United States – Robert Mueller Investigation

January 30, 2018

United States – Robert Mueller Investigation

Padmini Arhant

The investigation headed by the former FBI director Robert Mueller is presented by Capitol Hill and media in different tone speculating various outcomes not excluding the possibility of President Donald J Trump impeachment.

What they are not telling the American electorate is who is the target in this investigation?

Is it President Donald Trump or the Russian government and the President Vladimir Putin?

Since the investigation is coined Russia probe,

Does this mean Russia is the subject of interest?

If Russia is suspected to have meddled in 2016 U.S. Presidential election and allegedly sabotaged the democratic Presidential hopeful Hillary Rodham Clinton’s shot at Presidency as the first female President,

Why did the predecessor President Barack Obama administration allow such alleged interference?

In other words, why didn’t the earlier administration in power at that time until January 2017 thwart foreign government intrusion given the state of the art technology and dragnet surveillance at their disposal?

The news media report on CIA awareness of Russia’s alleged plan raise the obvious query.

Why didn’t then President Barack Obama administration avert the foreign government meddling prior to the election day on November 4 in 2016?

Just like the media reporting now on CIA warning on Russia’s alleged preparation to intervene in the mid-term election this year.

What is the point in having intelligence agency that claims to have information about certain event that threatens democratic process and does nothing against the plot from coming into fruition?

There appears to be a pattern here going back to 9/11. The intelligence agencies CIA and FBI together with then administration under President George W. Bush and Vice President Dick Cheney were adequately warned and informed about the major terror attack on the nation and yet they regarded the warning as hoax and let it happen facilitating the death of three thousand and more American and foreign nationals lives on the fateful day 9/11/2001 and millions thereafter in foreign land.

Is CIA information gathering and subsequent release to media only for the latter analysis and interpretations to keep the public confused on the matter without any appropriate action from the relevant administrations to prevent such activity?

The interesting fact in this entire saga is the democratic candidacy of Hillary Rodham Clinton notably surrounded by controversies, scandals and scathing political background believed to have been deprived from winning the election in 2016 when the candidate Hillary Clinton nomination process within the democratic party admittedly rigged leading to the forced resignation i.e. expulsion of DNC chair Debbie Wasserman Schultz for the debacle.

The DNC interim chair at that time Donna Brazil recently confirmed the rigging adding to the pre-existing fact that was done to anoint the establishment candidate Hillary Clinton with DNC blatantly slighting the other contender on the democratic ticket, the Vermont Senator Bernie Sanders much to his supporters’ anger and disappointment.

Then the incident involving DNC staffer and Senator Bernie Sanders supporter, then 27 years old Seth Rich shot and killed on July 2016 in Washington D.C. for his alleged role in leaking DNC emails that had details on DNC decision to nominate Hillary Clinton further exacerbated DNC handling of the issue.

The murder of young political aide Seth Rich in the heat of political drama ensuing within DNC and the murder investigation results yet to be made public clarifies the problems confined to DNC bias and subversion of the nomination procedure.

Under these circumstances, the legitimate question that arise on the Robert Mueller Investigation is when the cause prompting such investigation expending taxpayer dollars evidently flawed from the beginning,

What is expected to be achieved from the pursuit?

The nomination of democratic candidate Hillary Clinton failed to follow the election rules and standard practice applicable to both political parties on primary and final election jeopardizing the credibility of such nomination.

The creation of Russian inquiry to deflect public attention from the actual internal turmoil in DNC due to pre-selected nominee Hillary Clinton usurping to be the Democratic Presidential candidate in 2016 election is circumvention and explains the endeavor bearing no meaningful and genuine purpose other than conforming to public opinion on the investigation being a political witch hunt and elaborating Russia phobia.

The Robert Mueller investigation would be fair and justified in the absence of DNC active impairment to field the candidate of their choice Hillary Clinton snubbing the democrat base and the other democrat contestant Senator Bernie Sander’s voters’ expectation for a normal and credible nomination course.

Otherwise, the wild goose chase laden with carving the bird in the impeachment undertone is rambunctious at best and fallacious at worst.

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant

Author & Presenter PadminiArhant.com










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