Powerful Identity – Real and Fake

April 5, 2023

Powerful Identity

Padmini Arhant

How to identify the real powerful from the fake?

1. The real powerful would face challenges of all kind fearlessly and not feel threatened by contender of any type. Importantly not deploy unscrupulous devious strategies to eliminate opponent.

In other words declaring victory in a race with contestant jettisoned well before the commencement of event and maintain corruption to prevail in the end justifying the means Machiavellian approach.

2. The real powerful would not rely on deadly weapons and security personnel to slay innocent unarmed female civilian gunned down in public square. The real powerful would not deny a child her mother and relevantly not deprive her from the rights in every aspect of human relationship.

The real powerful also would not decline clemency to an innocent ordinary man wrongfully convicted of a crime he did not commit and send him to the death chamber.  At the same time paradoxically execute extra judicial power to rescue the political counterpart evidently alter ego convicted in human rights violation related to communal violence from arrest in New York.

3. The real powerful would not preside, endorse or condone violence via radical pseudo organization such as Black Lives Matter rioting, looting, scorching and vandalizing private and public property in world view.

4. The real powerful counterpart in the so-called world’s largest democracy similarly would not authorize pogrom killing thousands of innocent lives in communal violence and evade legal culpability.

5. Likewise the real powerful of the so-called world’s largest democracy in personal dealings would not lie in legal affidavit for Prime Minister candidacy about marital status as never married only to be corrected as married upon reminder on perjury.

Furthermore abandon spouse from the legal marriage hidden from public eye with no monetary compensation such as alimony and legal sustenance. Meanwhile intervene in society’s other faith pretending to grant social Justice to women in their marital affairs i.e. divorce custom for political mileage and image.

Otherwise hypocrisy ad nauseam in personal and political issues.

6. The real powerful would accept responsibility for actions and inaction in personal, political and professional matter.

7. The real powerful would not involve in any copyright infringements and shamefully deceitfully carry out plagiarism, piracy and identity theft running away from selves for obvious reasons. 

8. The real powerful would not engage in unlawful unethical practice such as intrusion and invasion of civilian home, space and privacy. Not to mention perversion in the course of spying, snooping and eavesdropping on others’ personal and private family conversations as well as their daily life.

9. The real powerful would not become lackey to New World Order, oligarchy, identity politics and any ideological doctrine.

10. The real powerful would not hide behind media, entertainment, trolls, memes, IT sleeper cells and diverse propaganda machinery to denigrate and defame opponent.

11. The real powerful would not pursue and target opponent with false fabricated allegations abusing law and Justice and delve into material to incriminate in sadistic satisfaction and political witch-hunt.

12. Above all, the real powerful would neither abuse power nor obsessed with power.

Padmini Arhant

Human Foes

January 12, 2023

Human Foes

Padmini Arhant 

The human foes are human character and traits.

Human characteristics such as humongous ego, superiority complex, greed, envy prompting gossip mongering, perversion via peeping and snooping misusing technology, sneer and jeer using entertainment industry, condescendence exemplified in prejudice, misogyny, deny others’ fair opportunity, exploitation, domineering ideology transformed to fascism, narcissism, abusive conduct…are many among myriad human weaknesses and flaws evolving into authoritarian bulwark that impetus hostility, acrimony and aggression not barring violence.

The constant targeting which is typically bullying and harassment either directly or worst through nuances, innuendoes and insinuations – a cowardly practice lacking courage to speak with and / or  to the person rather than about the person are provocative indulgence exposing the doers’ and their catalysts’ unhappiness, deep insecurity, dissatisfaction in every aspect and indecency.

What triggers nastiness in human character – those in particular wasting life as troubled souls exemplified in discrimination, patronization and disparagement?

The inner self devoid of peace, contentment and self-esteem creates vacuum. The voidness then often scapegoat those not even remotely related or linked to their internal turmoil to which the sufferers alone are responsible.

Yet another problem with such personalities is they are escapists unable to reconcile with harsh realities about themselves and not surprisingly entertainment industry is engaged as distraction and propagation channel in adherence to Nazi style dissemination.

The personality disorder among them widen in shunning own mirror reflection and adapting unrealistic image that neither fits their profile nor own actions and legacy. In other words these are deniers and choose to decline in life cycle.

The more they confront themselves in their barren superficial life, the more they disintegrate within knowing the truth about themselves as who they are and how they are running away from them.

Failure to accept own faulty image influence negativities to overwhelm transforming into predators for glory, fortune, power and publicity. Outwardly turning brute, crude, lewd and weird attack machines with nothing to live for other than persist in perilous involvement.

As a result, their easy prey is the exact opposite of them. Accordingly, the frustration and anger they feel about own status is vented at the person they wish to be in their life.

While they advise those whom they anchor and express bitterness 24/7 to love thy enemies, it never occurs to them to be the example by practicing what they preach their sworn enemy.

Essentially, human relations could improve for the better upon beginning with self in understanding, recognizing and acknowledgement of own shortcomings and abusiveness masqueraded in false persona embedded in rigged fanfare fraudulently advertised in million plus viewership on social media and public domain.

However, them desperately seeking to be the enemy’s wannabe is paradoxical tragic comedy.

What more?

The narcissistic nature is further demonstrated in controlling other’s life via perversion and imposition of own doctrine on individual who reject them and their sadistic ludicrous hypocrisy.

The control freaks possessed by the devil are agitated upon being ignored and reminded on reciprocation of respect, equal rights and opportunity as inalienable and non-negotiable in a civilized society.

The creeps and peeping toms along with their paid sleeping partners quitting their sleazy shoddy occupation in spying, eavesdropping and piracy of personal identity among diverse criminality is critical to avert rather than expedite their excruciating journey sooner then later. 

Being mere mortals wagging their rat tail miscalculating the creator, protector and when necessary terminating the bad evil and irredeemable – the supreme entity as mere spectator are living in a fool’s paradise.

Soul searching and cleansing through introspection prior to intrusive objectionable defining and determining their obsessed enemy’s identity notwithstanding abandoning riding on the rival’s coattail is a priority for the incorrigible offenders and compulsive violators on the precipice.

Correction and perfection beginning with selves besides minding own defeat, tumultuous turbulent life and ruinous affairs is the place to start for invaders with identity theft of other’s personal life and intruders’ of other’s space and privacy.

The interference in their enemy’s life with dos’ and don’ts including assigning own proxies name, their corrupt, criminal and embarrassing  biography on the enemy is an invitation for perpetual disaster to the source and agents deployed in the self-destructive caricature.

Meanwhile living in public taxpayer’s funded mansions heavily guarded with loaded security personnel, barricaded exterior and interior premise with taxpayer intelligence agency and other private recruits spying on the intended targets 24/7 is vile and abhorrent tradition.

None of these are without ramifications in adverse karmic effects. Those treading in the path guided by satans have met their fate albeit not a pleasant one. The remaining pursuing the trail would be no exception in sharing similar or severe experience joining predecessors in voluntary devastation.

The satans and satans’ slaves obeying marching orders from them fior personal gains and narcissistic goals are delusional in assuming they are scot free despite their willful evil indulgence aimed at malice and vicious smear campaign without realizing such charade only highlight their wickedness and timid connivance. The reprehensible conduct and violations of rights would be dealt with appropriately in accordance with what goes around comes around without a shadow of doubt.

In conclusion, the blissful peaceful and genuine normal person living life independently with dignity, integrity and moral propriety bearing no guilt or shame in righteousness live and leave the world as a free spirit without any burden of karmic debts and sins accompanying many lives over that are typical to the contrary i.e. the self-righteous provocateurs in imminent judgment.

In Gods’s kingdom, neither justice is denied nor evil exempt from reckoning in epic proportion. 

Padmini Arhant 

Author & Presenter 



India – Election and Electoral Bonds

November 23, 2022

India – Election and Electoral Bonds

Padmini Arhant

Election in a democracy is increasingly compromised via voting irregularities, tampering electronic voting machine (EVM), cash payments to voters to sway votes, incentives designed to attract voters only during election. Then there is horse trading upon losing majority with open bidding on opposition winning candidates to jump ship on the offer. The alternative is threat tactics to submit to political party bidding that are the norm.

The electoral bonds is the last straw on camel’s back directly undermining electoral process in the so-called democracy. The electoral bonds passed in Parliament with ruling and all opposition parties unanimously voting in favor in view of personal benefit jeopardize the concept of free and fair election.

The money flowing through electoral bonds from myriad sources have no checks and balances besides facilitating black money circulation with no limit. The election is also the means for money laundering through contributions to political campaign and candidacy.

The power game involves trade and tactics that are anything but democratic. The end justifying the means is never an issue for those seeking power at all costs regardless of dismal record and public grievance on government failure to address key issues related to economy like high inflation, unemployment, farmers plight, small business and informal sector employment and livelihoods displaced with specific corporate monopoly… are major concerns among population deprived of due economic growth and development.

Amidst burgeoning problems, the foreign power incursion and invasion of territories viz. China’s aggression along the Himalayan region and territorial annexation of land in Arunachal Pradesh with further encroachment in northeastern states like Sikkim, Nagaland, Meghalaya, Manipur, Assam…exacerbate foreign intrusion.

The interesting irony is politics and politics’ recruited contingency comprising satirist having political relation and variety specializing in perversion and hooliganism targeting truth speaker and factual content with nuanced comments like – someone wearing casual home outfit competing with so-called Superstars convey explicit obsession and invasion of home and life of someone faraway across the ocean on other side of the planet while the same elements remaining clueless and even oblivious to a neighbor next door deploying troops surrounding the nation all around.

How about politics focus on real existential threats like China’s claim on national territories in the domestic front?

The diversion of taxpayers funded spyware and recruits’ perverse activities with 24/7 spying and eavesdropping on someone miles away and commenting on the individual clothing and lifestyle shifted to curtailing expansionist policy from across the border with China would be productive and preemptive.

Notwithstanding, the same politics turning a blind eye to neighbor China across the border engaged in bio-engineering of the deadly corona virus in Wuhan lab, Hubei Province that consumed more than million lives in homeland transforming India into mass graveyard in 2021 elaborate on politics’ misplaced spying strategy.

The government and political leadership neglecting fundamental national priorities is evident in repeat violations and uncivilized behavioral pattern at own citizens’ expense.

In conclusion, politics surrendered to political funding and financing not barring the enemy such as China investment in politics creating conflict of interest is an irrefutable fact. In quid pro quo New Delhi tender approval for Beijing controlled China based companies against Indian bidders in central government power projects in Uttar Pradesh in the height of the pandemic in 2020 summarize the state of affairs.

Importantly the truth sayer and presenter is targeted as the sworn enemy with persistent spying and relentless insinuations using film industry content in adherence to global master’s flawed paradigm.

The unethical vulgarity confirm backwaters politics with preference for crude lewd indulgence much to own collective peril.  

Padmini Arhant 

Author & Presenter



Identity Misappropriation

October 3, 2022

Identity Misappropriation 

Padmini Arhant 

Identity misappropriation is the trending culture among the wicked and wayward to pervert incontrovertible truth and reality.

Politics and crony contingency whether film industry, media of any kind or whoever anywhere cannot and do not have rights or authority to determine and define who is who and who should be whom to suit their prejudice and partisanship.

Among many inappropriate references and connotations, one of them is designating Tamil as Dravida.

Tamil is neither Kerala nor Dravida or Telugu. 

The Tamil language is ancient and the source of other languages spoken widely not only in India but in many parts of the world. The derivation of words and terms from Tamil language to other linguistics is verifiable in etymology.

For example the most desired material in the world  –  Cash in english language is a Tamil word – Casu meaning money. Over a period of time the pronunciation by humans got modified and ended up as cash right now perhaps subject to different adaptation in future.

Tamils as Dravidians is an induced political myth originating from gross misconception and misinterpretion.

Dravidian is native to south western state Karnataka and not Tamil Nadu.

The Dravidian political parties in Tamil Nadu politics imposed the Dravidian identity on Tamils in agreement with the actual Dravidian from Karnataka E.V.Ramaswamy aka Periyar having had no foothold in Karnataka or Andhra contrary to political support in Tamil Nadu.

As for the ruling political dynasty DMK in Tamil Nadu and BJP as well having tasked themselves in stripping Tamil identity of me and substituting with Kerala or anyone and anything in the uninvited solicitation is a sheer political vendetta and subversion.

In modern India, women’s rights restored in equal property inheritance from parental estate and importantly women participation in Hindu rituals like performing the last rites to her parents that were once reserved only for male in the family.

The women identity from birth with respect to religion, family and individual profile is inalienable and natural. These rights are neither disinherited nor denied to oblige political distortion.

The antiquated political ideology only applicable to women apparently in depriving parental lineage upon marriage albeit past while men retaining clan orientation from birth to death as ordained legacy is decadent besides an anachronism. 

Let personal life of anyone not become the political right for politics and Indian film industry or anybody for that matter to mess with and engage in unwelcome unauthorized contortion legitimately attracting libel suits and legal implications on personal rights violation.

Politics responsibility is public service paid for by taxpayers not minding private affairs of those politics choose to meddle with as prerogative.

The same apply to film industry as the so-called entertainment sector capitalizing and exploiting identity theft in desperation as opportunists and wannabes to resurrect their dead career. 

Padmini Arhant 

Shaming the Shameless in the Espionage Gone Rogue

July 30, 2021

Shaming the Shameless in the Espionage Gone Rogue

Padmini Arhant

There are governments in the world who are openly dictatorial and authoritarian in style and governance. They make no bones about their political ideology making life paradoxically easier for their citizens in recognizing the head of the state, representation and oppressive system they are under with no expiry on terms and limits of power of such government. The citizens in such systems are well aware of the nature and characteristics of the leaderships, the censorship and even threat to their citizenship that are routine in autocratic government.

The problem lies with the so-called democracy in name only that is otherwise brutal authoritarian in manner and functionality. Anything in disguise compared to candid presentation epitomize deception, lies, deceit and gross misrepresentation. The former is more dangerous than the latter due to the proverbial dealing with the devil in the open is not difficult than the devil in disguise.

How governments engage in espionage is an open secret worldwide. The governments spying on foreign governments, entities, diplomats and myriad members from anywhere and everywhere is a culture. Then the other aspect is the government fixation with any particular individual or whomsoever they target as a fair game misusing the power and authority at their disposal. Although such engagement is criminal and unlawful in a real democracy, these activities nevertheless are carried out in the name of national security to falsely justify their actions against specific members they have on their radar 24/7 who are not a threat to national security but in fact perceived a major challenge to them and their criminality. They consider the arch enemy a fish bone in their throat.

The reason behind conspicuous insecurity among them despite being at the helm as Prime Minister or President and leader of the political party is they flourish on cronyism, corruption and criminality evading transparency and accountability that are exposed in the factual truthful incontrovertible enlightenment by the individual they regard arch nemesis.

Meanwhile they have no qualms in shamelessly riding on the rival’s back claiming proprietary rights on the ideas, hard work and exemplary performance as own in the outright plagiarism, content and identity theft in the contemporary era. Contrarily, the wannabes, opportunists and free loaders in politics, media  and entertainment industry are ever starved for power, fame and fortune they consider as their exclusive rights at others’ expense and exploitation.

Among them, the Bollywood sewage contaminants enthusiastically compromise themselves in any level as sellouts is widely known within and outside the circle. They also provide constant material with their personal involvement in drugs, sex, flesh trade, child pornography, extortions, arms trade, terrorism, black money hoarding, embezzlements, offshore havens and other despicable actions that are the norm.  The political cabal and their groveling media then subvert Bollywood and politics’ crimes and turn the tide against their one and only enemy in having the actual offenders mimic postures like namaste and victory gesture to associate the offense and criminal actions with their foe who is not even remotely linked in any shape or form. The criminal cut and paste shenanigan to malign their sworn enemy is directly from their international malefactors’ playbook that is judiciously followed by these crooks to appease them and satisfy own wanton conduct.

These controversies and scandals from political, entertainment, scammers in economic sector, media offenders are designed to generate hysteria with media frenzy and sound bites for hyped viewership.  Accordingly, the scandalous and promiscuous in all dimensions are the preferred choices for the domestic and international criminal cartel controlling politics, media and the gamut.

In any so-called democracy, the governments’ illegal indulgence transformed into peeping tom typically a scopophiliac with spying and snooping perversions predominantly and primarily for self and political interests, that leadership and government is an embarrassment to a nation and society. The ordinary tax payers money squandered in Pegasus aka Perversus spyware for government and the leaderships’ voyeurism could not be a sense of pride nor intelligentsia.

The previous Indian government under Congress party President Sonia Gandhi and her son Rahul Gandhi, then Home minister P.Chidambaram, former law minister Kapil Sibal…the key violators among others had their fair share of spying and propaganda machinery to deflect public attention from an avalanche of corruption scandals they were immersed during their terms in office overwhelming the nation.

In that course, they obliged the root of all evil clique based in London’s smear campaign abusing the 2012 Delhi rape victim’s traumatic tragedy and coining the name Nirbhaya meaning the fearless to enact me – their eternal adversary (Shatru) that has been liberally used by all political factions, Bollywood, media and public in their television shows and political discourse. Again, the original name of the 2012 Delhi rape victim deliberately withheld against the victim’s will and her family’s repeat requests to disclose her real name persistently declined by the previous Sonia Gandhi UPA government and the current PM Narendra Modi regimes in power.

Notwithstanding the public acceptance of such abuse in the so-called democracy clarifying willful discrimination and misogyny is hardly a concern for women’s rights group in India or the London funded amnesty international touted the leading human rights organization in the world.

The Congress Party under Sonia Gandhi, Rahul Gandhi and their family in unison along with scandalous Home minister P.Chidambaram and law minister Kapil Sibal who was also the minister for Science & Technology and lastly minister for Communications and IT had widespread spying operation not even sparing own members in cabinet like the former finance minister and External Affairs minister Pranab Mukherjee, whose office was bugged by colleague P.Chidambaram with Congress Party Chief Sonia Gandhi’s knowledge.

That being the case, the wild rumor about me then was the Indian company manufactured and distributed Fair and Lovely facial cream that was projected as my flair for whiteness and anti-blackness… nonsensical dissections spread by the foreign political gestapo in 2010 – 2011.

The spark was then obediently ignited by Indian politics, the besmirching Bollywood and the so-called independent Delhi media NDTV – with the founder and CEO Prannoy Roy in the self-tasked street talks with youth via NDTV you tube video on the subject of Fair and Lovely cream in the nuanced caricature of me was the extreme propaganda. The stunts added to nothing more than a desperate strategy to evade accountability on outpouring corruption revelations against then Congress party UPA government brought to public focus in this site. Needless to say the irrefutable truth irked the corrupt and criminal political establishment. They hired the foreign loyalists and domestic political class sycophants in the media to run the sideshow on cosmetics in an effort to masquerade the massive corruption fraud in India at that time.

Nonetheless, the question in this context is the claim on anyone’s personal use of products even though it is none of their business, yet assumed their prerogative and spread far and wide without having the courage or integrity to reveal the source of such information in the first place is asinine.

How did they know about my personal choices of anything when I am shunned to anonymity and importantly in the absence of any paid, solicited or unsolicited commercials by me on such product and any consumer goods?

Should it not be the responsibility of any so-called independent investigative media proclaimed by NDTV founder Prannoy Roy to find the facts prior to collusion with foreign and domestic gestapo in the malicious intervention in other’s personal life?

During the United States administration headed by Nobel Peace Laureate and Democrat President Barack Hussein Obama and Vice President Joe Biden, the harassment went further via direct phone call from the offenders in the White House, phone tapping and ambush private home and family in sleazy fashion that unveiled perpetrators’ real personality in entirety. The culprits’ indecency flipped in snoop dog reference made in the crippled ogling media to scapegoat the victim only brought the malfeasants’ ugliness fair and square to seers and knowers of truth on earth and above.

The answer is plain and simple. Spying, snooping, prying, eavesdropping, overhearing individuals and family conversations otherwise undemocratic and unlawful fatal obsessions with other’s life through invasion of their private home not barring keeping tabs on resident’s attendance to nature calls and fabricating on items in the vanity cabinet of private home bathroom, regular commentary on their target’s attire, looks, physical body weight in gains or losses and in-house activities are cheap tactics and reprehensible qualities of those who admittedly have no life of their own becoming the corpse in living. These are dead people and ghosts haunting other’s home and life in perpetuity.

Ironically, these are the types declared elites, cultured, highly educated erudite, sophisticated and a modern society in their terms when they miserably fail to qualify as civilized humans to begin with. They are the classic insipid genus in essence submitting to behavior beneath human nature and value.

Now with the BJP government under Prime Minister Narendra Damodardas Modi and Home Minister Amit Shah, the duo as seasoned politicians risen to power with a track record in violence, rioting, blackmailing, bribing, election fraud…are few of many disturbing traits found appropriate partners with their global masters in London, Paris, Berlin, Washington D.C., Brussels, Moscow, Beijing, Tel Aviv, Abu Dhabi, Riyadh and worldwide honoring them with coveted civilian awards and pseudo accolades in the political charade.

PM Narendra Modi confronted with use of Israel’s spyware Pegasus modified into tool for perverse lewd involvements deploying politically connected youth springing nepotism as nephew of the Chief Minister of West Bengal and on BJP payroll recruiting other hooligans to openly comment in social media about the target being closely watched and monitored to minutiae recounting individual details, dressing and undressing before and after shower. The late night show host in the United States with explicit British accent describing on the target using bar soap or liquid soap in shower loosely and flamboyantly revealing their vulgar and crude sense of humor aptly define who they are and what kind of stock they belong to in the satanic club.

As for individuals of Bengali descent viz. NDTV founder and CEO Prannoy Roy’s in-depth analysis on facial cream typecast as prejudice on skin color that should have been presented to the manufacturers and company profiteering from it and not aimed at me. The impropriety is journalism in decay to impress upon those behind the insanity, the routine political diversion upon being caught with their feet on fire. Apparently for the same media proprietor Prannoy Roy promoting casteism especially Dalitism pronounced productions with self appearance reeking condescendence and divisiveness is not a problem ignoring hypocrisy ad nauseam.  These attributes among the wannabes by no means measure upper echelon category.  

Similarly, the West Bengal Chief Minister’s nephew falsely flaunting satire in social media while deeply entrenched in the Central and State ruling political class dirty politics and their unlawful intrusions in other’s private life is self-explanatory and self-deprecating at worst. There are the likes of Arnab Goswami, the cantankerous TV host sponsored by the BJP government and other interests groups to drive journalism to delirium. Obviously, it is not a blanket statement against the entire Bengali community as falsely asserted by communal hate instigator BJP and their stooge in social media.

Bengal has produced fine sons and daughters in different fields ranging from spiritualism, academia, arts and science, musicians, artisans, literature to entrepreneurship and above all saints and patriots like Sri Ramakrishna and his devoted spouse Saradha Ma, Swami Vivekananda, India’s true patriot Subash Chandra Bose, the freedom movement’s female voice Sarojini Naidu, the social and religious reformer Sri Ram Mohan Roy, literary luminary Rabindranath Tagore in the list of eminence who are unfortunately either forgotten or sidelined and replaced with unworthy and undeserving opportunists and demagogues cashing in on abrasive violations of others’ rights and partisan politics premised in polarization of society.

Israel’s NSO group technologies supplying Pegasus spyware to governments evidently not serving national or humanitarian interests. The governments using the spyware are disposed to misuse of the software in inappropriate and illegal surveillance of anyone presumed inconvenient rather than averting terror via terrorists and bio weapon leak from the science lab.

Interestingly, the governments procuring NSO spyware technology PEGASUS are not necessarily using the software in deterring terrorism or any domestic threat to safety and security of citizens and nation at large. The case in point is Pulwama attack in India across the Kashmir border in 2019 that could have saved Indian troops lives lost in the preventable terror assault had the technology been utilized at the hour of need. This is just one instance in the many episodes experienced near and far.

Israel proudly established as the home of holocaust victims and survivors of Nazi atrocities now enabling the revival of deplorable activities by dictatorial, fascist, authoritarian regimes emulating Nazi crimes against law abiding decent citizens, whistle blowers and caring compassionate humanitarians is enigmatic in the profit oriented goals.

There has been series of terror attacks on Indian soil as it has been in different parts of the world since the onset of the twenty first century when every one of them was stoppable with plethora of innovative technology and resources available to governments besides intelligence networks worldwide.  Regardless, the terrorists were given the benefit and undue advantage in the so-called war on terror on governments’ watch and authority. 

Likewise the latest heinous crime against humanity unleashed in COVID-19 bio weapon consuming lives and confusing people world over in the rapidly changing pattern of the pandemic and protocol bear no legal, ethical, political, economic, social or moral consequences for those behind funding and conducting contentious Gain of Function research science experiments at the extraordinary cost of precious lives and excruciating human plight.

The world is expected to accept the unacceptable and abominable absurdity in anything and everything including espionage gone rogue as the new normal – the phrase emerging from the pandemic induced lifestyle.

Nothing stated in the article are without undeniable proof and corroboration.

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant

Author & Presenter




August 29, 2016

By Padmini Arhant

The contemporary trend is concoction.  Concoction of lies, deception, deceit, fiction, fabrication extended into perversion to protect esoteric sanctuary.

The overwhelming majority in the world work for survival and to provide for their family. These people work very hard regardless of their profession and jobs to enable them and their loved ones a decent life.

Then there are others who dedicate their lives to harm anyone and engage in self-deprecating and destructive cause.  They hire agents and operatives to inflict damages and sabotage anything considered an obstruction to their counterproductive course. They have diverse representation to target anyone they regard an obstacle to their concoction.

The name of the game is prejudice. Although prejudice is injustice and in today’s society humans are conditioned to believe the practice as the source’s prerogative and expect victims to endure without any objection.

Prejudice is not limited to race and religion. There is gender bias with sub-classifications in this context. Then there is isolation, segregation with deliberate intentions to destroy image and character.

Ignorance plays a major role in this instance and presumptuousness is the predominant factor that diminish human rationale in the distinction between sane and unwise volition.

The traits of entities and contingency in such indulgence are a sign of desperation as desperate times seek desperate measures to maintain concoction.

When someone treads on a trail blindfolded they could be cautioned with the hope they would heed advice. However, what do you do with those blinded by their belief in doing something terribly wrong as absolutely right?  In this case some learn from experience while others insist on continuing on the path to self-detriment.

The latest strategy amongst the groups regarding them superior and privileged is to undermine and discredit anyone presumed to be a threat to status quo. All kinds of tactics and techniques are deployed using media as the propaganda medium under the guise of entertainment, information and discussion. The constant efforts to camouflage the obvious about them is the norm.

They shun two things – cleanliness and transparency.  Not surprisingly the parody on both are retained to deflect public attention.  The aversion to former emanates from the reactionaries’ contentment towards dirt and filth in inner self and outer surroundings while with the latter the dichotomy is ignored for convenience.

Transparency in provocative appearance with attire is defiantly adapted whereas disclosure on facts and events affecting humanity concealed as classified data.

The smoke screen prevents revelations for false impression about state of affairs.

The paid volunteers and performers not barring intruders on espionage and surveillance pledge their service in malice and wickedness to tarnish the directed target. Those with self-respect and esteem would normally distance from such intrusion and preoccupation notwithstanding the misconception about participation as sense of pride.

Needless to say the respectable ones would know to treat others the way they would like to be treated and refrain from impiety resulting in nothing other than self-incrimination.

No action is without consequence and accordingly the karmic burden weighs down with incessant suffering in the long run.

Inner peace is the treasure cove enhancing demeanor and personality reflected in exercising reasoning faculty prior to unpleasant disposition.

Live and let others live without reservations and pre-judgments with planet as the common habitat sharing endowments and human potential to benefit all and not the selective few.

Never too late to do right in life.

Peace to all!

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant