India-U.S.Relationship and the Nuclear Deal

October 21, 2010

By Padmini Arhant

The two democratic nations – the United States and India have remained at odds during the cold war predominantly due to the foreign policy by the U.S. administration under the former Republican President Richard Nixon with Secretary of State Henry Kissinger at that time and continued then onwards by the Ex-President Ronald Reagan until early 2000.

Subsequently diplomacy surfaced with President George W. Bush, the Republican predecessor’s overtures to India in the wake of globalization.

With the changing Indian political landscape and economic policies in the late nineties, the U.S. businesses explored the South Asian nation for entrepreneurial opportunities enabled by the technology revolution that led to partial normalization of relationship between the two democracies on the economic side but not militarily.

United States courtship with India’s nuclear neighbor Pakistan as an indispensable ally in the so-called war on terror with continuous undisclosed and disclosed military aid including the U.S. taxpayer funded $10 billion still unaccounted for is contentious.

As much as the U.S. nuclear deal with India was frustrating Pakistan prompting them to engage in arms trade and building nuclear reactors with China’s assistance as the enthusiastic supplier to developing nations.

The two permanent Security Council members – the United States and China were essentially competing with one another in the arms race, while the remaining members reaching out to other potential interests around the world.

After the dangerous nuclear confrontation between India and Pakistan in the Kargil armed conflict, the tensions between the two countries were easing with trade and transportation access across the Punjab state in northern India, but the external influence thwarted the bilateral progress ultimately ending in the status quo.

Similarly, the assertion on Pakistan holding evidence against India for the apparent political intervention in Afghanistan describing it as the driving factor in the Pakistan-Taliban strong union is counterproductive and foments regional polarization.

Notably, when Pakistan has been the bastion for Afghanistan Taliban forces until and after the 9/11 attacks with the Taliban Mullahs televised press conference aired from none other than Pakistan.

Notwithstanding the terror attempt against the Indian Parliament, attacks on the earlier Bombay Stock Exchange, Hindu temple in Allahabad, many foiled terror plots followed by the prominent 2008 Mumbai terrorism, all of them consistently originating from Pakistan.

If Afghanistan is a sovereign nation, then it should be at liberty to establish trade relationship with India or others and vice versa without having to seek regional consent or approval.

The divisive tactics has been catastrophic to the people world over. Such twentieth century practices are best abandoned to move forward.

Now, the renewed approach is the continuation of President Bush policy on nuclear deal enticing India with undemocratic propositions detailed by the U.S. ambassador to India in the latest interview with New Delhi media suggesting that the current legislation passed in the Indian Parliament imposing appropriate restrictions on the nuclear civil program be sidelined to pave way for negotiations with U.S. businesses in the nuclear industry.

Further, the U.S. ambassador Timothy Roemer generous offer to India with sophisticated arms and ammunitions to enhance the relationship is regrettable, considering the volatility in the region.

U.S. seeking business partnership with India is primarily focused on militarizing and nuclearizing the nation rather than reversing the trend to achieve the universal nuclear disarmament, the only pragmatic course to global peace and security.

India and the United States could forge better trade relations through civilian projects in other areas of economic benefit.

It would contribute to the much required job growth in the U.S. with India benefiting from the advanced high end commercial deals in aviation, heavy machinery and equipment to modernize the manufacturing sector.

Besides the multitude prospects in India’s infrastructure improvement and construction are guaranteed to provide mutual gains.

The controversy surrounding the Mumbai terror attack in 2008 is attention worthy given the difference of opinion on intelligence sharing especially with respect to the American citizen David Headley’s crucial involvement in the devastating terror act that claimed many innocent lives.

Citing the October 2010 Washington Post article on the U.S. intelligence agency having prior knowledge about Mumbai terror plot, the victims’ families and the concerned citizens are interested in investigating this matter.

According to the reports, the terror suspect David Headley’s spouse tipped off the FBI in 2005 on her husband’s admission in Mumbai terror conspiracy including the details on his extensive training under the terror network Lashkar e Taiba in Pakistan.

Also the reports stated that the terror suspect David Headley’s subsequent meetings with Lashkar e Taiba until 2008 is allegedly known by the FBI.

The terror network Lashkar e Taiba alliance with certain ISI officials in Pakistan conclusively held responsible for the heinous crimes against the civilians in public square.

Upon the Indian media raising the issue with the U.S. ambassador, the response was –

“The U.S alerted the Indian authorities three times prior to the terror attack.”

However, the ambassador did not address the question regarding the terror suspect David Headley and FBI.

Therefore, there is a legitimate request for clarification on all sides to eliminate doubts by presenting the facts to determine the security lapse behind the successful terror attack against unarmed citizens.

Security strategies aside, the two nations have tremendous potential to coordinate efforts in promoting peace through social and economic development beginning with Pakistan and Afghanistan pervading to other parts of the world.

There has been enough bloodshed and violence with no end in sight. The desire to wage war has superseded the earnest quest for peace and diplomacy.

The gap between the haves and have-nots widened with the poor becoming the poorest and the middle class disappearing from the equation is largely attributed to failed policies substantially favoring the minority wealthy against the poor and middle class majority.

In settling political disputes, the position is confined to short term solutions ignoring the long term ramifications affecting the region and the entire world.

U.S and India with the international community without exception could come together as one entity in resolving the burgeoning political, economic, social and environmental crises.

Injustice towards one is injustice against all. The twentieth century holocaust is a stark reminder for collective action. Humanity thrives as a unified force in dealing with challenges in all frontiers.

Individual freedom and republic rule – the fundamental human right precipitously declining in the twenty first century set to fall back to medieval feudalism.

The economic powers strengthening ties with the developed and developing nations would alleviate the significant world population suffering effectively spreading peace all around.

It was highlighted in the Mexican President Felipe Calderon’s address to Congress on May 20, 2010 during the official State visit to Washington D.C.

Shifting focus on the U.S and India relation – Bilateral talks between the United States and India could expand beyond the political and economic realm with,

A commitment towards robust environmental policy,

Ratifying the CTBT, NPT and FMCT in concurrence with other nations,

Not barring the ICBL – the international campaign to ban land mines and,

Cultural exchange programs fostering respect and appreciation for one another.

Additionally, both democracies could initiate setting up educational system, health care facilities and technology for the developing nations deprived of economic prosperity from prolonged war and natural disaster.

The U.S. and India relationship is promising with a pervasive global impact.

Peace on Earth.

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant



One Response to “India-U.S.Relationship and the Nuclear Deal”

  1. Cornucopia on October 30th, 2015 9:47 pm

    Knowledge and wisdom cornucopia. Thank you. God bless you.

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