United States – Left and Right War Fascination

November 19, 2023

United States – Left and Right War Fascination

Padmini Arhant

The art of deception protecting crimes of one administration viz. Barack Obama – Joe Biden, while playing the narratives on others’ i.e.Bush and Trump equally condemnable war mongering is disingenuous.

The free pass on abhorrent wars conducted by one while taking into account only that of others among the political cesspool with left and right solely committed to violence and belligerence is neoliberalism superseding neoconservatism.

The Nobel Peace Prize winning Presidency of Barack Obama long before starting the Presidential duties in 2009 did not shut down the PNAC – Project for New American Century – the Zionist neo con charter to rein control over oil rich nations in the Middle East, North and NorthEast Africa.

The project commenced with Bush – Cheney administration facilitating the 9/11 terror attack as the premise to implement PNAC which came into fruition in terms of waging wars against the list of nations in the project.

However, the Barack Obama – Joe Biden administration in 2009 -2016 and now in 2021 – 2023 took the baton from Bush – Cheney and outperformed in reeking deaths, devastation, bloodbath, decimation of nation, sponsoring and fostering Al-Qaeda originated various terror outfits including cannibalism in Syria, Libya spreading across the region and territories near and far.

The Barack Obama – Joe Biden administration also responsible for mayhem and chaos in Ukraine in exploiting corruption and imposing political unrest in the country at Russia’s doorstep enabling Russian annexation of Crimea in 2014 – during Barack Obama Presidency.

When assuming the highest office in land, the responsibility squarely remain at the helm synonymous to the buck stopping at the Oval Office.

The strategy to blame everyone except self despite the designation as President is an embarrassment to the title holder and the office.

In attributing the Ukraine fiasco in 2014 resulting in status quo to the press secretary Victoria Nuland and alike in the State Department, which is under the White House administration ambit and purview as the executive branch,

While claiming exclusivity on anything positive and favorable which unfortunately is not even applicable to this administration given the series of gross violations, treason and other transgressions…all of which exposed thus far on this site.

In a way, the Presidency that allows a press secretary Victoria Nuland from the State Department to destabilize a foreign nation viz. Ukraine in itself is a declaration of such Presidency dereliction of duty.

The Presidential recklessness in having a press secretary Victoria Nuland together with the Secretary of State Hillary Clinton heading the State Department yet encompassed within the executive branch undermine the office of Presidency is anything but a matter of pride.

The Presidency evading responsibility and accountability on actions, decisions and direct involvement enunciate such Presidency ineptness in presiding over critical affairs related to the executive branch in government.

Notwithstanding the Presidency failure to redress the situation in Ukraine in 2014 after allowing the press secretary Victoria Nuland and the State department chief Hillary Clinton and other members from the political right like John McCain involve in the actual insurrection violently overthrowing the democratically elected government of then Ukraine President Viktor Yanukovych at gun point in world view.

The futile efforts to cover up own tainted legacy is not surprising given the norm in personal life with the child born from own impulsive violent behavior tossed into the arms of a stranger who had nothing to do with the incident.

The culprit with the Presidential badge in all of this is let scot free further victimizing the publicly executed ordinary unarmed civilian rape victim in the entire episode. Such politics and political criminality is insanely lauded and cherished in the dark age.

The left and right administrations compete with one another in impressing upon the Jewish lobby such as the AIPAC and several others in low to high key Jewish prioritized influence reining control over western and now increasingly on global politics.

Case in Point: The Presidential candidates from the left and right diligently mark the presence at AIPAC convention during the United States Presidential election to pledge allegiance to Jewish cause and agenda in the Middle East and elsewhere.

In 2008 – The Republican contender John McCain expressed loyalty to Jewish lobby AIPAC and similar groups with the rhetoric – “Bomb Bomb Iran.”

The left democrat contenders did not want to be left behind in charming the powerful Jewish donors and exceeded in their position with the following statements.

“Upon election / selection to the office of Presidency of the United States – “ I will obliterate Iran with Nukes” – Hillary Rodham Clinton – the Democrat Presidential contender.

Then trailing Presidential candidate from Illinois in 2008 – then Senator Barack Obama – Upon election / appointment to the office of Presidency of the United States –

“I will not deter in exercising – All options on the table including nuclear weapons mimicking the blood relatives and predecessors Bush – Cheney slogan” which by the way were used against Syria with United States administration under Barack Obama Presidency authorizing nuclear component Uranium, Plutonium laden air strikes by the U.S. and ally Israel in 2011 – 2016.

The administration also engaged in funding terror outfits with coalition supply chemical weapons that were used in Syria.

Barack Obama Presidency pursued Bush – Cheney war doctrine and escalated to a new level in creating terror outfits IS, ISIS, Al Nusra Front and Al-Qaeda permeation in Iraq, Libya and Northern Africa.

The successor Republican President Donald Trump also flexed nuclear might in the saber ratting in 2017 against North Korea and Russia.

It is important to recognize the abuse of power from all sides rather than masquerading the serious indelible crimes of one such as the practice with Barack Obama Presidency and Joe Biden administration now while highlighting the other side routine political stance.

The left as the Democrat party have barely remained democratic and eclipse the right in fascination to wars from Vietnam to prolonging the right political faction initiated battle in Afghanistan, Iraq and Middle East quagmire extended into 2009 – 2016 reemerged in Gaza and Ukraine in 2022 – 2023.

Wars are mandatory for every administration regardless of left or right political representation though the confluence of both left and right on wars is a mutual pact with the military industrial complex and special interests’ investment in their political candidacy and party.

The one more willing and enthusiastic in protracted and conflated warfare are monetarily rewarded and guaranteed two or more terms in office with the latter as defacto prevalent now in Barack Obama – Biden administration.

The Barack Obama Presidency was also immune to the manufacture of bio-engineered SARS (COV2) virus aka Corona virus in Wuhan virology institute, China evolving into deadly global pandemic.

The Corona virus deal making in December 2015 transpiring between the United States government headed and funded NIH, the NIAID Director Anthony Fauci and vaccine manufacturers Moderna and investors viz. Bill and Melinda Gates foundation investments collaboration in unleashing the deadly pathogen consuming millions of lives world over.

The world could no longer afford to remain in the dark accepting the dissemination on wars marred with manipulation and misinformation as the fact contrasting reality.

Call a spade a spade unlike granting them political impunity on their willful deliberate participation in the lead as the benefactor to the aggressors’ violations of lives and territorial integrity in Gaza.

Padmini Arhant


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