Ecuador Failed Coup d’état – September 30, 2010

October 31, 2010

By Padmini Arhant

On September 30, 2010, yet another Latin American nation was targeted with a coup attempt by the police forces apparently not acting alone in the calculated operation fortunately resulting in a massive failure due to the brave civil society mobilization and the Ecuadorian security personnel prompt action.

Unlike the successful Honduran coup in June 2009 with the democratically elected leader Manuel Zelaya deposed against the republic will evidently involving Washington coup consultants and their liaison,

The Ecuadorian mission was a renewed political assault on its sovereignty testing the democratic strength that conveyed a defiant message to the perpetrators not to underestimate the people power.

According to the reports – the law on the spending cuts was falsely propagated as having direct impact on the police officers’ bonuses and job benefits despite no pay or perquisite reductions providing a pretext for the conspirators to instigate uprising in the capital city, Quito and the Guayquil harbor town.

Consequentially, the coup based on Latin American prototype had disrupted ground and air transportation cancelling the domestic and international flights in the country.

The Ecuadorian air force interestingly comprising numerous US-trained officers while selectively excluding the Venezuelan pilots serving within the Ecuadorian defense network is reported to have executed the halting with the misguided police coordination.

Meanwhile, the Ecuadorian President Rafael Correa seemingly had a close encounter with fatality upon approaching the police quarters to offer a personal explanation on the reform.

The President and the bodyguards were forced to take shelter in a military hospital after being confronted with the rebel police firing, tear gas and grenade explosion.

Then the military hospital was immediately sieged by the police rebels and armed opponents for prolonged hours and eventually President Correa appeared to have been set free by the Special Forces taking control of the situation.

The reports claim the following events that had unequivocally led to the local law enforcement officers’ botched coup in the Latin American nation – Ecuador.

Until now, the Ecuador police and operatives had been pursued by the US Embassy with a defined agenda accompanied by the various US agencies such as FBI, CIA , DEA and others generous funding for the high rank police officials’ bonuses and the police department’s specific requirements.

The extraordinary rapport between the Ecuador police, the army intelligence, the US Embassy and the listed US agencies had facilitated the US intelligence agency to hire their services for 24/7 surveillance of the nation’s political figures, journalists and other civilians perceived by the US intelligence as potential US opponents.

Early 2007, President Correa administration clamp down on the illegal establishment set up by the US controlled intelligencia enabled the democratic government to repossess control of their national intelligence agencies.

Moreover, the President had wisely eliminated the unofficial dealings via unethical payroll system between the Ecuadorian army intelligence, police force and the US Embassy not barring the US combined agencies.

Washington had then reacted demanding the Ecuadorian DEA return the computers supplied by the US DEA.

The Ecuador-US relations had soured after President Correa’s closure of the US airbase in Mante. So Washington disapproved Ecuador partnership with its Latin American neighbors among several other issues.

As stated earlier, the overwhelming confidence from the Honduran coup triumph in June 2009 had motivated Washington to imitate plan in other parts of Latin America and the U.S. administration had under evaluated Ecuadorians resistance.

The Latin American nations’ democratically elected leaderships have been constantly threatened and overthrown invariably by the U.S. backed forces leaving the region in ceaseless economic and political turmoil.

Reports suggest that the blatant coup against President Rafael Correa was a systematic effort initiated by the US ambassador to Ecuador, Heather Hodges appointed in August 2008.

The profile details her as having previously worked in Guatemala under the dictatorial regime Rios Montt and later on held deputy director position with the US State Department for Cuban Affairs interconnected to CIA.

Mrs. Hodges prior employment with USAID in many nations and,

Subsequently as the US ambassador to Moldova primarily entailed severing ties of these countries with Russia and form an orange revolution. At present Mrs. Hodges is said to be training CIA employed groups in Venezuela, Bolivia and Ecuador.

The trip made by US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton to Quito in June 2009 to convince the Ecuadorian President Rafael Correa to agree with US on all issues and reverse the earlier actions proved to be futile.

Hence, the US ambassador Heather Hodges was ordered to carry out the coup to debilitate President Correa and ultimately replace the incumbent with the government in agreement to US position like in Honduras.

USAID had solely interjected $40 million for this purpose using the former Ecuadorian President Lucio Gutierrez as the protagonist. The ex-President miserable performance had contributed to the Ecuadorian plight that set his departure from the country denying him access to power during the 2009 Presidential bid that concluded in a colossal defeat.

Per the carefully crafted CIA blueprint President Gutierrez was to portray the incumbent President Rafael Correa as an alleged “dictator,” and advise power transfer to an interim government in a televised statement.

Furthermore, the plot aimed at the Ecuadorian Parliament abandonment and prepare the nation for mock elections.

However, the democratically elected President Correa’s allies thwarted the plan and declined television appearance to the former President.

Also the lndian group PACHAKUTIK had refused to participate in the overthrow leading to the coup collapse.

Ecuador is under emergency rule and President Rafael Correa is believed to have vowed to investigate the elements from the police to the army intelligence sources behind the undemocratic process.

The former President Gutierrez and the organization Sociedad Patriotica is indicted for the explicit role in the CIA masterminded failed coup.

UNASUR – The Union of South American Nations resembling the EU had an emergency meeting in Argentinian Capital, Buenos Aires on October 1, 2010 to address and adopt measures on the Ecuador political crisis and the relentless coups against Latin American governments.

The reports confirmed that Washington did not condemn those engaged in the Ecuador coup d’état.

Latin American coups have long been the tradition leading to U.S. as the originating point.

Nevertheless, the successive coups – Honduras in 2009 and Ecuador in 2010 deserves worldwide condemnation denouncing the architects’ perpetual endeavor to inflict political instability, economic constriction and social chaos on the Latin American population.

Regardless of status, any nation that foments political unrest driven by ‘Super Power’ syndrome has a credibility factor demonstrating as a reliable global leader in the twenty first century.

Powerful nations gain respect and recognition when the leaderships strive for global peace and prosperity rather than weakening the sovereignty of nations seeking trustworthy partnership to alleviate their struggle.

Given the facts and circumstantial evidences in the continuous Latin American coups,

United States taxpayers as the electorates have a prime responsibility to rise to the occasion on the eve of the crucial mid-term election and pose the legitimate questions to the Congressional contenders;

As the elected representatives and the republic voice in Congress,

What is their strategy to end the U.S political meddling in international domain?

Why the masterminds are granted political impunity in the deliberate involvement to cause mayhem in other societies?

Are they satisfied with their inaction or lack of interest underscoring the complicity to the provocative political interference in other parts of the world exacerbating the local population suffering?

How do they propose to hold those responsible for the systemic abuse of power?

Democracy is powerful when the voice of the people are heard maintaining equal rights and justice for all.

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant
Ecuador Golpe de estado Fracasado – el 30 de septiembre de 2010

Por Padmini Arhant

El 30 de septiembre de 2010, aún otra nación latinoamericana fue apuntada con una tentativa de golpe por las policías por lo visto no interpretación solo en la operación deliberada que por suerte causa un fracaso masivo debido a la movilización de sociedad civil valiente y el personal de seguridad ecuatoriano acción incitador.

A diferencia del golpe hondureño acertado en el junio de 2009 con el líder democráticamente decidido Manuel Zelaya depuesto contra la república van a claramente implicando a asesores de golpe de Washington y su enlace,

La misión ecuatoriana era un asalto político renovado en su soberanía que prueba la fuerza democrática que comunicó un mensaje desafiante a los autores para no subestimar el poder de gente.

Según los informes – la ley en los cortes de gastos fue falsamente propagada como teniendo el impacto directo en sobresueldos de los policías y beneficios de trabajo a pesar de ninguna paga o reducciones de beneficio adicional que proporcionan un pretexto para los conspiradores para instigar el levantamiento en la capital, Quito y la ciudad de puerto de Guayquil.

Consiguientemente, el golpe basado en el prototipo latinoamericano había interrumpido la tierra y el transporte aéreo que anula los vuelos domésticos e internacionales en el país.

La fuerza aérea ecuatoriana que de manera interesante comprende a numerosos oficiales entrenados por EE.UU mientras selectivamente excluyendo a los pilotos venezolanos que sirven dentro de la red de defensa ecuatoriana es relatado haber ejecutado la parada con la coordinación de policía desacertada.

Mientras tanto, el Presidente ecuatoriano Rafael Correa aparentemente tenía un encuentro cercano con la fatalidad para acercarse a los cuartos de policía para ofrecer una explicación personal en la reforma.

El presidente y los guardaespaldas fueron obligados a tomar el refugio en un hospital militar siendo encarado con el tiroteo de policía de rebelde, gas lacrimógeno y explosión de granada.

Entonces el hospital militar era inmediatamente sieged por los rebeldes de policía y armó a opositores durante horas prolongadas y finalmente el presidente Correa pareció haber sido puesto en libertad por las Fuerzas Especiales que toman el control de la situación.

Los informes reclaman los acontecimientos siguientes que habían conducido inequívocamente al golpe arruinado de los agentes del cumplimiento de la ley locales en la nación latinoamericana – Ecuador.

Hasta ahora, la policía de Ecuador y los obreros habían sido perseguidos por la Embajada estadounidense con un orden del día definido acompañado por varias agencias estadounidenses como Brigada de Investigación Criminal, Agencia Central de Información, DEA y otros financiación generosa para sobresueldos de los funcionarios de policía de fila altos y exigencias específicas del departamento de policía.

La compenetración extraordinaria entre la policía de Ecuador, la inteligencia de ejército, la Embajada estadounidense y las agencias estadounidenses puestas en una lista había facilitado la agencia de inteligencia estadounidense para alquilar sus servicios para la vigilancia 24/7 de las figuras políticas nacionales, periodistas y otros civiles percibidos por la inteligencia estadounidense como opositores estadounidenses potenciales.

A principios de 2007, la administración de presidente Correa pone frenos al establecimiento ilegal establecido por intelligencia controlado de los EE.UU permitió al gobierno democrático poseer de nuevo el control de sus agencias de inteligencia nacionales.

Además, el presidente había eliminado sabiamente el trato no oficial vía el sistema de nómina inmoral entre la inteligencia de ejército ecuatoriana, la policía y la Embajada estadounidense que no excluye los EE.UU combinaron agencias.

Washington había reaccionado entonces exigiendo que DEA ecuatorianos devuelvan las computadoras suministradas por DEA estadounidense.

Las relaciones de Ecuador-EE.UU se habían agriado después del cierre del presidente Correa de la base aérea estadounidense en Mante. Entonces Washington desaprobó la sociedad de Ecuador con sus vecinos latinoamericanos entre varias otras cuestiones.

Como declarado antes, la confianza aplastante del triunfo de golpe hondureño en el junio de 2009 había motivado Washington para imitar el plan en otras partes de América Latina y la administración estadounidense tenía bajo la resistencia de ecuatorianos evaluada.

Los mandos democráticamente decididos de las naciones latinoamericanas eran constantemente amenazados y derrocados invariablemente por las fuerzas apoyadas de los Estados Unidos que dejan la región en la confusión económica y política incesante.

Los informes sugieren que el golpe ostensible contra el Presidente Rafael Correa fuera un esfuerzo sistemático iniciado por el embajador estadounidense a Ecuador, Heather Hodges designó en el agosto de 2008.

El perfil la detalla como habiendo trabajado antes en Guatemala bajo el régimen dictatorial Rios Montt y más tarde diputado sostenido de la posición de director con el Ministerio de Asuntos Exteriores estadounidense para Asuntos cubanos interconectados a la Agencia Central de Información.

Sra. Hodges empleo previo con USAID en muchas naciones y,

Posteriormente cuando el embajador estadounidense a Moldova principalmente implicó lazos que se rompen de estos países con Rusia y forma una revolución de naranja. En Sra presente. Se dice que el Hodges se entrena la Agencia Central de Información empleó grupos en Venezuela, Bolivia y Ecuador.

El viaje hecho por el Ministro de Asuntos Exteriores estadounidense Hillary Clinton a Quito en el junio de 2009 para convencer al Presidente ecuatoriano Rafael Correa para estar de acuerdo con EE.UU en todas las cuestiones e invertir las acciones más tempranas resultó ser vano.

De ahí, al embajador estadounidense Heather Hodges le ordenaron realizar el golpe para debilitar al presidente Correa y por último sustituir el actual por el gobierno en el acuerdo a la posición estadounidense como en Honduras.

El USAID había interpuesto únicamente 40 millones de dólares para este fin usando al antiguo Presidente ecuatoriano Lucio Gutierrez como el protagonista. La interpretación miserable del ex presidente había contribuido a la situación grave ecuatoriana que ponen su salida del país que lo niega acceso al poder durante la oferta Presidencial 2009 que concluyó en un fracaso colosal.

Por Agencia Central de Información con cuidado trabajada el presidente de cianotipo Gutierrez debía retratar al Presidente actual Rafael Correa como “un dictador” presunto, y aconsejar la transferencia de poder a un gobierno interino en una declaración televisada.

Además, el complot apuntado al abandono de Parlamento ecuatoriano y prepara la nación para elecciones fingidas.

Sin embargo, los aliados del presidente democráticamente decidido Correa frustraron el plan y rehusaron el aspecto de televisión al antiguo presidente.

También el grupo lndian PACHAKUTIK había rechazado participar en el derrocamiento que conduce al colapso de golpe.

Ecuador está bajo la regla de emergencia y se cree que el Presidente Rafael Correa ha jurado de investigar los elementos de la policía a las fuentes de inteligencia de ejército detrás del proceso no democrático.

El antiguo presidente Gutierrez y la organización Sociedad Patriotica son procesados por el papel explícito en el golpe fallado dirigido de la Agencia Central de Información.

UNASUR – la Unión de Naciones sudamericanas que se parecen a la Unión Europea tenía una emergencia que se encuentra en la Capital argentina, Buenos Aires el 1 de octubre de 2010 para dirigirse y adoptar medidas en el Ecuador crisis política y los golpes implacables contra gobiernos latinoamericanos.

Los informes confirmaron que Washington no condenó aquellos contratados en el golpe de estado de Ecuador.

Los golpes latinoamericanos han sido mucho tiempo la tradición que conduce a Estados Unidos como el punto inicial.

Sin embargo, los golpes sucesivos – Honduras en 2009 y Ecuador en 2010 merece la condena mundial denunciando el esfuerzo perpetuo de los arquitectos para infligir la inestabilidad política, el estrangulamiento económico y el caos social en la población latinoamericana.

Sin tener en cuenta el estado, cualquier nación que instiga el malestar político conducido por ‘el Poder Súper’ síndrome tiene un factor de credibilidad que demuestra como un líder global confiable en el siglo veintiuno.

Las naciones poderosas ganan el respeto y el reconocimiento cuando los mandos se esfuerzan para paz global y prosperidad más bien que debilitar la soberanía de naciones que buscan la sociedad de confianza para aliviar su lucha.

Considerando los hechos y pruebas circunstanciales en los golpes latinoamericanos continuos,

Los contribuyentes de los Estados Unidos como los electorados tienen una responsabilidad principal de elevarse a la ocasión en vísperas de la elección de mitad de trimestre crucial y plantear las preguntas legítimas a los contendientes del Congreso;

Como los representantes decididos y la voz de república en Congreso,

¿Qué es su estrategia terminar la intromisión política estadounidense en la esfera internacional?

¿Por qué los cerebros son concedidos la impunidad política en la participación deliberada para causar el caos en otras sociedades?

¿Están satisfechos ellos por su inacción o indiferencia que subraya la complicidad a la interferencia política provocativa en otras partes del mundo que exacerba el sufrimiento demográfico local?

¿Cómo proponen ellos de sostener aquellos responsables del abuso sistémico del poder?

La democracia es poderosa cuando la voz de la gente es oída manteniendo la igualdad de derechos y la justicia para todos.


Padmini Arhant

France Austerity through Pension Reform Bill

October 27, 2010

By Padmini Arhant

The French Senate passed the Pension Reform bill with 177-153 votes by adopting the single vote rule under the constitutional special provision.

The Senate bypassed the regular legislative process to avoid the U.S. equivalent filibuster reportedly rejecting a significant proportion of the 1000 amendments presented by the concerned elected representatives in the opposition.

Ever since the French President Nicolas Sarkozy declared the Pension Reform extending the retirement and full pension qualifying age from 60 to 62 and 65 to 67 respectively, the French labor force have carried out demonstrations in protest of the controversial bill.

The workers’ justified objection to the bill arise from the inherent financial burden upon them to fund the retirees’ pension, besides the anecdotal resolution resulting in the pension system default to deficit in 2018.

According to the reports the French President Sarkozy has challenged the French republic on this issue stating that the ‘mainstream will’ cannot prevail against the elected members in the Parliament.

The irony being the Parliament members in any truly democratic governance is elected to represent the citizens’ rights and not enforce decisions threatening national solidarity.

Pursuing detrimental policy without ascertaining the real merits is suggestive of a political system other than the democratic rule.

Evidently, the political standoff between President Sarkozy and the people is contributing to a phenomenal economic loss costing the French taxpayers an estimated US $280 – $560 million a day with workers deprived of the wages due to their participation in the cause.

While the oil refinery workers coalition with other union members has strengthened dissent, it has concurrently generated fuel crisis affecting transportation in the metropolitan areas.

The ports and fuel depots operation shut down not excluding the blockade is attributed to the strikers and security forces confrontation.

Despite the 8% union representation at the national level, the pension reform strike conforms to the majority view expressing deep regrets with President Sarkozy’s approach in denying the workers an opportunity to negotiate and share their ideas in the crucial economic strategy.

Austerity is vigorously implemented by most economies throughout Europe in an effort to contain national deficit. The latest EU measure to abandon Keynes economics (popular in 1945 – 1973), slash both discretionary and non-discretionary spending barring defense expenditure has mass disapproval in Greece, Spain, Portugal, United Kingdom and France.

Unlike the French government, the United Kingdom to its credit has vowed to cut back military spending to reduce deficit.

Even though France defense budget exceeds the United Kingdom and,

Beginning 2009 France is claimed to rank third in the world and highest in the European Union for military expenditure.

The drastic spending cuts targeting the life dependent services are counterproductive for it elevates the costs in the absence of essential benefits to the vulnerable population dealing with high unemployment, retirement and liquidity freeze in the credit market.

Therefore, diligence is required in the spending cuts distinction as some fundings are essential and constitute economic stimulus with a guaranteed return to the economy through consumer spending and tax revenues.

French workers request to abort the pension reform is legitimate and,

President Sarkozy government could perhaps shift focus on the disproportionate military spending along with tax structure review to fund the retirement pension.

Retirees’ pension is effectively the income recovered in retail purchases, sales tax and capital investments such as real estate or stock holdings yielding capital gains tax…at the least.

The mandatory law on the work force at the retirement age limits job prospects for the unemployed youth and the middle-aged population with the seniors holding jobs that could be held by the younger job seekers in the labor market.

Hence, the pension reform with the imminent deficit by 2018 is not a viable option to offset spending.

There is no advantage in passing the law that is proved to be a failure.

The French Parliament would be better off trimming the defense budget and discretionary items alongside raising revenue though tax revision in the relevant areas.

Moreover, President Nicolas Sarkozy government defiance in the legislation withdrawal prompting prolonged workers’ strike is exacerbating the economic situation.

The protestors on their part could end the strike and resume work to financially assist them and the national economy.

Otherwise their activism would be perceived as public inconvenience and an economic liability.

French dissenters against campaign reform could continue their peaceful strike by exerting pressure on the elected representatives casting vote on the bill.

The elected members compliance would largely depend upon their re-election desire and respect for the democratic rule guided by the constitutional law.

The political leadership is strong when national issues are resolved in the republic’s best interest.

There is tremendous hope for reconciliation with the French Parliament honoring the populace genuine plea to explore other options in streamlining expenses without subjecting the nation to a grinding halt.

France is historically remembered for the successful French Revolution inculcating rationale on legitimacy and authority subsequently repossessing the inalienable human rights with the citizen power against the inflexible feudalism.

The French workers can triumph by restoring economic services to the people,

Resuming employment to retain the public support and,

Resilient in reminding the elected officials to reconsider their vote on the contentious reform.

Whenever the political authorities discard the democratic voice and impose erroneous decisions on the citizens, the electorates deliver their verdict during the election and that is a solemn practice from the French revolution to until now.

National progress is directly linked to pragmatic and sustainable policies safeguarding economic prosperity for all not just the privileged members in the society. The GDP growth is accurately reflected with the citizens’ living standards taken into account.

The people at the bottom are often marginalized in the fervent political actions to expedite economic revival ignoring the reverse impact in the immediate and long run.

Hopefully, the political dilemma in France would conclude with a positive outcome for the people and the nation experiencing difficult choices in the global economic recession.

Peace to France. Paix en France.

Best Wishes to the French republic for a glorious victory!

Les Félicitations à Republica français pour une victoire glorieuse.

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant
L’Austérité de France par la Réforme de Pension Bill

Par Padmini Arhant

Le Sénat français a passé la facture de Réforme de Pension avec 177-153 votes en adoptant la règle de vote simple conformément à la disposition spéciale constitutionnelle.

Le Sénat a évité le processus législatif régulier pour éviter l’obstruction parlementaire équivalente américaine rejetant censément une proportion significative des 1000 amendements présentés par les représentants élus inquiets en opposition.

Depuis que le Président français Nicolas Sarkozy a déclaré que la Réforme de Pension étendant la retraite et la pension complète autorisant l’âge de 60 à 62 et 65 à 67 respectivement, la population active française a réalisé des démonstrations dans la protestation de la facture controversée.

L’objection justifiée des ouvriers à la facture émane du fardeau financier inhérent sur eux pour financer la pension des retraités, en plus de la résolution anecdotique s’ensuivant au défaut de système de pension au déficit en 2018.

Selon les rapports le Président français Sarkozy a défié la république française sur cette édition déclarant que le ‘courant dominant ira faire’ ne pouvoir pas prédominer contre les membres élus au Parlement.

L’ironie étant les membres de Parlement dans n’importe quel gouvernement vraiment démocratique est élue pour représenter les droits des citoyens et ne pas faire respecter de décisions menaçant la solidarité nationale.

La poursuite de la politique préjudiciable sans vérifier les mérites réels est suggestive d’un système politique autre que la règle démocratique.

Apparemment, l’impasse politique entre le Président Sarkozy et les gens contribue à une perte économique phénoménale coûtant les contribuables français des Etats-Unis estimés $280 – $560 millions par jour avec les ouvriers privés des salaires en raison de leur participation dans la cause.

Pendant que la coalition d’ouvriers de raffinerie avec d’autres membres d’union a renforcé la contestation, il a simultanément produit la crise du combustible affectant le transport dans les régions métropolitaines.

Les ports et l’opération de dépôts du combustible fermée pas n’en excluant le blocus sont attribués à la confrontation de forces de sécurité et aux grévistes.

Malgré la représentation d’union de 8 % au niveau national, la grève de réforme de pension se conforme à la vue majoritaire exprimant des regrets profonds avec l’approche du Président Sarkozy dans le démenti des ouvriers une opportunité de négocier et partager leurs idées dans la stratégie économique cruciale.

L’austérité est vigoureusement exécutée par la plupart des économies partout dans l’Europe dans un effort de contenir le déficit national. La dernière mesure d’UE pour abandonner l’économie Keynes (populaire en 1945 – 1973), cinglez les dépenses tant discrétionnaires que non-discrétionnaires barricadant la dépense de défense a la désapprobation de masse en Grèce, Espagne, Portugal, Royaume-Uni et France.

À la différence du gouvernement français, le Royaume-Uni à son crédit a juré réduire des dépenses de militaires pour réduire le déficit.

Bien que le budget de défense de France excède le Royaume-Uni et,

On prétend le commencement de 2009 que la France classe le tiers dans le monde et le plus haut dans l’Union Européenne pour la dépense militaire.

Les coupes de dépenses énergiques ciblant les services de personne à charge de vie sont à effet contraire pour cela élève les prix faute des avantages essentiels à la population vulnérable s’occupant du haut chômage, la retraite et le gel de liquidité dans le marché de crédit.

Donc, la diligence est exigée dans la distinction de coupes de dépenses comme quelques fundings sont essentiels et constituent le stimulus économique avec un retour garanti à l’économie par les dépenses des ménages et taxent des revenus.

Les ouvriers français demandent d’avorter la réforme de pension est légitime et,

Le gouvernement de président Sarkozy pourrait peut-être se déplacer se concentrent sur les dépenses militaires disproportionnées avec la révision de structure fiscale pour financer la pension.

La pension de retraités est efficacement le revenu récupéré dans les achats de détail, la taxe de vente et les placements de capitaux comme les biens immobiliers ou les possessions de stock produisant le profit tiré d’un capital tax…at le moindre.

La loi obligatoire sur la main-d’oeuvre aux perspectives d’emploi de limites d’âge de retraite pour le jeune sans emploi et la population d’âge mûr avec les aînés tenant des emplois qui pourraient être tenus par les chercheurs d’emploi plus jeunes dans le marché de la main-d’œuvre.

Dorénavant, la réforme de pension avec le déficit imminent d’ici à 2018 n’est pas une option réalisable pour compenser des dépenses.

Il n’y a aucun avantage en passant la loi qui est prouvée pour être un échec.

Le Parlement français serait la passementerie plus riche le budget de défense et les articles discrétionnaires à côté de la levée du revenu bien que la révision fiscale dans les régions pertinentes.

De plus, le défi de gouvernement de Président Nicolas Sarkozy dans le retrait de législation provoquant la grève d’ouvriers prolongés exacerbe la situation économique.

Le protestors sur leur partie pourrait mettre fin à la grève et reprendre le travail pour financièrement les aider et l’économie nationale.

Autrement leur activisme serait perçu comme le dérangement public et une responsabilité économique.

Les dissidents français contre la réforme de campagne pourraient continuer leur grève pacifique en exerçant la pression sur les voix prépondérantes de représentants élues sur la facture.

L’acquiescement de membres élu dépendrait grandement de leur désir de réélection et respect pour la règle démocratique guidée selon la loi constitutionnelle.

La direction politique est forte quand les éditions nationales sont résolues dans le meilleur intérêt de la république.

Il y a l’espoir gigantesque de la réconciliation avec le Parlement français en honorant le peuple la vraie excuse pour explorer d’autres options dans le fait de caréner des frais sans faire subir la nation à un arrêt de grincement.

On se souvient historiquement de la France pour la Révolution française réussie inculquant l’exposé raisonné sur la légitimité et l’autorité repossédant par la suite les droits de l’homme inaliénables avec le pouvoir de citoyen contre le système féodal inflexible.

Les ouvriers français peuvent triompher en restituant des services économiques aux gens,

Le fait de reprendre l’emploi pour retenir le soutien public et,

Élastique dans le rappelant aux fonctionnaires élus de réexaminer leur vote sur la réforme querelleuse.

Chaque fois que les autorités politiques se débarrassent de la voix démocratique et imposent des décisions erronées aux citoyens, les corps électoraux livrent leur verdict pendant l’élection et c’est une pratique pleine de solennité de la révolution française à jusqu’à maintenant.

Le progrès national est directement relié aux politiques pragmatiques et durables protégeant la prospérité économique pour tous non seulement les membres privilégiés dans la société. La croissance de PIB est exactement reflétée avec les standards de vie des citoyens tenus compte.

Les gens au fond sont souvent marginalisés dans les actions politiques ferventes pour expédier la reprise économique ignorant l’impact contraire dans la course immédiate et longue.

Avec un peu de chance, le dilemme politique en France se terminerait avec un résultat positif pour les gens et la nation connaissant des choix difficiles dans la récession économique globale.

Paix en France.

Les Félicitations à la république française pour une victoire glorieuse!


Padmini Arhant

Independent Palestine – End to Israeli Occupation and Jewish Settlements

October 25, 2010

By Padmini Arhant

The Israeli-Palestinian peace process had tremendous potential for development and the recent impasse is primarily due to the lack of political will in leading the authorities to the desirable outcome.

Although the moratorium expiry on settlement expansion has contributed to the friction with the building permit issued for an estimated 534 homes in the Palestinian territory – West Bank, the United States less enthusiastic efforts to dissuade the controversial incursion predominantly derailed the progress.

Lately, the legitimate questions were raised through the panel on Israeli-Palestinian peace process:


Sara Roy, Senior Research Scholar – Harvard Center for Middle Eastern Studies – Thank you.

In the continued absence of a political resolution to the conflict,

1. Why must occupation be the default position?

Response – Occupation will no longer be the default position. The Israeli authorities are being misguided by the real forces behind the Middle-Eastern quagmire.

As long as the Israeli-Palestinian conflict remains unresolved the profiteering from the prolific arms trade continues debilitating the peace prospects and thereby exacerbating the Palestinian plight.

However, this situation will change in semblance to the historical facts that all illegal occupations and invasions eventually cease contrary to the false assumptions.

Moreover, the Palestinian and other oppressed states freedom are a top priority among the inevitable Change in the immediate future.

2. Why must Gaza be pauperized and the West Bank cantonized?

Response: Again, there is absolutely no reason for the status quo. If the strongest ally United States could influence Israel in every U.N vote on minor to major international issues,

It is incomprehensible that U.S. is unable to achieve similar consent from Israel on the settlements, territorial disputes, economic embargo on Gaza, East Jerusalem and West Bank militarization.

Israel is misled by the factions not necessarily pledged to its sovereignty or peace in the region. The coalition with the orthodox groups relying on self-determined course in promoting unlawful settlements are yet another impediment in the Israeli – Palestinian peace agreement.

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu appeared hopeful at the last month’s preliminary peace talks and even disassociated from the Israeli foreign minister Avigdor Lieberman’s views delivered at the U.N. General Assembly in September 2010.

Therefore, the subsequent setback conspicuously leads to the internal and external political pressure on Israeli leadership to procrastinate until the Palestinian conditions deteriorate to the point of no return forcing the beleaguered Palestinian residents in Gaza and other occupied territories to become the Israeli subjects on Palestinian homeland.

Imperialism in the twenty first century is a far-fetched aspiration for a democratic nation unnecessarily projecting the provocateur image to the international community.

Further, the provocation generates the requirement to stockpile weaponry not excluding nuclear arsenal pervading across the globe.

It would be fair to point out that Israeli leadership might not be overtly pursuing the agenda but the current occupation confirms the reality much to the global disappointment.

Israel must realize that with the rocket firing cessation and relatively isolated violence from Gaza, the West Bank and East Jerusalem construction and series of human rights violation through unilateral economic sanctions against Gaza combined with the military deployment in the Palestinian territories are counterproductive placing the democratic nation in spotlight as the belligerent authority.

As a result, Israel is isolated from the rest of the world and made vulnerable with United States and the remnant Western nations as the few allies for normal relationship.

Additionally, the U.S. threat not ruling out the nuclear options against Israel’s adversary undermines the sovereignty and capability to defend itself despite Israel’s nuclear empowerment.

Israel is a free nation but has not demonstrated in the U.N. voting or Palestinian issue thus far.

Accordingly Israel is perceived as the United States Union territory rather than an independent state maintaining cordial relations with Arab and other nations around the world.

3. Why are Palestinians treated as a humanitarian problem rather than as people with political and national rights entitled to self-determination?

Response: The Palestinians have endured enormous pain and misery in the prolonged political stalemate.

Palestinians as people are entitled to political and national rights in every aspect.

Under the imminent free Palestine – the territories clearly demarcated prior to 1967 Israeli conquest would constitute the integral part of the liberated Palestine particularly the entire West Bank and Gaza comprising East Jerusalem as the Palestinian capital.

With respect to the refugee population spread across Jordan, Syria, Lebanon and Gaza – the new treaty enacting the right of return to the Palestinian expatriates would grant naturalization to the emigrants.

4. Why should Palestinians be forced to accept their own decay?

Response: Palestinians will not decay any more.

There is unanimous consensus among the majority in the global society to expedite the two states solution with independent Palestine co-existing alongside democratic Israel confined to the internationally recognized pre-1967 boundaries.

Jerusalem being the holy city for all three religions – Judaism, Christianity and Islam,

It is imperative that the leaderships establish peace and harmony between Palestinian and Israeli citizens for mutual social and economic benefits.

5. Why must they be punished for resisting?

All are born to be free with equal rights. Palestinian and fellow citizens around the world seeking independence are not deprived from it.

Unfortunately quelling dissent is increasingly accepted as the norm even in a democratic society let alone any other form of government.

History is testimony to the fact that one voice ultimately transforms into the universal representation prevailing against undemocratic rule and social injustice.

Since time immemorial, the unjust annexation or in the other extreme the unruly secessionism defying historical evidence is narcissism than serving the humanitarian cause.

Palestine and similar states liberation is not a hypothesis but a definitive reality.

If Israeli coalition partner is the obstacle in the Palestinian political resolution, then the Israeli authority could forge alliance with the party prioritizing Israel’s peaceful existence over personal ideology.

Hence, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and the Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas could seize the opportunity and proceed with the meaningful dialogue beginning upon settlement termination.

Settlement issue is not a pre-condition but rather a reasonable request to facilitate negotiations leading to the diplomacy success.

Two states solution is paramount to both Israel and Palestine for a long lasting relationship extending to other Arab neighbors as seen in Syria’s overture towards Israel at the 65th U.N. General Assembly session in September 2010.

Finally, regarding the two chilling responses from Palestinian Children during the survey on their wish list – “Get out of Gaza or Die,”

NO child in any part of the world should experience the frustration to leave their homeland or desire to end their precious life.

Palestine needs these brave and intelligent architects to build their nation with strong democratic principles vowed to peace, non-violence and solidarity within and outside the territory.

It is important for the Palestinians in Gaza, West Bank and East Jerusalem to come together as one nation in moving their country forward.

Likewise, setting the differences aside for a new partnership with their Israeli friend and neighbor is equally essential to sustain permanent peace.

It would ensure security, political stability and economic prosperity for the two states permeating to the entire region.

Palestinian liberty and Israeli security means a bright future for their people.

Peace to Palestine, Israel and throughout Middle East.

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant

Dr. Jill Stein – Green-Rainbow Party Candidate for Governor of Massachusetts

October 22, 2010

By Padmini Arhant

Massachusetts status quo is no different from other states in the nation.

Massachusetts residents are dealing with similar problems on the economy, health care, education and environment.

With respect to solutions – policies that conforms to Washington tradition are pursued with the misguided hope of delivering change.

It’s not political parties related anymore. It depends upon the candidacy and their record that confirms the policy failure in applying the same strategies for different results.

Washington is a perfect example in this instance.

Although the legislative gridlock is mostly contributed by the Republican members, the corporate democrats in the Senate and the conservative blue dogs in the House are equally defiant in their opposition to bills favoring the mainstream America.

Despite the democrat majority in the House and the Senate until January 2010, the legislation thus far favor the special interests than the average citizen in every national issue predominantly due to their representatives’ staunch support to safeguard the corporate interests at national cost.

In this particular gubernatorial race, the Green-Rainbow Party candidate Jill Stein stands apart unequivocally from other contenders including the incumbents representing the major political party.

Dr.Jill Stein is the alumna of the distinguished Harvard Medical School. Dr. Stein is an environmental activist. As the Co-Chair of the Green-Rainbow Party, the avant-garde on many political-social issues ranging from Fair elections to spreading public awareness on life matter, Dr. Stein is a board member on health oriented community programs involving medical professionals.

Dr.Jill Stein is the candidate for the Governor of Massachusetts in the 2010 election.

Dr.Jill Stein’s exemplary background as a physician with extensive knowledge in health care eminently qualifies the candidacy as the appropriate advocate for universal health care, the only remedy to the escalating health care expenses contributing to the state and national deficits.

Dr.Stein is also a stalwart on social issues such as same-sex marriage, addressing poverty and fixing educational system as a top priority besides an array of environmental causes.

During the debate, the other candidates were unanimously endorsing the casino set up in Massachusetts claiming that will create jobs while ignoring the proven social risks and the lack of guaranteed income in this trade.

Whereas, Dr.Stein emphasized the above outlined reasons behind her rejection to the casinos and instead committed to green jobs as the ideal alternative apart from improving and expanding the transportation facilities in the state of Massachusetts.

Dr.Jill Stein is an outsider with pragmatic approach to the burgeoning crises confronting the people of Massachusetts. Dr.Stein is the PEOPLE candidate and accordingly funded by the electorate desiring real change in their deteriorating economic conditions.

Dr.Stein’s campaign is exclusively built on public contributions to implement the Change in the electoral mandate.

Contrarily, the other contenders have the political party backing with corporate funding conspicuous in the special interests prepared state and national legislation leaving the ordinary citizens marginalized in the process.

Massachusetts has unique opportunity to elect the third party candidate genuinely dedicated to alleviate their plight in all aspects through diligence and practical measures epitomizing the authentic Change.

As stated above, it is not the party that matters but the policies and the candidates’ zeal to produce the anticipated outcome benefiting all rather than just the privileged groups in the society.

By electing the Green-Rainbow party candidate to the public office the Massachusetts voters would send a strong message to the special interests monopoly on the two political parties and potentially break the oligarchy influence in political campaigns.

Perhaps it could motivate the respective parties’ incumbents and new challengers to renounce the contemporary political practice and fulfill their obligation to the people electing them as their representatives to the office.

Hopefully, the Massachusetts electorate deserving strong leadership would set precedence by electing the Green-Rainbow candidate Dr.Jill Stein, the visionary with extraordinary credentials and impressive public service record fortified by the enormous passion to serve the people in the state regarded as the seat of intellect.

Best Wishes to Dr.Jill Stein for a glorious victory as the Governor of the State of Massachusetts in the November 2, 2010 election.

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant

India-U.S.Relationship and the Nuclear Deal

October 21, 2010

By Padmini Arhant

The two democratic nations – the United States and India have remained at odds during the cold war predominantly due to the foreign policy by the U.S. administration under the former Republican President Richard Nixon with Secretary of State Henry Kissinger at that time and continued then onwards by the Ex-President Ronald Reagan until early 2000.

Subsequently diplomacy surfaced with President George W. Bush, the Republican predecessor’s overtures to India in the wake of globalization.

With the changing Indian political landscape and economic policies in the late nineties, the U.S. businesses explored the South Asian nation for entrepreneurial opportunities enabled by the technology revolution that led to partial normalization of relationship between the two democracies on the economic side but not militarily.

United States courtship with India’s nuclear neighbor Pakistan as an indispensable ally in the so-called war on terror with continuous undisclosed and disclosed military aid including the U.S. taxpayer funded $10 billion still unaccounted for is contentious.

As much as the U.S. nuclear deal with India was frustrating Pakistan prompting them to engage in arms trade and building nuclear reactors with China’s assistance as the enthusiastic supplier to developing nations.

The two permanent Security Council members – the United States and China were essentially competing with one another in the arms race, while the remaining members reaching out to other potential interests around the world.

After the dangerous nuclear confrontation between India and Pakistan in the Kargil armed conflict, the tensions between the two countries were easing with trade and transportation access across the Punjab state in northern India, but the external influence thwarted the bilateral progress ultimately ending in the status quo.

Similarly, the assertion on Pakistan holding evidence against India for the apparent political intervention in Afghanistan describing it as the driving factor in the Pakistan-Taliban strong union is counterproductive and foments regional polarization.

Notably, when Pakistan has been the bastion for Afghanistan Taliban forces until and after the 9/11 attacks with the Taliban Mullahs televised press conference aired from none other than Pakistan.

Notwithstanding the terror attempt against the Indian Parliament, attacks on the earlier Bombay Stock Exchange, Hindu temple in Allahabad, many foiled terror plots followed by the prominent 2008 Mumbai terrorism, all of them consistently originating from Pakistan.

If Afghanistan is a sovereign nation, then it should be at liberty to establish trade relationship with India or others and vice versa without having to seek regional consent or approval.

The divisive tactics has been catastrophic to the people world over. Such twentieth century practices are best abandoned to move forward.

Now, the renewed approach is the continuation of President Bush policy on nuclear deal enticing India with undemocratic propositions detailed by the U.S. ambassador to India in the latest interview with New Delhi media suggesting that the current legislation passed in the Indian Parliament imposing appropriate restrictions on the nuclear civil program be sidelined to pave way for negotiations with U.S. businesses in the nuclear industry.

Further, the U.S. ambassador Timothy Roemer generous offer to India with sophisticated arms and ammunitions to enhance the relationship is regrettable, considering the volatility in the region.

U.S. seeking business partnership with India is primarily focused on militarizing and nuclearizing the nation rather than reversing the trend to achieve the universal nuclear disarmament, the only pragmatic course to global peace and security.

India and the United States could forge better trade relations through civilian projects in other areas of economic benefit.

It would contribute to the much required job growth in the U.S. with India benefiting from the advanced high end commercial deals in aviation, heavy machinery and equipment to modernize the manufacturing sector.

Besides the multitude prospects in India’s infrastructure improvement and construction are guaranteed to provide mutual gains.

The controversy surrounding the Mumbai terror attack in 2008 is attention worthy given the difference of opinion on intelligence sharing especially with respect to the American citizen David Headley’s crucial involvement in the devastating terror act that claimed many innocent lives.

Citing the October 2010 Washington Post article on the U.S. intelligence agency having prior knowledge about Mumbai terror plot, the victims’ families and the concerned citizens are interested in investigating this matter.

According to the reports, the terror suspect David Headley’s spouse tipped off the FBI in 2005 on her husband’s admission in Mumbai terror conspiracy including the details on his extensive training under the terror network Lashkar e Taiba in Pakistan.

Also the reports stated that the terror suspect David Headley’s subsequent meetings with Lashkar e Taiba until 2008 is allegedly known by the FBI.

The terror network Lashkar e Taiba alliance with certain ISI officials in Pakistan conclusively held responsible for the heinous crimes against the civilians in public square.

Upon the Indian media raising the issue with the U.S. ambassador, the response was –

“The U.S alerted the Indian authorities three times prior to the terror attack.”

However, the ambassador did not address the question regarding the terror suspect David Headley and FBI.

Therefore, there is a legitimate request for clarification on all sides to eliminate doubts by presenting the facts to determine the security lapse behind the successful terror attack against unarmed citizens.

Security strategies aside, the two nations have tremendous potential to coordinate efforts in promoting peace through social and economic development beginning with Pakistan and Afghanistan pervading to other parts of the world.

There has been enough bloodshed and violence with no end in sight. The desire to wage war has superseded the earnest quest for peace and diplomacy.

The gap between the haves and have-nots widened with the poor becoming the poorest and the middle class disappearing from the equation is largely attributed to failed policies substantially favoring the minority wealthy against the poor and middle class majority.

In settling political disputes, the position is confined to short term solutions ignoring the long term ramifications affecting the region and the entire world.

U.S and India with the international community without exception could come together as one entity in resolving the burgeoning political, economic, social and environmental crises.

Injustice towards one is injustice against all. The twentieth century holocaust is a stark reminder for collective action. Humanity thrives as a unified force in dealing with challenges in all frontiers.

Individual freedom and republic rule – the fundamental human right precipitously declining in the twenty first century set to fall back to medieval feudalism.

The economic powers strengthening ties with the developed and developing nations would alleviate the significant world population suffering effectively spreading peace all around.

It was highlighted in the Mexican President Felipe Calderon’s address to Congress on May 20, 2010 during the official State visit to Washington D.C.

Shifting focus on the U.S and India relation – Bilateral talks between the United States and India could expand beyond the political and economic realm with,

A commitment towards robust environmental policy,

Ratifying the CTBT, NPT and FMCT in concurrence with other nations,

Not barring the ICBL – the international campaign to ban land mines and,

Cultural exchange programs fostering respect and appreciation for one another.

Additionally, both democracies could initiate setting up educational system, health care facilities and technology for the developing nations deprived of economic prosperity from prolonged war and natural disaster.

The U.S. and India relationship is promising with a pervasive global impact.

Peace on Earth.

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant


Bust Tax Cuts Expiry and Permanent Extension to Middle Class America

October 18, 2010

By Padmini Arhant

The Congress members were debating on the contentious Bush tax cuts for the top two percent wealthiest scheduled to expire in 2011,

While introducing the permanent tax cuts for the middle class and small businesses, the two most vulnerable groups in the economy with the skyrocketing national debt.

The hard to detect ‘Who is Who’ in the contemporary national politics, there is one thing that is crystal clear, the real voices for democracy representing the people are being shut out by the myriad of influences from all directions predominantly focused on their personal agenda.

This particular bill deserves the republic attention for it concerns them and their future with the multi-trillion dollars liability transferred to the average citizens and their dependents expanding over several decades.

The arguments are all about whether or not to let the infamous Bush tax cuts to the top 2% wealthiest in the society expire and allow permanent tax cuts to individuals or the combined income up to $250,000.

Those earning above $250,000 would be subject to the applicable progressive tax structure i.e.

After the permanent tax cut on the initial $250,000, the residual or remaining income to be taxed appropriately under the new law.

Although it is a viable proposal the political factions are deviating from the course doing harm than any good to the interests they represent.

As such legislative process has increasingly become a ceremonial event than a result oriented action marginalizing the purpose behind every bill.

If the legislators were serious then they would direct their attention to the content and proceed with the bill introduced by the House Congress members – Reps. Raul Grijalva, Alan Grayson and Mary Jo Kilroy to protect the middle class and the small businesses alike.

It appears from the real power brokers’ bizarre approach that they are for it as much as they are against it leaving the public hoodwinked like with every other legislation experienced by the suffering average Americans.

The Republican Senators not surprisingly favor the Bush tax cuts extension perhaps indefinitely if possible and at the same time vehemently oppose the middle class permanent tax cuts.

What does it mean is the Republican members’ empathy for the super-rich living an extravagant lifestyle is a priority over the national deficit.

The Bush tax cuts to the affluent 2 percent is expected to add $836 billion to the explosive deficit not to mention the middle class and the small businesses punished with the tax liability for a prolonged period.

Contrarily, the Republican members explanation for their opposition to middle class permanent tax cuts is the rhetoric – ‘out-of-control’ spending contributing to the ballooning national deficit.

Now on the Democrats part – the Senate majority leader Max Baucus bill is aimed at permanent tax cuts to the middle class along with estate tax relief forever at 2009 levels on inheritances worth over $1 million dollars in addition to maintaining a historically lower 20% flat rate on dividends and capital gains.

The Baucus package is estimated to cost approximately $2 trillion still half of the Republican minority leader Mitch McConnell’s plan.

Nevertheless, the generosity to the wealthiest through perennial estate tax exemption would raise the national deficit by a phenomenal $250 billion dollars. Again the debt shared among the middle class and the small businesses to ease the pain on the wealthy.

In the House – the Blue Dog Democrats – the conservative wing of the Democratic party have demanded that the tax cuts be either extended to all – the middle class and the wealthy alike or abandon the concept in its entirety.

Otherwise, a simple and straightforward action has developed into a complex legislative rigmarole.

The only legislators with a sensible and pragmatic solution are the Progressives in the House of Representatives – Congress members Raul Grijalva, Alan Grayson and Mary Jo Kilroy in their bill with permanent tax cuts for the middle class and letting the Bush tax cuts to the wealthy expire offsetting one another without affecting the national deficit unlike the others.

It’s clear from the legislators’ positions that the wealthiest individuals and corporations have superfluous representation in Congress on both sides deeply committed to the rich campaign donors.

Hence, the only hope for the electorates entrusting power to lawmakers are the Progressives with a defined goal to improve the average American lives against all odds and yet they are viciously attacked on the campaign trail with malicious rumors and propaganda.

The majority American electorates are confined to the corporate legislators’ policies elevating rather than alleviating their plight parallel to the vertical national debt.

Therefore, the middle class, the small businesses and the income groups in the $250,000 threshold need to come forward and urge their representatives to vote for the Progressives’ House bill in this matter.

Evidently, the Progressives bill is guaranteed to expedite the economic recovery besides helping to move the nation forward.

Failure to recognize the electorates’ grievances would confirm the incumbents’ misplaced preferences and as the political candidates seeking re-election they are accountable to the voters, the victims in the corporate dominant and U.S. Chamber of Commerce funded campaigns as well as legislations.

With the midterm elections around the corner, the American voters have an awesome responsibility to exercise diligence in choosing their representatives to Washington and the State Capital.

The status quo is largely due to the power entrusted in candidacy fulfilling obligations to their campaign financiers instead of the constituents electing them to the public office.

Please request your Congress members to hold a special session and pass the Progressives House Bill on permanent tax cuts to the middle class effectively benefiting all.

If the Congress is adjourned then the electorate could have them return to deliver on this particular legislation prior to the election. The lost opportunity would exacerbate the usual uphill battle and potentially lead to the legislation demise.

Please act now to secure your economic prospects and save the future generation from the burgeoning financial burden.

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant

XIX Commonwealth Games Delhi 2010 – Farewell Ceremony

October 16, 2010

By Padmini Arhant

The XIX Commonwealth Games in Delhi concluded this week with a grand closing ceremony.

Congratulations! To the Commonwealth Nations athletes for their victory in various sports.

Every one of them has tremendous skills in the relevant activity and the permeating exuberance added confidence among the contestants.

Hats off! To the Indian Athletes for their superb performance despite the critics’ dismal forecast at the CWG onset.

Besides maintaining the sports spirit your zeal to deal with the challenges every step of the way was admirable.

The rural India athletes especially the Northern State of Haryana were the superstars in the Indian team,

Considering the lack of opportunities and facilities available to them as compared to the urban sportsmen and women.

Reportedly, about 2% from rural Haryana alone contributed to more than 40% medal tally for India. It is a clear demonstration that every individual has some potential in one way or another.

Nurturing the natural capability in human beings can yield phenomenal results as witnessed in the recent games. There is a strong desire among the young aspirants to achieve their dreams in different areas of interest.

It is dependent upon the government and private sector attention to athletes in providing the physical training and financial means necessary to compete at the national and international level.

India’s academic accomplishment is reflected in the consistently positive economic growth with the government and non-governmental programs committed to accelerate the literacy rate among the rural and poorer communities across the nation.

However, the investments have been predominantly concentrated in popular team sports like Cricket, Hockey and Football/Soccer. The other sports are increasingly included in the category with an exception of the athletic promotion.

Given the athletes’ stellar record in the absence of motivational factors like sponsorships and scholarships, the private and public sector now have the incentives to transform the trend and perhaps contribute to enhance the winning prospects in the future.

All nations have greater advantage in cultivating their population attributes guaranteed to shine in every aspect. Obviously, the less privileged need solid support in exhibiting their individual talent which ultimately benefits the society.

Unequivocally all participants at the Commonwealth Games deserve praise for demonstrating their extraordinary qualities in a variety of sports. Their determination to win always makes the international competitions more exciting.

The final presentation was fabulous with a colorful show.

Again about 7000 artistes portraying the modern yet traditional India in perfect synchrony is a marvelous act and the choreography happily takes the cake in the grandeur fanfare.

The celebration is unique in offering the Indian portrait with the rich cultural heritage in full bloom pleasantly surprising the mesmerized audience throughout the pageant.

Followed by the fireworks that illuminated the sky adding brilliance to the ambiance amid cheering crowd bidding farewell to the host Delhi for the spectacular display,

Meanwhile greeting the beautiful Glasgow, Scotland, the next CWG venue in 2014.

XIX Delhi Commonwealth Games is a monumental feat for India emerging from near withdrawal to the glorious finale in sports and the magnificent festivity.

The Gala event signified a glowing tribute to the athletes and the performers in the cultural extravaganza.

All are winners in the sports arena for their honorable participation.

Indian Prime Minister Man Mohan Singh, Congress Leader Mrs. Sonia Gandhi, the Home Minister P. Chidambaram, the Delhi Chief Minister, the entire Commonwealth Games organizing committee members and employees share the acknowledgment for the terrific success.

Good Luck and Best wishes to all!

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant



Freedom Struggle – People vs. Power in the New World Order

October 14, 2010

By Padmini Arhant

Evidently, the facts in every respect confirm that the nation is heading in the wrong direction.

The NWO chartered by the secret society elite members has grave consequences.

It is exacerbated by their unwillingness to confront the people on the illogic strategies behind relentless warfare, sinking economy, alarming national debt, rising health care costs, cataclysmic energy undertakings and importantly – gross violation of the constitution in every possible civil and human rights issue.

When the incumbent administration launched the Presidential campaign in 2007, the core message was about the country and the world in need of a dramatic Change with tremendous Hope raised on the campaign trail.

The message for most part of the campaign resonated the impending Change and delineated from the opponents as them being –

More of the Same citing the Bush-Cheney administrations’ disastrous course on war, economy, environment and utter disregard for the constitution.

Although the Bush-Cheney record is unique in aimlessly leading the nation and the world on wild adventures causing immeasurable misery all around,

The current administration’s Bush policy continuation and complicity to the crimes committed by the predecessor is a major concern among the electorate that casted their vote for Hope and Change.

Upon reflection, Obama campaign swiftly deviated from the initial pledge after securing the party nomination in 2008 democratic primary election.

From voting for FISA (Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act) favoring the Patriot Act, surpassing the opponents in receiving corporate donations towards the campaign by rejecting the McCain – Feingold campaign finance reform rules that was acknowledged by the then Senator Barack Obama in 2007,

To joining the rest in the drill baby drill contest at the height of induced gas crisis in 2008 –

There was no ambivalence in the dramatic change even prior to the campaign promise Change coming into fruition.

The stark contrast between the candidate Senator Barack Obama in 2006-2007 and the Democratic Presidential candidate in 2008 subsequently the 44th President of the United States cannot be overlooked for it has evolved into an accelerated Bush-Cheney policy especially on the extensive military operations, corporate deals with finance, energy and health care industries and regrettably the nuclear disarmament issue, the campaign’s hallmark that captivated world attention.

Again upon careful observation, there is no revelation on the warfare, U.S. foreign policy and Wall Street negotiations.

The Ex-Presidents warnings and the former President FDR experience related to corporate coup d’état attempts along with the worldwide events throughout the twentieth and twenty first century exemplify the catastrophic damages inflicted on innocent civilians, brave young men and women in uniform and the planet.

The NWO secret society would not comply with the request to hold meetings in public view and invite the independent press representing democracy.

Like stated earlier, if the powerful entities assemble to resolve the problems that they have successfully created as the ultimate authorities in the respective discipline i.e. politics, economics, finance, energy and military operations…

Then why not share the self-proclaimed noble doctrine with the people for whom the NWO is apparently devised through the secret policies.

Even the iron curtains eventually came down due to public resistance to economic struggles imposed by the hard liners’ inherently flawed governance.

When the authorities evade legitimate public demand for reasons behind warfare leading nowhere and issues directly affecting their lives such as health care, constitutional rights violation…

It arouses doubts in the public mind and generates mistrust against the power.

How do the NWO treat the dissidents raising these questions on the republics’ behalf?

They deny the dissidents the civil rights and completely strip away the privacy by invading their homes with the 24/7 surveillance eavesdropping on family conversations, not even sparing the private moments with nature calls,

Monitoring on-line and off-line regular communications from email, telephone to typing on the personal computers detected via the FCC approved microchips implanted keyboard.

In addition to snooping on every routine normal activity, cripple them financially, disable supporting progressive political candidates, confine to house arrest and keep close tabs on every single breath of their victims.

A bizarre approach to seek support was made when,

The blank birthday card sent with a message – “Praise the President in your own words,” and mail it back by the deadline. It was followed by a reminder when the earlier message was discarded.

Subsequently the birthday message was written to read the following:

“Dear Mr. President,

I hope and pray for all your decisions to be guided by peace, wisdom and truth. Happy Birthday with Best Wishes.”

An appraisal on the economy and the state of affairs at both national and international level was also sought in the same context.

In response, candid evaluation was presented based on the deteriorating situation in economy, health care costs etc.

Simultaneously the uncanny similarities with the previous administration in warfare, foreign policy and civil rights indicated did not bode well with the authorities.

Pushing the envelope, the Presidential aide through selective networks was conveying that;

“When the Commander-in-Chief expects any citizen to do any task, it should be carried out without any hesitation” implying whether the citizens are employed by the administration, federal, state, any branch of the government or not.

These individuals in their faithful demonstration of their duty forget that –

The President is the Commander-in-Chief to the armed forces in uniform serving the nation.

To the civilians – President is the civilian authority in the capacity as the democratically elected leader bound by constitutional rule of law that appropriately sets limits on the executive power over the republic represented by the Congress in a democratic society.

Above all, the constant propaganda is in place through their selective loyalists on payroll as newspaper columnists, television hosts and some introduced as the movie director on foreign soil with the tailor made delusional scripts maligning the dissidents’ image to propagate rumors for non-cooperation.

Yet the interesting factor being them playing the victim as their paid defenders define it as an unfair game given the authority they amass within a short period of their time in power against the constitutional law.

As pointed out by concerned citizens in their comments on this website – it’s all about three R’s.

Rubber stamp on legislations regardless. Refrain from scrutiny as the public watchdog.

Upon refusal, deal with the baseless Rumors spread by the agents operating in the vast dragnet to mislead the inevitable next target – the people at home and the world over.

The excessive authority on the dissidents is an experiment to be applied on the mass once the position is secure to unleash more power.

All happening in the so-called democracy.

What hope do the people in China, Iran, and Myanmar…nations under overt iron-fist regimes have in the supposedly modern civilization run by the elitists focused on safeguarding their personal interests by implementing unconstitutional and undemocratic rules to dictate and dominate the world?

That’s why they have the warrantless wiretapping on American civilians, policing cyberspace and going beyond to legislate shutting down the internet last year.

Conducting the so-called war on terror by ignoring the immense casualties,

Contributing to undesirable political situations in the war zones and the developing nations yearning for peace and,

Declining to substantiate the false pretext for war…cannot be accepted in silence.

Incidentally, the world is still waiting on the authorities to present Osama Bin Laden – the NWO by-product, dead or alive.

Resurrecting the dead virtually is a no brainer for the NWO authorities controlling the cyber space.

However, the mortals immortalizing the mortal would be presumptuously assuming an impossible feat with a guaranteed defeat on the horizon.

The irony with the established demagoguery is the global issues such as the economy, energy, environment and poignantly the incessant warfare are discussed in a clandestine consortium.

Meanwhile the same NWO elitists are in control of the private citizens’ private life in a democracy becoming more a hypocrisy through their over-indulgence in citizen rights.

The Cabal recently made the following declaration:

“If you get ahead of us, we will not follow you.

We are here as one, an exclusive group set in our own agendas and determined to enforce them sooner than you can do anything to prevent it. NWO is real and happening.”

Since peace and diplomacy is a misnomer with the conglomerate espousing the archaic philosophy of concentrated power,

The cabal is entrenched in colonialism, misused capitalism and communism strengthened by cronyism in the empire survival with baron, baroness, multinational corporations, Communist leaderships, certain heads of the state, intelligence agencies, military top brass, media moguls as the privileged members in the organization.

Winding up military operations that are proved to be a fundamental failure from the onset primarily due to false premise, propaganda and rising death toll on all sides is rejected.

Stop preying on innocent civilians in the United States and around the world with the doomed decadent policies that is designed to favor the minority in the NWO against the majority.

Cease offshore drilling and environmentally dangerous energy pursuit on the planet, the only habitat for innumerous life.

Planet earth belongs to all and not just the ostentatious powerful members in the society.

New World Order is oxymoron because there is nothing new, worldly or orderly in principle.

The elitists with the power to control the society are not new rather an old ideology and disturbingly bear semblance to the pre-world war II fascist era at the worst reverting to stone age in the master-slave mentality intended to pervade across the globe.

In this exclusive club, the definitive goal to profit in every frontier at the populace and the planet’s peril is not representative of the world but a narcissist agenda.

Last but not the least;

The entire framework is diabolical especially with reference to the term Order promoting authoritarian rule suggestive of a disorder in the offing.

NWO is a recipe for disaster aimed at the world population by the oligarchy engaged in a kamikaze mission.

Hence, NWO should have never existed and will no longer prevail in the domestic or global decisions severely affecting humanity, the weak and the vulnerable in particular.

Defiance in this respect would precipitate the dismantling with people power.

New Global Era is imminent with power entrusted to people in a democratic setting, restoring individual freedom yet embracing solidarity to achieve equal rights and opportunities for all.

The Real Change with the people governing themselves as the republic through their democratically elected representatives in Congress under constitutional guidance with power assigned to the executive, legislative and judicial branch according to the constitution.

Freedom will be cherished as the inalienable human right.

Those nations invaded and occupied will be free and recognized as a sovereign state.

Repressive regimes will have to exit and pave way for the republic rule.

Big and small nations would receive equal respect and attention on various issues affecting the local or the international community.

Global resources will be shared for greater good and the planet sustenance.

New Global Era would epitomize peace and unity among people from different cultures and traditions coming together as one race – the Human race nurturing life on the planet.

Nuclear disarmament is no longer an option but a necessity with compliance from all nations through forced entry into CTBT, NPT,FMCT, START and PAROS irrespective of stature outlined in the 09/29/10 article –

‘The 65th U.N. General Assembly on Multilateral Disarmament Treaty’ under National and Global Security on this website.

In the latest development, the U.N. General Assembly – 187 out of 191 nations overwhelmingly approved India for a non-permanent Security Council rotating membership after nineteen years.

It is a significant honor for India and the U.N. General Assembly members’ magnanimous gesture is commendable.

Likewise, every other nation deserves representation to signify their individual importance in global affairs.

Permanent Security Council membership expansion is vital to reflect the twenty first century reality and the new members would enormously contribute to resolving complex global crises.

It would be helpful to subject the current permanent memberships for U.N. General Assembly review and make necessary revisions to accommodate the present global requirements.

Nations retaining their sovereignty but working together for global peace, progress and prosperity is the vision in the New Global Era.

Humanity thrives through consolidated efforts for mutual benefits made possible by the unified world.

Peace to all.

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant

New Global Era – Peace, Democracy, Social and Economic Progress

October 10, 2010

By Padmini Arhant

The overwhelming majority having experienced a catastrophic twentieth century with death, destruction, genocide and carnage while the powerful minority reaping all the benefits,

There was tremendous hope for a better world at the dawn of the new millennium.

The general expectation was a paradigm shift in the political systems paving way for economic and social progress.

Among the six billion population – the industrialized nation like the United States has around 45 million children living in hunger and poverty. It is disproportionately higher at the global level.

Despite the staggeringly lower literacy rate in the developing nations,

The children are not attending school and gaining knowledge by exploring the wonders of science and technology, learning music and arts and importantly playing sports, essentially living a normal life.

Instead, they are either exploited in the sweat shops or trained to use firearms for recruitment in civil wars and by terror networks.

The prolific arms race by the powerful nations have facilitated the African civil wars, Latin American coups, political unrest in Central Asia, widespread terrorism in Pakistan and Somalia, Sudan and Yemen secession movement…

Corporations’ heavy influence in conjunction with the military aid and foreign intelligence contributing to political upheavals in Latin America, Middle East, Africa and lately Afghanistan are well known.

As stated earlier, the status quo is attributed to politics.

Whether it is Africa, Latin America, Middle East, or Central Asia and Pakistan in the Indian sub-continent – the political oppression and turmoil from continuous warfare are predominantly responsible for the lack of development leading to public frustration.

In contemporary politics, election is viewed as a formality due to external infiltration from corporations, religious groups and powerful organizations not excluding the judiciary viz. the U.S. elections in 2000.

Alternatively, when a particular individual of a political party is in power for several decades and succeeded by the progeny as seen in some parts of the world, it is a dynasty not democracy.

Any opposition in such elections is showmanship for the domestic and international audience.

The heinous crimes under these political representations ranging from massive corruption to political assassinations are masqueraded through false propaganda in their state owned media and entertainment outlets.

Usually, the political set up thrives on cronyism and fake euphoria in the successful mass deception.

The dissenters are portrayed in bad light as villains and their image distorted for egotistical and economic gains defining hypocrisy at a new level.

In the same context, there are those who rise to stardom by remaining oblivious to the ventures financed by undesirable elements known to have ruined many lives even before it had a chance, yet these entities have maintained cordial relation with their investors for individual motives.

Today, they are on the podium casting stones at the humanitarians utterly dedicated to speaking the truth and shed light on the ill choices being made so that the world could be a better place for all and not just the privileged ones.

The irony being, these individuals believe they hold the right to attack others which is subdued as a remark and the victims’ response to their narcissism mischaracterized befitting the self-persona.

Therefore the ideal place for them to begin is the self and,

Often soul searching would help them clear misconceptions about those striving hard for greater good and perhaps invoke genuine compassion within.

It’s worth remembering that mutual respect and understanding fortifies human character.

Since the New World Order is vigorously promoted by the members i.e. the prominent world leaders and affiliates,

It’s imperative to review the secret society role beginning with the former President Ronald Reagan’s administration to date.

Moreover, it’s necessary to highlight the former President Ronald Reagan and the successors’ extensive involvement until now in strengthening the secret society concept increasingly becoming more secretive.

History is testimony to the political events all over the world – Panama, Chile, Nicaragua, Argentina Columbia, El Salvador, Costa Rica…and recently (2009) Honduras in Latin America – the military coups are guaranteed to prevail against the republic protest and sacrifice.

Caribbean nations like Cuba, Haiti and West Indies population are struggling from severe economic conditions due to a variety of detrimental factors like economic sanctions, political interference and abandonment by the powerful nations.

Middle East – Iran, Egypt, Syria, Lebanon, Saudi Arabia, Jordan and now Iraq to list a few in the region subjected to theocracy, monarchy or puppet governments… anything but democracy.

Israel the only democratic nation is also tied to a coalition backed by religious orthodox faction forging the controversial Jewish settlements and derailing the peace process.

Elsewhere, Afghanistan and Pakistan pose different challenges.

The Afghanistan political government is ceremoniously appointed by the elite society members against the population will.

Whereas in Pakistan, it is déjà vu with history repeating itself from time and time again.

The former Prime Minister Benazir Bhutto exiled on embezzlement charges by the military General Pervez Musharraf, launched a political return from her exiled home – Dubai, UAE at the powerful society members’ behest.

Prime Minister Benazir Bhutto was subsequently assassinated during the political campaign in December 2007 extenuating the political circumstances in Pakistan.

Now the deposed military leader and ex-President General Pervez Musharraf echoed similar sentiments from his current exiled home – the democratic United Kingdom.

The delineation in the two former heads of state renewed political ambitions being,

If the deceased Prime Minister Benazir Bhutto in her political will bequeathed the position to her surviving heir, a minor at that time – accordingly the post is safeguarded by the political descendant’s guardian and parent – Pakistan President Asif Ali Zardari,

The army General Pervez Musharraf on his part threatened the present Gilani administration with a possible military coup in an internationally televised press conference again not from an Afghanistan cave but U.K. capital, London.

General Pervez Musharraf seized power in a bloodless coup d’état and ruled Pakistan from 1999 to 2008 with high turnover of Prime Ministers, five at less intervals serving his administration.

The former President faced impeachment proceedings for iron-fist rule by disregarding the constitution in the Supreme Court Justice firing and other national issues, especially the indefinite postponement of the general election.

Another distinctive record in the General’s resumé is the armed Kargil conflict that brought Pakistan and India on the brink of nuclear confrontation.

General Pervez Musharraf reportedly claimed that the United States pressure on the ousted Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif in 1999 led to the nuclear crisis. There were immense casualties on both sides.

The question arising from the global events overview is;

What did the New World Order powerful entities do to change or improve the political and economic plight across the globe during their term as the free world leaders?

Most decisions thus far has exacerbated the suffering and driven the twenty first century to heightened global security threats stemming from sheer violation of human rights, deteriorating economic standards and,

Social regression with rampant racial and gender discrimination, assault against gay community indicative of the relative cultural decline,

Last but not the least,

The worst scenario reverting to the medieval era with capital punishment consisting executions, stoning to death, live burials, public flogging…

All practiced in a business as usual manner.

Meanwhile, the people in the industrialized and newly developed nations are forced to deal with financial and economic crisis generated by excess greed, gross mismanagement and misplaced priorities centralized on warfare to dominate the world.

Besides, wars create a subliminal obedience from the people and their representatives towards the authorities imposing restrictions on dissidence when expressing legitimate concerns against the misguided purpose.

The routine resonance from the political sphere through communication media demanding complicity in all matter pertaining to humanity regardless, as a mark of respect to wartime President is not democratic in any standpoint considering,

War in the absence of definitive mission has become the preferred means to exercise power.

Peace prospects are ignored specifically –

In September 2010, the North Korean government explicit request through the former President Jimmy Carter for peace talks with the United States that included among pertinent issues the willful nuclear disarmament has been discarded without any due course of action.

Reference article “Special Acknowledgment – President Jimmy Carter North Korea visit,” published 09/20/2010 under International Politics category on this website.

The global reality in the political, economic, social and environmental realm confirms the superficial gains not realized by the average citizen thereby widening the gap between the haves and have-nots that is unfortunately overlooked to a large extent.

Any international summits like COP 15 – Copenhagen Climate Conference 2009, U.N. Disarmament Treaty September 24, 2010 – the quintessential targets to sustain life on planet are led to a failure in spite of the serious ramifications.

Likewise, the G-20 forum attracts worldwide dissent because,

First, they are exclusive and not inclusive in representation.

Next, the initiatives are not comprehensive and adopted measures seemingly favor the sectors responsible for the economic peril fomenting public anger and disappointment.

The military agenda and economic interests are protected conforming to the society’s framework.

Otherwise, the Afghan and Iraq war would have been long over with a viable political solution in both territories.

Upon observation the political quagmire in Afghanistan is replicated in Iraq with the approval of the undemocratic and unpopular governments – i.e. President Hamid Karzai and Prime Minister Nouri-Al-Maliki respectively.

Unwillingness in pursuing North Korea peace offer is intriguing; the inaction clarifies the peculiar aspect to the nuclear disarmament pledge.

From the economic stance, the incumbent administration had a Democrat majority in the House and the Senate until January 2010.

The health care reform could have been meaningful with a universal health care – Single Payer System.

That option was completely rejected even though the significant population as health care and insurance industry victims pleaded for Single Payer System.

As it turns out per the latest reports –

“About one million workers lose out on better coverage promised by health reform next year.

McDonald, Jack in the Box and other companies won a one year exemption from a new rule requiring them to raise the maximum amount of coverage they offer employees.

The Department of Health and Human Services spokeswoman Jessica Santillo said companies would again be able to apply for waivers next year.”

The companies have vowed to utilize the HHS generosity and “plan to seek additional waiver each year until 2014” – by when the mandatory law becomes effective.

Finance Reform Bill – there was a clear choice between the Democrat vote by Senator Russ Feingold requesting a robust reform to prevent the repeat errors and on the extreme the Republican Senator Scott Brown bargained for Wall Street and the Democrat administration accepts the latter with a huge concession even though the $19 billion could have been used for either addressing the drastic spending cuts or the rising national debt.

On the environmental front, the Democrat Senator Mary Landrieu from Louisiana is reported to have threatened to block the administration’s judicial appointees if the moratorium on offshore drilling is not lifted by the energy industry deadline.

One would think that these legislators can differentiate between right and wrong.

Furthermore they would remember the BP oil spills and the devastating impact on the environment and the economy.

But obviously their political career takes precedence over the present and future life on the planet.

With respect to political appointments, the current administration is more than adequately served by the secret society members denying opportunities to the mainstream talent.

Extending over to the international arena, the European Council President is a Bilderberg nominee.

If the New World Order is a world controlled by the elite group with the concentrated power that determines the existence or non-existence of life on the planet by holding secret meetings and defying logic,reasoning, democratic values as well as basic principles,

It is regrettable for it bears semblance to the pre-world war II characteristics deserving global condemnation and an end to the unethical decadent policies generating almost a Great Depression, relentless warfare, political and social unrest.

Notwithstanding a grave danger to the planet.

Habitat belongs to all and humanity thrives in the unanimous commitment to save and preserve life.

Peace and harmony is the best strategy to achieve the humanitarian goal benefiting all as opposed to a selective few in the society.

None have a permanent life contract on earth. Both ordinary and the extraordinary have to leave without exception.

We brought nothing into this world. Hence take nothing back. Whatever acquired in this lifetime is a gift to be shared and not hoarded.

Freedom is the basic human right. All are born to be free and that is the natural law espoused in the – New Global Era.

Peace on Earth and Save the Planet.

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant

War and Geo-Political Status 21st Century – The Ultimate Resolution

October 8, 2010

By Padmini Arhant

In the twenty first century, the war is interestingly waged in Islamic nations around the world.

Beginning with Afghanistan, Pakistan, Iraq, Palestinian Gaza, West Bank and East Jerusalem, Yemen, Chechnya, Somalia and Sudan with skirmishes in Central Asia as seen in the recent Kyrgyzstan with Uzbek Muslims largely massacred in ethnic violence –

Terrorism and insurgencies are the by-product of relentless warfare and foreign policies fostering political instability in turn exacerbating economic and social development.

The trend is prevalent to date.

Afghanistan – The former President George W. Bush and Vice President Dick Cheney started the war in 2001 declaring the terror mastermind Osama Bin Laden will be captured “dead or alive.”

Even the message resonated in the 2008 Presidential campaign with Senator John McCain as the Republican Presidential candidate pledging –

“I will follow Osama Bin Laden to the gates of hell.”

The Democratic Presidential candidate, the then Senator Barack Obama essentially repeated his predecessor’s rhetoric –

“Bush had earlier vowed to catch bin Laden “Dead or Alive,” and … “My preference obviously would be to capture or kill him. …”

We are in 2010 and the war is a decade old with tremendous loss of lives on all sides.

U.S and allies economy drained with the superfluous troops and financial investment, the troops’ low morale after continuous deployment and the public war fatigue at its peak,

Afghanistan today is still in the medieval age under the U.S. and NATO appointed Karzai administration that has been unanimously criticized for massive corruption and lack of direction in governance.

Meanwhile, Taliban leaders in Afghanistan are reportedly held hostage by the Pakistani military and ISI prohibiting them from initiating negotiations with the Afghan government to demonstrate Pakistani officials’ clout in the crisis.

Superseding these issues is the Al-Qaeda ring leader; Osama Bin Laden neither captured alive nor pronounced dead, a convenient situation to prolong the unsustainable war strategy.

If Osama Bin Laden is alive as it is claimed by the authorities, it raises the following questions:

Given the formidable U.S. and NATO forces in operation and the significant troops involvement since the war began in 2001, the severely incapacitated Osama Bin Laden remains at large according to the political and military high command.

Further, the White House Chief of Staff Rahm Emanuel prior to his departure last week is quoted to have questioned the administration on this issue with a statement in sheer amazement.

“We are spending about $50 billion on intelligence and we still don’t know where Osama Bin Laden is?”

Despite CIA overt operation through para-military in Pakistan and the Pakistani intelligence provided with U.S. intelligence assistance, the mastermind Osama Bin Laden cannot be found in the all too familiar territories Afghanistan where the U.S. trained the Mujahedeen, prominently Osama Bin Laden who later created the terror network ‘Al-Qaeda,’ is;

Remarkably similar to the Weapons of Mass Destruction in Iraq that could never be found because it did not exist.

Any re-creation or resurrection accentuates the flaws due to the unauthentic replay leading to the fact that the scenario is ‘weapons of mass deception’ in the public eye.

Besides the former President George W. Bush family’s close ties with Osama Bin Laden’s immediate family is common knowledge and such relation enabled the Bin Laden family departure from the United States when all flights were grounded soon after 9/11.

Another compelling factor being Osama Bin Laden was not apprehended in Tora Bora even though the armed personnel requested for the former President George W. Bush, the Supreme Commander- in- Chief’s order for action.

These events were legitimized by the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, the terror experts, the media reports and cited by Senator John McCain during his Presidential bid.

The strange predicament being Osama Bin Laden is wanted “dead or alive,” and when there were opportunities to capture the terror leader, the executive order was not delivered to the armed forces to attain the goal.

Terror warnings are being issued claiming that Osama Bin Laden is preparing to wreak havoc in Europe like he did in Mumbai that took place on November 26, 2008, even though this particular terror activity was directly linked to Lashkar-e-Taiba and acknowledged by the assassin;

“Ajmal Kasab, the only attacker who was captured alive, disclosed that the attackers were members of Lashkar-e-Taiba, the Pakistan-based militant organization. He said the attackers came from Pakistan, and their controllers were in Pakistan.”

Osama Bin Laden is continually used in the possible terror attacks and claimed as the primary target in the war on terror with no news regarding his whereabouts and sources except during the terror alerts surfacing upon Osama Bin Laden reference by the peace activists.

It’s crucial to resolve this issue once and for all considering the brave young men and women in uniform are deployed to supposedly eliminate Al-Qaeda and find Osama Bin Laden in the mission that began in 2001.

Many service men and women are serving for nearly a decade with some redeployed after having been in Iraq for four to five years. Most of these courageous frontline soldiers sacrificed in the on-going war are in the age group between 19 – 21 years old and have barely experienced life.

If a 29 year old private sergeant is killed in action after serving in Iraq and Afghanistan for twelve straight years and survived by his young pregnant spouse and a toddler and the war agenda is still a mystery then it becomes necessary to find out,

What exactly are we doing in these battle grounds?

As per the latest CIA report, along the Pakistan-Afghan border – Waziristan, there are fewer than one hundred Al-Qaeda members and negligible Taliban forces compared to U.S representation around 120,000 troops with NATO alliance.

Regardless the world’s most powerful by far the sophisticated U.S. and NATO contingency with all the imaginable resources at their disposal are experiencing difficulty over nine years in seizing the fractional terror members with inferior ammunition is astonishing for it defies logic.

Therefore, if the military commanders in the best interest of the troops, the nation and the international community could unequivocally clarify on the precise mission in Afghanistan and particularly, present the facts on Osama Bin Laden it would be enormously helpful in the decisions related to ongoing wars and defense spending during legislation and election.

Above all, the Afghan population deserves the truth for they are severely dispensed with their family generations wiped out in the ceaseless conflict.

If the Al-Qaeda leader is alive, it shouldn’t be harder to locate with the intelligence dragnet across the globe perhaps within twenty four to forty eight hours and brought to justice.

Alternatively, it would be honorable to declassify the classified public information and submit the verifiable facts on the Al-Qaeda leaders’ death.

As for all issues concerning the military operation, the President of the United States being the Supreme Commander-in-Chief bears complete responsibility.

The defense and the national security team are accountable to the President – responsible for the troop level authorization, withdrawal timeline and final approval on war strategies.

In the Afghan war, the information on the ultimate authority in the decision-making process is not clear.

While it is being maintained that there is disconnect and discord between the military and the civilian exchange on operational matter and that the President is not briefed on vital military positions such as the actual troop numbers by the top security adviser and military command,

It is suggested that any dissatisfaction in the Afghan war status quo should be attributed to the military command and not the civilian authority, the President of the United States who is also incidentally, the Commander-in-Chief.

This is contradictory to the latest occurrence that involved the military’s top ranking official
Gen. Stanley McChrystal, removed by the President of the United States for ‘off-the’ record comment about the administration,revealing the authority in control.

Now in the expansive military role especially in Afghanistan and Pakistan taking horrendous toll on human lives and economic costs, the ambiguity in management as to,

“Who is calling the shots,” is rather disturbing and,

Require clarification to the armed forces and their families including the taxpayers footing the expense for the extravagant and uncertain adventure.

In that context, the exclusive secret meetings held for the selective members belonging to nexus organization apparently to discuss global economic health and the general humanitarian issues with the press and public debarred from participation is unsettling based on the discussions being related to the world population and not any private individual matter.

In fact, the nature of such gathering by the privileged members – selective heads of the state, corporate leaders and military command, a majority representing democratic societies alienating the voice of democracy – the communication media and the public is undemocratic not to mention the forum failing to meet transparency and accountability.

These meetings where the Presidential candidates as the future leader of the ‘free world’ prior to being approved by the electorate are summoned inconspicuously defying the press and denying access to the democratic process in itself is a serious credibility factor and beckons legitimate reasons on the definitive purpose.

It’s imperative to highlight the security measures taken during these sessions reflecting the twentieth century pre-world war II characteristics in the twenty first century causing frustration among the members in the society from various discipline gravely concerned about the abnormal clandestine consortium.

The public opinion upon revelation on the political, economic, corporate media and military institutional assembly behind closed doors to map out global direction is;

If it is conducted to benefit humanity then it is commendable and praiseworthy.

But then, why not hold them in public view and elaborate on the objectives to the republics’ complete satisfaction eliminating any doubts on the validity of the futuristic aspirations.

In conclusion, the fulcrum power has two immediate priorities to stabilize the deteriorating global environment predominantly due to incessant warfare and undemocratic principles adopted in the universal policies targeting humanity.

Disclosure on Osama Bin Laden and dismantling secret organizations – the deafening silence thus far proved detrimental to human progress in every frontier.

Any reluctance to conform or evasion through false propaganda and negative attacks would categorically confirm the “Who is Who” and the intrinsic aspects of –

‘The New World Order’ inevitably setting itself for a disastrous end.

Humanity thrives with consolidated contributions benefiting all and not a ‘specific society’ in the globalization concept.

Peace and perseverance to make this world a better place for all inhabitants is the natural path to prosperity.

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant

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