Progressive Policy for National Progress and Prosperity

February 9, 2010

By Padmini Arhant

The guidance is for all nations to review the status quo and not restricted to the United States.

People who are frustrated with ‘business as usual’ atmosphere – where necessary tax increases, reforms are voted against to the detriment of their loved ones’ health, economic and social well being, should speak their mind fearlessly to their representatives and make informed decisions on whether to retain or reject the official in office.

The country cannot afford to function on the idiosyncrasies exhibited by the ‘Nay’ Sayers for ideological purpose and win elections by pledging to strengthen the destructive element -the ‘filibuster,’ a weapon used by the anti-populist legislators.

Conservative and moderate democrats have their own style in blocking legislations and not surprisingly, it’s carried out at the industry lobbyists’ behest.

Only in the Democratic Party, there is diversity creating mayhem in legislations during their majority rule -– the conservatives, the moderates, the Dixie Democrats, the Reagan Democrats and then the progressives or the liberals who are constantly under attack from within and outside.

In fact, it’s the progressives or the liberals bound by the true democratic values constantly extend their support in passing legislations for the common good.

Even more reason to bring ‘progressives,’ into the democratic party to advance the national agenda.

People are interested in the Progressives’ platform and it’s as follows:

As a proud progressive, I define my principles and they are:

Prioritize the people and the national interest above everything viz. the corporation, unions, religious organizations…and any other external sources.

Speaking for myself, I’m fiscally conservative and socially Progressive.

I envision the progressive nature as follows:

Fiscal conservatism – Emphasis on valuable investments with lifetime returns as listed below:

*Economy that produces and sustains job growth,

*National Treasury geared towards National Surplus – By Presenting Balanced Federal
and State Budgets with prudent investments.

The focal point being the elimination of ‘earmarks’ spending, extravagant military expenditure,
exorbitant tax cuts for wealthy corporations and individuals, while expanding the revenue

*Education – both young and old for a ‘bright’ future.

Allocate adequate funding for K-12 and beyond. A policy already implemented by
President Barack Obama.

Continuous Investment in Math and Science, Technology, Research and
Development and Engineering Studies.

Space Exploration for human knowledge and planetary interface in communication

Equal promotion of Arts, Music, Cultural Appreciation, Sports and Language skills.

Imperative to inculcate civic duty and educate students on local, state, national
and international politics to be an informed electorate and an eligible candidate
for the public office.

*Health Care – Universal Health Care that provides for all citizens.

Healthy people means Wealthy nation.

*Energy – Clean energy – Going natural all the way with wind, solar, and thermal
sources to power American homes and free mother earth from pollution generated by
fossil fuel through carbon emissions – oil and coal.

Nuclear technology is not only an environmental hazard due to the ambivalent
nuclear waste disposal, but also a contentious political nightmare – witnessed in the
Iranian nuclear program and,

Likewise in the Indian nuclear deal prompting Pakistan to increase its potential in the
Indian sub-continent.

Besides, civil nuclear proliferation hinder the ultimate goal – nuclear disarmament
from the planet.

*Environment – Be mindful of the fact that conservation, preservation of natural
resources ensures clean and safe habitat, a necessity for the survival and
sustenance of all living species.

With respect to democracy, freedom, peace and social justice:

The controversial presenters in the media and the political circle often distort socially liberal values by associating it with the ‘psychedelic’ era and denigrate the progressives as “Eugenics” or the liberals as “loony liberals” and down to ‘expletive “R” a connotation to the mental functionality.’

Socially Progressive policy is the one that regards every individual as a human being and nothing else matter like race, religion, sexual orientation, economic status etc.,…

Progressive policy embraces peace over pre-emptive wars.

Also, the policy underscores freedom for all human beings.

Progressive policy is committed towards liberty and an independent state for those who are oppressed by the neo-imperialists, theocrats and dynasty.

Progressives are not necessarily weak in national security, for they are a force to reckon with when the nation is in imminent danger.

Security threats and warfare against the nation will be dealt with appropriately,

However, such situations would be drastically mitigated through the resilient “Peace and Diplomacy,” process by divestments from prolonged wars to the civilian economic and social development in the regions vulnerable to terrorism.

Social Progressives believe in freedom for all – people, corporations, religious institutions and the government.

People – All are created equal.

Hence, everyone deserves equal rights in all matter. Unlike the Gay community and women harassed by the conservatives and religious groups and.

Notwithstanding, racial bias and discriminatory practices against the indigenous groups, African Americans, Hispanics, Islamic followers, the people of color and last but not the least, the en masse poor targeted in the justice system across the nation.

Corporations – Endorsement of a “Free market system” allowing the Corporations to focus exclusively and act responsibly in promoting the national economic growth.

Further, expect corporations to respect and follow the government regulations as a precautionary measure to protect the consumer and the shareholders interest. Abide by the taxation laws and lead in the environmental front.

Reward corporations for national job growth and international expansion upon reciprocation from the recipient economies. It cannot be a one-way street with a dead end as seen in the contemporary globalization.

Since corporations resist government interference in the management,

Synonymously, the Corporations should be barred from running the government by investing in politics.

In fact, the latter is common in the domestic and international governance.

Corporations have become increasingly dominant in influencing governments in the national and international affairs, thereby undermining democracy to the point of irrelevance.

Religious Institutions – Freedom to practice religion in private and public as well as hold discussions but not solicitations in public square.

Religion should preoccupy in spreading peace and harmony as opposed to confusion and acrimony.

Although, the religious centers work towards humanitarian causes in alleviating poverty, illiteracy and social issues, oddly some groups are engaged in inciting hatred and hegemony.

Church and State should not collide with one another.

Instead, lend support to each other in the humanitarian crisis during natural disasters and human orchestrated violence.

At other times, the religious institutions should adhere to the specific institutional role – advocate religious tolerance and refrain from defamation.

Religious organizations can also play an important role in cultivating better human understanding and cultural relationships in the society.

The Judicial Branch – The Supreme Court is honorable with its abstinence from political activism. Displaying empathy alongside observing constitutional rule of law would be highly beneficial to humanity and fulfill the fairness act when delivering justice.

Government – The elected officials must honor the constitutional oath to serve the public and strive for national welfare at all times.

Individuals running for public office should be evaluated on their actions and commitment to the people against personal or special interest.

Campaign finance reform is the only hope to eliminate special interest dominance in a democracy.

Public representatives should be elected on public finance entirely to legitimize transparency and accountability in the democratic system.

Public funded elections could be simplified and made economically affordable. In addition, the electoral process would force the candidates to focus on policies affecting the people and the nation rather than politics indulging in personal attacks.

Government Function involves national defense and safeguarding public interest.

Adjacent to providing an array of public services, the Government role includes facilitating, monitoring and maintenance of law and order and fair trade practices in the economy.

Passing legislations to address public related issues is the government’s fundamental responsibility.

National economic progress and prosperity is measured by the national GDP and the per capita income.

That being the case, the Corporations’ greed motivated strategies and speculative trading aka gambling have effectively demolished the middle class and driven the working class, the farmers…to poverty.

It’s poignant in the recent debacles across the economic spectrum with the finance, health care and energy sectors’ operating on the motto –

All for us (the shareholders and the CEOs) and none for you (the employees and the workers).

Evidently, the dire consequences prompted Government intervention to stabilize the economy and the social structure. More importantly, it beckons to establish economic equality and social justice.

Much to the false propaganda on the “government take over,” of the economy, the lack of government action would have been apocalyptic for the nation and the global economy.

Despite the status quo, the conservatives, ironically the legislators on the government payroll decry the “government” and demand that government stay out of public and private enterprise.

Perhaps making the job easier for them to deal with nothing but political scandals.

Simultaneously, the same dissenters overwhelmingly approve the government invasion of privacy in matter concerning –

Women’s reproductive rights –

Gay rights – Prohibiting the repeal of “Don’t ask Don’t tell,’ policy in the military.

FISA – Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act granting the government unprecedented rights to spy on American citizens’ personal communication regardless of its implications on civil liberties – the foundation of American democracy.

For those raising objection to the government existence, yet being the proponents of obtuse government intrusion – the bizarre stance leads to the characterization that;

If FISA is the delicious confectionary for them, then in the wake of the 2009 Christmas day bomb attempt, the bare body scanning of the citizens could be the icing on the cake.

To summarize the societal role, each institution in their respective identity has a clearly demarcated activity and democracy thrives when the organizations remain confined to their boundaries.

You can carve your own destiny by accepting the solution providers and rejecting the problem creators in Congress – the democracy epicenter.

Your affordable donations to the Democratic Party in getting the “Progressives” elected is the only viable path to move the nation forward. Please urge the Democratic Party to invest your donations on the best, the brightest and the populist candidate.

Public Financing begins now with your contributions in any amount to:

Hon. President Barack Obama
Democratic National Committee (DNC)
430 South Capitol Street, SE
Washington, DC 20003

Hon. Speaker Nancy Pelosi
Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee (DCCC)
P.O.Box 96039
Washington, DC 20077 – 7243

Hon. President Bill Clinton
Democratic Senate Congressional Committee (DSCC)
P.O.Box 96047
Washington, DC 20077-7245

Congress has far too many on both sides to represent the Wall Street and very few to speak for the Main Street – the reason for the lobbyists to frequent the Capitol Hill Chambers and the Hallways.

Interception via Progressives is the remedy to the anomaly.

Unequivocally, Progressives policy is the beacon to a bright future.

Global Peace and Security guarantee Progress and Prosperity, attainable at the helm of humanitarian goals.

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant

Passing Legislations in Congress – A Miracle or a Menace?

February 7, 2010

By Padmini Arhant

Democratic system around the world share many characteristics in essence. They are positive and negative in variable proportions. However, the constant problem in a democracy is arriving at a consensus on legislative matter between the rival political parties in power.

Both the Parliamentary and the Presidential form of governments are uniquely creative in their disagreement with the respective opponents. For instance, frequently in Taiwan and recently in India, the argument transform into a spectacle with heavy fistfights and wrestling among the legislators causing a commotion in the session.

United Kingdom Parliamentarians mock in chorus and Australia follows suit to identify with their ascendants.

In the United States, the opponents’ presentation is dramatic in a ‘show and tell,’ setting with a hyperbole characterization of the policy. Somehow, the critics fail to find any beneficial element in the bill. The fault is detected not so much in policy as noted during the health care legislation.

Opposition debate deviated from the content to the weight of the bill, in itself turning into a filibuster.

The irony of it is the lawmakers become the lawbreakers by letting their passion override reasoning.

Shifting focus on the various reforms pending legislations, the prevalent partisanship is no revelation.

However, the double standards among the conservatives on both sides is intriguing as observed in the House bill – HR 1207 introduced by Republican representative Ron Paul to audit the Federal Reserve.

The House Financial Services Committee approved Rep. Ron Paul’s measure by 43-26, calling the government to audit the Federal Reserve.

Legislation received the Republican minority’s overwhelming response as well as the democrats’ cooperation in this issue. In this context, the Republican members accepted the government intervention as necessary and appropriate.

Contrarily, the Finance Reform bill favoring the stand-alone consumer financial protection agency initiated by President Obama is slighted by the Republican minority as the government “take over.”

Evidently, the republican members’ conduct thus far – reveals their opposition to the party and not the policy.

With respect to health care reform, President Barack Obama reached out to the republican minority and the conservative democrats by requesting them to set their differences aside with the democrat majority.

The President even offered to incorporate the “TORT” reform touted all along as the republican idea to contain health care costs.

TORT reform is useful in trimming the health care costs and should be part of the legislation.

Yet, the only agreement reached between both parties is to bury the bill, since compromise is considered concession by the opposition party with no other viable solutions.

Similarly, with the deficit reduction the republican senate defeated the President’s effort to set up a bipartisan committee comprising the legislators and the fiscal experts to devise methods in national debt management.

Their non-conciliatory response has now forced the President to move ahead with the independent commission to address the issue.

Conveniently, the President is criticized for not attempting to deal with the national debt by the “fiscal conservatives,” playing partisanship in the legislative role.

It’s clear that there is no true intention among these members to serve the national interest; otherwise, they would be sensitive to the public plight and vote for the necessary reform in finance, health care and environment.

The only way to circumvent this gridlock is to adopt the legitimate avenues accessed by the opposition when they were the majority. There appears to be no other option available with the self-interest and the special interest reining in on national progress.

Unfortunately, the unity among the Republican members and the division in the democratic side threatening to vote against the health care and financial reform bills is detrimental to national cause, with a guaranteed backlash against the default members in the November elections.

It’s important for the national voice to convey the message to these legislators evading their constitutional oath to serve the people electing them to the public office. The electorate message has to be loud and clear with a deadline to pass legislations.

In the absence of public outcry, the “Change we can believe in,” could never be brought upon in the State or the national level.

President and the House majority leader could exhaust the power and resources at their disposal to convince the resisting members in Congress. Nevertheless, the ultimate power lies with the people to urge their representatives to act on their behalf by voting for the health care, finance reform and the climate bill.

People should understand that the legislators in Washington and the State Capitol have job descriptions and the primary responsibility is to represent the people electing them to the office and not the self or the campaign financiers.

The fundamental responsibility for the lawmakers is to cast their vote to help improve the citizens’ lives, which is currently not preferable because the ‘nay’ Sayers are comfortable with the job security and know they will be re-elected by swift boating their opponent.

Such possibility is made even easier with the Supreme Court conservative justices’ decision that has granted license to Corporations, Unions etc… to assist ‘trouble makers’ in Congress represent their interests rather than the voters’ welfare.

Therefore, it’s entirely dependent on the people to fix the broken system in Washington and the State Capitol. They need to impose the ‘performance based’ criteria in Washington, verify each legislator’s record to confirm whom they really represent and vote accordingly during elections.

An ‘average’ citizen is fired for lack of productivity and Wall Street has no patience towards the workers’ genuine circumstances when axing jobs.

That being the case,

Why should the people in a democracy with the ultimate power in their hands be extremely tolerant to the combined forces’ (Washington and Wall Street) consistent practices that neglects the people over profit?

These basic questions needs to be urgently addressed by the people. Remember each one of us possess the leadership quality to lead the family, workers and colleagues at work place, community, state and the nation.

What is required is initiative and that has to come from within. If every individual poses the questions’ raised above and take action not only for personal salvation but for others as well, then the issues like corruption, cronyism, and injustice…could be eradicated from the political and social system.

Then democracy would be protected from these deadly carcinogens.

Something to think about and take action to release oneself from the economic and social shackles.

With the nation captivated by the “Super Bowl XLIV” event,

I take leave for now and,

Wish Good Luck to both teams – Colts and Saints.

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant

American Democracy at Work

February 5, 2010

Dear Fellow Americans,

The health care legislation is being stalled in Congress by the legislators on the special interests’ payroll.

Despite being well informed on the horrendous economic liability accumulated to our national debt from the abominable health care costs and that an estimated 45,000 Americans are dying every year due to lack of health insurance, these legislators simply don’t care about these facts because they feel secure about their job.

Is American Democracy so weak that you will take a “NO” for everything that concerns your interest from the party of “NO” aka GOP, The Grand Obstructionist Party and the special interest loyalist on the democratic side?

C’mon America, show your power. Call your local representatives in the House and the Senate and demand that you want the health care legislation now.

Remember, the crying baby is the one that gets the mother’s attention.

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant

State of the Union Address by President Barack Obama

January 29, 2010

By Padmini Arhant

President Barack Obama presented the first State of the Union address to the joint session of the United States Congress.

Appropriately, the core message was about the economy and the various proposals to revive the nation from the prolonged economic recession that began in 2002.

Attention to the small businesses, students and the average American families who represent the significant consumer base is timely and the commitments are economically viable.

The tax cuts to Corporations preserving American jobs is a necessary strategy to deal with the double digit unemployment risen to the current rate by 2.6 percent, since inheriting the 7.6 percent rate in January 2009 when the former President George W. Bush and Vice President Dick Cheney left office.

In fact, the $787 billion funding towards President Obama initiated American Investment and Recovery Act helped to contain the economic crisis and the unemployment to a marginal increase against the financial sector avalanche.

There was a large emphasis on education to improve Math and Science skills among K-12 students.

In addition, the President laid out the programs to ease the burden on the students attending Community College through tax incentives, affordable loan payments, increasing Pell Grants and even enticing them to join public service in exchange for the loan adjustment. Of course, the families were included with a $10,000 tax relief for their children’s college education.

As highlighted by the President, sound education is the stepping-stone to progress and prosperity in a society and the effective means to reduce poverty. Also, it would decrease the prison population that is straining the state budgets like in California.

In social issues – the President pledged to repeal the ‘don’t ask don’t tell,’ discriminatory policy in the United States military against the gay service personnel who are equally dedicated in their patriotic duty. A remarkable recognition and long overdue.

On the discretionary budget-spending freeze scheduled to begin in 2011, it’s relieving to note that the safety net for the retirees and senior citizens available through social security, Medicare and Medicaid for the low-income families would not be affected.

However, it’s essential to apply tighter control on the defense spending that is disproportionately increasing against health care, educational and environmental cause regardless of party representation in the White House.

The President urged both parties in Congress to rein in wasteful spending in the form of earmarks or pork barrel – It’s necessary to be discerning in the expenditures given the accumulated national debt.

Job creation through public projects such as high-speed railways and infra structure maintenance is coherent with the former President JFK’s achievement in connecting America from coast to coast.

It’s a worthwhile investment and pervasive in dealing with the energy and environment issues.

The President is right on target in this respect due to multiple benefits on these projects viz.

First, it would decrease unemployment and boost the economy simultaneously.

Second, it enables energy conservation with mass transit possibly becoming the desirable public transportation, besides having a positive environmental impact.

Third, from the health standpoint – the automobile accidents being the leading cause of premature deaths and often leaving the victims with horrific physical injuries in the industrialized countries, the proposed system is a preventive measure in that regard.

Moreover, the stress factor that is common among the motorists could be eliminated as well.

Last but not the least; the local economies would enormously gain from an efficient public transport system attracting tourists within and outside the country.

It’s gratifying to note the President’s affirmation on the health care reform – Echoing the President’s message – Health care legislation cannot wait indefinitely for it’s proved to be a burgeoning crisis contributing to national deficit due to horrendous costs not to mention the loss of lives.

The President also detailed on the financial reform that ought to be implemented to save the domestic and the global financial markets from major catastrophes in the future. It’s crucial for the legislation to be loopholes free to deter the industry from circumventing the rules and regulations.

With respect to the on-going wars in Afghanistan and Pakistan, the capturing and killing of terrorists might be a partial success for the military operation. Nevertheless, terrorism emanating from despair and desolation cannot be eradicated with military might and sophisticated drone attacks.

In the absence of a functional government facilitating basic necessities like clean water, agricultural and industrial growth, education, health care and social equalities that guarantees freedom to live life with dignity, the regions will continue to be the breeding ground for terror.

The President fulfilling the campaign promise on troops withdrawal from Iraq by this summer deserves praise and credit. Again, the veterans returning home after a traumatic combat situation have to be suitably provided for their settlement in the civilian environment. These patriots and their families cannot be abandoned after their sacrifices for the nation.

Warning the rebels in Iran and North Korea on nuclear programs is warranted. But, the successive failures in the multilateral talks in 2009 and 2010 among the 6 powers including Russia on Iran’s nuclear program suggests the inherent mistrust and power struggle conspicuous in the United Nations Security Council.

Reiterating the earlier suggestion, the solution to resolve the international crisis on different fronts is to expand the U.N. Security Council from 5 to 11, with the inclusion of new and conciliatory members like Japan, Brazil, India, South Africa, UAE and the present defacto member, Germany.

In other international crisis, even though the Israeli Palestinian conflict was not part of the address, the President responded to a town hall participant’s question on this issue.

Despite Israel being the United States strongest ally and the political predicaments prevalent more in Israel than Palestine, Israel’s settlement expansion along with brutal occupation and humiliation through check posts in Palestine must be condemned unequivocally to reflect fairness and United States commitment to an independent two state solution in the region.

To summarize the first State of the Union address by President Barack Obama, the content was relevant with the economy being the primary focus and the well-articulated objectives strengthened the urgency to act on the issues confronting the nation.

The presentation was immaculate for it had the measured composure and at the same time the passionate delivery revealed empathy, resilience and resolve to energize the party members and the democratic base especially after being let down in the preceding political upheavals.

Now, the responsibilities lie with the Congress members of both political parties to lay their ideological differences aside and coalesce to pass the legislations designed to alleviate the average Americans’ suffering, for which the representatives were elected.

The people on their part, i.e. the students, working families, senior citizens, businesses and alike have a unique opportunity to renew democracy by calling the local representatives in the House and the Senate to pass the pending legislations on financial reform, health care and climate bill.

Democracy is efficient with the main street activism to promote the desired ‘Change,’ in Washington and Wall Street.

When we could succeed in 2008, we will do so in 2010, if you make it possible.

Please extend your support to our President Barack Obama and those Congress members who are devoted to your interest and not the special interests.

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant

Happy New Year! Arrival of 2010

January 3, 2010

By Padmini Arhant

The world bid farewell to the first decade of the new millennium and greeted the beginning of the yet another decade with hope and optimism. Events in the years 2000 – 2009 have been remarkably pulsating with the Y2K hype, Presidential elections, political scandals, New Wave terrorism, simultaneous wars, space shuttle disaster, natural catastrophes, environmental onslaught, economic recession, corporate failures, pandemics, genocides, religious sacrilege, and the demise of the famous and the infamous personalities overwhelming the population in intensity and casting the news media on a spin.

On the bright side, the innovative technology introduced novel electronic devices, gadgets and gizmos and continues to revolutionize modern existence in all frontiers evidenced in medicine, space programs, travel, sports, and entertainment not barring the election process such as the 2008 Presidential race.

Human character is tested every moment in life. The extreme adversity survival is an affirmation of the victims’ tenacity to weather the storm at any level. Tragedies of greater magnitude often unify people and unfortunately it’s never long lasting. Soon after, society defaults to individualism, the factor that contributes to problems facing humanity.

Contemporary issues are largely pre-empted by the concept of “me, myself and I,” involving power struggle, wealth amassment and spotlight.

From politics, economics to any form of entertainment, the aggressive domination serving the self interest rather than the common good is pursued as the only path to triumph in the targeted goals. Ironically, such behavior ultimately affects all including the original source, both morally and otherwise. Some change the course of action and evolve from it whereas others dissolve in it for a kamikaze end.

“Some things never changes,” is ominous throughout the crisis. Following the September 11, 2001 artfully orchestrated terrorism, the several testimonies to Congress concluded that the intelligence and the national security flunked in defending the country from the monstrous attack.

Eight years later the repeat scenario with the young bomber on Christmas day fortunately averted but again attributed to the same administrative branch’s dismissal of the warnings from the terror suspect’s father, the next of kin. Instead of following the lead and aborting the incident prior to any serious development, the bizarre explanation reportedly alluding to the suspect’s father not being a close relative defies common sense.

Pertaining to the terror revival, the travelling experience for particular people is guaranteed to be harrowing due to the ethnic groups branding largely stemming from ignorance causing further polarization.

The terror organization Al-Qaida is unduly regarded as the formidable opponent in the “war on terror,” when the reality being the gaping hole in the domestic front like the transportation department (TSA) deprived of the qualified personnel to lead the important division because of the partisan politics is an open invitation to all imaginable external harm out there.

Hence, the priority must be to thwart the internal threats, a hindrance to the functional government. It guides to the supermajority issue in the Senate that must be eliminated and made filibuster proof for democracy to prevail. Politics focused on self promotion uses the filibuster as a weapon, no less than the tactics availed in the terror plots by the assailants.

Only the public outrage and condemnation along with stripping the power that is misused will terminate the undemocratic means among the legislators entrusted to be the lawmakers. Further, the imposition of term limits is equally necessary in the meaningful political reform to enable successful legislations on national and global matter.

Today, politics is nothing but a popularity contest. It makes one wonder why nations bother holding the grueling elections that emits the worst out of candidates who pledge to safeguard the state sovereignty while grossly violate the ethics and sometimes even the constitution they are elected to defend. It holds no bar against the demeanor witnessed during the elections all over.

Since, politics seeks glamour and glitz with the media interested in style than substance, it might be simpler for the electorate to choose the most popular entity on-line and be disenchanted by the contenders. It would also save the political aspirants from the heartaches and blistering attacks funded by the special interests operating to reap huge dividends in the short and long term regardless of the outcome.

Then accordingly, the A-political celluloid celebrities will trump the political contestants for Hollywood is far-reaching with genuine dedication towards humanitarian progress monetarily and in policy advocacy, with the exception of the Californians’ leadership choice to represent the golden state.

With respect to the corporate structure, the recent revelations conform to the fact that the corporations rule the national and the international domain on all issues predominantly favoring them in their selective globalization and protectionism to suit the private agenda. There will be more in the forthcoming articles in this context.

When scanning the role of religion in politics, apparently, the constitutional separation of church and state is slighted with the religious groups heavily influencing the legislative process related to women’s health and the gay members in the society. The political fervor visibly displayed in the sermons posing a conflict of interest with the captive audience. At the same time, the activism among these groups is non-existent in deterring the government against war and human rights abuse.

Considering the global challenges, the religious institutions could be instrumental in alleviating the human plight, the appropriate call of duty that interprets service to humanity as the service to the revered entity.

For instance, the treasure held at the Vatican City, the holy shrine for the most venerable and compassionate Lord Jesus could adequately address the poverty, hunger and disease in the catholic and non-catholic regions of the world.

Lord Jesus personifies simplicity and sacrifice to mankind’s benefit and the wealth in possession of the “pious,” is an obstacle in the path to salvation and decries the ordained spiritual purpose.

The wealth disbursement for basic necessities viz. clean water, growing food crops, education, and disease prevention would provide enormous humanitarian relief to catholic nations like The Philippines, Mexico, Haiti, and other countries in Latin America, Africa and the Eastern Europe.

With Judaism, more rabbis need to join the scholars and peace activists in urging Israel to cease the settlement activity in West Bank and East Jerusalem. This would expedite the two state solutions for permanent peace between Israel and Palestine.

Likewise, the religion of Islam has come under merciless attack and falsely used as an alibi by the
terrorists to support their violent motives against innocent human beings. Islam has been wrongfully accused of preaching violence by some ill-informed political and religious representatives and certain media to stir controversy and infuse confusion in the mainstream thoughts.

It’s important for the religious order and the people of Islamic faith to overtly oppose the terrorists’ actions and the propaganda against Islam emanating from all sides. Silence is an improper response to slander.

Similarly, Hinduism is misunderstood for creating caste distinctions based on socio-economic status. On the contrary, Hindu religion invariably emphasizes on “all living beings created equal,” with the divine incarnates or “Avatars” on earth having represented the ostracized to dispel the human manufactured discriminatory conduct.

The multi-limbed goddesses have aroused curiosity for their appearance when in fact it’s symbolic of the feminine qualities in multi-tasking and places the female gender as the most productive and significant part of the creations.

Goddess Durga is worshipped as the mother of the Universe and the procreator sharing equal status and power with her consort God Shiva. Goddess Durga also known as Shakti meaning vibrant energy is omnipotent and a merciful savior of the weak and the oppressed.

However, the deity’s ferocious version of “Kali” is a force to reckon with and exclusively meant to deal with injustice, intolerance, treachery, chaos, carnage and destruction by the mortals.

Despite the aura of the Goddess Durga, women are still subject to atrocities reflected in the incidents of female infanticides, dowry homicides and denigration of various kinds in the Indian society.

Although, crimes of this nature are punishable by law, it’s essential to eradicate the concept that women are inferior in any shape or form. It reveals the hypocrisy with the female deities worshipped for fame and fortune but women in certain segments of the society do not receive the respect and dignity they deserve. Women’s organizations within India are fairly active and doing good work with room for improvement in promoting women’s rights.

In the neighboring Afghanistan and Pakistan, women fall in the subservient category and the abuse of women in these regions are legitimized through Sharia law and the Karzai administration legalizing the non-consensual consummation in a marriage against Afghan women. Women in other Islamic nations like Indonesia share the experience of being treated as second class citizens in some urban and most rural parts of the country.

Elsewhere, in Africa, Middle East and Latin America the women are burdened with the religious orthodox traditions and ancient rituals leaving the women shackled in medieval times.

Irrespective of the economic status, the female infanticide continues even in the metropolitan China and the abandonment of female children ending in the orphanage is not uncommon. The disparities in wages and other anomalies against women persist.

Industrialized nations are no better. The repressive conditions for women in Japan are well known and perhaps masqueraded with the western outlook.

As for the western nations, women encounter domestic violence and the corporate culture showcase women in a condescending manner to push the commercial merchandise and during deal negotiations. The news reports on physical assault against service women by the private contractors and discrimination of pregnant officer in the war zones is regressive for an advanced nation.

In the United States, the Equal Rights Amendment (ERA) defeat recently in the legislation based on the myopic view that it would grant women equal participation in the combat role ignores other aspects on women’s rights.

Further setbacks on women’s rights extended in the Supreme Court Decision and the Senate Bill on equal pay for equal work killed by the Senate Republicans via 56-42 votes on April 23, 2008 on the grounds that the legislation would trigger lawsuits from the affected parties i.e. the women in this case.

Source: National Organization for Women – Thank you.

”The Supreme Court decision in the case of Ledbetter v. Goodyear Tire & Rubber Co. In a 5-4 decision, the Court ruled that a Title VII complaint must be filed within 180 days of the specific action that sets discriminatory pay, regardless of its ongoing and continuing discriminatory impact on the employee.”

Decisions of this kind are a huge embarrassment for nations setting high moral standards and the legislative outcome confirms that principles are held in theory but not delivered in practice.

To summarize, Religions have become the tool for secular incarcerations by the minority fundamentalists undermining the majority human rights.

The religious intervention in politics is best when encouraging the government to embrace peace over military aggressions and illegal occupations of foreign lands, human rights and environmental protection are some of the issues that would bode well for the religious centers.

It should refrain from negative activities through ballot measures and public forum inciting hatred and unwarranted fear against gay community, Undocumented workers and responsible pro-choice women.

On women’s rights, the global community has reached many milestones with women as the heads of the government and leading in most professions. Nevertheless, there are far too many bridges to cross in establishing the equality ratio demographically.

Women’s organizations and human rights watch groups are striving hard to help humanity achieve progress multilaterally and regrettably the government cooperation is either lacking or insufficient to attain the desirable results.

It’s vital for every citizen to be aware and generate awareness on legislative affairs for the decisions made in the Capitol Hill profoundly impact the daily life.

The excess human greed led to the disastrous decade and those behind the travesty refuse to heed to the warning that,

Mortals brought nothing upon arrival. Therefore, they take nothing back on their departure. One might assume to be powerful but the human capability is limited like everything else on this planet.

No one is invincible and never will be. None have a permanent contract to exist on earth and all actions immaterial of stature, will be evaluated and judged accordingly. That being the status, the humanity flourishes through fairness, equality and freedom for all.

Democracy is alive when the government is of the people, by the people and for the people.

New Year resolutions for 2010 – Healthy lifestyle, fiscal responsibility and positive engagement e.g. being resourceful, peaceful, compassionate and eco-friendly.

Peace within you helps spreading peace around you.

An apple a day might keep the doctor away, in addition lots of smiles and laughter is strongly recommended.

Happy New Year to the citizens in the United States and around the world.

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant

The Senate Health Care Bill – Defrauding Democracy

December 16, 2009

By Padmini Arhant

The Senate is moving forward to wrap up the ‘historic legislation’ as a Christmas gift to their campaign financiers, the insurance industry. Although, the sound bites deceptively imply the magnanimous favor to the American public, the hostage in the ‘so-called’ health care reform, the reality is examine worthy.

The fact of the matter is the bill cannot be any more hostile to the American people as the taxpayers, the consumers and the electorate in a democracy. It targets the employers i.e. the small businesses, medium and large corporations, the dwindling middle-class and the struggling working class forced to buy private insurance with penalty imposition on the employers and individuals along with the Medicare expansion denial to senior citizens between the age group 55-64.

There is a bizarre component suggesting that it’s not compulsory for the large corporations to cover their employees. Nevertheless, the government assistance sought by the insurance companies to levy charges against the potential offenders. Similarly eligible workers provided with federal subsidies to buy private coverage. Ironically, the government intervention at this level is appreciated by the industry and their Senate representatives but prevented from selling the government run insurance program.

Should the women be spared in this category? Apparently not and concessions seemingly made to appease the Nebraska Democrat Senator Ben Nelson seeking maximum restrictions on abortion coverage in the renewed insurance market the legislation intend to set up. In addition, the Senator’s care for the industry extended to exempt them from the anti-trust laws.

The White House cheered the version and responded accordingly.

“Congressional allies were “on the precipice” of a historic accomplishment.

It is deficit-neutral. It bends the cost curve. It covers 30 million Americans who don’t have health insurance, and it has extraordinary insurance reforms in there to make sure that we’re preventing abuse.”

Let’s dissect the bill in the appropriate context.

Deficit neutral – The earlier Procedural Vote Bill appeared to be neutral. However, the current version with numerous industry-biased amendments is awaiting the congressional budget office confirmation on the cost neutrality.

Bends the cost curve – Yet to realize and once again falls back on the CBO determination.

Covers 30 million Americans – Reports from reliable sources affirm 10 millions. Despite owing the benefit of the doubt to the claim, the arbitrary 30 million are mandatorily required to purchase the private insurance in the absence of government run insurance program – the public option.

It’s beyond reasonable doubt that the offer would be initially made available at a teaser rate mimicking the notorious sub-prime mortgage pattern from the Wall Street counterpart, the financial institutions and then later on, the consumers hit with an extraordinary hike as captives in the system, a kind of defibrillator treatment to reset the industry into the exorbitant profit mode.

Insurance reforms preventing abuse – Alas, there is bipartisanship in this respect to include those with ‘pre-existing’ conditions otherwise excluded in the existing protocol. Even then the agreement reached after assurance that the benefactors, none other than the insurance companies absolutely gain from the inevitable customized premiums for the substrata with the anti-trust law exemption tied to the legislation.

Simply the bill is a mockery of the victims’ plight and clearly demonstrated in the kingmakers’ unabashed flattery of the insurance giants for their guarantee to promote the individual lawmakers aka lawbreakers’ political career. Never mind the bitter truth about 45,000 people dying due to the unaffordable and inadequate health care predominantly from the lack of universal system such as single payer adapted by most developed nations around the world.

With respect to funding the bill, it’s extracted from the projected Medicare spending cuts to a tune of $460 billion to health care providers, which translates into forcing patients to accept subsidized service. Alternatively, the seniors end up paying more for better if not quality care. Other derivatives are the Cadillac plan tax revenues including the payroll tax on individuals exceeding the $250,000 threshold.

Essentially, the carefully contrived bill primarily focuses on the insurance industry’s financial interest while ensuring the legislators’ political security at the expense of the vast majority. Thus clarifying the solemn union between Washington and Wall Street as inseparable soul mates.

Whereas for the main street the deal qualifies as the ‘historic scam’ rather than the ‘historic reform.’ Unfortunately, in the contemporary politics priorities are based on the personal justification failing to serve the greater good for all. Aiming to pass a dysfunctional legislation to fulfill a formality is an explicit assault on the intelligence of the millions of Americans who shared their heart wrenching experiences since the debate onset.

The truly meaningful health care reform is the single payer system that not only simplifies the process but also replaces the more than two thousand-page dossier admittedly ignored by the opposition with the remaining members merely glancing at the relevant information in the bill.

Besides, the single payer program comprehensively satisfies the needs in every aspect through the cost effective yet efficient superior care for all Americans irrespective of the socio economic barriers.

Therefore, it’s incumbent on Congress to heed to public plea and honor the democratic will in the health care legislation by transforming the house bill to a single payer format through reconciliation process as a warning that democracy can no longer be undermined by the cohort representing the Wall Street and Washington.

U.S. democracy is increasingly revealed vulnerable to undemocratic elements dominating the political, economic and social domain. It’s a ‘nuclear’ status for the modern democracy.

Hence, Congress must move forward to limit the Senate vote requirement to 51 from the prevailing 60 to eliminate the filibuster currently misused as a threat by the opportunist legislators defaulting on their constitutional duty towards their constituents and the nation.

Evidently, the Senate bill is a cosmetic presentation with the substance designed to exacerbate the American people trials and tribulations, meanwhile contributing to the insurance industry’s further prosperity aided by the narcissistic culture in Washington.

American people should rise and protest against the biggest charade in the form of Senate legislation authored by the insurance industry and demand Congress to approve the single payer system by jamming the communication channels via telephones, text message, emails, social networking sites, blogs etc., Remember, democracy is alive when you remain alert and active in the legislative process.

The powerful is powerless without the political capital accessible only through populace vote.

In conclusion, the American citizens should peacefully dissent the carte blanche to Wall Street and Washington and release America from the reform resistant political sycophants.

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant

Senate Vote on Health Care Bill

November 20, 2009

By Padmini Arhant

The Senate health care bill is currently under scrutiny requiring 60 procedural votes to qualify for the Senate voting process. At present, the democrats have 58 votes in favor with two independents unclear and the remaining Republican votes unanimously opposed to the bill. I’ve confidence in the (I) U.S. Senator from Vermont, Bernie Sanders with his support to alleviate the suffering of millions in Vermont and across the nation.

While the Democrats laying out the facts and figures, the Republican lawmakers are meticulously scanning for flaws in their defense to block the anxiously awaited health care legislation.

Senate version of the health care bill proposes $848 billion allowing coverage for 31 million uninsured Americans with a CBO (Congressional Budget Office) assessment confirming an impressive $130 billion cost savings otherwise a massive federal deficit reduction over a decade.

In terms of public benefits, the contentious ‘public option’ substantially compromised with a state opt out plan to appease the opponents against the American interest. Women’s right related to the yet another controversial health topic viz. abortion devised differently from the House Bill. Again, a strategy adopted to lure the conservative vote within the majority.

The tax increases predominantly aimed at expensive health care policies titled as the ‘Cadillac Insurance Plan,’ with a tax imposition on minimal policies increasing the threshold to $8,500 for individuals and $23,000for family coverage. Likewise, $60 billion tax revenue generated mostly from a marginal hike in Medicare payroll tax by 0.50 percent on individual income exceeding $200,000 and $250,000 on combined household earnings respectively.

Although, there are reasons for grievances among different groups in the society, Senator Harry Reid’s challenge is understandable given the preparation in the battleground ahead of the voting session. Seeking perfection in the long anticipated health care reform would prolong the matter providing ammunition for the special interests and their paid representatives to terminate the desperately needed national health care.

I sincerely hope along with the millions of victims from the status quo that the legislators on both sides would rise to the occasion in the tough economic times by honoring the constitutional oath to protect, serve and prioritize the citizens’ plight over other demands. The only way to demonstrate that would be to cast their vote for the health care bill overwhelmingly accepted as the gateway to economic recovery.

Not only the nation’s eyes are set on the Senate’s important event but also the entire world will be watching the elected officials’ true commitment or the lack thereof to the electorate granting them power in a democracy.

I remain optimistic on the outcome and convey my best wishes to Senate Majority leader Harry Reid and other Senators for their valuable contribution towards the historic legislation.

Good Luck! to the members of the United States Senate in the health care bill approval.

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant

Veterans Day

November 11, 2009

By Padmini Arhant

On this important day, we take a moment to remember the men and women in harm’s way and their courageous service at home and overseas. This particular time is remorseful with the recent tragedy at Fort Hood, Texas involving the loss of innocent lives and subsequent grief among the victims’ families.

Not all human beings can pledge their life to serve the nation in a combat environment and those who come forward to do so are uniquely honorable. Every one of these individuals deserves national appreciation for their tremendous contribution towards security, freedom and humanitarian deeds.

It’s important to maintain the federal run VA health care and rehabilitation programs for all service members and their families. Further, the government assistance to the veterans’ families with housing, education and other social services are equally essential to help them cope with the economic hardships while their family members are engaged in active duty or otherwise. It’s the least any nation can do for the armed personnel deployed in various parts of the world.

Since the contemporary wars are conducted for reasons beyond national defense, the military spending on modern weaponry has taken precedence over providing safety equipments viz. the body armor for the soldiers in the frontline as evidenced in the Iraq war. When a mournful mother in England expresses her shock and pain from the tragic loss of her young son possibly saved with the timely dispatch of a helicopter, no apologies can resurrect the departed soldiers’ life valiantly surrendered to protect the country he loved.

Sadly, in the materialistic world life is easily dispensable. The professions once considered noble are commercialized whether it is national service through politics, military, medicine, or even spirituality. The present is dictated in monetary terms and,

Profit is regarded as the Prophet.

Nevertheless, the world is still intact as there are great many humanitarians and unsung activists in every corner tirelessly dedicated to improve the life on earth.

On this day when the parents, young widows, widowers and orphaned children experiencing sorrow and pride in loving memory of their dear ones,

The nation salutes the brave heroes for their significant sacrifices towards others welfare.

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant

National Unemployment – A Reality Check

November 10, 2009

By Padmini Arhant

According to the latest reports, the current jobless rate is 10.2% with 16 million Americans competing for 3 million jobs. Apparently, this figure does not include the underemployed. The Corporate related unemployment is further expected to rise up to 10.8% by the end of next year. Another grim factor is the joblessness among the self-employed and the small business retrenchments reportedly escalate the figure to an alarming 17.5% resembling the severe depression era.

Growing unemployment is a major impediment as consumer spending is directly linked to the job market posing a downside for the entire economy. Despite, the economic growth at 3.5% along with the 9.5% annual productivity for the recent quarter, the American workforce is yet to benefit from the surge in these areas.

The most affected sectors appear to be construction, manufacturing and retail. Although, the recent stimulus signed by President Obama extends unemployment benefits for 14 weeks and 20 weeks to the worst hit states combined with the tax credits for the first time and other home buyers, the problems confronting the industries required to generate jobs is attention worthy.

Construction industry is obviously dependent upon the housing sector and the housing market revival methods are due for review with respect to foreclosures and lending practices by the finance sector.

In fact, the credit crunch is predominantly responsible for the sluggishness in the respective areas of the economy. Unless and until the bailed out finance industry honor the commitments made to the American public during the substantial bail outs, the industries tied to credit market particularly the housing, manufacturing and retail cannot emerge from the recession.

If the various bailouts approved thus far have the built-in transparency and accountability factor then the oversight committee ought to investigate the recipients on the investments of those taxpayer funds legislated for providing jobs and stimulating the economy. Regardless, the trillions of dollars accumulated to the national deficit from the banking sector and automobile industry bailouts deserve scrutiny in terms of actual allocation that is not conspicuous given the depressing jobless data.

On the other hand, the government must provide a legitimate reason for not moving forward with the committed investments held in the $787 billion stimulus package including the remainder from the Bush administration passed TARP funds. When the controversial economic stimulus took place at different times, the purpose was to revitalize the economy with the desperately needed job growth besides enabling the relevant productivity levels and overall economic performance.

Any delay in energizing the job market would adversely affect the broader economic prospects for all industries with the consumer base lagging in the necessary spending, the fulcrum of the economic cartwheel.

Manufacturing industry has been harshly hit with the corporate executive failure in the automobile industry precipitated by the finance sector’s liquidity freeze that triggered the economic meltdown in the shadow of the hedge funds and sub-prime debacle. It is imperative to jumpstart the manufacturing sector macro economically to achieve the targeted employment goals.

Evidently, the prevailing policies and the applied mechanisms are either inadequate or ineffective. Perhaps, the additional or aggressive measures could bolster the weak sectors in promoting the anticipated job growth, the real indicator of the economic pulse. Nevertheless, the consolidated interjection of the monetary reserves and management resources from the private and the public sector is paramount to resuscitate the ailing job market.

A disturbing aspect of the impressive 9.5% productivity report is the executive attitude towards the workforce. In spite of the workers’ significant contribution, i.e. limited labor force tripling the mass production, the management has categorically denied wage increases, additional hiring or other compensations in the form of bonuses etc. claiming that it would be detrimental to the organization ‘s profit oriented schemes.

It is elaborated as corporations aimed at increased earnings in the backdrop of weak dollar, declining exports, business decision to operate on lower inventories and other economic woes. As reasonable as they might be, somehow the conditions seem to apply only towards the labor force explicitly stated by the industry spokesperson that the workers should remain content with the fact that they have a job in the gloomy economy.

Meanwhile, the CEO’s salary package maneuvered from the Congress chided bonuses to lucrative shares and stock options with immediate encashment irrespective of the corporate results; the disingenuous modesty is adequately serving the highest in the hierarchy. Never mind the exploitation of the workforce, the human capital in this context.

In terms of the businesses with cash reserves operating on small inventories, the strategy is counterproductive, not to mention the catastrophic impact on the wholesale, small businesses and the retail industry. The wholesalers relying on the medium and large corporations’ inventory purchases forced to carry out massive layoffs potentially having a ripple effect on the economy with a possible inflation.

The swift passage of the ‘Cap and Trade’ bill boosting the green technology sector would be a phenomenal job growth subsequently alleviating the burden on the national deficit.

In light of the available facts, it would be appropriate to attribute the unemployment status to the myriad of activities or the lack thereof by both private and the public entities. It could be highlighted as the culmination of stringent corporate policies, limited private and public investments, reining credit flow, uncontained foreclosures and lack luster home sales in the housing market…causing the precarious unemployment situation.

Therefore, the government and the free market thorough evaluation of the status quo are essential to invigorate the frail job market.

A jobless economic recovery ultimately leads to a negative economic trend in the absence of robust stimulants explained above. Jobs represent the nerve of the economy with serious economic and political ramifications.

Contrary to the rhetoric echoed in the chambers of Congress and the media, the health care reform is equally important in the equation because it bankrupts the small businesses and individuals alike. Both groups are constantly struggling to make ends meet with the atrocious health care costs prohibiting investments in other necessities.

Economy and health care matter are intertwined and partisan politics has no place at the critical moment debilitating many American lives.

It is incumbent on the United States Senate to rise to the occasion and overwhelmingly approve the health care bill with the federal run health care program titled as the ‘public option’ in recognition of the American plight.

The simultaneous actions by Washington and free market are vital in curbing the rising unemployment statistics. Job assurance to every American translates into job security for the legislators and the executives. Since jobs create taxpayers and consumers,

Washington and Wall Street cannot thrive without progress in the main street.

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant

Health Care Legislation

October 21, 2009

By Padmini Arhant

The Congress is engaged in the Medicare payments to doctors as part of the broader aspect of the health care legislation. Despite the opposition’s insinuations against the government run successful Medicare program, it’s imperative for the lawmakers to sustain the viability of the Medicare and the Medicaid by honoring the providers’ legitimate request for payments increase that would substantially reduce the health care costs currently incurred by the taxpayers through payments to private insurers.

As stated earlier, the conservative and the moderate Democrats’ unwillingness to support the public option is contributing to the stalemate in the health care legislation. Even though, the recent Washington Post/ABC Poll confirmed that an impressive 57 percent of the American population is overwhelmingly in favor of the ‘public option’ plan, some Democratic legislators’ reluctance to join the majority on this issue is disappointing and deserve a valid explanation for their position that is detrimental to the national interest.

It’s important for the Democrats opposing the public option to realize that, any skepticism on the viable proposal is a rejection of the long established Medicare with a proven record of reducing the health care costs while simultaneously providing coverage for a significant population, a core objective of the historic health care legislation. The ambiguity on the part of these legislators is justified if the status quo not draining the economy besides hurting the national future which is dependent upon the children, the youth and the baby boomers with inadequate coverage or none at all.

Whatever may be the reasons for the Democrats resting on the fence, the health matter is a test of the human character to expend the entrusted power for the public welfare against the political gains. The prolonged health care legislation is a strong indication to the American electorate to recognize and distinguish between the legislators’ actions or the lack thereof that should essentially prioritize the people over the special interest represented politics.

Accordingly, the 2010 mid-term election will determine the voter satisfaction or frustration in this regard. Those lawmakers in favor of the federal public option display commitment to serve the people electing them to power in a democracy.

The insurance industry has offered the yet another ‘less competitive’ alternative to the federal public option i.e. the state run program and that too only for those unable to afford the ‘insurance industry declared affordable’ payments. Not surprisingly, those in opposition to the ‘average’ American well-being embraced the idea as a brilliant reform when the states’ contemporary performance has been a dismal failure with California being the torchbearer in the dysfunctional event.

The citizens’ request for a public option is not a favor to them from the elected representatives in a democracy. On the contrary, it’s a constitutional duty of every elected official to work towards the national goals and safeguard the interests of every American representing the stars and stripes.

Again, democracy is subject to scrutiny during the legislative matters such as health care and the elected officials pledging to defend the public interest are expected to rise to the occasion by demonstrating their true service to the constituents and others nationwide.

In California, Senator Barbara Boxer believed to be on board with the democratic counterparts on the health care legislation enacting the federal run public option. However, Senator Dianne Feinstein is reportedly wavering on the ‘public option’ component of the bill. The long serving Senators from California are due for re-election in 2010 and the public opinion rely upon the voting records of their elected representatives to the House and the Senate.

Senator Boxer is presently leading the ‘climate change’ bill and the California Senator’s unequivocal approval of the public option enhances the legislative achievements for the feisty representative.

Since the concerned health care advocates do not have the absolute assurance from Senator Dianne Feinstein on the ‘public option’ component of the bill, it’s a sincere hope that Senator Feinstein will not hesitate to be remembered as a key reformer in the historic health care legislation.

The national deficit is the contentious issue for the Republican legislators against any progress. Although, they may have the best intentions in their opposition to the government run public option, it’s rather intriguing to view the self-deprecating legislators from across the aisle in their criticism of the public institution employing them to deliver the service for the greater good of all.

Apparently, these lawmakers have no issues with the guaranteed income, health care benefits and opportunities to compromise ethics for economics with the special interests in Washington. Ironically, the ‘so-called’ fiscal conservatives are also in the frontline pushing for the economically and strategically disastrous troops increase in Afghanistan. All carried out for the sake of ‘political’ opposition.

Indeed, politics is complex and the simple solutions are often ignored in the embattled power struggle.

Health care legislation is a serious matter imploring due diligence, rationale and fortitude for the desired outcome to benefit the present and the future generation. It’s possible only with the federal run public option with an inevitable costs trimming and coverage expansion, the essence of the health care reform.

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant

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