New World Order – Political Doctrine

May 21, 2023

New World Order 

Political Doctrine

Padmini Arhant

Welcome to the New World Order political doctrine.

The contemporary world is controlled by an insular group who in return are controlled by dominant political ideology to standardize human behavior and societal norm according to their agenda which is a grand scheme of paradoxical paradigm.

For example: the political ideology in politics has long normalized corruption culture. The corruption in politics from inception to termination of the term in office and beyond is apparently not criminal rather customary. The partisanship in dealing with corruption is a political prerogative.

Likewise, abuse of power while in office not treason instead justified for any reason.

Merit displaced with obsequious cronyism in solidarity as partner in crime is sworn to prime positions in politics.

The political ideology is undoubtedly premised on supremacy with mind enslavement en masse.

The idea of dominance is to oppress and repress anything and everything around which is readily instinctive in man than animal. The latter aggression is predominantly for survival unlike the former emanating from ravenous appetite for power, fame and fortune crushing and squashing anything on the path to satisfy eternal hunger.

The polity doctrine is primarily weighted on indoctrination ad nauseam. Any and all available format and medium ranging from conventional print press, television networks 24/7 representing the directed ideology to mass media like social media viz. Facebook launched to bring population to share details about them without having to expend intelligence sources to gather information about global citizens to embark on population control.

The other platform widely used for indoctrination is entertainment. It is the hot pursuit in misrepresentation like movie under the guise of historic documentary using narrative to suit own interpretation of events, identity as well as culture appropriation are executed with impunity.

The other evasive tactic is hiding behind so-called fiction with disclaimer, animation and television series – pretty much covering entire genre in entertainment is prevalent right now.

The entertainment field as major propaganda catalyst  serve the political doctrine in deflecting public attention from issues and crises in the real world and relevantly politics’ dismal performance as government head of the nation.

The human lifestyle is the most important target in the political doctrine. Ever since, e-commerce torpedoed brick and mortar market place, the tagging, trolling and shadow activity via cookies on websites registering shoppers and online visitors details not barring critical personal information entered during online purchases and even browsing information are obtained as a regular feature.

Though cookie settings are offered by many for visitors to maintain privacy, the firewall in these options are subject to skepticism.

There are counter-technology available to tackle these obvious snoops and spying on information highway. A significant percentage are either unaware and / or not technologically highly skilled to circumvent constant surveillance of human life and daily activity – the pervert obsession of political doctrine.

The mind control is the grand objective of political doctrine. It was successfully experimented unleashing bio-engineered deadly corona virus on humans claiming the virus transmission from bats to humans despite the two species exposure to one another and co-existence on earth span over several thousand years with natural immunity established in the environment long before the twenty first century.

Nonetheless, the political doctrine mind control along with population control – the latter publicly campaigned by the late British Royal Prince Philip ignoring own family census shared the urgency to rein population growth in other parts of the world suggesting the issue as a serious problem.

Similar statement echoed by tech giant Microsoft owner Bill Gates, an overt secret society member marking presence in discreet secret society meeting barring outside world.

The Melinda- Bill Gates foundation investment along with other funding sources in the controversial gain-of-function research evolving into bio-engineered virus in Wuhan lab, China inflicting devastating impact on human population achieved that population reduction in the political doctrine.

The lab generated corona virus consumed lives and livelihoods in massive scale worldwide. Simultaneously the man-released pandemic also provided opportunity to condition human mind and social behavior, the milestone in political doctrine regarded fundamental in the New World Order.

The pandemic was also a gateway for the political doctrine to implement Great Reset semi-disclosed at the World Economic Forum, Davos, Switzerland.

The Great Reset aimed at selective exclusive windfall is related to the financial world with re-configuration of highly guarded monetary designs in the global financial markets.

The calibration required global economic shut down which was facilitated by the pandemic ending in dual achievement for the political doctrine – global financial and population management in accordance with predisposed game plan.

The pandemic through mandatory lock downs and various health guidelines together with prohibiting social behavioral pattern an innate inherent human lifestyle was systematically frozen.

The political doctrine is heavily and deeply entrenched in social re-engineering of human life in thoughts, behavior and functionality.

The identity politics is one dimension of the prism in the political doctrine creating confusion and doubts professed in isolation under the pretext of inclusivity for political gains knowingly generating social divide. 

The political doctrine is openly committed in corrupting society to the point of no return legitimizing norms, habits and practice against laws of nature and natural orientation.

The political and economic interests is prioritized at the detriment of general well being and societal progress distancing from ethics, values and normal social development.

The misinformation was witnessed and experienced during pandemic from the authorities beginning with World Health Organization director Dr Tedros Adhanom Gehebreyesus collusion with Beijing narrative well after the onset of the virus as far back as September 2019 and acknowledged in December 2019 by Wuhan Virology Institute, Hubei Province, China.

The WHO Director and Beijing maintained in January 2020 the COVID 19 corona virus being non-transmittal from human to human only to be proved otherwise.

In the meantime, continuing international travel until official global lock down in late March 2020 allowing the virus’ ravaging implications on human health and life demonstrated gross negligence. 

Then the national health authorities like Dr. Anthony Fauci and counterparts consistent inconsistency on health mandates and protocols changing with little or no definitive course throughout the pandemic was a major challenge for the public and health care institutions battling with unprecedented alarming health crisis in the twenty first century.

Meanwhile, cancel culture, censorship and gag order on alternative views and citizens’ real life accounts on the pandemic enforced vigorously to protect political doctrine controlled data. 

The restrictions did not exempt credible expert professional medical opinions presenting facts and figures denied public access on many occasions with you tube videos and social media bogged down under tight control. 

The idea behind control over speech, mind and overall human life and lifestyle were aggressively tested and effectively suppressed to the political doctrine satisfaction taking advantage of the pandemic situation.

Now having tried global population control under these dynamics, the political doctrine immediate or near future game plan in the shock and awe expedition against mankind is a red alert for human existence in a healthy safe secure and critically sane environment increasingly faced with existential threat.

The public exercising basic rights demanding political doctrine submit to transparency and accountability on manufactured catastrophes like the pandemic and economic mayhem is a necessity and no longer a choice.

Regardless of the political and scientific involvements in gain-of-function research funding and Wuhan lab experiments underway since 2002 to vaccine arrangement deal with Moderna sealed in 2015.

The world is conditioned by the political doctrine to accept the pandemic and economic ramifications are illusions as if nothing happened with none held responsible.

Instead, the United States Capital Washington is preoccupied squandering taxpayer dollars in indictments and jury trials on sex scandals adding insult to the pain, suffering and fatalities of the pandemic victims world over.

The pandemic is one of many classic examples about the New World Order political doctrine and that is;

No matter what color codes and shades the human race is assigned or belong to, in the eyes of NWO political doctrine all lives are a fair target exemplified in the pandemic. Similarly, NWO has no problem in denting economy and destroying livelihoods at large.

NWO political doctrine goes after human life and wallet in the win win fortune for them.

Padmini Arhant

War and Peace

February 7, 2022

War and Peace

Padmini Arhant 

War games have long known to be the typical means for political and economic gains only benefiting the selective few at the expense of vast majority not only in the war zone but also the rest of the world.

The global ramifications are felt in further inflation due to rising energy costs directly linked to oil and/or natural gas production nations like Russia and Ukraine -the supply facilitator to Europe and neighbors nearby. Ukraine commodity exports in food grains would also contribute to global market turbulence.

The other nations like Poland are also dragged into warfare in that region as United States NATO ally.

The regional instability induced through foreign meddling and especially confrontation between two vastly nuclear powered nations would be catastrophic in every respect – financial markets, currency, energy as well as food crops imports etc. are all at stake in the unwise rhetoric from western media and talking points fueling the situation.

Realistically speaking;

War yielding destruction is easy for the bidders and profiteers in the game.

Do they ever return to those territories they destroyed with their authorization in the bully pulpit?

Is there any interest or concern towards the lives they are responsible for destruction with generational effects and decimation of the nations?

Almost never.

They leave office and focus on super enrichment of personal lives divorced from the idea of contentment. The beach front mansions and ever flowing money fountain keep them preoccupied in the insatiable appetite for more fame, fortune and power they can possibly deal with in this lifetime.

They might at worst glance at the rubbles and ruins in a television news item with a complete disconnect from their deeds whilst in office and simply stare at the scene on the screen as merely unfortunate during the relaxing moments sipping champagne by the sea side home.

War resulting in deaths, devastation and destruction is hardly a matter of deliberation with no willingness to reject destructive course.

To some at the political helm, the war disposition is misconceived as strength and fancy to exhibit military prowess at ordinary taxpayers costs and economic liability burdened on the latter over generations through sovereign debt.

After all, the notion is who cares about what happens to those targeted in the playground, the war fields rained with bullets, bombs not barring nuclear laden missiles piercing the heart of the living breathing lives, homes and infrastructure.

The war is image maintenance and compliance with those serving ill-advise from their ivory tower besides obliging demands from defense contractors in the military industrial complex who in return solely eyeing on mega profits from blood and body bags in the entire gamut.

War to hawkish minds is very attractive and glamorous when dispatching young men and women in harm’s way with no guarantee of their safe return alive back home in the not near rather distant future subject to their survival.

The reason being war posturing invariably leading to permanent military base in those territories occupying the region indefinitely while administrations change in political office continuing the trend is the only certainty in the offing.

Accordingly, peace is inconvenient and not suave in displaying mighty power as tanks and troops on the ground.

Peace is not a cash cow for gold diggers creating mass graveyards and in general the delusion aiming for glory and political advantage expending blood and treasure of ordinary citizens on all sides is concentrated on exclusive profits.

War is also pursued to debilitate economies producing a constant dependency on external sources away from self-sufficient productive independent economic status.

There is also an opportunity for free supply essentially looting resources once a no man’s land and lawlessness is established in the states like Libya, Iraq, Syria and Afghanistan to mention few among several in the last two decades of foreign interventions worldwide.

Peace as the alternative is too boring for the self-appointed game changers adept at destruction and alien to construction in the aftermath of turmoil and carnage they proudly inflict on the victims of warfare dismissed as collateral damages in the press briefing.

What more to expect from such mindset except knowing the inevitable i.e. power corrupts human mind and absolute power corrupts absolutely beyond salvation.

The end justifying the means often impetus mindless engagement ultimately reversing the outcome sooner than later causing embarrassment and massive economic loss with the realization on too late for remedy.

The reconciliation and rapprochement is the priority for Russia and Ukraine as permanent neighbors sharing common cultural, economic and geopolitical reality.

Padmini Arhant 

Author & Presenter

U.S.Economy & Financial Markets

October 11, 2018

U.S.Economy & Financial Markets

Padmini Arhant

The Federal Reserve preparation to hike interest rates in December 2018 in consideration of historic lower unemployment and GDP forecasts is received cautiously with financial markets reaction to United States and China trade war alongside unnecessary economic sanctions against Iran and Venezuela having drastic impact on global economy.

The Federal Reserve move on gradual rate increase to maintain inflation at current 2 percent bearing low unemployment is a step focused on limited factors such as job and GDP data. However, the fact of the matter is there are other aspects with potential reverse outcome on Federal Reserve’s action to interest rates hike that merits attention.

On the job status, the unemployment figures might be impressively low. Nonetheless, the cash flow in the economy is still lagging in small and medium businesses and other areas of the economy involving direct consumer purchase such as the housing market and automobile industry.

In general, the consumer spending is fairly weak and reflected in retail industry poor performance with many brick and mortar stores struggling to survive in the anemic retail business. The retail figures at the end of holiday season this year will further indicate the condition one way or another. The conventional retail chains and big stores are facing tough competition from e-commerce with online giant like Amazon forcing  shutdowns on major retail stores unable to compete effectively given the popularity and convenience of online marketing.

The e-trade is a big challenge to standard retail business and that in a way controlling inflation on many goods and services in the market. Again, the purchasing power among majority of consumers in the middle and lower incomes category is static and even remain below the expected level despite low unemployment in the economy. One of the reasons behind this sluggish consumer spending is lack of fair income distribution.

Although the job market might appear to be favorable, the buying power among consumers on big budget items like home and cars as well as other essentials are nowhere near  anticipated market share with significant impact on construction industry and manufacturing sector.

On the international front, United States administration policy towards Iran and Venezuela is triggering currency devaluation in emerging economies like India and developing nations such as Pakistan, Turkey and countries in Latin America dependent on crude oil imports from overseas. The U.S. dollar pegged to oil trade, the strengthening of U.S. currency is mainly associated with global transactions in dollar and the alternative being euro depleting foreign currency reserves for most nations worldwide.

European economy barring Germany, Norway and few Nordic states are yet to recover from recession started back in 2007 and experienced until now. Many EU members like PIGS ( Portugal, Italy, Ireland, Greece and Spain) along with Eastern European EU states are not relieved from economic crisis and barely able to meet financial obligations amid EU enforced austerity contributing to depressed economic growth and development.

The debt saddled nations are driven towards debt servicing to enrich international monetary authorities and prominent bankers profiteering on the extraordinary debt burden of these countries confronted with liquidity crunch creating the dilemma of debt trap causing economic downturns for nations in this situation.

In the given scenario, euro as the optional trading currency is superficial posing needless strain on global economic activities especially in the backdrop of fragile European economy and United States politically motivated sanctions against Iran and Venezuela compounding the problems on the energy demands and supply chain for nations like India and China with massive energy consumption to fuel the economy. The other efforts in this context such as raising OPEC output to deal with United States sanctions on Iran and Venezuela do not satisfy market requirement that are already felt with unaffordable fuel prices in India, Pakistan, Sri Lanka and many parts of the world.

United States and Europe would be ultimately affected as the western multinational corporations are predominantly benefiting from global presence and operations right from production to sales, distribution and service  in many industries invariably exposed to common energy and economic issues striking the consumer base in Asia and other regions instrumental in boosting global economic progress.

The global economic regression is directly related to these unwanted events with immediate repercussions on allies and those behind the strategy. China trade war is another dimension with United States having granted the former MOST FAVORED NATION (MFN) status and many United States companies involved in manufacturing goods from China that are not only available in America but also in the global markets. China has long been the world’s central exporter and wholesaler with businesses from far and wide ignoring labor exploitation in addition to normal employment and environment violations in the profit-oriented system. As such, China’s reciprocation to U.S. actions are not without consequences for both economies engaged in mutual trade warfare.

Accordingly, discernment on decisions against China, Iran and Venezuela from the U.S. administration under President Donald Trump is critical to save the economy from possible meltdown in the aftermath of global economic decline that are visible in the wake of current account deficits among many nations trying to maneuver the difficult predicament of survival and resolution to impending economic woes generating anxiety in the global domain.

As for the Federal Reserve resolve to move forward on the overnight federal funds rates over the next year and beyond from the present 2 and 2.5 percent to about 3.4 percent to contain inflation at 2 percent would predictably slow the positive economic trend hurting prospects in the already suppressed housing market and retail sales as highlighted above.

The macroeconomic forecasts on United States GDP for third quarter at 3.7 percent and 2.6 percent for fourth quarter with the Federal Reserve revision showing higher growth figures based on the latest tax cuts and government spending prompting Federal Reserve position on premature rate increase neglect stagnancy in ordinary household income.

The mere job growth in the absence of affordable living standards confirm income disparity. The per capita average net income and cash flow determining consumer price index and inflation is trailing behind projections and proposed changes to rates could wipe the gains realized in the recession free economic span in the past decade until now.

In a nutshell, the exponential rise in minimum wage and average income i.e. per capita income in correlation with GDP is important besides minimizing joblessness in the economy prior to addressing inflation alone in the macro and micro economic management.

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant