal mission expediting imminent collapse of imperialism and plutocracy.

Wishing Syrian citizens, national defense force and leaderships extraordinary triumph over trials and tribulations endured by them.

May God bless Syria with fortitude and virtues to prevail in expunging evil and terror.

Peace to all!

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant

Briefing – Syria And President Barack Obama Warfare

June 13, 2013

From: Padmini Arhant

Dear Citizens of the World,

There will be briefing on Syria and President Barack Obama warfare.

Hope you can participate in the session to begin in 30 mins from publication of this message.

Thank you.

Briefing – U.S. NSA Surveillance And Global Dominance

June 12, 2013

From: Padmini Arhant

Dear Fellow Citizens of the World,

The briefing on United States NSA surveillance and global dominance will commence in 30 minutes.

You are welcome to join the event.

Thank you for your participation.

Padmini Arhant

Briefing – United States Surveillance Program and Cyber Warfare

June 11, 2013

From: Padmini Arhant

Dear Friends and Citizens of the World,

Briefing on NSA surveillance program in the United States and foreign nations along with cyber warfare is to commence in 30 mins from publishing this message.

The topics will be covered again five hours later for international listeners in addition to relevant world affairs.

You are welcome to join the session. As always your attention is much appreciated.

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant

Global Crises – Bilderberg Clandestine Meeting in Watford, U.K. on June 6 – 9, 2013

June 10, 2013

By Padmini Arhant

The architects of global crises and terrorism attended the infamous Bilderberg conference in Watford, U.K. this year.

Bilderberg originating from Netherlands with first conference among self-proclaimed privileged society having held at Hotel Bilderberg, Amsterdam became known as Bilderberg renowned for clandestine meetings ironically to discuss global affairs.

The annual gathering upon invitations only represents imperialists and globalists’ delusional aspirations vying for geopolitical dominance.

Western Imperial powers having abolished monarchy in the colonies – India and African nations…continue to dominate as members of Trilateral Commission set up for misappropriation of global wealth depriving the hard working ordinary citizens basic rights and economic opportunity contributing to ever widening gap between the super rich and impoverished around the world.

Imperialism and affluence invariably accompanied by cronyism epitomize hypocrisy and mass deception along with distortion – the standard practice to defend the indefensible position.

The comparison of dedication to humanitarian service without any taxpayer dollars from anywhere spent on selfless devotion to humanity with diametrically opposite monarchy continuing the legacy of parasitic existence is yet another convoluted analogy reflecting pride and prejudice not to mention the egregious version bringing intelligence diminution to surface.

Netherlands disguised as democracy could perhaps evolve into democratic rule upon royalty abdication to republic rather than heir to the throne – the bloodline succession prolonging national and international subjugation considering the Dutch imperialists influence beginning with Bilderberg concept to counterproductive strategy worsening lately and arguably responsible for global status quo.

Bilderberg agenda this year encompass US foreign policy with Africa and the Middle East in particular.

Cyber warfare that President Barack Obama diligently carrying out and discussed the necessity in correlation to the summit past week and,

Big data is metadata otherwise the massive intrusive and invasive surveillance program on U.S. citizens spreading world over that has also been meticulously conducted by the incumbent administration surpassing predecessor at an alarming speed and magnitude.

Bilderberg wish list consistently comprise diverse warfare ranging from conventional operations like in Afghanistan and Mali to,

Sponsoring terrorism against Libya, Syria and Iraq.

The drone strikes in Pakistan, Afghanistan, Yemen and Somalia and,

Cyber attacks against Iran and North Korea are recent examples to trigger global confrontation not barring nuclear arsenal.

The political, economic and military leaderships in the United States, Britain, Israel and other parts of the world are complicit with their presence or in absentia at the anti-democratic and unconstitutional secretive conclave targeting innocent lives around the world.

The war machinery and economic austerity exclusively to serve criminal syndicate interests is the existential threat to humanity and could no longer be tolerated in silence.

Bilderberg group is no ordinary apparatus primarily engaged in the establishment of one world government with puppet regimes and political instruments installed in every region for direct support to this anti-republic unscrupulous system.

The conglomerate espouses predator instincts using violence, false flag events and propaganda as the means to enslave and depopulate the world relevantly based on eugenics – the hallmark of nefarious fraternity.

While practicing narcissism and despising altruism, the organization goals evidently antithetical to peace, unity, political stability and economic as well as social equality to favor the selective secluded club against pervasive progress.

Neo-imperialism and supremacy being the motto, the Machiavellian approach with end justifying the means is unrelenting to monumental issues such as nuclear disarmament and demilitarization eternally endangering life and planet sustenance.

Bilderberg and similar structures facilitating shadow power dragnet authoritarianism instruct proxy governments to quell public dissent with excess force and vehemently opposed to civil resistance – the major concern for fascism and currently involved in legitimizing police statehood in the United States and Britain for simultaneous global implementation.

The iron fist rule premised on New World Order is committed in denying the 99% of world society life with dignity and peace.

New World Order is paradoxical to the perception of leading global citizenry in positive direction.

Contrary to the projection, New World Order is on the reversal with feudalism and vassal states replacing republic governance, elitism substituting populism and federalism stifling individualism in terms of civil liberty and constitutional rights viz. peaceful assembly and free speech.

Global awakening is imperative creating awareness for unanimous rejection of shadow power promoting One World Government and New World Order – the anti-humanity and terror mastermind destroying civilizations and cultural heritage in the quest for global conquest.

Since entities of this network are protected from crimes against humanity, corruption and various unlawful activities with grand impunity,

The people especially the victims of atrocities are expected to accept criminality as the fact of life and surrender to dark forces embarked on self-defeating mission.

Collective action in the form of peaceful protest, consumer boycott, declining unfair tax laws, refusal to pay taxes squandered on wars killing civilians in foreign land and,

Most importantly demanding return of money control, distribution and monetary policy under republic jurisdiction is critical to eliminate fictitious debt burden on generations.

Finally, identifying every member in collusion with multidimensional cartel and holding them accountable is the gateway to freedom in all aspects at present only reserved for those pledged allegiance to apex authority in the one-eyed pyramid.

Wishing success to people power in reclaiming sovereignty, territorial integrity, self-determination rights and equanimity.

Peace to al!

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant

Briefing – Key Developments on Specific Events

June 8, 2013

From: Padmini Arhant

Dear Friends and Citizens around the world,

There will be a briefing in 30 minutes on key developments in international affairs.

Hope you can listen in to the message.

Your attention and participation is much appreciated.

Thank you.

Padminni Arhant

Palestine – Rebirth of Arab Nation Restoring 1948 Sovereignty

June 8, 2013

By Padmini Arhant

The illegal establishment of Israel on Palestinian land in 1948 is the fundamental reason behind Palestinian misery and humanity suffering worldwide.

Since creation of Israel through deception implementing Balfour declaration, terrorism was introduced then and continued by the same entities denying innocent citizens peaceful existence in their country or anywhere for that matter.

Middle East peace talks for over six decades subverted facilitating Israel complete occupation of meager land left for native Palestinians following Israeli aggression in 1967 that legitimize neo-colonialism in the absence of standard practices against Israel such as indictments for war crimes and continuous oppression, persecution of Palestinians and Syrians in the occupied Golan Heights by Israel.

Palestinian plight for generations with mere condemnations on Israeli crimes and atrocities is lip service allowing Israel to perpetuate tyranny due to lack of accountability.

The formation of UN as an international organization but essentially serving the key powers vested interests leaving the rest of the world at their mercy interestingly coincides with invasion of Palestinian land almost in a manner pre-arranged to set up Israel among Arab nations in the Middle East.

In the twenty first century similar plan under Project for New American Century (PNAC) launched with terror attack on American soil to sway public opinion on pre-meditated warfare against Islamic nations aimed at strategic and economic gains while using NATO members like Turkey to invade neighbor Syria.

The primary goal promoting Israel’s aspirations for regional usurpation and spreading beyond pursued at all costs using American treasure and victim nations blood in a cold and calculated predisposition with consequences never being part of the equation in the delusion.

Palestinians enduring horrendous crimes under Israeli authoritarianism with western powers complicity thus far expected to accept status quo as their destiny.

Israel’s dehumanization of Palestinians and Syrians in Golan Heights is the norm forbidding rationality to intervene in the systemic abuse of power.

The gross human rights violations on international watch stigmatize human race for tolerance to flagrant injustice in the modern age.

On the occasion of Global March to al-Quds, the rebirth of Palestine restoring 1948 sovereignty is a viable solution to more than sixty years old distortion that claimed Arab land with no justification.

In response to predictable reaction – the objection to the invocation has no merit considering unlawful settlements in West Bank and al-Quds,

Gaza blockade, demolition of homes and livelihoods restricting Gaza fishing community from fishing in tiny portion of international waters.

Crushing olive and almond trees prohibiting Palestinian farmers from growing crops and produce to build settlers colony.

Contamination of wells and limiting water supply to Palestinian residents in West Bank, al-Quds and Gaza causing health hazards amid economic sanctions cutting off medical provisions and life saving drugs from arrival into Palestinian territory.

Poisonous gas delivery to Gaza hospitals resulting in death of at least four Palestinian patients in the Israeli controlled coastal enclave.

The indefinite detention of Palestinian youth as young as eleven years old children in Israeli gulag extending the concept to United States run GITMO, Britain and Australian concentration camps in Afghanistan…and.

Last but not the least daily killings including terrorizing of children, women and elderly by raiding and ransacking their homes is regarded as prerogative flaunting supremacy on the weak and vulnerable population.

As for the settlers and occupiers on Palestinian land, repatriation to Europe would be conducive – England and Germany in particular bear responsibility given the former role as an imperialist adopting divide and conquer strategy until today for fragmentation of sovereign states and destruction of societies relevant to Palestinian calamity.

Israel emulating the latter viz. Germany in neo-Nazi rule from inception to this moment with no inclination to change course evident in the intensified brutality against Palestinians and neighbors in the region.

Furthermore, Britain and allies expressing deep concern for nuclear-armed Israel’s security could perhaps afford better care by receiving colonizers from Palestinian land to retlocate to Europe – their original domain.

The transmigration would not only be constructive in terms of Israeli resettlement in Britain, Germany and other parts of Europe but also eliminate hostility and volatility in the Middle East.

Palestinians as natives are entitled to reclaim sovereignty and restore life with dignity seized from them in the western intrusion and systematic polarization of civilizations around the world.

Most importantly, upon revival of independent Palestinian state denuclearization and demilitarization of Middle East would bring instantaneous peace and serenity to the zone stifled in Israel’s overwhelming military and discreet nuclear policy.

The issues related to Palestinians refugees right of return to their homeland and diverse arguments raised by Israel would be Palestinian internal affairs and resolved accordingly to benefit unified Palestinian cause.

Likewise, Syrian Golan Heights liberation from Israeli and UN peacekeeping beleaguerment with repossession of territory by Syria conforms to natural process.

All are born to be free and none are exempt from judgment based on deeds that defines the real direction during and after life.

Palestine rebirth adapting to 1948 territory is the effective recognition and acknowledgment of Palestinian republic pledged to peace, freedom and equality.

Wishing Palestinian and Syrian citizens enormous success with renewed hope turning into reality for a new beginning devoid of subjugation, violence and dominance.

Peace to Palestine and Syria!

Peace to all!

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant

Briefing – International Events

June 6, 2013

From: Padmini Arhant

Dear Citizens of the World,

There will be a briefing on key international events in about 30 minutes from now.

Hopefully the international listeners can listen to the message to be conveyed on important developments.

Thank you for your participation.

Padmini Arhant

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