Earth Day – Nature is the Source of Science

April 23, 2017

By Padmini Arhant

Earth is the common habitat that binds all species existence through food chain and depletion of any endangers survival of another. The food pyramid link is broken with many species extinct or increasingly becoming rare in the exploitation of earth’s resources meant for all.

Science discovered in nature has led to development in protecting and prolonging life. The continuous progress in prevention and cure enabled by variety of roots and plants along with chemical compounds available on earth is a natural event. The research using other animal species prior to human clinical trials is made possible by nature. The laws of physics, chemistry and biology are governed by nature barring unnatural extraneous manipulations and interference.

The inventions viz. nuclear bombs to exert dominance and introduction of guns, rifles and grenades…are regressions in civilization and continue to claim lives as potent weapons of violence.

Natural science emanating from nature guided knowledge in the study of cells and genetic compositions innovate medicine with new treatment and therapy for life threatening illness. Due to diverse orientations, any disruption in the structure as part of creation contributes to ecological imbalance eventually weakening planet sustenance.

Earth being the habitat for different genus including microorganisms, the environment neglect is a serious matter that stifles life and deteriorate living conditions with pervasive impact. The notion prioritizing economy over environment for mega profitability and meager jobs is ill-conceived and not without consequences in the near and long term depriving present and future generation to exist and experience longevity.

The combination of politics and economic goals behind global warming denial prompts egregious decisions ignoring reality. Importantly the phenomenal costs to repair and restore following environment damages exceeds revenue and gains proving the venture a lost cause at the expense of majority. The policies discarding evidence on environment woes explains impervious stance determined towards self-detriment considering own presence in the world.

The propagation on the past administration efforts to curb global warming while no discussion on the outgoing administration’s offshore drilling approval despite environment disasters such as Gulf coast BP oil spill in April 2010 and lowering bars in environment regulations to accommodate energy sector demands might serve political prospects against factual data.

The political maneuvers to win popularity and maintain status quo with entities representing economic sector was the trend that are not regarded necessary in earnest evaluation of any administration rule. At the end of the day, the actions behind the scenes are reflected in general practice. The economic segments financed political campaigns overrides commitment to rational endeavors like saving environment and optimizing planet enrichment.

The current Keystone XL pipeline project in the United States with investors from all political factions as stakeholders defy environment ramifications for personal profits and political expediency.  The brazen measure stomping legitimate resistance from indigenous groups to favor corporation and politics is misguidance overwhelming prudence. Environment laws would be meaningful upon enforcement across the spectrum. The industries behind pollution particularly known for evasion.

In the subject of Science, the political climate regardless of party in power engineered towards wars with bombings, shelling, predator drones, missiles, rockets and nuclear submarines notwithstanding consistent nuclear testing whether subterranean or overland consumes national budget with little or none to spare for National Institute of Health (NIH) funding and organizations engaged in promoting life.

The climate treaty is ineffective with no desire to change course in defusing conflicts other than nuclear threats and military artillery employed as provocation fueling tensions in sensitive regions of the world.

Western exclusive nuclear rights defining the odd decree as responsible vs. reckless when the latter is applicable to them based on legacy exacerbates global peace and environment safety.

The grave danger to environment is posed from nuclear status. Accordingly, denuclearization of all not just the targeted few is the only way to mitigate global crisis given the major powers quest for dominance and territorial annexations with nuclear might at the helm accelerating nuclear proliferation.

The preliminary step would be for all nuclear powers without exception to unconditionally surrender and dispose nuclear arsenal that would then qualify any member to denounce any other nuclear state violation. The lack of sincerity and political will on ethical standards to contain strategic arms race, short and long range ballistic missiles and several engagements bolstering offensive response to international issues compromise climate accord.

Furthermore, the sophisticated nuclear laden stockpiles and defense power embarked on confrontational strategy generates defiance vs. deterrence scenario that would consequentially affect the entire world. The western controlled system allowing them nuclear possession and storage with defacto partners in South East Asia and NATO allies in Europe set precedence in nuclear expansion.

Additionally, the trend substituting conventional warfare with terror sponsoring introduced in 2011 to quell Arab Spring in the Middle East and bifurcation of nations like Sudan into Sudan and South Sudan in 2012 to access oil and other resources in the region, extension of occupation in Afghanistan, militarization of Africa in the past decade bear responsibility in the destruction of lives and environment.

As long as hostility and aggression remain the choices over peaceful negotiations and resolutions, no climate agreement can tackle challenges in modern era.

The population suffering from avoidable communicable diseases and ailments, declining basic environment and economic prosperity choking atmosphere from congestion, severe air pollution and water contamination are not factored in the policy to benefit the privileged society shifting the burden of degradation and liabilities on average citizens worldwide.

In the fervor to drop Mother of all bombs and execute Mother of all aggressive schemes devised by Father of terror representing international crime syndicate,

Mother Nature and Mother Earth endurance is tested slighting the experiments counterproductive outcome.

Nature under assault in all directions with negative involvements for political, economic and vested interests in investments is myopic and carcinogenic with universal adverse effect.

Galaxy exploration for inhabitance amid excoriation of earth endowments is analogous to splitting between shores and midstream ending in undesirable landing.

Science success in healing life and strengthening life span is directly related to safeguarding environment and natural precincts vital for all beings on earth.

Commemorating Earth every day besides specific date is individual and collective responsibility. The remembrance delivered positively would be a glowing tribute to the only place of habitat for life.

Peace to all!

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant

Author & Presenter

Spouse in Divine Mission









Environment – Climate Treaty 2015

December 13, 2015

By Padmini Arhant 

The Climate Treaty in Paris to address global warming and agreement to maintain level below 2 degrees Celsius is welcome and represents refreshing global commitment.

The contentions in reaching consensus were industrialized states fund provisions to developing and island nations in combating environment woes due to excess carbon emissions from the former and now joined by emerging economies with greater energy demands viz. China and India.

The carbon emitters pledge towards $100 billion a year was the proposal back in 2010.  The current pact were to reflect the industrialized countries together with rising economic powers submitting to that funding in writing then that is the preliminary step in the acknowledgment of responsibility.

As for the unanimous consent in voluntary setting to contain emissions, the data could vary and might be deficient in achieving goals unless the undertaking meets the expected range.  The offer made binding on all nations especially the most obvious defaulters is crucial for the implantation of accord.

Energy giants relentless pursuits to excavate oil wells and mining companies nonchalant activities in coal production and export combined with nuclear deals in the backdrop of disasters determine reality.

Fukushima ordeal with nuclear reactors leakage contamination of ocean inflicted irreversible loss on marine life and grave health risks to inhabitants in the prefecture and across the shores.

Most importantly, the existential threat to environment is nuclear proliferation and endless warfare dropping bombs, missiles, air strikes and predator drone attacks leaving scores dead and causing destruction in targeted nations with regional and global impact.

Declining nuclear disarmament and signing climate agreement is paradoxical and confirms lack of sincerity in planet protection.

The ongoing military interventions through terrorism enabling terror networks access to chemical and biological weapons poison water reservoir and pollute the sky.

Considering the unwillingness to end conflicts in Syria, Iraq, Afghanistan and skirmishes in South China as well as Baltic Seas with nuclear laden submarines and fighter jets hovering over the areas, the climate accord is challenged in the seamless confrontations and expansive military operations.

The world leaderships hailing the climate agreement with key nations positioned as global powers sponsoring terrorism resulting in refugee crisis is not only a humanitarian issue but also environment problem.

The duplicity with contradictory engagements pose credibility factor in any serious matter such as planet preservation.

Any efforts to lower carbon emissions is compromised in aerial bombings and widespread shelling with severe health and environment hazards for the natives migrated elsewhere upon them fleeing the danger zone.

The climate pact coming into fruition is possible upon complete and comprehensive nuclear disarmament along with departure from dependency on fossil fuel and nuclear energy contemporarily invigorated in defiance to catastrophe experienced thus far.

The political will and genuine concern to save the planet for the present and future generations could no longer remain negotiable.

Planet is the habitat for all species with humans contributed calamity endangering survival and sustenance.

Never too late to change course and avert further deterioration of the environment.

Greener existence is directly linked with peaceful atmosphere devoid of violence and bloodshed in addition to adopting natural energy options available to all.

Peace to all!

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant