Redistribution of Wealth

October 31, 2008

The latest assault weapon for Senator John McCain and Gov. Sarah Palin against their opponent Senator Barack Obama is the "Socialist/Marxist/Robin Hood" tag on him.

Such rhetoric and false propaganda is to create doubts in the minds of entrepreneurs against Senator Obama.

The distortion of Senator Obama’s policy leading businesses to believe that,

"In Taxing 1% of the population in the 40% tax bracket while shifting the tax burden to the top 10% with 70% of tax exacerbates the entities from active participation in the economic growth."

The reason behind similar branding is the fair tax proposal presented by Senator Obama to alleviate the socioeconomic problems that has currently widened the canyon between rich and poor in our country.

Thus slowly but gradually eliminating the middle class in our society.

Senator Barack Obama’s tax policy is based on relieving all citizens including small and medium sized businesses earning less than or equal to gross income of $250,000 per annum from any tax hikes to offset expenditure.

This strategy creates financial liquidity among households and businesses alike that is desperately required to stimulate the ailing economy.

By exempting the average households from any tax increases, the consumer spending is generated that will benefit the Retail economy which in turn will permeate throughout the economic spectrum.

The strengthening of the Retail economy will boost the manufacturing, service industry… reaching all the way to top of the Corporate growth.

The Corporate growth means investment prospects for both private and public investors resulting in healthier and consistent stock market performance that has been highly volatile recently.

It is simple economics.

Supply and demand forces determine a free market system.

Unless, there is a demand for any particular goods or services the supply chain link cannot remain in force.

Simultaneously, the demand can be a catalyst in the process only through affordable consumer spending.

This is where the small and medium sized businesses come into play with the tax breaks from Senator Obama’s policy.

It is noteworthy that small and medium sized businesses deal with wholesale industries for raw materials and other items ultimately owned by major corporations in a market economy.

There are valid reasons to embrace the market economy worldwide.

A. Induces competition apart from enrichment of ideas

B. Competition enables choices in quality and price

C. Controls inflation or deflation

Therefore, the retail consumers benefit from the market economy that facilitates all small, medium and large players in competing with one another effectively for common good.

All of the above factors directly and indirectly influence the fiscal, monetary and economic policies in a Capital economy.

Briefly, the cash flow offered through tax relief by Senator Obama to a substantial group of taxpayers who are also the consumers trigger consumer spending and exponentially elevate the economic status among the various groups in the society.

It also eventually contributes to the wealth accumulation by the top ten percent in the society whose welfare alone is a major concern for McCain/Palin candidacy.

Ironically, the McCain/Palin candidacy in their zeal to own Capitalism as their trademark, fail to recognize the importance of fundamental growth in the lower and middle income groups vital for the survival of small businesses and retail industries, the structural components of a successful Capital economy.

Senator McCain’s tax policy to freeze tax increases across the board by asserting that the Bush administration’s permanent tax cuts to wealthy individuals and Corporations would somehow miraculously revive the economy is a fantasy beyond reason.

It is worth remembering for McCain/Palin campaign that the current Bush administration, as their supporter will depart shortly leaving the nation with multi-trillion dollar debt, on-going wars in Iraq and Afghanistan requiring constant capital injection, declining dollar and hosts of economic commitments willfully neglected in the past eight years.

The undecided/swing voters in every battleground state must realize that there are no precise solutions from McCain/Palin candidacy to resolve the humongous challenges confronting our nation in the absence of any meaningful tax policy.

Senator McCain’s policy to create new jobs as economic solutions again fails to meet the criteria of capital requirement in the present economy with severe financial liquidity crisis.

In fact, the recent economic strategy to bankroll the corrupt and failed financial institutions with the taxpayers funds, along with the economic stimulus package by the Bush administration fits the profile of the political stigma – "Socialism/Marxism" except,

Here, the beneficiaries are the financial institutions and their wealthiest CEO’s rather than the taxpayers, i.e. the average citizens.

Since, the same political party represents the Bush administration and McCain/Palin candidacy, it would be more appropriate to assign the factoid to the respective contenders.

Fact Check: In a progressive tax structure, Senator Obama’s policy to exempt the vast majority of taxpayers/consumers from tax increase would,

1. Promote economic status as highlighted above…

2. Ultimately, create a fair system of sharing the economic burden by all rather than only by the affluent ones.

Such farsighted and permanent solutions to persisting economic problems is in direct contradiction to the myth and misnomer cast by McCain/Palin doctrine against Senator Barack Obama to win the election.

Socialism, Marxism may well be the nemesis to Capitalism,

Capitalism cannot thrive without consumerism – That is the fact.

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant

Voting Right

October 29, 2008

The election is around the corner.

Our nation’s electoral process is nearing conclusion.

Both party candidates are working very hard along with thousands of campaign workers to set a better example of a credible election in the world’s first and modern democracy.

Of course, the debates, discussions and campaign speeches will continue until the eve of the election.

What is important for the electorate to understand is their role in this historic and democratic process?

The candidates have done their part in delivering their speeches and presenting the policies for various challenges confronting our nation.

It is now entirely in the hands of the electorate to make the right choice.

We all know the consequences of making wrong decisions based on personal background, rhetoric and election gimmicks that often come into play at the last minute of the event.

Unfortunately, the rhetoric from Senator McCain and Gov. Sarah Palin’s campaign against Senator Barack Obama is fundamentally immoral and resonating the usual tactics of the political game… Do or say anything to win election .

Anyone residing in this nation in the past eight years should know where that kind of politics has brought us both in the national and international scene —

The nation dragged on its knees with the economic disaster, relentless and reckless wars, education, health care, energy and environmental crises and last but not the least the decline in morality with the cavalier approach to every problem and situation.

It is time for the electorate to rise to the occasion and save the country every one of us love.

Moreover, invite the best opportunities that are lost in the past eight years of failed policies by casting your vote for Senator Barack Obama and Senator Joe Biden’s candidacy.

As stated earlier on numerous occasions, Senator Barack Obama’s candidacy is historic in many aspects.

Most importantly, it has the right antidote for the ailing economy, health care, education, energy, foreign policy and environmental crises.

Gov. Sarah Palin’s environmental record is no secret.

Anyone in need of enlightenment in this respect please read the article Save the Planet on under environment and ethics category.

Further, Gov. Palin’s position in denying the women’s right to choose in Roe vs. Wade is yet another matter of concern in a democratic society.

Senator John McCain on his part is all over the place on all issues.

The reason being;

The Senator has focused more on vilification of his opponent Senator Barack Obama with unethical personal attacks and unsavory remarks rather than specifying the solutions for the nation’s problems.

Senator John McCain, who won the Republican Primary election as a maverick lost his persona in the general election.

The era of winning elections on personal attacks and rhetoric is outdated unlike 2000 and 2004 proclamations.

In this election 2008, a new trend has been set and the electorate, media and news organizations must insist that candidates and all other participants maintain the decorum.

Nothing else matters other than the sanctity of democratic values in this election or in the future.

All that the voters care about and deserve is the clear strategy and solutions for the problems created by the legislators mostly representatives of the Corporations.

The voters in all battleground states – Nevada, Colorado, Pennsylvania, Ohio, Virginia, Florida and Missouri must make a clear choice:

If they want to see their children and the future generation relieved from the burden of multi- trillion dollar debts and the planet they could live safely and peacefully.

That choice cannot be anything other than the Obama/Biden candidacy.

Please stop guessing and swaying on the baseless and false allegations about Senator Barack Obama from the McCain/Palin campaign.

It should be obvious to any discerning voter that any candidacy that evades the real issues and invest the entire resources in character assassination of a candidate like Senator Barack Obama will be a disaster for the citizens and the country.

The time is now to claim the mantle of peace, progress and prosperity for all from those responsible for chaos, catastrophe and crises.

It is achievable only through Obama/Biden candidacy.

Your vote will count and matter only with the Obama/Biden candidacy.

Please do it for yourself, your children and all the other loved ones by voting early for the candidacy of Senator Barack Obama and Senator Joe Biden.

Finally, please standby for clarification on distortion of facts such as,

Redistribution of Wealth and other personal issues raised by McCain/Palin campaign against Senator Barack Obama.

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant

Save the Planet

October 19, 2008

It is not merely a slogan. A grim reality dismissed as a myth by extreme political factions.

What is a slogan?

Drill baby Drill, Drill now, Drill here ” … until there is nothing left and the entire species vanish in a black hole .

Such political psychodrama far outweighs the speculation of similar outcome from The Large Hadron Collider as the "Big Bang " experiment, conducted to unravel the mysteries of the origin of the universe across the border between France and Switzerland.

The nation, as the pioneer in virtually most frontiers of humanitarian needs is advancing towards the dangerous zone with policies like “offshore” oil and gas drilling… rejecting the real consequences to the environment.

Political rhetoric to satisfy the humanity’s insatiable appetite for energy demands is sweeping across the nation without any rationale or logic.

In the process, the moderate thinkers in the political aisle are forfeiting their commitments to the environmental cause and denying the call from the reasoning faculties within.

The electoral process is a mechanism to promote irrational ideologies to justify victory by any means.

Even, if such radical platform is detrimental to the existence and survival of self and other species on the planet.

It makes one wonder! What is the driving force behind the extremism preventing the political power from exercising judgment for the benefit of all inhabitants on the planet?

The simple response is — the Special interests or the “lobbyists” , the active and most successful operatives in every election.

Their argument as purveyors of the elections from Congressional to “Presidential ” is, electoral process is an investment vehicle to promote Corporate agenda based on profiteering at all expense.

In essence, Corporations determined to maximize personal gains against all odds run the government, supposedly “democratic ”.

The real authority behind the entire management of elections especially in the United States is the Conglomerate operating across the Atlantic, and thus far highly successful in the nomination of their choice of “Presidential candidate ” to advance the personal agenda and devious modus operandi worldwide.

That is why, the recent fear mongering tactics… against a candidate in opposition to such policies, is stigmatized a Socialist and cast as a threat to “Capitalism”.

It is common knowledge that the free market or “Capitalism” is always healthier for the enrichment of ideas and competitiveness to benefit consumer based economies provided,

The monetary gains and welfare are widespread among the investors and consumers alike including the work force/ human Capital, the most important resource for “Capitalism” to succeed.

Therefore, a threshold is necessary to define the role of “Capitalism” in a democracy.

Both extremes — the extensive Corporate role in the legislation and government intervention in the micromanagement of free market system undermine the success of democratic market economies.

In the environmental front, there are serious challenges confronting the global community.

The solutions to the problems created by none other than human force for various economic reasons are within the realm of people power.

Every individual can make a difference in resolving the current environmental crises. The first and foremost strategy is to reflect on the cause and effect factor.

Simple actions like recycling, supply and purchase of environmental friendly products and services, cutting back on carbon emissions and recreating lifestyle would greatly contribute to the cause.

The lifestyle by an average household with modified energy consumption could help the humanity in general.

The recent article shed light on the impact of global warming on other living species.

Government declares beluga whale endangered

By DAN JOLING Associated Press Writer – Thank you.

Article Launched: 10/17/2008 07:38:33 AM PDT

Qannik, a 6-year-old beluga whale, swims in a tank at his new home at…

ANCHORAGE, Alaska—First, there were the polar bears. Now, beluga whales. Washington and Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin just don’t see eye to eye on wildlife protection.

The beluga whales of Alaska’s Cook Inlet are endangered and require additional protection to survive, the government declared Friday, contradicting Gov. Sarah Palin who has questioned whether the distinctive white whales are actually declining.

It was the Republican vice presidential candidate’s second environmental slap from Washington this year.

She has asked federal courts to overturn an Interior Department decision declaring polar bears threatened under the Endangered Species Act.

The government on Friday put a portion of the whales on the endangered list, rejecting Palin’s argument that it lacked scientific evidence to do so.

The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration said that a decade-long recovery program had failed to ensure the whales’ survival.

"In spite of protections already in place, Cook Inlet beluga whales are not recovering," said James Balsiger, NOAA acting assistant administrator.

The decision means that before federal agencies can issue a variety of commercial permits, they must first consult with the National Marine Fisheries Service to determine if there are potential harmful effects on the whales.

That has the potential to affect major Alaska projects including an expansion of the Port of Anchorage, additional offshore oil and gas drilling, a proposed $600 million bridge connecting Anchorage to Palin’s hometown of Wasilla and a massive coal mine 45 miles south of Anchorage.

The state does have serious concerns about the low population of beluga whales in Cook Inlet and has had those concerns for many years, Palin said in a statement.

"However, we believe that this endangered listing is premature," she said.

Palin in April successfully lobbied for a six-month delay in a listing decision until a count of the whales this summer could be included in deliberations.

That count showed no increase over 2007 numbers—375 whales, compared with a high of 653 in 1995.

Federal regulators and conservation groups said further delay would be harmful.

NOAA said Friday the Cook Inlet population declined by 50 percent between 1994 and 1998 and "is still not recovering" despite restrictions on the number of whales that Alaska’s native population can kill for subsistence.

It said recovery has been hindered by development and a range of economic and industrial activities including those related to oil and gas exploration.

The National Marine Fisheries Service "will identify habitat essential for the conservation of the Cook Inlet belugas in a separate rule-making within a year," the agency said.

The federal decision pleased environmentalists.

"We can finally focus now not on whether the belugas are endangered, but what we can do to protect them," said Brendan Cummings, an attorney for the Center for Biological Diversity, one of the groups that petitioned for the listing.

Cook Inlet stretches 180 miles from the Gulf of Alaska to Anchorage.

It is named for Capt. James Cook, the British explorer who sailed into the inlet in 1778 on a quest to find the Northwest Passage.

Beluga whales feed on salmon and smaller fish.

They can also eat crab, shrimp, squid and clams. During summers, the whales, which reach a length of up to 15 feet, often can be spotted from the highways leading away from Anchorage, gathered at river mouths, chasing salmon that have schooled before a run to spawning grounds.

Beluga whales’ natural enemies are killer whales, but something else has been keeping their numbers down in Alaska’s Cook Inlet.

Craig Matkin, an independent biologist who has worked in south central Alaska for 25 years, said the delay in the listing had held up a comprehensive research plan to find out why the population had not recovered after subsistence hunting was curtailed.

The concern is not just in numbers, he said, but in distribution. Whales in recent years have been staying in northern Cook Inlet near Anchorage.

"They’re just gone from these areas," he said of his own home near in Homer, near the tip of the Kenai Peninsula and about 100 miles from Anchorage.

"Why they aren’t coming down into this habitat is a question I’d like to answer."

Future development won’t be helpful to the recovery, Cummings said, starting with the noise and pollution associated with industrialization of the inlet, which includes oil rigs off the Kenai Peninsula.

Global warming, changing ocean conditions and higher temperatures in salmon streams may be another factor, Cummings said.

The Port of Anchorage, helped by congressional earmarks secured by Sen. Ted Stevens and Rep. Don Young, has embarked on a $500 million project to double the port’s size and replace its aging docks.

Environmental groups also have expressed concern about a planned coal mine 45 miles from Anchorage across Cook Inlet, where developers propose to mine 300 million metric tons of sub-bituminous coal, roughly equal to the energy of a billion barrels of oil, over 25 years.

That would mean noise and boat traffic associated with building and operating a mine, a potential effect on salmon streams and more warming.

The Cook Inlet beluga whales are one of five populations in Alaska waters and the only one endangered.

Other beluga populations off Alaska inhabit Bristol Bay, the eastern Bering Sea, the eastern Chukchi Sea and the Beaufort Sea.


Reality CheckGov. Sarah Palin — Welcome to the National Political Arena!

Your performance on SNL last night may well be the cause for celebration as an “anti-environmentalist.

Even though, your judgment or the lack thereof, in the environmental matter is analogous to the rhetoric on your campaign trail invoking fear and Anti-American euphemism against your opponent, the Democratic Presidential Candidate, Senator Barack Obama.

As one among many advocates for the voiceless and defenseless species, I am obligated to pose the following questions to you:

1. What exactly is the issue you don’t understand about the environmental crises?

2. As a self proclaimed maverick , how do you propose to sustain the ecological balance, crucial for your present survival… against the cavalier offshore oil and gas exploration and other projects?

3. Please, explain to the American electorate your bizarre stance in the pivotal issues —

A. Your personal claim, highlighting the foreign policy experience equivalent to the panoramic view of the residence of Russian Prime Minister, Mr. Vladimir Putin from the convenience of your porch while,

B. You choose to remain oblivious to SOS calls from the native species of your home state Alaska.

Perhaps, this could be a revelation for you —

Global warming is real due to reckless policies and irresponsible human behavior.

Save the Planet , for Life matter .

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant

Ethical View

October 5, 2008

This is one of my favorite topics.

The major challenge in the contemporary society is the diminishing “ethical standards” or the lack thereof. Unfortunately, ethics is not the priority in any environment. The subprime mortgage failure and credit crunch contributing to the recent global financial crisis is fundamentally due to lack of “ethics” at every level of transaction.

The “Corporate world” motto is “profiteering” at the expense of “ordinary citizens” struggling to meet ends, in the “Capitalist” economy. That being the norm the importance of ethics is hardly an issue for the “Corporations” focused on “stock value” and “shareholder’s interest” rather than the “employees or the work force” who are also the retail customers of their products and services.

The latest “rescue” plan of the financial institutions by the government is a result of the lack of any oversight in lending practices carried out for more than a decade. Again, when the Corporations run the government through constant flow of funds at every level of election campaign i.e. from congressional through “Presidential” what hope does the average citizen have in restoring fair employment, trade and environmental practices in the highly competitive global economy.

Even the judicial system, is infiltrated by the “Special Interests” and “Lobbyists” directly or indirectly as they essentially pick the “President” during the general election. Ironically, both parties have some legislators with strange “bedfellows” and therefore compromising “ethics” which otherwise could serve well for their respective constituents.

It is a known fact that ethics is “oxymoron” to “Politics”, business and the entire franchise. This is particularly evident during “War and Election”. I can personally relate to the political aspect of it as a “volunteer blogger” for the Presidential Candidate, Senator Barack Obama especially during the “Democratic Primary election”. It all started with me pledging my support for his campaign with a token $25 accompanied by a simple message. Then the instructions/requests followed similarly:


These are some original transcripts from the Senator Barack Obama’s Campaign:

“Who’s out there”

Michelle Obama <>

Add Friday, January 18, 2008 9:06:02 AM

To:Padmini Arhant


In 24 hours, folks here in Nevada will head into their caucuses for their turn in this process.
But right now, all across the country, thousands of Americans are taking their seat at the table and shaping the outcome of this election.

Donors like you are making a promise to match the gift of someone who has not given this year — or ever before. By doubling the impact of another supporter’s gift, you can help us reach our goal of 125,000 donors for the year by tomorrow.

Make your matching donation now, and encourage someone to own a piece of this campaign:

When you make a matching donation, you’ll get to meet the person whose impact you doubled. You’ll be matched with a real person, and you’ll be able to exchange notes as part of the process.

The stories of real people I’ve met across the country keep me inspired and energized throughout this process. I had a great day yesterday, traveling across the state with Senator John Kerry and talking to folks in community centers and church basements about the issues that are important to them.
It’s those personal stories that motivate Barack and all of us to work as hard as we can to bring about change. We got into this race to bring people back into the process, to help reconnect politics with people’s real lives, and it’s inspiring to feel that happening.

Here are some of the stories people shared when they had their donations doubled by supporters like you:

“Wow, thank you for matching my donation. It was a big impetus to my getting out my debit card — knowing I was giving “double” thanks to you. … I am a 22 year teaching veteran in New Mexico who is looking to get involved locally.”
— Kimberly in New Mexico

“In 1961, I was selected to the first group of Peace Corps Volunteers, and I served four years in Latin America. I was inspired by President Kennedy in 1960 to serve my country, and I believe Senator Obama represents the vision and ability to inspire our country which most parallels what President Kennedy did for me and many others of my generation.”
— Gerald in California

“Hello Holly, Thank you for matching my contribution. This is the first time that I have ever contributed to a political campaign, and November will mark the first time I have voted for a president. Based on the way the country has been run for the last eight years, I now see the extreme importance of participating in the political process.”
— Kehinde in New York

They’re writing to people like you.

Right now you could inspire someone to give for the first time in 2008 and help us reach 125,000 donors for the year by tomorrow. Make your matching donation now:

Our future is in our own hands, so we need to do some dreaming.

Together we can send a message to our children about who they are, who they can become, and who we want to be as a nation. And that message will be heard around the world.

The stakes couldn’t be higher — for our party, for our country, and for the hopes and dreams of all our families.

We are ready for a better, stronger day. Please act now.


I was initially quite puzzled by this message as I didn’t know what to make out of the manner I was approached to get involved in the campaign. In my view, there are etiquettes with respect to delegating tasks to people especially if they are being asked to “volunteer” for anything.

I responded with the following message.

Re: Who’s out there

Padmini Arhant

Add Friday, January 18, 2008 3:05:34 PM

Hi Michelle,

It is nice to hear from you!

I remember our goal and will do everything I can.

I am sure there are millions of people waiting to be part of this historic movement.

Best Regards


I had no response to the above message even though I had several email exchanges with the campaign at the top level.


“Spun out”

“David Plouffe,” <>

AddWednesday, March 12, 2008 1:53:36 PM

To:Padmini Arhant

Dear Padmini,

When we won Iowa, the Clinton campaign said it’s not the number of states you win, it’s “a contest for delegates.”

When we won a significant lead in delegates, they said it’s really about which states you win.

When we won South Carolina, they discounted the votes of African-Americans.

When we won predominantly white, rural states like Idaho, Utah, and Nebraska, they said those didn’t count because they won’t be competitive in the general election.

When we won in Washington State, Wisconsin, and Missouri — general election battlegrounds where polls show Barack is a stronger candidate against John McCain — the Clinton campaign attacked those voters as “latte-sipping” elitists.

And now that we’ve won more than twice as many states, the Clinton spin is that only certain states really count.

But the facts are clear.

For all their attempts to discount, distract, and distort, we have won more delegates, more states, and more votes.

Meanwhile, more than half of the votes that Senator Clinton has won so far have come from just five states. And in four of these five states, polls show that Barack would be a stronger general election candidate against McCain than Clinton.

We’re ready to take on John McCain. But we also need to build operations in places like Pennsylvania, Indiana, North Carolina, and Oregon that will hold their primaries in April and May.
Barack Obama needs your support to fight this two-front battle. Please make a donation of $25 right now:

With our overwhelming victory in the Mississippi primary yesterday, our lead in earned delegates is now wider than it was on March 3rd, before the contests in Ohio and Texas.

And thanks to your help, we have dramatically increased our support among so-called “superdelegates” — Governors, Members of Congress, and party officials who have a vote at the Democratic National Convention in August.

As the number of remaining delegates dwindles, Hillary Clinton’s path to the nomination seems less and less plausible.

Now that Mississippi is behind us, we move on to the next ten contests. The Clinton campaign would like to focus your attention only on Pennsylvania — a state in which they have already declared that they are “unbeatable.”

But Pennsylvania is only one of those 10 remaining contests, each important in terms of allocating delegates and ultimately deciding who our nominee will be.

We have activated our volunteer networks in each of these upcoming battlegrounds. We’re putting staff on the ground and building our organization everywhere.

The key to victory is not who wins the states that the Clinton campaign thinks are important. The key to victory is realizing that every vote and every voter matters.

Throughout this entire process, the Clinton campaign has cherry-picked states, diminished caucuses, and moved the goal posts to create a shifting, twisted rationale for why they should win the nomination despite winning fewer primaries, fewer states, fewer delegates, and fewer votes.

We must stand up to the same-old Washington politics. Barack has won twice as many states, large and small, in every region of the country — many by landslide margins. And this movement is expanding the base of the Democratic Party by attracting new voters in record numbers and bringing those who had lost hope back into the political process.

Push back against the spin and help build the operation to win more delegates in these upcoming contests:

Thank you for your support and for everything you’ve done to build a movement that is engaging voters and winning contests in every part of this country.


David Plouffe
Campaign Manager
Obama for America


The following email struck me the most as it clearly indicated the campaign intensity.

Dinner with Barack?

“David Plouffe,” <>

Add Tuesday, March 25, 2008 6:04:25 AM

To: Padmini Arhant

Padmini —

You’ve heard about all of these political fundraising dinners, hosted by Washington lobbyists and filled with representatives of special interests.

Contributions like these are at the root of what’s wrong with politics. And John McCain and Hillary Clinton have built campaigns fueled by them.

But our campaign is different.

In February alone, more than 94% of our donors gave in amounts of $200 or less. Meanwhile, campaign finance reports show that donations of $200 or less make up just 13% of Senator McCain’s total campaign funds, and only 26% of Senator Clinton’s.

Our funding comes from a movement of more than one million people giving whatever they can afford.
And in the next week, four supporters will be selected for a new kind of fundraising dinner.

Make a donation in any amount between now and 11:59 pm EDT on Monday, March 31st, and you could join Barack and three other supporters for an intimate dinner for five.

We’re reserving two of those seats for previous donors like you. Make your donation now:

This movement is changing the way campaigns are funded.

More than one million individual donors have demonstrated that this election is about more than a candidate — it’s about each of us having a personal stake in the future of American politics.
Meanwhile, Senator McCain has raised more than 70% of his total campaign funds from high-dollar donors giving $1,000 or more. Senator Clinton has raised 60% of her funds from $1,000-and-up donors. And both Senator McCain and Senator Clinton have accepted millions of dollars from Washington lobbyists and special interest PACs.

Refusing to accept donations from lobbyists and special interests has allowed this campaign to answer only to ordinary Americans like you. And this dinner will be an opportunity for you to sit down with Barack and your fellow supporters and talk about the issues that matter in your life and in your community.

Get the kind of treatment that John McCain and Hillary Clinton reserve for special interests — make a donation in the next week, and you could share your story and your ideas with Barack in person:

With every single donation, we’re building a movement to change American politics. Help the movement grow, and own a piece of this campaign today.

Thanks for your support,


David Plouffe
Campaign Manager
Obama for America


I obliged to the request and made the “legal” maximum donation to the campaign i.e. $2300.
I requested the venue details for the above event and surprisingly received the following error messages each time.

“This is an automatically generated Delivery Status Notification.

Delivery to the following recipients failed”.

Since, I was not successful in reaching the campaign for a response to my request on the venue details. I posted a blog on the campaign website.

Communication Error
By “Voice behind the movement” – Mar 29th, 2008 at 11:30 am EDT

Comments | Mail to a Friend | Report Objectionable Content
Attention: David Plouffe, Obama Campaign Manager

There appears to be a serious communication error as the incoming mail to you is diverted to non-designated recipient. Please verify details and ensure proper functioning of the incoming server at your end to avoid communication disruption and any misunderstandings.

Your immediate attention is required in this matter.

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant

Barack Obama Supporter

I had no luck with response on the dinner invitation but I received this message from the Campaign manager.


“Your voice can make the difference”

“David Plouffe,” <>

Add Saturday, April 5, 2008 8:39:20 AM

To:Padmini Arhant

Dear Padmini,

Right now, you can help build a base of support for Barack in Indiana and bring more voices into the political process.

To participate in Indiana’s primary, voters must be registered by this Monday, April 7th.
Tens of thousands of Obama supporters may not be registered yet, and we need to act quickly to reach out to as many of them as possible.

Each call you make could be another vote for Barack in an area where we need your help the most.
Use our online phonebanking tool, and start calling Indiana supporters now:

Registering voters is more than just an important part of our campaign strategy — it’s what our movement is all about.

From the beginning, Barack has set out to bring more people and more voices into the political process. And if we can reach more people in Indiana, we can make a lasting impact and win victories for the Democratic Party up and down the ballot in November.

All across the country, volunteers will be making calls into Indiana to tell potential supporters about the deadline and encourage them to register.

No previous experience is necessary. All you need is a hunger for change and a willingness to turn your enthusiasm into action.

Our team has put together a list of the most important calls you can make into Indiana right now:

Here’s how it works:
1. Log into and get a list of 20 names that only you will receive. (If you don’t have a My.BarackObama account, creating one is fast and easy.)
2. Click on a name, and you’ll be led through a simple script, question by question.
3. Start making calls.

Personal contact is the best way to grow this movement, and you can make these connections right from your own home.

It’s easy — start by making five calls, and I know you’ll want to make five more:

Thank you for making this happen,

David Plouffe
Campaign Manager
Obama for America
I obliged again and posted a highly inspirational message like the earlier ones for voter registration.
Finally, soon after I posted the “Indiana” voter registration message, I had a response from the Campaign manager, David Plouffe to my request on the venue details having paid $2300 for the dinner inivitation.

—– Original Message —-
From: David Plouffe <>
To: Padmini Arhant
Sent: Monday, April 7, 2008 4:06:35 PM
Subject: Meet Barack’s dinner guests

Padmini —

Thank you so much for your donation to Dinner with Barack.

The response to Barack’s invitation was so strong that we decided to increase the total number of guests to five.

Meet the lucky supporters who will be having dinner with Barack this week, and visit our blog to share a question you think they should ask:

Here are Barack’s dinner guests:

Ben Cherry is a retired school superintendent and commercial fisherman now living in Albuquerque, New Mexico. Ben served as a Peace Corps volunteer in Latin America and supported schools that served the native populations of Northern Alaska. He’d like to talk to Barack about how understanding other nations and cultures can inform our foreign policy.

Alisha Cordell is an information technology project coordinator in Raleigh, North Carolina. Alisha is a single mother and grandmother struggling to make ends meet and hoping her family can afford health insurance and college. She’d like to talk to Barack about investments in education and healthcare that will make things easier for her children and grandchildren.

Paul Deery is an elementary school art teacher in Easton, Pennsylvania. Paul’s never been involved in a political campaign before, but was inspired by Barack’s call for change. He and his wife have two children around the same age as Barack’s daughters, and Paul believes that Barack has a sincere commitment to facing the challenges of energy and education that will shape their future.

Raissa Dorff is a singer, actor, and waitress in New York City. Raissa is the youngest of twelve children raised just outside Philadelphia. She first became involved in politics as a volunteer for Senator John Kerry during the 2004 presidential race, and recently she’s been traveling back to her home town to volunteer and help build support for Barack. With seventeen nieces and nephews, Raissa is concerned about education and ending the war in Iraq.

Bonnie Locchetta is an office manager in Rushville, Indiana. Bonnie’s from a largely Republican small town and has not always supported Democrats. But she is inspired by Barack and has been actively organizing in her community with the help of her children. One of Bonnie’s biggest concerns is finding a way to make sure her kids can afford college.

Each of these folks has a different story, and each will come to the table with their own ideas to share with Barack and with one another.

Along with more than a million supporters like you, Ben, Alisha, Paul, Raissa, and Bonnie are united by their commitment to this movement for change.

Take a minute to learn more about these folks and share a question you’d like them to ask Barack:

Thank you for your support,

David Plouffe
Campaign Manager
Obama for America

I responded to the above email.

Re: Meet Barack’s dinner guests

Padmini Arhant

Add Tuesday, April 8, 2008 2:26:58 PM


Thank you for the update.

I am pleased to note that the individuals invited for dinner with Senator Obama this week represent the mainstream society that has been hurt severely from the current economic situation we are experiencing as a nation.

Their story might be unique but the problems are similar to most individuals’ struggling to meet ends in their daily life. They all appear to have genuine concerns and issues to present to Senator Obama and I’m sure he will address each one of them eloquently as he deals with any other issues raised by the media, press corps or during the “Presidential Debates”.

I do not have anything more to add than what they already have to ask Senator Obama. If there are any, I’m sure you will see them in my blog.

I appreciate you providing me the opportunity along with millions of other supporters equally committed and working hard to bring about the positive change that we all can’t wait to happen through Senator Obama’s candidacy.

Your thoughts and regular update is much appreciated.

Thank you once again.

Padmini Arhant

Subsequently, I had continual requests from the Campaign at the higher level of hierarchy.


“Put us over the top in Oregon”

“Buffy Wicks,” <>

Add Monday, May 12, 2008 4:18:40 PM

To:Padmini Arhant

Padmini –

I wanted to reach out to you before next week’s contest in Oregon.

Folks like you were the heart and soul of our movement in California. You brought Barack to a strong finish on February 5th — and helped build the momentum that’s resonating all across the country.

The nomination is finally in sight, but there’s still more to do to finish this race — and we can’t take anything for granted.

The Oregon primary is coming up on Tuesday, May 20th. We have an opportunity to put Barack over the top with the majority of pledged delegates — but we need supporters like you from nearby states to take the trip and make a difference one more time.

Oregon’s primary is conducted entirely by mail, and all eligible voters have already received their ballots. It’s essential that we reach as many supporters as possible, as quickly as possible, and encourage them to vote before next week’s deadline.

You’ve been there for Barack before — now let us know you can come to Oregon before the May 20th primary:

In contests across the country, home-state supporters have worked their hearts out for Barack — but they’ve relied on folks like you from nearby states to help them cross the finish line.

You can make an especially big difference in Oregon, because voters already have their ballots in hand. Every single person you’ll talk to can make their decision, vote for Barack, and mail in their ballots right away.

You’ve already shown your commitment to grassroots organizing, and you know that change only happens when everyday Americans come together to work for it.

This is our chance to close out the nomination for Barack — can we count on you to take the trip to Oregon in time for Primary Day?

Thank you again for all that you’ve done.

Buffy Wicks
California Field Director
Obama for America

P.S. — You can also make a difference for Barack right from your home.
Our team has put together a list of the potential supporters in Oregon we most need to reach. You can use our simple online tool to call and encourage them to support Barack and mail in their ballots before the May 20th primary deadline.

Get started right now:


I have had several email communication with the Campaign members, Senators and great many with the “Presidential candidate”, Senator Barack Obama. The above message struck a chord as it reflected the true emotions and sincere gratitude from Campaign staff workers like “Buffy Wicks” and many others toiling to have a candidate get through the most difficult part of the “Presidential Contest” i.e. “The Primary”election.

I was amazed to see the difference in the “attitudes” at various levels. Obviously, the “volunteers” and other campaign workers at the “bottom” tier with no assurance of any future in the “Obama Administration” worked tirelessly and displayed “Patriotism” in doing so.

The “foot soldiers” and “volunteers” are the real “heroes” as they selflessly and loyally work for the candidate with a conviction and determination to see the campaign prevail in the race.

These hard working concerned citizens are praiseworthy and deserve every attention by the media and news organization.

That is not the case. Often, heavyweight endorsements are given prominence even though they have been proven otherwise particularly in the current “Presidential race”.

The other matter related to “unethical standard” is the publishing of “unauthorized” residential details with an enlargement on the “Google map” by the “supposedly liberal” Ariana Huffington of “Huffington Post”.

Such irresponsible journalism with utter disregard for individual privacy and family security of the “subjects” is the kind that deserves condemnation. Ironically, the “On-line” publication is upheld for violation of other’s rights by all those considering themselves “democratic”.

Is it because it is not about them?

Should it matter only if it affects a certain individual or group of individuals in the society and not others?

Why isn’t Ariana Huffington’s home address not published on her own web site and highlighted on the Google map as a political campaign donor?

The hypocrisy and defiance by “Huffington Post” in publishing campaign donor’s residential details despite strong objection by any particular donor, proves the lack of credibility, ethics and respect for individual privacy in a democratic society.

The lesson to take home is…..

In memory of the “Great Heath Ledger”, who portrayed my favorite character “The Joker” in the
the blockbuster movie “The Dark Knight” as well as the creators of the mega production, “Christopher and Jonathan Nolan” for opening my eyes as a writer – Thank you.

“If you are good at something, never offer if for free”, especially in “Politics” with an exception to saving lives, wherever you are.

Please stand by for more interesting scoops on this topic from other factions.

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant

Middle East Conflict

September 26, 2008

Vadim said…

I feel the same way about Obama. You neglected to mention his shifting stance towards Israel (perhaps it’s not your issue). He used to meet with Edward Said and do activism in the Palestinian community here in Chicago. Now he says he’s been “pro-Israel” from the start.

FISA was the last straw for me. I’m going to vote third party unless he revokes his support for the bill:

I’m in Illinois so it likely won’t make a difference but I’m too disillusioned with Obama at this point to do otherwise.

August 14, 2008 1:44 PM

Hi Vadim,

Thank you for your comment.

“Palestinian” issue is a humanitarian issue.

I have raised my concerns recently in public regarding human rights violation and the challenges faced by “Palestinian” population for more than half a century now.

I see no difference between a Palestinian Mother and an Israeli Mother’s grief stricken images resulting from this ongoing conflict that could be resolved only if everyone involved could reach out to one another as human beings first and then anything next.

As a Mother, I can’t imagine the courage and emotional strength required for any mother to bury her own child or children before her time.

Giving birth to “life” is the most arduous and joyous journey for a mother. The aspiration to raise a child in a free and secure world and provide basic to affordable comforts is a common dream of any parents.

Only if the “sources” responsible for this conflict could realize that they have been gifted with “life” by a “mother” who is rewarded with a second chance to life during childbirth despite modern medicine and technology.

Every “life” is precious and should matter.

When I see a child in Palestine, Tibet, Burma or Darfur suffering and yearning for freedom, I see beyond their ethnicity. I see the human pain and agony. The hopelessness in their eyes that “darkness” will never be expelled from their “dreams” and yet forcing
a smile for the “international press” coverage on the carnage and destruction of their lives.

I have mentioned on numerous occasions in my blogs throughout the “Democratic Primary Election” on about the “Palestinian Plight” and the importance for international support and action to restore human rights and dignity for the “Palestinian People” and others mentioned above.

My website to be uploaded and active from August 19th, 2008 has a “Humanitarian” header dedicated to human rights issues concerning all human beings on earth.

I am also in the process of publishing my very first book titled “Words Matter”,
The Mind of a Blogger, subtitled “How Democracy is Hijacked during War and Election”?

I have sincere and genuine concern for people deprived of basic human rights and liberty to think and express as well as those struggling to establish a place they could call “Home” like in the case of “Palestinians.”

Once again, your thoughts are much appreciated.


Padmini Arhant

August 15, 2008 5:57 PM

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