United States – 9/11 Anniversary

September 11, 2023

United States

9/11 Anniversary

Padmini Arhant

September 11, 2001 – the fateful day when the United States – the Superpower in economy, military and nuclear might, the state of the art technology, powerful resources and enviable means at disposal was allowed to be attacked despite prior knowledge, adequate warnings and credible information about the event well ahead of time.

Yet then administration headed by the former President George W. Bush, Vice President Dick Cheney, the CIA, FBI, National Security and the remaining government apparatus let the catastrophe befall on innocent Americans and many foreign nationals together exceeding 3,000 lives lost on the single day in world view.

The event then unfolded politics to set rules shackling democracy, individual rights, civil Liberty and all that proudly proclaimed as United States insignia on freedom. The move unanimously legislated in Patriot Act, establishment of FISA (foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act) initially meant for foreign terror suspects then extended against American citizens as permanent surveillance that had only gotten worse in the present time.

The successor Obama – Biden enacted National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) granting self with extra judicial execution power at the executive branch besides subjecting American civilians arbitrarily under military tribunal rather than civil court system.

The preventable 9/11 terror attack not only chained United States freedom with pervasive impact world over experienced in travel and other lifestyle changes, those awaiting the momentous assault on American sovereignty via 9/11 spearheaded their long aspired agenda – the ominous Project for New American Century (PNAC) to invade hosts of nations overseas beginning with Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya, Syria, Iran, Sudan…on their list.

While the invasion and occupation of all those foreign nations in PNAC were carried out in successions between Bush-Cheney administration followed by Obama-Biden to complete the mission, the bulk of the foreign onslaught under the guise of false Arab Spring became the hallmark for Obama – Biden administration from 2009 – 2016.

Due to Bush – Cheney and Obama – Biden administrations partnership and shared engagement in violent military interventions overseas, the human rights breach with respect to Guantanamo Bay and foreign based prisons such as Iraq’s Abu Ghraib  prison holding terror suspects without due process via abductions and other hostile activities…the predecessor Bush – Cheney era gross violations in every respect emulated and advanced to extreme level under Obama – Biden reign.

Accordingly, all of them are guaranteed and protected with political impunity on treason, corruption, criminality and human rights violation at home and abroad.

The democrat party having seized power in 2008 highlighting Bush – Cheney administration crimes till date could barely afford time or interest to pursue the predecessor Bush – Cheney on any of the monumental atrocities and displacement of democracy.

Meanwhile tirelessly squander tax payer dollars against their predominant common foe – Donald Trump with multiple indictments and mug shot in different angles claiming the political theatrics and showdown as American justice.

Understandably, the partners in crime such as the administrations since 2000 – 2016 resumed in 2020 – until now are unified in keeping American freedom and sovereignty under siege executing anti-democratic plans and policies not barring the cataclysmic pandemic hatched going back in 2002 onwards and the deal sealed in 2015 unleashing the deadly virus on American population and humanity at large exactly at the start of United States Presidential election year in January 2020.

Was it a mere coincidence that the pandemic happened in the Presidential election year 2020?

The democrat political party and leaderships since 2009 – 2016 and 2021 – 2023 extraordinary cooperation and complicity sparing their predecessor Bush –  Cheney administration’s political, constitutional, legal and ethical transgressions from any inquiry or investigations as held against their successor Donald Trump from 2016 till date provide clarity on mutual pact amongst members of political establishment in Washington transcending party affiliation.

In other issues, there are some interesting correlations and contradictions in the events coinciding elections in the so-called democracy and otherwise.

The parallel developments nearing election season with the fate of formidable opponents targeted by the ruling power settled on extending terms in office regardless i.e. within or beyond term limit if not indefinitely are uncanny defining the obvious about who is following whom in dismantling democracy.

The election in Russia is carefully watched and monitored by the United States as it is the case with the rest of the world. The Russian election arouse American political interests from adversarial perspective producing topic of discussion.

The main focus is on the conspicuous anti-democratic practice by the long term Russian leadership President Vladimir Putin alternating roles as President and Prime Minister…vice versa. Nonetheless maintaining absolute control over the Russian Federation.

In general, elections are a mere formality to convince electorate of their voting rights and subsequently the elected and the electorate subjugation is inevitable under campaign bidders and financiers’ greater influence and clout.

The Russian election is witnessed with violence against political opposition emerging from people protests demanding fair and equal opportunity to political opposition and factions to compete against the permanent ruling power especially under President Vladimir Putin.

Russian President Vladimir Putin’s consistent actions against the one and only political rival Alexei Navalny with others largely surrendered to status quo is self-explanatory on Russian democracy denied existence.

The Russian political opponent Alexei Navalny imprisonment and various charges leveled against the political contender, the allegations usually mounting around election time in Russia is in itself attract international attention and concern.

Although, the Russian President Vladimir Putin argue that the political contestant Alexei Navalny is a western appointee to stir political chaos in Russian politics, the Russian leadership’s reaction in handling such situations further generate anti-ruling power sentiments amongst silenced Navalny supporters and moderate thinkers in Russian society and overseas.

The ruling authorities anywhere crackdown on opposition with income tax raids and sometimes even arrests on unsubstantiated charges on their soil squarely describe the democratic conditions or the lack thereof.

Unfortunately, the strategy is the norm in contemporary politics in most parts of the world and prevalent in the so-called democracy as the world’s largest, modern or nascent in nature.

The tradition thus far suggests the ruling power’s preference on no opposition or in the least opposition in name only representing in mere numbers on taxpayers’ funded payroll.

Similarly, the United States touted as the beacon of democracy, the democrat political party and the influencers within the establishment contentious aggressive obsession of their arch nemesis in the form of Donald Trump Presidency right from winning election in 2016 throughout and until the present time with unprecedented congressional hearings, impeachments, indictments pending life imprisonment do not appear to satisfy the vindictiveness in their mind and unresolved acrimony.

As stated above, the similarities in Russian and United States Democratic Party attitude and approach towards strong political contender whether Alexei Navalny in Russia or Donald Trump in the United States are apparent.

The current administration and United States politics criticism of Russian President Vladimir Putin in this context is called out as authoritarianism and dictatorial.

Juxtaposed, the incumbent administration and political party imposed series of judgments and legal quagmire against the leading political front runner in the opposition viz. Donald Trump is justified as protecting democracy and constitution that has long been laid to rest unraveled in the horrendous 9/11 terror on American mainland and recently during the pandemic.

Suffice to say that 9/11 terror catapulted violence, military invasions, terrorism and importantly heralded state terror against citizens in domestic and foreign shores flouting accountability at the cost of millions of lives falling victims to the abominable crime against humanity executed in the abuse of power and electoral mandate.

Anything carried out at the innocents and vulnerable victims’ expense is self-perilous and bear enormous burden on the perpetrators and colluders of such crimes.

Remembrance and gratitude to the brave souls as fire fighters, paramedics, medical professionals as well as thousands of volunteers from civil society for their selfless participation and sacrifice to save lives on 9/11/2001 and the pandemic.

Padmini Arhant 



United States – 9/11 Anniversary

September 11, 2018

United States – 9/11 Anniversary

Padmini Arhant

The terror attack on September 11, 2001 provided ammunition for misuse of power and authority in United States and other nations declared as the so-called democracy. 

Under the guise of national security, the laws enacted in the United States and followed elsewhere set precedence for gross human rights violations with immunity.

Furthermore, the harassment of minorities and targeted individuals with no criminal record or threats of any kind persists with TSA’s unapologetic mistreatment of men and women in racial and ethnic profiling exceeding the norms and civility of public scrutiny.

Since those who legislate such violations into law are exempt from the criminalizing ordeal in the name of security given the self-assigned VIP and VVIP status, they remain oblivious to innocent citizens trial and humiliations at the airport.

The State and administrations assumed unconstitutional and undemocratic extra judicial power to crack down on civil rights, curbing dissent witnessed in many incidents like in Chicago during NATO summit in May 2012 was the tip of the iceberg.

Similarly in September 2011, the Occupy Wall Street emerging from economic woes with ripple effects across many parts of the world was shut down with brute force deploying tasers, water cannons and arrests demonstrating zero tolerance to peaceful assembly and public protest on relevant issues confronting citizens and humanity at large.

The administrations in power exercised carte blanche authority apprehending foreign nationals especially Islamic descent holding them in Guantanamo Bay denying them habeas corpus i.e. legal rights in addition to subjecting them to renditions, torture, dispatching them to foreign prison camps and undisclosed locations for indefinite period with many still held in these detention centers. The U.S. administrations after 9/11 conducted arbitrary abductions at ease without any accountability.

The United States administration since 2001 and subsequently launched drone attacks in Afghanistan, Pakistan, Libya and Yemen in North Africa, West African nation Mali, Djibouti and  Somalia in the horn of Africa and Columbia in South America were few among many spots relentlessly pursued with predator drone operations. Thousands of civilians in these regions were casualties to these drone attacks with utter disregard for life in general.

The 9/11 terror was New World Order agenda with agreement among global syndicate colluding in secret location barring public and citizens press as well as media entry to carry out Pearl Harbor kind of aggression in the United States to catapult the Project for New American Century aka PNAC.

The pre-meditated and pre-conceived plan was then enthusiastically executed by the neoconservative and hawkish elements represented in the former President George W. Bush and Vice President Dick Cheney administration to materialize the project for New American Century (PNAC).   The chartered course involved illegal invasion and occupation of foreign lands with regime change in countries listed in the master plan.

Having deceptively achieved public empathy and support on the fateful day of September 11, 2001, the authorities then onwards abused citizens’ consent against people worldwide.

Notwithstanding, the decimation and annihilation of nations and inhabitants in Africa, Middle East, Afghanistan in particular that continues unabated until today.

The government, intelligence apparatus and national security teams have systematically expanded dragnet surveillance in every possible way spying, tracking and trolling citizens’ activities depriving all a normal life.

The government introducing measures like biometric and optic (retina) impressions of all citizens, monitoring public communication in cyber space via social media such as Facebook, Twitter and other mediums is the standard practice. Then the corporate media and press having become propaganda machinery, the task to mislead and misinform viewers is the primary purpose. The entertainment industry is also complicit in this regard.

In the so-called democratic nation like India, 9/11 laws in the United States is loosely cited to arrest human rights activists, civil rights attorneys, journalists, trade unionists and intellectuals in society viewed as enemies of the state.

The United States administration under then President Barack Obama in May 2011, misled the Americans and the world at large in falsely claiming the capture and assassination of the long deceased Osama Bin Laden who actually died in 2001. He was quoted as the mastermind behind 9/11 though he was the CIA asset and had visits from FBI in Rawalpindi, Pakistan and Dubai to check on his well being while he was undergoing dialysis treatment for his chronic kidney disease.

President Barack Obama authorized Abbottabad raid produced no evidence stating the body was disposed in Arabian Sea and the NAVY SEALS deployed in Pakistan were also eliminated sparing none soon after the fake Abbottabad mission.

In a nutshell, the architects in Secret Society successfully transformed United States into a police state – the main goal of New World Order to suppress public voice and alternative views in society. The model was then to be replicated world over. Many nations follow suit despite maintaining the deceptive perception and image as a democracy like in India and elsewhere.

There is no doubt with elections marred in corruption found in voting irregularities, vote rigging and massive campaign funds influx from unverified diverse sources, those usurped to power diligently serve personal and vested interests in compliance with the established trend in the past and present.  The individual ambitions to rise and retain power find the subversion of constitution and democracy convenient that were lawfully implemented in the wake of 9/11.

The Gestapo rule has been overtly instituted with a free run for those at the helm of power to exploit electorate mandate, violate citizens trust and subjugate nation with impunity.

Interestingly, al Qaeda blamed for 9/11 became the terror operatives representing United States and allies in the war against Libya, Syria and Iraq in 2011.

However, there is hope to restore democracy and civil rights that has been seriously infringed under the pretext of 9/11. The forces behind the strategy having exhausted the illegitimate means, the system is on the brink of collapse together with public awareness and mass consciousness challenging the status quo.

Nonetheless, 9/11 will ever remain a memorable event in American and World history to remind the present and future generation on terrorism and state sponsored terror facilitating abuse of power.

Padmini Arhant

Author & Presenter PadminiArhant.com




Who Controls the World?

July 21, 2018

Who Controls the World?

Padmini Arhant

The Secret Society as the Shadow Global Government rein control over politics, economy and internal affairs. The sinister activities explain the status quo. The visual content provides the preview to events in history and contemporary time.

Padmini Arhant

Author & Presenter PadminiArhant.com


United States – Violence and False Flag Events

February 15, 2018

United States – Violence and False Flag Events

Padmini Arhant

United States citizens were introduced to major false flag event on September 11, 2001 that is being covered up until today in a manner burying the sand castle inside the silt by the sea shore. Following 9/11 there were series of false fag incidents in the United States and the rest of the world to justify war on terror by terror sponsors in the position of authority falling in the category of State sponsored terrorism.

Subsequently the monumental lie about the terror group leader who served as the intelligence agency valuable asset, the deceased Osama Bin Laden despite being dead in 2001 was resurrected and claimed to have been killed in Abbottabad mission in Pakistan in 2012.  Interestingly, the administration under ex-President Barack Obama then responsible for this event somehow could not produce any evidence such as the target’s body that was stated to have been conveniently disposed in the Arabian sea without considering the need to show the 9/11 terror victims families, the American public and the world at large. Additionally, the NAVY SEAL TEAM SIX  deployed in the capture and kill the dead Osama Bin Laden were also eliminated all at once in Afghanistan soon after the Abbottabad anecdote. So much for transparency.  

Adding insult to human intelligence, the recent statement particularly from the former President Barack Obama on Abbottabad operation that Pakistan was unaware of Osama Bin Laden’s presence in Abbottabad, the city close to Pakistan’s military headquarter in Rawalpindi surely does not reflect well on Pakistan or that nation’s military as well as Pakistan’s intelligence agency, the ISI.

Back in the United States, there were number of shooting incidents reported in the past decade with many of them only becoming the unsolved murder mysteries  whether the Sandy Hook Elementary School or the Boston Marathon bombing and San Bernadine marking the previous administration’s legacy.

Now the Miami High School shooting reporting in semblance with Sandy Hook Elementary School style leads to the following question.

In the latest story on Florida High School shooting, the freshman confirming a meeting at the school prior to the shooting occurrence draws attention.

The school had recently held a meeting to discuss what to do in such an attack, Ryan Gott, a 15-year-old freshman told CNN.

Did the school authorities have premonition about the incident prompting such meeting ahead of the incident?

Was the meeting held knowing such attack is imminent and accordingly alerted the school in advance yet doing nothing to prevent the crime from happening?

Usually schools have fire drill which is reported to have taken place in this school earlier in the day before any shooting rampage.

The audience are getting tired of propaganda based news items and insidious insinuations by those run out of steam and substance in the relentless pursuit of violent means to maintain status quo. The terror manufacturers and purveyors obviously are responsible for perpetual violence demonstrated in prolonged conflicts in Syria, Iraq, Libya, Lebanon, Palestine, Afghanistan, Ukraine and Africa inspiring and orchestrating episodes in the domestic front.

The pattern conclusively defines the source and agents modus operandi much to self-detriment. 

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant

Author & Presenter PadminiArhant.com








United States – Robert Mueller Investigation

January 30, 2018

United States – Robert Mueller Investigation

Padmini Arhant

The investigation headed by the former FBI director Robert Mueller is presented by Capitol Hill and media in different tone speculating various outcomes not excluding the possibility of President Donald J Trump impeachment.

What they are not telling the American electorate is who is the target in this investigation?

Is it President Donald Trump or the Russian government and the President Vladimir Putin?

Since the investigation is coined Russia probe,

Does this mean Russia is the subject of interest?

If Russia is suspected to have meddled in 2016 U.S. Presidential election and allegedly sabotaged the democratic Presidential hopeful Hillary Rodham Clinton’s shot at Presidency as the first female President,

Why did the predecessor President Barack Obama administration allow such alleged interference?

In other words, why didn’t the earlier administration in power at that time until January 2017 thwart foreign government intrusion given the state of the art technology and dragnet surveillance at their disposal?

The news media report on CIA awareness of Russia’s alleged plan raise the obvious query.

Why didn’t then President Barack Obama administration avert the foreign government meddling prior to the election day on November 4 in 2016?

Just like the media reporting now on CIA warning on Russia’s alleged preparation to intervene in the mid-term election this year.

What is the point in having intelligence agency that claims to have information about certain event that threatens democratic process and does nothing against the plot from coming into fruition?

There appears to be a pattern here going back to 9/11. The intelligence agencies CIA and FBI together with then administration under President George W. Bush and Vice President Dick Cheney were adequately warned and informed about the major terror attack on the nation and yet they regarded the warning as hoax and let it happen facilitating the death of three thousand and more American and foreign nationals lives on the fateful day 9/11/2001 and millions thereafter in foreign land.

Is CIA information gathering and subsequent release to media only for the latter analysis and interpretations to keep the public confused on the matter without any appropriate action from the relevant administrations to prevent such activity?

The interesting fact in this entire saga is the democratic candidacy of Hillary Rodham Clinton notably surrounded by controversies, scandals and scathing political background believed to have been deprived from winning the election in 2016 when the candidate Hillary Clinton nomination process within the democratic party admittedly rigged leading to the forced resignation i.e. expulsion of DNC chair Debbie Wasserman Schultz for the debacle.

The DNC interim chair at that time Donna Brazil recently confirmed the rigging adding to the pre-existing fact that was done to anoint the establishment candidate Hillary Clinton with DNC blatantly slighting the other contender on the democratic ticket, the Vermont Senator Bernie Sanders much to his supporters’ anger and disappointment.

Then the incident involving DNC staffer and Senator Bernie Sanders supporter, then 27 years old Seth Rich shot and killed on July 2016 in Washington D.C. for his alleged role in leaking DNC emails that had details on DNC decision to nominate Hillary Clinton further exacerbated DNC handling of the issue.

The murder of young political aide Seth Rich in the heat of political drama ensuing within DNC and the murder investigation results yet to be made public clarifies the problems confined to DNC bias and subversion of the nomination procedure.

Under these circumstances, the legitimate question that arise on the Robert Mueller Investigation is when the cause prompting such investigation expending taxpayer dollars evidently flawed from the beginning,

What is expected to be achieved from the pursuit?

The nomination of democratic candidate Hillary Clinton failed to follow the election rules and standard practice applicable to both political parties on primary and final election jeopardizing the credibility of such nomination.

The creation of Russian inquiry to deflect public attention from the actual internal turmoil in DNC due to pre-selected nominee Hillary Clinton usurping to be the Democratic Presidential candidate in 2016 election is circumvention and explains the endeavor bearing no meaningful and genuine purpose other than conforming to public opinion on the investigation being a political witch hunt and elaborating Russia phobia.

The Robert Mueller investigation would be fair and justified in the absence of DNC active impairment to field the candidate of their choice Hillary Clinton snubbing the democrat base and the other democrat contestant Senator Bernie Sander’s voters’ expectation for a normal and credible nomination course.

Otherwise, the wild goose chase laden with carving the bird in the impeachment undertone is rambunctious at best and fallacious at worst.

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant

Author & Presenter PadminiArhant.com









United States Supreme Court Ruling on Travel Ban

December 5, 2017

United States Supreme Court Ruling on Travel Ban

Padmini Arhant

The latest ruling by U.S.Supreme Court favoring the White House indefinite travel ban on targeted countries via. Syria, Libya, Iran, Yemen, Chad, Somalia, North Korea and Venezuela with six of them being Muslim majority nations is political in the face of the incumbent President Donald Trump”s personal remarks and views about Muslims in general.

The White House claim echoed by the Department of Justice Attorney General Jeff Sessions that the travel ban decision is to protect American people from harm by citizens of these nations is an irony considering the fact that all eight nations listed for travel ban are the victims of United States and allies aggression through air raids, bombing, continuous shelling and terror sponsoring besides illegal economic sanctions against them since 2011 and until now.

On the contrary, Saudi Arabia whose citizens were involved in 9/11 terror attack missing on the travel ban list confirms the administration and judiciary priority of vested interests over national interest.

The fundamental principles of democracy are slighted in applying the rule of law that are regrettably premised on external forces influenced U.S. foreign policy rather than earlier experience on national security threatened and compromised with internal collusion and so-called allies participation behind the worst terror attack on American soil.

The nations under constant attack and challenges from United States and allies perceived as threat while the ones that were actually responsible for 9/11 not to mention their footprints in subsequent terror activities in different parts of the world continued until today exempt from scrutiny is a bizarre position posing credibility factor on indifference in security matter.

The politically driven egregious decisions exemplify myopic perspectives with little or no concern for humanitarian values and America’s status on human rights and reliability on global relations critical in resolving myriad international crisis.

The reversal of ban against these nations with restrictions on those travelers from anywhere identified with verified criminal and/or terror involvement record barring discrimination otherwise against anybody is the sane approach that would guarantee cooperation and efficient intelligence sharing at global level necessary to avert any potential danger or security problem against United States and the rest of the world.

Inclusion and not isolation is the solution to manufactured terrorism and violence unleashed for profitability at human life expense. Accordingly, alienating nations of specific faith and others due to political disputes are neither reasonable nor pragmatic.

The politics aside, focus on economic, academic and cultural prospects with all nations are key to sustainable progress.

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant

Author & Presenter PadminiArhant.com

Spouse in Divine Mission