Ignorance is Bliss or an Abyss

January 19, 2024

Ignorance is Bliss or an Abyss

Padmini Arhant

Western Values – What are they?

Without having the need to go farther in timeline, reflection on events since post World War II (2) until date adequately clarify what exactly the western values are and continue to be in the 1st quarter of the twenty first century.

Those cheerleading the western so-called values base their position as follows.

According to these individual(s), they claim that it is not about clash of countries rather they regard the situation as the diametrically opposite East and Western cultures and civilizations citing the ideas as the focal point.

East vs. West culture clash and are described as such.

West apparently represent – freedom, democracy, human rights, free expressions, open discussions, capitalism, free markets, builders, creators…etc.,

East on the other hand is branded as collectivism – the nuance (since the west is big on nuance, innuendo and indirect ambush introduced and practiced specifically in the last 16 years) for “Communism, Socialism, Marxism despite the thought and source originating from the west – Karl Marx in Germany, Authoritarianism and of course the west favorite – the Jihadists, the extremists and the people dedicated to destruction and demolition in general.”

Here is the direct contradiction.

All that is described about West as the Western values are neither tolerated nor allowed to exist in the East by Western centrifuge.

In fact, these so-called western values are oxymoron to the western elite, who in reality are delusional supremacist narcissists directly responsible for the entire description of the eastern culture and system by ignorant minds.

Western political, economic and social legacy – colonialism, illegal invasion, occupation, oppression, suppression, repression, military aggression, intervention, divide and conquer polarization strategy, racism, classism, misogyny, subversion, distortion of race religion and cultural identity, false propaganda (rampant right now) condescendence…are prominent variety.

Above all, disapproval of democracy, freedom, individual rights, sovereignty, territorial integrity, unity, peace, economic growth, political stability in non-western nations are the norm.

The economic sanctions are invariably reserved and implemented only against non-western nations around the world.

Meanwhile, no western nation ever subject to economic embargo despite historic transgressions, war crimes, atrocities and breach in many dimensions and aspects of human existence in global society.

This gross abnormality and prejudice is also the factor denying and derailing genuine economic growth and development among nations categorized the third world or non-productive economy.

History is testament to western intervened meddled authorized and executed coup d’é·tat, installing rogue regimes, dictators, despots, authoritarians, military junta rule serving as western puppets, proxies and pawns to western political and multinational corporate diktat.

Besides above mentioned western primary role, the political unrest, color revolutions in Eastern Europe, assassinations of democratically elected Presidents, Prime Ministers worldwide, freedom movement non-violent leaderships, human rights activists, environmentalists and free press suppression highlight western supremacy.

Furthermore, aiding and abetting violent quelling of peaceful pro-democracy demonstrations by supplying military weapons, deploying military base and providing law enforcement personnel abroad viz. the Scotland Yard dispatched to Bahrain in 2011 – 2014 training the Bahrain’s Al Khalifa government anti-democratic task force to brutally beat even the medical doctors and emergency care paramedics attending to victims of the government unleashed merciless violence involving electrocution and murder of peaceful pro-democratic Bahraini citizens. These were meticulously carried out laying the quest for democracy to rest in the region with the able assistance from the west.

Western monarchy, governments and oligarchy maintaining close ties with anti-democratic dictatorial powers launched and fostered by the west are considered normal till date with little or no concern for human rights violations in those states and region.

Economic growth – the developing nations are submerged in sovereign debt with IMF and world bank enforced debt slavery lasting over generations.

Alternatively, the so-called third world nations are also used as experimental ground to test western military hardware, nuclear laden air strikes, drones even nuclear weapon detonation in South Pacific island nations.

Terrorism – the creation of  Al Qaeda with the leaders the former civil engineer Osama Bin Laden from Saudi Arabia succeeded by the Egyptian doctor Ayman al-Zawahiri, Iraq’s insurgency, Taliban, IS, ISIS, ISIL, the cannibals in Syria…and many known and in disguise terror networks and outfits are duly attributed to western design and production – the United States, Britain and Israel besides NATO involvement in illegal invasions of foreign land – notably the Middle East and neighboring regions.

The nations referred to as terror state, the factions are utilized by the west for proxy war in the Middle East, Eastern Europe, Latin America and Asia.

The concept of private army in the conventional warfare was western invention viz. the notorious Black waters committing heinous crimes in military uniform in Iraq, Libya, Afghanistan, Ukraine prior to Russian invasion in 2022.

The idea of terrorism is western premise with Zionist terrorists disguised as Arab workers detonated bombs in the King David Hotel in Jerusalem in 1946.

Later, after the creation of the State of Israel on Palestine, the six day war carried out by Israel against Arab neighbors.

Then unbeknown to the economic and military aid benefactor till date, the United States’ Naval Technical research ship – USS Liberty was attacked by Israel with torpedo causing massive damage to the ship and importantly killing many naval crew on board.

The tragedy was covered up with victims families strictly advised and warned not to seek any information about their loved ones or discuss with media. The survivors were not compensated sufficiently due to Israel declining apology and monetary compensation.

The September 11, 2001 terror attack on American soil was the corner stone of Zionist Project for New American Century using catastrophic event suggesting similar to Pearl Harbor incident and involve America in decimating all those nations predominantly in the Middle East other than Afghanistan for economic interests and strategic dominance.

Human Rights – The western policy is those they choose to dehumanize as their racial right are delineated as sub-human species and hence justify any injustice against them.

The mistreatment of different segments within own society is normalized in toothless defense.

Notwithstanding, the civil liberty, invasion of home, privacy are all irrelevant in western monetized supply of technology such as the spyware Pegasus sold by Israeli company on Israel’s defense manufacturing and sales oversight. The spyware Pegasus like many other cyber tools to pry, spy and place their targets on 24/7 unlawful surveillance are in circulation with western knowledge and application on their targets.

These items are widely sold to purveyors and governments misusing technology for pervert sleazy purpose with no accountability regardless of the exposure on malicious offensive criminal conduct.

Gaza War – The ongoing war in Gaza is the serving example on human rights excoriation to suit the aggressors and sponsors financing the genocide.

Israel’s Administrative Detention indefinitely confining Palestinian juveniles and minors used as the prototype for Guantanamo Bay adult prisoners of Islamic faith from different locations of the world. 

Guantanamo Bay – Those held in the foreign island (Cuba) prison slighting  violation of Cuban territory, are detained for life without any due process, habeas corpus in dismissal of human rights groups and legal representatives’ request for hearings and review on the arbitrary detention.

Open and Free Discussion: On the so-called western openness Netherlands in western Europe as Bilderberg group collude in secret locations till date barring public press, participation and release of matter related to global issues.

The Bilderberg secret society called out by the former U.S. President John F.Kennedy appropriately repugnant and condemning Israel’s discreet nuclear status cost the ex-President’s life.

The members and attendees involving western corporations viz. Google CEO, Microsoft’s Bill Gates, United States Congress members such as Senator Lindsey Graham and other individuals from within close circle are sworn to secrecy barring divulgence of details in the secret society meeting.

Health – the western activities jeopardizing life and health has been around for a while and was lately experienced in the western pioneered Corona Virus manufactured in Wuhan lab, China triggering the disastrous global pandemic as COVID 19 consuming millions of lives world over.

Agriculture – The crop killing poison agents from western company Monsanto and Bill Gates – the investor in Corona Virus and vaccine, foothold in inducing agrarian crisis distressing farmers even leading many to suicide world wide is a well known fact. The same would apply to GMO – genetically modified crops, cattle raising and animal husbandry are western companies formula to reap maximum profit at the cost of human lives and environment.

Depopulation – the agenda regarded critical and been the driving force behind the bio-engineered lab virus SARS COV2 wiping out significant global population in the COVID 19 pandemic. Again all details were withheld by WHO Director – General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus in compliance with China’s instruction on the burgeoning health catastrophe.

This is the western tax payer primarily United States funded UN organization – WHO taking marching orders from the ultimate Communist nation China.

Not to mention – the western aversion (pun) for communism is clearly and visibly demonstrated in enabling and promoting the Communist China as the global manufacturing base and economic powerhouse today.

Environment – The United Nations annual conventions on climate treaty is a display of intentions without delivery in actions on diverse environment woes mostly focused on disowning responsibility in the face of geographic footprints and scientific evidence on pollution and air quality deterioration in many parts of the world not excluding the western industrial complex.

Corruption – As for the widespread corruption, the carcinogenic toxic effect on politics, economy and all things concerning humanity and society at large begins in the western domain viz. the Swiss Banks – known for widely accepting funds from anywhere – illegal illicit funds flowing from all different sources including nefarious unscrupulous elements, extortionists, drug and human traffickers, criminal and incognito entities’ deposits hidden away in the highly secure digitalized Swiss vault.

The unethical flamboyant tradition in Switzerland whose economy with highest per capita income is run on financial proceeds derived from stolen wealth reaching the Swiss vault while leaving the collective citizens deprived of hard earned savings and economic contributions to their domestic economy is an embarrassing trajectory in western value.

The Swiss Banks precedence have paved way for other crooked tax havens and destinations inviting shell companies and structures to hoard dirty money from politics, celebrities in the entertainment industry, economic sector and alike.

Who is robbing from whom in the selective vs. collective debate aroused by the World Economic Forum?

WEF members including the Royalty for whom employment and labor is antithetical while their existence and extravagance over generations have been on the back of the so-called commoners’ charity as the labor force and tax payer in the economy.

Royalty never even considered paying any royalty or tax to the colonies they colonized and own citizenry treated as the subjects to legitimize the illegitimate Royal status.

The bizarre Royal syndrome with reservation for collectivism essentially in disagreement with fair wealth distribution among global citizenry generated from universal natural endowments and consolidated labor paradoxically asserted as the head of the Commonwealth nations.

Commonwealth explicitly referencing the wealth of the former colonies to maintain status quo as Commonwealth member states under colonial authority.

The British monarchy presiding over the Commonwealth nations summit as the head of the Commonwealth was direct implication on the member states being not independent rather dominion republic as clearly specified in the transfer of power deed in 1947 related to India’s independence.

The phrase dominion republic insisting the crown to remain the dominant power in any format over the colony subsequent to departure was the bone of contention for India’s freedom movement leader Mahatma Gandhi who was noticeably absent in the celebratory occasion of Indian independence as the leadership sensed great disappointment.

The scenario repeated against Palestine with Israel’s far right politics pledged to Zionist ideology vehemently opposed to independent sovereign Palestine free of Israeli occupation and subjugation.

Simultaneously, WEF members like the contentious Adani group from India, whose business activities and operations continue to remain existential threat to Indian economy, global environment and democratic setting further elaborate on WEF promotion on corporate governance of politics that are the contemporary established pattern making elections nothing more than a formality and farcical.

It is no surprise to note the WEF awkward narrative through invitees from Argentina recently or earlier from India and other parts of the world for preserving western decadence via servile publicity craving non-western government heads in the otherwise exclusive western elitists (?) interests oriented WEF.

WEF having signaled the controversial Great Reset – eliminating cash economy, configuration for currency manipulation and other secretive hacks in the global financial system care less about consequences eventually hurting the selective privileged society it caters for when deriding the so-called collectivism.

The western so-called free expression were all out in the open freely when gag orders, censorship and cancel culture are automatic on alternative views and perspectives on sensitive humanitarian, health (COVID 19) tyranny, political, economic and genocidal warfare.

IQ  – As for the west being the Builders and Creators – always credited as authentic intelligence.

Juxtaposed when it is from the one not approved by the west for refusing to kowtow like the ones in the contingency and forbid endless abuse freeloading, then it is declared artificial intelligence, robotic and designated to anonymity.

The narcissists never acknowledge any wrongdoing and enraged upon being shown the mirror despite them running away from selves for the same reasons and guilt.

Likewise, never mind the western hypocrisy assigning collectivism on the targeted individual i.e. me with my profile, identity and especially free tireless contributions in the age where the exploiters rake fortune and career success at others expense as their prerogative and entitlement.

Nonetheless mine are randomly distributed to wannabes, opportunists and freeloaders of their choice and preference.

FYI – when anyone stick whomsoever face, race, religion, gender, lifestyle etc. on the one whom they despise the most as the arch nemesis while harvesting from the person’s output, that is clearly indicative of their ugliness and negative sentiments towards those they use as pawns to besmirch their foe.

The parasitic trend without any shame in direct violation of my personal rights other than conflicting with moral ethical efficacy evidently never apply in targeted isolated racist misogynist culture.

Again none are without serious repercussions in karmic effects weighing down on those taking anyone and anything for granted until the moment reminding them of what goes around inevitably comes around.

In conclusion, the notion and belief that western values are sacrosanct compared to eastern standards is a myth requiring better understanding with honest acceptance of facts and reality.

At the end of the day, selectivism is dependent on collectivism to toil in the work force and fuel the economy as consumers enriching the selective in the capitalism that is no longer the free market economy.

Instead the concentration of wealth and power among the selective group has transformed capitalism to monopolistic economy.

The small school of fish are either driven to insolvency or absorbed by financially larger stakeholders and deal makers in the industry with anti-trust laws made ineffective.

The collectivism are also the regular taxpayers enabling government and public service given the selective class adeptness and affordability to evade tax and financial obligations.

The politics governed by the selective upper echelons also facilitate these means on or off the radar. 

One can awaken the one asleep. However, it is futile attempting the same with the closed mind.

Ignorance is bliss whereas ignorance in denial of factuality and rejecting reasoning faculty is an abyss.

Padmini Arhant




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