Ethics – Courage in Admission of Guilt

October 27, 2021

Courage in Admission of Guilt

Padmini Arhant

There are two different types of crimes – one where those involved openly admit having done that regardless of repercussions. This type usually might justify their actions even though they may not be justifiable when there are loss of lives and the crime inflicting pain and suffering in many aspects to the victims.

Nevertheless, they remain firm in their convictions of the crime they are involved with and accept full responsibility.  In this way, this particular type exhibit resolve and courage in the admission of their participation. Whether the action i.e. the crime is right or wrong in legal, ethical and moral sense is a consequence they engage via appropriate channels such as judiciary and media platforms. At least they do not shy away from the admission of having committed the crime. 

Now there is the other type choosing the path of denial and defiance regardless of incontrovertible evidences leading to open shut case. This type circumvent the situation despite their direct or indirect involvement staring straight at them. They try hard to evade and mostly scapegoat anyone not even remotely related to their agenda.

Such characteristics are classic guilt syndromes prompting them to ignore the inner conscience and deviate from acknowledgment of the crime. This behavior subject them to enormous strife just to hide their crime and unnecessarily weave a web of lies, insinuations and far fetched explanations to evade responsibility.

As a result they continue to struggle in maintaining their versions considering the lack of courage and integrity to come forward and face the reality. In avoiding confirmation of their crime, they hope to avert the ramifications especially when they are protected with political immunity and other privileges. 

However, this second category end up experiencing excruciating guilt within besides their transparent trepidation revealing all that is clear to the eyes of the beholder. They are also saddled with excess baggage of maintaining muted response or alternatively obfuscate in their position. 

Either way they find themselves sailing in turbulent seas with no courage to confront the challenge. 

Courage is indeed a big deal in life amid or to deter any crisis. 

Padmini Arhant 

Author & Presenter 


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