Face the Truth – Terrorism and State Sponsorship

November 14, 2015

Padmini Arhant

Padmini Arhant

By Padmini Arhant

France – Terror Attacks in Paris

The latest terror attacks in Paris from Daesh Takfiri elements deserves attention in ascertaining facts and examining reality.

The cause and effects apply to any situation. Terrorism contemporarily deployed as means to exert authoritarianism, induce fear and maintain mayhem.

Terrorism experienced worldwide is state authorized and approved activity.

Accordingly, I raise the following questions with explanations for clarity.

  1. Who created al Qaeda?

Al Qaeda did not emerge from nowhere. The leaders of al Qaeda previously Osama Bin Laden and presently Ayman al Zawahiri as western intelligence agencies assets protected with immunity.

  1. How did Syrian Conflict arise?

Western intelligence combined with PNAC (Project for New American Century) strategists and proponents as the masterminds behind September 11, 2001 attacks in the United States chartered the course well ahead that included Syria for destabilization.

United States, Britain, France, Israel, Saudi Arabia, Turkey, Qatar, Jordan, UAE and Kuwait spearheaded the warfare by recruiting al Qaeda that evolved into al Nusra Front, ISIL, ISIS, Salafi and Daesh Takfiri networks in Syria and later in Iraq.

European Union (EU) fueled terror by lifting ban on arms and ammunitions distribution to terror groups in Syria rather than extending embargo.

The terror operatives up until now are funded, armed and trained by western nations and their allies in the Middle East with complicity from other partners in Eastern Europe and North Africa.

  1. Is it possible for terrorism to exist in the Nuclear age without state sponsorship?

The terror recruits from different parts of the world essentially hired to serve hegemonic goals leaving hundreds and thousands of innocent people dead, millions as refugees in addition to destroying civilizations despite fait accompli.

  1. Would any peaceful nation have normal relations with governments aiding and abetting terror? viz. United States, Britain, France, Germany along with EU ties with Israel, Saudi Arabia, Turkey, Qatar, UAE, Kuwait and Jordan. Likewise, Iran with Turkey.

Hegemony is multifaceted aiming for regional and global dominance.

There is little or no concern for catastrophe inflicted on population in war zones with economic interests prioritized over life.

  1. Could any terror network function upon terminating weapons delivery or accessibility to them?

The terror organizations cannot last a day when arms supply to them is prevented across the spectrum.

  1. Who are the beneficiaries i.e. profiteers of violence?

The stakeholders thriving on taxpayers funded salaries, benefits and privileges as well as the so-called royals supported by ordinary citizens’ charity for generations having major investments in defense industry representing the military industrial complex would not have it any other way.

  1. Has bombing nations resolved or exacerbated crises?

The desire for military interventions through air raids notwithstanding troops on ground currently substituted with terror outfits representing different states clarify political status quo and institutionalized crime.

  1. Are institutions and authorities promoting perpetual chaos and bloodshed ever held accountable?

None thus far confirming the state of affairs as the license to kill at political will.

  1. Is there quid pro quo between states, military, intelligence agencies and terror networks in the widespread activity?

Yes. Otherwise it is impossible for terrorism to persist in the militarily superior and nuclear armed era.

  1. Finally, in the well known dragnet global surveillance, how are the terrorists able to commit massacres in world capitals at frequent intervals and the states continue business as usual?

Again, such events are only possible as false flag operations and criminal syndicate involvement.

Ending state sponsored terrorism and dismantling criminal enterprise with diverse collusion is the ultimate resolution.  Anything beyond control would succumb to repeat folly and unsustainable condition.

Never too late to quit counterproductive actions and decisions with blowback on the origin.

I express my condolence to grieving families in the Paris terror incident and wish speedy recovery of those injured in senseless violence.

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant




















France Austerity through Pension Reform Bill

October 27, 2010

By Padmini Arhant

The French Senate passed the Pension Reform bill with 177-153 votes by adopting the single vote rule under the constitutional special provision.

The Senate bypassed the regular legislative process to avoid the U.S. equivalent filibuster reportedly rejecting a significant proportion of the 1000 amendments presented by the concerned elected representatives in the opposition.

Ever since the French President Nicolas Sarkozy declared the Pension Reform extending the retirement and full pension qualifying age from 60 to 62 and 65 to 67 respectively, the French labor force have carried out demonstrations in protest of the controversial bill.

The workers’ justified objection to the bill arise from the inherent financial burden upon them to fund the retirees’ pension, besides the anecdotal resolution resulting in the pension system default to deficit in 2018.

According to the reports the French President Sarkozy has challenged the French republic on this issue stating that the ‘mainstream will’ cannot prevail against the elected members in the Parliament.

The irony being the Parliament members in any truly democratic governance is elected to represent the citizens’ rights and not enforce decisions threatening national solidarity.

Pursuing detrimental policy without ascertaining the real merits is suggestive of a political system other than the democratic rule.

Evidently, the political standoff between President Sarkozy and the people is contributing to a phenomenal economic loss costing the French taxpayers an estimated US $280 – $560 million a day with workers deprived of the wages due to their participation in the cause.

While the oil refinery workers coalition with other union members has strengthened dissent, it has concurrently generated fuel crisis affecting transportation in the metropolitan areas.

The ports and fuel depots operation shut down not excluding the blockade is attributed to the strikers and security forces confrontation.

Despite the 8% union representation at the national level, the pension reform strike conforms to the majority view expressing deep regrets with President Sarkozy’s approach in denying the workers an opportunity to negotiate and share their ideas in the crucial economic strategy.

Austerity is vigorously implemented by most economies throughout Europe in an effort to contain national deficit. The latest EU measure to abandon Keynes economics (popular in 1945 – 1973), slash both discretionary and non-discretionary spending barring defense expenditure has mass disapproval in Greece, Spain, Portugal, United Kingdom and France.

Unlike the French government, the United Kingdom to its credit has vowed to cut back military spending to reduce deficit.

Even though France defense budget exceeds the United Kingdom and,

Beginning 2009 France is claimed to rank third in the world and highest in the European Union for military expenditure.

The drastic spending cuts targeting the life dependent services are counterproductive for it elevates the costs in the absence of essential benefits to the vulnerable population dealing with high unemployment, retirement and liquidity freeze in the credit market.

Therefore, diligence is required in the spending cuts distinction as some fundings are essential and constitute economic stimulus with a guaranteed return to the economy through consumer spending and tax revenues.

French workers request to abort the pension reform is legitimate and,

President Sarkozy government could perhaps shift focus on the disproportionate military spending along with tax structure review to fund the retirement pension.

Retirees’ pension is effectively the income recovered in retail purchases, sales tax and capital investments such as real estate or stock holdings yielding capital gains tax…at the least.

The mandatory law on the work force at the retirement age limits job prospects for the unemployed youth and the middle-aged population with the seniors holding jobs that could be held by the younger job seekers in the labor market.

Hence, the pension reform with the imminent deficit by 2018 is not a viable option to offset spending.

There is no advantage in passing the law that is proved to be a failure.

The French Parliament would be better off trimming the defense budget and discretionary items alongside raising revenue though tax revision in the relevant areas.

Moreover, President Nicolas Sarkozy government defiance in the legislation withdrawal prompting prolonged workers’ strike is exacerbating the economic situation.

The protestors on their part could end the strike and resume work to financially assist them and the national economy.

Otherwise their activism would be perceived as public inconvenience and an economic liability.

French dissenters against campaign reform could continue their peaceful strike by exerting pressure on the elected representatives casting vote on the bill.

The elected members compliance would largely depend upon their re-election desire and respect for the democratic rule guided by the constitutional law.

The political leadership is strong when national issues are resolved in the republic’s best interest.

There is tremendous hope for reconciliation with the French Parliament honoring the populace genuine plea to explore other options in streamlining expenses without subjecting the nation to a grinding halt.

France is historically remembered for the successful French Revolution inculcating rationale on legitimacy and authority subsequently repossessing the inalienable human rights with the citizen power against the inflexible feudalism.

The French workers can triumph by restoring economic services to the people,

Resuming employment to retain the public support and,

Resilient in reminding the elected officials to reconsider their vote on the contentious reform.

Whenever the political authorities discard the democratic voice and impose erroneous decisions on the citizens, the electorates deliver their verdict during the election and that is a solemn practice from the French revolution to until now.

National progress is directly linked to pragmatic and sustainable policies safeguarding economic prosperity for all not just the privileged members in the society. The GDP growth is accurately reflected with the citizens’ living standards taken into account.

The people at the bottom are often marginalized in the fervent political actions to expedite economic revival ignoring the reverse impact in the immediate and long run.

Hopefully, the political dilemma in France would conclude with a positive outcome for the people and the nation experiencing difficult choices in the global economic recession.

Peace to France. Paix en France.

Best Wishes to the French republic for a glorious victory!

Les Félicitations à Republica français pour une victoire glorieuse.

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant
L’Austérité de France par la Réforme de Pension Bill

Par Padmini Arhant

Le Sénat français a passé la facture de Réforme de Pension avec 177-153 votes en adoptant la règle de vote simple conformément à la disposition spéciale constitutionnelle.

Le Sénat a évité le processus législatif régulier pour éviter l’obstruction parlementaire équivalente américaine rejetant censément une proportion significative des 1000 amendements présentés par les représentants élus inquiets en opposition.

Depuis que le Président français Nicolas Sarkozy a déclaré que la Réforme de Pension étendant la retraite et la pension complète autorisant l’âge de 60 à 62 et 65 à 67 respectivement, la population active française a réalisé des démonstrations dans la protestation de la facture controversée.

L’objection justifiée des ouvriers à la facture émane du fardeau financier inhérent sur eux pour financer la pension des retraités, en plus de la résolution anecdotique s’ensuivant au défaut de système de pension au déficit en 2018.

Selon les rapports le Président français Sarkozy a défié la république française sur cette édition déclarant que le ‘courant dominant ira faire’ ne pouvoir pas prédominer contre les membres élus au Parlement.

L’ironie étant les membres de Parlement dans n’importe quel gouvernement vraiment démocratique est élue pour représenter les droits des citoyens et ne pas faire respecter de décisions menaçant la solidarité nationale.

La poursuite de la politique préjudiciable sans vérifier les mérites réels est suggestive d’un système politique autre que la règle démocratique.

Apparemment, l’impasse politique entre le Président Sarkozy et les gens contribue à une perte économique phénoménale coûtant les contribuables français des Etats-Unis estimés $280 – $560 millions par jour avec les ouvriers privés des salaires en raison de leur participation dans la cause.

Pendant que la coalition d’ouvriers de raffinerie avec d’autres membres d’union a renforcé la contestation, il a simultanément produit la crise du combustible affectant le transport dans les régions métropolitaines.

Les ports et l’opération de dépôts du combustible fermée pas n’en excluant le blocus sont attribués à la confrontation de forces de sécurité et aux grévistes.

Malgré la représentation d’union de 8 % au niveau national, la grève de réforme de pension se conforme à la vue majoritaire exprimant des regrets profonds avec l’approche du Président Sarkozy dans le démenti des ouvriers une opportunité de négocier et partager leurs idées dans la stratégie économique cruciale.

L’austérité est vigoureusement exécutée par la plupart des économies partout dans l’Europe dans un effort de contenir le déficit national. La dernière mesure d’UE pour abandonner l’économie Keynes (populaire en 1945 – 1973), cinglez les dépenses tant discrétionnaires que non-discrétionnaires barricadant la dépense de défense a la désapprobation de masse en Grèce, Espagne, Portugal, Royaume-Uni et France.

À la différence du gouvernement français, le Royaume-Uni à son crédit a juré réduire des dépenses de militaires pour réduire le déficit.

Bien que le budget de défense de France excède le Royaume-Uni et,

On prétend le commencement de 2009 que la France classe le tiers dans le monde et le plus haut dans l’Union Européenne pour la dépense militaire.

Les coupes de dépenses énergiques ciblant les services de personne à charge de vie sont à effet contraire pour cela élève les prix faute des avantages essentiels à la population vulnérable s’occupant du haut chômage, la retraite et le gel de liquidité dans le marché de crédit.

Donc, la diligence est exigée dans la distinction de coupes de dépenses comme quelques fundings sont essentiels et constituent le stimulus économique avec un retour garanti à l’économie par les dépenses des ménages et taxent des revenus.

Les ouvriers français demandent d’avorter la réforme de pension est légitime et,

Le gouvernement de président Sarkozy pourrait peut-être se déplacer se concentrent sur les dépenses militaires disproportionnées avec la révision de structure fiscale pour financer la pension.

La pension de retraités est efficacement le revenu récupéré dans les achats de détail, la taxe de vente et les placements de capitaux comme les biens immobiliers ou les possessions de stock produisant le profit tiré d’un capital tax…at le moindre.

La loi obligatoire sur la main-d’oeuvre aux perspectives d’emploi de limites d’âge de retraite pour le jeune sans emploi et la population d’âge mûr avec les aînés tenant des emplois qui pourraient être tenus par les chercheurs d’emploi plus jeunes dans le marché de la main-d’œuvre.

Dorénavant, la réforme de pension avec le déficit imminent d’ici à 2018 n’est pas une option réalisable pour compenser des dépenses.

Il n’y a aucun avantage en passant la loi qui est prouvée pour être un échec.

Le Parlement français serait la passementerie plus riche le budget de défense et les articles discrétionnaires à côté de la levée du revenu bien que la révision fiscale dans les régions pertinentes.

De plus, le défi de gouvernement de Président Nicolas Sarkozy dans le retrait de législation provoquant la grève d’ouvriers prolongés exacerbe la situation économique.

Le protestors sur leur partie pourrait mettre fin à la grève et reprendre le travail pour financièrement les aider et l’économie nationale.

Autrement leur activisme serait perçu comme le dérangement public et une responsabilité économique.

Les dissidents français contre la réforme de campagne pourraient continuer leur grève pacifique en exerçant la pression sur les voix prépondérantes de représentants élues sur la facture.

L’acquiescement de membres élu dépendrait grandement de leur désir de réélection et respect pour la règle démocratique guidée selon la loi constitutionnelle.

La direction politique est forte quand les éditions nationales sont résolues dans le meilleur intérêt de la république.

Il y a l’espoir gigantesque de la réconciliation avec le Parlement français en honorant le peuple la vraie excuse pour explorer d’autres options dans le fait de caréner des frais sans faire subir la nation à un arrêt de grincement.

On se souvient historiquement de la France pour la Révolution française réussie inculquant l’exposé raisonné sur la légitimité et l’autorité repossédant par la suite les droits de l’homme inaliénables avec le pouvoir de citoyen contre le système féodal inflexible.

Les ouvriers français peuvent triompher en restituant des services économiques aux gens,

Le fait de reprendre l’emploi pour retenir le soutien public et,

Élastique dans le rappelant aux fonctionnaires élus de réexaminer leur vote sur la réforme querelleuse.

Chaque fois que les autorités politiques se débarrassent de la voix démocratique et imposent des décisions erronées aux citoyens, les corps électoraux livrent leur verdict pendant l’élection et c’est une pratique pleine de solennité de la révolution française à jusqu’à maintenant.

Le progrès national est directement relié aux politiques pragmatiques et durables protégeant la prospérité économique pour tous non seulement les membres privilégiés dans la société. La croissance de PIB est exactement reflétée avec les standards de vie des citoyens tenus compte.

Les gens au fond sont souvent marginalisés dans les actions politiques ferventes pour expédier la reprise économique ignorant l’impact contraire dans la course immédiate et longue.

Avec un peu de chance, le dilemme politique en France se terminerait avec un résultat positif pour les gens et la nation connaissant des choix difficiles dans la récession économique globale.

Paix en France.

Les Félicitations à la république française pour une victoire glorieuse!


Padmini Arhant

Universal Peace and Harmony

March 13, 2010

By Padmini Arhant

Peace is a unique experience and easily realized if one is prepared to disinherit the negative emotions towards self and others. When human mind is at peace, it’s an instant bliss and pervasive over the surroundings.

On the other hand, the reason for the unrest in the world is because of internal conflict within individual that surface and spreads like a wildfire. Internal conflict arises from dissatisfaction mostly related to desire.

Therefore, discipline is necessary to control the needs and learn to be content with material possessions and status.

Another beneficial factor is generosity. A generous heart usually reflects kindness. Sharing and giving nurtures love permeating the environment like a beautiful fragrance.

Magnanimity could be in the form of empathy and compassion. Willing to take risk to save life or serve justice demonstrates an act of courage and a caring nature.

In the earlier article, the statement –

“Selfless act being seldom rewarded in the world dominated by ‘Me, myself and I,’ concept,” was in reference to those who come forward to do what is right for others despite the challenges ahead but remain unsuccessful.

It’s largely due to the lack of co-operation from the rest.

A perfect example is the health care reform, where the few lawmakers’ request to adopt a ‘single payer’ system that is ideal for the people and the nation is opposed rather than being appreciated.

When a society recognizes the cumulative advantage for a vast majority, with a permanent solution such as the ‘universal health care through single payer,’ it’s best to move forward in that direction.

Their positive action will not be in vain. It’s based on the adage –

“What you sow is what you reap.”

Deeds performed to alleviate the suffering of humanity bear fruits in abundance.

As promised, I would like to explain the events’ characteristics since my acquaintance with the citizens of the world.

A Prophet’s visit to the physical world is solely for the purpose of protecting civilization from collapsing. Further, it happens when ethical and moral degradation portends danger beckoning divine intervention for salvation.

Right now, the toxicity in the planet is endangering life.

In human flesh, the purest soul performs the act to pronounce the karmic effects of it. It’s to teach humanity the consequences of negative vices such as anger, hatred, envy, ego, pride, greed, lust, etc

By the way, the ‘butter thief’ connotation towards Shri Krishna is an endearment term used by the devotees, but was deliberately put forth in the context to arouse self-analysis of an intentional misunderstanding by the critics in the relevant topic.

Thou thyself art to blame. Human nature often forget their actions while detecting faults in others.

They ignore the remaining fingers pointing towards them during their criticism of another.

The speck of dust is magnified in the backdrop of luminosity.

Moreover, it’s noteworthy that throughout the latent teaching, it was never a pre-emptive action but a response to provocation.

Invariably, it was in the innocent victims’ defense and on other occasions a reminder to review bad decisions, that was once again affecting the disadvantaged,

As well as urging to look within and find the self, the pure soul – the ‘Almighty,’ who dwells in every being.

It’s an act of nature versus nurture.

By becoming the participant in the world stage, the objective is to teach the fundamentals of individual action.

It’s called Karma in spirituality. Also known as the cause and effect – i.e. nothing happens without a reason.

Scientifically, it proves that ‘every action has equal and opposite reaction.’

The spiritual guides as the Prophets and Messiahs have the responsibility to disillusion the astray and redeem them from their wrongdoings by absorbing the negativities.

In the process, the Prophet endures the pain through insults and incendiary remarks from the cynics – equivalent to bearing the cross to absolve Mother Earth from negative energy.

Indian mythology has many incidents whereby the incarnate and the Supreme entity had to consume bitterness figuratively and literally like in the incident when God Shiva had to swallow venom to protect life.

Lord Ram, the incarnation of Lord Vishnu compelled to send the lord’s consort Devi Sita, an expectant mother with twins back to the forest in an effort to be the subjects’ King.

Likewise, Lord Jesus Christ revealed the truth upon resurrection to the lord’s ardent disciple Mary Magdalene first, much to the principal followers’ dismay.

All of these events confirm the saints and prophets’ predicaments to uphold virtues by committing the ‘less virtuous’ action in ‘the eyes of the beholder.’

Synonymously, The 2008 Presidential campaign began with perfect decorum among the contestants on the left and the right.

It didn’t take too long for that to disappear and soon transformed into a ruthless battle with emotions running high allowing heated exchanges between the contenders, not to mention the office of Presidency targeted in the debates.

So, the lessons to be learned are mutual respect, better understanding, self-restraint along with an open mind to view matter in different perspective prior to rushing to conclusions or harsh treatment of anyone with a different position, even if their stance would yield substantial gains or loss for the less fortunate and otherwise.

I would like to engage you all in my life journey briefly.

During my residency in Australia, in the three-story apartment building among the many residents,

There were only two occupants of color – There was I, and a beautiful family from the Ivory Coast in West Africa.

The African family had the father, Kwadjo and his wife Tina with two lovely kids.

They moved into the building after I did. Kwadjo was an extremely friendly and a vivacious person.

Tina was very soft spoken and respectful.

They both were highly qualified professionals. Kwadjo was a PhD. in town planning from the internationally renowned Australian institution, Monash University.

Tina was a registered ICU nurse. They arrived from Ivory Coast as legal residents during the economic boom.

In spite of that, neither of them could find suitable employment anywhere, forcing them to become under employed. Tina worked at the janitorial service in the biggest hospital.

Kwadjo on his part volunteered at the non-profit institution run by the local church in exchange for food to support his young family.

Kwadjo and Tina would reach out to other residents for a handshake or friendly greeting only to be disappointed with a cold shoulder from them.

Since they were very good neighbors and friends of mine, I knew them well and we invited each other over for dinners.

When I relocated to the United States, both Kwadjo and Tina were still struggling to find an appropriate job.

A year later, I learned from my sibling who was in Australia. He stayed in my apartment and Kwadjo had made this comment:

“Your sister, Padmini was the only one in this building, who treated my family and me as human beings. She showed love and respect by sharing and accepting whatever we had.”

Kwadjo and family had immigrated to Canada after having spent many years in Australia without an affordable income. I was informed about it via a surprise post card from them upon their arrival in Canada.

Similarly, the couple with epilepsy in the building felt isolated for their speech impediment and not being able to hold a long conversation. They felt that others had no patience to listen and avoided them entirely.

Then in California, my neighbor Lee, who was a widow and a paraplegic, confined to a wheel chair.

Lee had many children, grand children and great grand children.

It didn’t matter. For Lee, had none visiting her even during Christmas or Thanks giving.

So, abandoning ones’ parents in their old age is not exclusive to India or any particular society.

It’s a worldwide tragedy. Most people have no time for others in the contemporary lifestyle where individualism takes priority.

I became Lee’s surrogate daughter and she adored my children, who were an infant and a toddler at that time. They used to call her the “lollypop Lee,” for she would offer them lollypop during my routine visits to her place to keep her company.

Lee was in tears when I had to leave and I remained in touch with her from overseas.

In another instance, my visit to Paris had a strange twist when the pleasant hospitable host, a French (a fourth generation French) Jewish cardiologist turned hostile to my polite question to him on the two state solution between Israel and Palestine co-existing with one another, back in 1992.

Even though, the French doctor had never visited Israel and lived in France his entire life, the discussion was off the table.

It made me pause and wonder about the discord that persists in the atmosphere.

Human relationships evolve from the recognition of the truth that we are all inter-linked in the tightly woven fabric of the global society that is splitting apart rapidly.

We are the fragmentation of an energy particle that has a binding force and it’s not viable to be polarized on the issues concerning freedom, democracy, equal rights, race, religion…

Every living being is born free but sadly deprived of the natural rights in many parts of the world.

On the Environmental Front:

The world population is dealing with different kinds of environmental pollution. There is air, water and noise pollution.

Air and water are natural resources. Regardless, the people across the globe have to pay for clean air and pure drinking water. Noise is a major hazard in the urban areas of the nations.

Preserving the habitat for life survival and sustenance is paramount.

It’s possible to change the stagnancy into a flowing river for all to exist and thrive.

If we don’t pull together and make a concerted pledge to reunite and rebuild the global community, the individuals’ aspiration will not come to fruition.

Selective few cannot succeed on their own for long.

Hence, coherence is absolutely important to retain the goodness and release the bad vibrations.

Universal peace and harmony are the cornerstones to resolve the global crises.

Please remember the primary goal is to “Save the Planet,” and establish “Peace on Earth.”

Without your help and enthusiasm, it’s not attainable.

Let’s begin now for a better tomorrow.

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant

Home is Where the Heart Is!

December 5, 2008

Please click on OP-Ed on the Home Page for an exciting adventure to the most vibrant city on earth,

none other than New York .

Thank you.
