United States Withdrawal from UN Human Rights Council

June 21, 2018

United States Withdrawal from UN Human Rights Council

Padmini Arhant

United States withdrawal from UN Human Rights Council citing the latter as a hypocrite and  self serving appropriately applies to accusers than the accused considering own legacy and status quo. United States reason for withdrawal is attributed to UN Human Rights Council’s ‘Chronic bias towards Israel.’

United States decision suggest neither US nor the ally Israel are independent nations. United States move on Israel’s behalf creates the position for US as a vassal state to Israel.  Simultaneously, Israel riding on United States coat tail on all matter concerning Israel proves Israel’s protracted dependency including public relations undermining any legitimacy as a sovereign state. Under these circumstances, both entities are required to ascertain the role they play for proper representation in the international forum.

As for human rights violations, United States immigration issue reportedly leaves the fate of 2000 children hanging in balance as they remain in the detention center subsequent to the halt on separation of immigrant families and their offsprings. Notwithstanding the lack of interest and responsibility in U.S. Congress to pass the immigration bill on dreamers and amnesty for the significant number of immigrants facing deportation. Then there are detainees in the infamous Guantanamo Bay held for nearly two decades denying them habeas corpus i.e. legal representation in addition to inmates families having no access to these men who are sons, fathers, husband, brother to someone overseas. 

Similarly, Israel’s trajectory in Palestinian territory is well known worldwide. Israel’s occupation of Palestine and since then human rights abuse sparing none viz. children kept in Israeli Defense Force controlled Administrative detention center outside West Bank without contacts with parents, the Saharonim prison where African asylum seekers are held in the Israeli facility on Negev Desert and unilateral blockade against Gazans for more than a decade forcing the densely populated Gaza strip under siege summarize United States and Israel’s human rights record.

The US administrations tradition pardoning those convicted of crimes and serious charges predominantly based on political preferences and exchange of favors while detaining hard working immigrants with clean profile for mass deportation is a paradoxical policy with conflicting ethical standards.

Accordingly, on  hypocrisy both Israel and United States remain unopposed veterans in this domain.

United States retreating from UN Human Rights Council in Israel’s defense is imprudent diminishing U.S. image and position in humanitarian affairs.

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant

Author & Presenter PadminiArhant.com





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