International Women’s Day Centennial Celebration

March 8, 2011

By Padmini Arhant

Today – On March 8, 2011 the international community celebrates the 100th anniversary of Women’s Day.

It would be poignant to recognize and honor women’s role in every aspect of life.

Life formation to functionality is facilitated by the equal gender ratio. Feminine grace combined with intellect and nurturing quality significantly enhances the beauty of evolutionary process.

Women’s contribution since life on earth has been instrumental in humanitarian progress.

Religion, education, politics, military, economics, trade and commerce, science and technology, space exploration, archaeology, spirituality, arts and humanities…to the most important responsibility being a homemaker define the character and strength of womanhood.

Rising to prominence and making history in various capacity appropriately adorns the female essence throughout human civilization.

Despite the magnificent attributes the multi-talented women are yet to be acknowledged with equal social status in certain parts of the world.

Customs and traditions have held back communities in these regions depriving them from the benefits of women empowerment.

Young girls and women are socially stigmatized and subject to atrocities in the new millennium with many of them denied basic education leading to abject poverty and life-long dependency in the society.

Accomplishments without social equality are meaningless for it generates economic disparity defeating the sole purpose of national goals.

Although there are organizational efforts to promote basic human rights for women, the universal impact would confirm the milestones reached in advancing the women’s cause.

It is a challenge to transform the archaic mindset frozen in time declining the influence of modern era with women often enduring the negative effects to the society’s detriment.

Even in the twenty first century – the treatment of women and limited participation to restriction in politics witnessed in some political systems has undermined their ability to share powerful ideas with great potential for national and global gains.

Women’s performance in other areas is not always appreciated in the otherwise competitive workforce. For instance the mineworkers’ salary and benefits were unsuccessfully contested in the United States highest court.

Addressing distinctive anomalies could considerably elevate the conditions in the social environment with pervasive prospects for all.

The light at the end of the tunnel could be a reality rather than a perception provided the political will is exemplified in consolidated action yielding the desirable change.

Congratulations! On the Centennial Celebration of Women’s Day.

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant

Libyan Revolution Commitment to Liberation

March 7, 2011

By Padmini Arhant

Despite Gaddafi backers’ aerial attacks and bombings the revolution is determined to pursue the path to liberation.

The pro-Gaddafi assault against innocent civilians is the trend since the uprising began on February 17, 2011.

Muammar Gaddafi and clan’s persistence to remain in power is challenged with the citizens’ resistance regardless of massive bloodshed in the brutal onslaught to prove defiance.

Although the dictatorship’s cowardly act has caused loss of lives, it cannot deter the repressive regime’s inevitable termination.

Libyan revolutionaries have displayed remarkable fortitude in standing up to the military might and artillery shelling intensified as the Gaddafi rule is decimated in eastern Libya while gaining momentum in the west even though the false propaganda staged to convince the forces behind authoritarianism that they are in control of the situation.

Thousand lies and deceptive tactics cannot stall the imminent demise of the oppressive power having wreaked havoc with no respect for life.

History is testimony to the crumbling empires and belligerence defeated by peace initially discarded as weak and vulnerable only to be discovered otherwise.

Libyan freedom fighters should march forward and escalate the demand for Muammar Gaddafi and associates to quit immediately or face the consequences of public trial in the crimes against humanity.

The loyalists and mercenaries share responsibility in the horrendous killings witnessed throughout the political unrest for their inhumane and immoral conduct.

Every Libyan joining the revolution to oust the autocratic governance would pose a formidable threat to the declining leadership debilitated from inside and externally relying on weaponry to quell dissent.

Nonetheless the brave revolution must maintain high spirits and continue to make progress for the perpetrators are destined to succumb to their violence and diabolical means in the unequivocal victory to people power.

It is utterly important to seize ammunitions from every possible location given the firepower used in the confrontation.

Meanwhile in Benghazi – the transitionary council headed by the former Justice Minister with ex-diplomats and envoys is a commendable preliminary step towards formal government establishment and the international recognition of the interim council would further expedite Muammar Gaddafi expulsion.

In the absence of ‘No Fly Zone’ implementation due to US, NATO and UNSC reluctance in executing the crucial measure – Gaddafi terror is heightened with mounting casualties not to mention the inaction emboldening the despotic leadership.

It is poignant to reminisce the post 9/11 action when the former President George W. Bush posed the question to the international community in seeking coalition.

“”Either you are with us, or you are with the terrorists.”

Somehow there appears to be no such urgency in the response to humanitarian crisis involving civilian massacre.

Besides the unusually prolonged deliberation at the sacrifice of civilian population is disturbing to say the least and justifies valid explanation in this regard.

The reasons provided thus far to coalesce multilateral consensus as a difficult task does not bode well considering the recent swift decisions on issues such as vetoes in the Jewish settlements or Iranian nuclear threat in the region.

As stated earlier discriminatory policies in political resolution would only discredit the powerful authorities status and ability to be a reliable source in the popular uprising for democratic rule.

Indeed a travesty for any democracy to choose to remain a silent spectator rather than coordinating efforts on the periphery with the victims targeted from air attacks.

Libyan pro-democracy movement is urged to continue the relentless march towards Tripoli and gallantly claim the political rights and individual liberty long denied by the dictatorial power.

Please remember that you drove the evil from eastern Libya and now you can do in the west ultimately conquering the capital, Tripoli.

Nothing can stop you from becoming democratic for the Dark Age is nearing end along with the representatives.

Good Luck! To fellow citizens in Libya for a phenomenal success towards republic rule.

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant

Ivory Coast Political Stalemate

March 6, 2011

By Padmini Arhant

Yet another power battle is producing mass casualties and crippling the economy with restrictions imposed on cash flow by shutting down regional banks in the country.

This time it is in the West African nation, Ivory Coast (Côte d’Ivoire) with the political crisis emanating from the unresolved November 2010 election results between President Laurent Gbagbo and the contestant Alassane Ouattara of the RDR (Rally of the Republicans) political party representing the Christian south and Muslim north respectively.

President Laurent Gbagbo refusal to acknowledge the reportedly 9 point margin victory by the opponent leader Alassane Ouattara – U.S. educated and former IMF & World Bank high ranking official currently under UN peacekeeping security near the capital Abidjan has erupted with army assaults against civilians, the usual victims in political strife.

It is important to assess the dispute in light of electoral outcome, Presidential terms in office and the recent actions that have led to massive bloodshed and human rights violation against women as well as other members in the society.

President Laurent Gbagbo has served since 2000 through self-extension and UNSC subsequent endorsement in 2006. The 2008 election was postponed to 2010.

Following the 2010 elections – the violence from both sides have claimed many innocent lives.

The incumbent President misuse of power utilizing the army and civil service officers has gained advantage over the opposition retaliation leading to the status quo.

Any leadership determined to exert authority through bad decisions at the population peril anywhere confirms the misplaced priority and betrayal much to national detriment.

President Gbagbo upon reflection would perhaps realize that prolonging the disagreement has contributed to civilian deaths and destruction to the economy not likely to be ignored by the nationals deeply affected in the quagmire.

Proceeding under such conditions would be counterproductive expediting the ruling government termination in office sharing the predecessor Robert Guéï fate that enabled the FPI (Ivorian Popular Front) rule and Gbagbo Presidency in 2000.

The opposition leader Alassane Ouattara proposal to form unity government is welcome and cooperation from various political factions is imperative to reflect the unanimous consensus considering the political turmoil ill effects on human lives and economic future.

Côte d’Ivoire has been through tremendous turbulence with political unrest.

The issue deserves a permanent solution made possible in the electoral mandate recognition and subsequent renunciation of power by President Laurent Gbagbo.

As for the army and civil coherence with President Gbagbo – the ground reality should awaken the loyalists to withdraw support in the gravely deteriorating political environment evolving into a potential genocide.

With respect to global powers’ contrasting position on similar matter such as:

Accepting Côte d’Ivoir electoral event with solid affirmation while rejecting Iraq and Afghanistan electorate choices notwithstanding the intervention in promoting Sudan secession against Ivory Coast unification poses a credibility factor due to inconsistency and selective gerrymandering.

Abandoning discriminatory policy in political resolutions would enhance trust and improve international relations vital for universal peace.

President Laurent Gbagbo resignation from power would provide the leader an opportunity to step down with dignity besides restoring political stability paramount to end the violence.

Power is powerful in the empowerment of powerless and not otherwise.

It is sincerely hoped that President Laurent Gbagbo would heed to the people preference via ballots on November 2010 and pursue a peaceful exit from the office of Presidency.

Allowing rationality to prevail in this regard would save many lives apart from letting the healing process to begin.

Wishing eternal peace and prosperity to Côte d’Ivoir citizens with a rapid conclusion to political stalemate.

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant

UNHCR Seek Support on Refugee Crisis in Libya

March 4, 2011

By Padmini Arhant

As we all know that aerial bombing and ground assaults against unarmed civilians in Libya has produced mass casualties alongside refugee crisis with an estimated 180,000 people fleeing the country across the borders to Tunisia and Egypt.

United Nations High Commission on Refugees (UNHCR) is on the ground providing relief to the refugees and displaced population.

However considering the tragedy of greater magnitude, the international support is vital to expedite the humanitarian aid desperately required to save lives.

Visual images and victims’ personal accounts confirm the deteriorating situation with the escalating violence inflicted upon citizens both domestic and foreign nationals forced to leave in fear of being killed by the regime.

Although UNHCR is diligently engaged in the rescue effort, the worldwide response with a generous donation would be extremely helpful in meeting the basic requirements as outlined hereunder.

Your $200 could be used to purchase a tent for a family of five in need of urgent accommodation.

Similarly $80 would allow the organization to distribute 40 wool blankets to protect families with young and old members from the cold.

Then there are medical supplies as well as essential items that could be covered with your generosity.

Please step forward and reach out to our fellow citizens in Libya especially those in transit to a safe haven having abandoned their home and belongings are now left at the mercy of compassionate beings in the global society.

We could all make a difference in the moment of tremendous humanitarian challenge in Libya and elsewhere.

Please visit for further information.

Mailing Address:

USA for UNHCR – 1775 K Street, NW, Suite 290, Washington DC – 20006

Life saved at every opportunity makes life worth living and defines the purpose in life.

Your donations to UNHCR for Libyan and many other humanitarian causes are deeply appreciated.

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant

Libyan Revolution Gain Momentum Against Muammar Gaddafi

March 2, 2011

By Padmini Arhant

The solidarity movement across Libya along with defectors from the Libyan armed forces should move forward to confiscate the weapons used by Muammar Gaddafi against unarmed civilians.

All those loyalists serving the dictator Muammar Gaddafi must understand that any individual unleashing indiscriminate tyranny on own nationals including the army personnel is not going to spare them.

It is a matter of time those hired by the tyrant Gaddafi would be disposed in the same manner as the brave soldiers gunned down for their valor.

One who takes the sword will fall by the edge of the sword.

Therefore the mercenaries, henchmen, security personnel and all staff members enslaved by Muammar Gaddafi and generation must lay down their ammunitions to join the peaceful revolution in ousting the ruthless totalitarian regime.

You are paid to kill men, women and children tainting your hands with blood so that Gaddafi and family could continue to wreak havoc on your fellow citizens not excluding your family and relatives.

Are you prepared to slay them for the most brutal and selfish authoritarian ruler who has amassed wealth worth $30 billion in disclosed assets not barring the undisclosed value leaving the rest of you in abject poverty?

Ask yourselves – Why should you sacrifice your life and willfully submit to slavery to a puppet leader following orders from powerful sources focused on direct control of Libya’s oil?

You need to rise against the traitor Muammar Gaddafi emboldened by the evil empire with vested interests.

The situation is no different from Egypt when the visibly shaken counterpart Hosni Mubarak was encouraged behind the scenes to remain resilient against the popular uprising despite the then President desperately seeking an exit with the statement –

“I am fed up of being Egypt’s President and I want to quit now.”

Likewise Muammar Gaddafi widely known to be acquaphobic, hypochondriac, manic-depressive…having obeyed on the nuclear program abandonment and Lockerbie settlement somehow not amenable to the Libyan citizens’ unanimous call for dismissal proves the dictator’s misplaced loyalty legitimizing the imminent displacement.

Saif al-Islam Gaddafi during the state television broadcast cited the U.S. and European powers’ disapproval of the Libyan revolution demand for Gaddafi resignation.

Subsequently the case presented through U.S. media on Saif al-Islam’s attempt for political change since the heir apparent was the oligarchy preference to lead Libya.

Meanwhile, the dangerous developments contradictory to the humanitarian operation pose the relevant question to the United States and Western powers.

What is the precise strategy behind the U.S. air force and naval ships positioned near Libya?

If the purpose is to intimidate the debilitated leader otherwise portrayed as ‘calm and relaxed’ by the mainstream media, then the United States military exercise could be futile considering –

The U.S legacy in coup d’états in Latin America, Middle East, Asia and Africa vigorously pursued until today.

The latest U.S. interventions in the successful destabilization and removal of the democratically elected governments in Haiti (early 1990 todate), Honduras and Lebanon in 2009 and 2010 without U.S. military involvement serve as examples.

United States, United Nations, NATO and European Union policy with respect to Libya and Middle East restricted to humanitarian relief avoiding military aggression at all levels would clarify the democratic nations’ positive intentions in promoting democracy.

On implementing “No Fly Zone” – certain media anchors and analysts as the political establishment’s representatives in defending the U.S. and allies’ reluctance and procrastination having claimed many innocent lives ignore the fact that there appeared to be no such problems whatsoever during the swift introduction of ‘No Fly Zone’ against Iraq.

United States unilateral decision then had become the unanimous consensus not only in that regard but also in the recent U.S. veto of Arab resolution on Jewish settlements and toppling Lebanon government.

Therefore the notion that United States’ initiative would not suffice in the humanitarian matter is diminishing the U.S. status proved wrong in UNSC resolutions through US vetoes prolonging political crises with no hope for fair and balanced outcome.

Now the U.S. militaristic stance comprising the Libyan air defense base bombing reportedly considered in order to impose the ‘No Fly Zone’ would be belligerent and counterproductive due to the obvious destruction of the national installation especially when peaceful options are available for such engagement.

U.S. and western powers role in Libya, Middle East and around the world would be beneficial as peacemakers and not aggressors exemplified in honoring the local population efforts for democratic reform and the natives ability in nation building.

Libyan revolution must resist and decline any proposals to arm them in the peaceful and non-violent political struggle.

An eye for an eye will only make the nation go blind and the ill-conceived strategy is to instigate civil war with arms supply flourishing into the territory discarding the primary target – i.e. eliminating Muammar Gaddafi and family from power.

Hence it is crucial for the Libyan revolution to be persistent and gain momentum in the overthrow of Muammar Gaddafi and the clan.

Please do not relent or heed to violence designed to deter revolution progress.

In the environment debating on political correctness often based on convenience – the reference to pro-democracy seekers as ‘rebels’ by the media in the democratic societies is oxymoron and beckons their attention for appropriate characterization of the dictatorship and the backers as ‘murderers’ and ‘assassins’ depicting the reality.

Libya, Bahrain, Yemen, Jordan, Iran, Syria, Algeria, Saudi Arabia…and all others oppressed over decades can no longer tolerate injustice and must end the repressive era for a new beginning.

Good Luck! To fellow citizens in Libya, Middle East and around the world for a peaceful political liberation.

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant

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