Happy Easter 2014!

April 20, 2014

By Padmini Arhant 

Lord Jesus resurrection to life on the third day following crucifixion on Holy Friday is celebrated on Easter Sunday.

Humanity failure to follow spiritual teachings and guidance is evident in civilization decline.  

Those at the helm having no control over self-destructive indulgence direct their faithful in wrongdoing and violation of others rights endangering survival.

The conscious engagement by them to satisfy overwhelming greed and quest defy conscience leading them towards self-imprisonment in guilt and permanent suffering.

When sinful act committed with no acknowledgment and continued ignoring imminent judgment, the sinner invites endless misery and deterioration in life form beyond salvation.

The mirror image reveals actual character and the individual(s) denial confirm fear and folly overshadowing reason. Accordingly the personal attributes and orientation conveniently ascribed to anyone not even remotely related or in resemblance to such reflection.

These deeds clarify weakness and crippling mentality harming the source harboring malice in frustration for being unable to achieve ill-conceived ambitions even though the lack of success is entirely due to own past and present negative performance i.e. bad karma.

The absorption in devious plans and motives prioritizing self-interests only yield undesirable outcome in justification of dysfunctional premise. 

Again in the absence of soul searching and refusal to learn from mistakes for meaningful existence adds to culmination of woes contributing to agonizing experience ahead.

Life offers opportunities and choices with clear distinction on opposite positions to eliminate confusion and false accusation.  Yet deliberate involvement qualifying as willful conduct persists for lofty aspirations despite inevitable unfavorable results. 

Hence imprudence overriding logic invariably produces setbacks in mission aimed at collective impact to benefit the selective few. 

Lord Jesus Christ sacrifice to lead mankind towards deliverance upon recognition and appreciation could facilitate moral reconnaissance especially in the contemporary era.

Happy Easter!

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant




















Merry Christmas – The Joyous Celebration

December 25, 2013

By Padmini Arhant

The birth of Lord Jesus is celebrated with joy and greetings augmenting festive season.

Christmas message to the world is to exemplify appreciation of Lord Jesus sacrifice in deeds with care and compassion towards those experiencing immense suffering due to lack of political freedom, economic disparity and social injustice.

The existing system denying vast majority basic rights and necessities is premised on false sense of security upholding contradictory principles in the quest for indefinite authority.

Human values on the decline with self-interest prioritized over national and mass benefit. 

The misuse of power targeting innocent lives legitimizes offense with preference for violence through relentless warfare, terrorism and other atrocities rejecting peace at every opportunity.

Sins committed in life burden soul with guilt and the absence of recognition, remorse and reform deprive individuals from redemption subscribing to endless ordeal that could be averted via introspection and involvement leading to self-purification. 

The real freedom guaranteed upon reining control on common trait – the negativities that overwhelm character.

Furthermore, identifying the enemy within viz. the self  prior to preoccupation in pursuit of perceived rivals would ease unnecessary tensions and enmity causing internal turmoil.

Similarly violation of trust is betrayal of own conscience witness to thoughts and actions resulting in debt accumulation to be settled to qualify for soul liberation i.e. to rest in eternal peace.

The development of acrimony, prejudice and malice is self-destructive and bear consequences affecting the source more than the victim.

Hence directing human mind in enhancing positive attributes and renouncing malignant qualities would constitute self-cleansing important for healthy living and peaceful co-existence.

The constant practice to endanger lives harboring ill-feelings disease the body and corrupt mental process creating confusion and delusional status.

Human conduct espousing empathy, respect and cordial relations replacing prevalent and persistent apathy and discord would alleviate plight on personal and communal account.

The enormous power and wealth is meaningless and defeats the purpose in life when expended in promoting individual aspirations with satisfaction derived from others misery.

Life is a learning center providing means for atonement and refinement.  The inner peace emanating from purity facilitates clarity preventing disruption in balanced functionality.

The decision to deviate from counterproductive course and engagement for universal good could be the preliminary step in self-emancipation.

Lord Jesus extraordinary benevolence throughout presence on earth until crucifixion and after signify Almighty God’s will in all matter.

Rejoicing the auspicious occasion of Christmas in Jesus Christ remembrance could be demonstrated in acceptance of Lord’s teachings comprising simple and profound instructions elevating human spirit from darkness to brightness in the arduous journey confronted with trial and tribulation to test endurance and perseverance – the crucial characteristics to overcome strife in life. 

The best tribute to divinity is altruism in serving mankind and protecting environment from continuous threats and abuse reflective in seeking economic and political dominance.

Global citizens solidarity transcending barriers in acknowledgment of identity as member of human family extending consideration for all living beings could remove obstacles on the path of pervasive progress.

Again collective responsibility would deliver success in sharing equitable happiness amongst all. 

Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays!

Peace to all!

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant













Hindu Festival – Happy Diwali!

November 2, 2013

By Padmini Arhant

Diwali is the festival of lights celebrated every year throughout India and elsewhere by Indian diaspora. 

The joyous occasion commemorates various events in Hindu religion with a common denominator being the importance of virtues and righteousness providing guidance in self-purification necessary for purposeful life.

In the arduous journey involving birth and death, the human form endowed with six senses and relevantly the discriminatory power to distinguish between right and wrong facilitates checks and balances leading to disillusionment.

Life is a gift and appreciation as such for other lives and well being sow the seeds of love and compassion yielding returns for deeds beneficial to all.

Life experience is an education necessitating review and reform in recognition of repeat errors hurting self and surrounding upon continuation of actions proved counterproductive. 

The resistance to change reflective in results of engagement is due to self-denial and false sense of satisfaction despite failures in pursuit of illogical aspirations precipitating decline. 

Furthermore the reluctance to modify thoughts abandoning negativities contributes to internal chaos and confusion that eventually impairs normal function.

Human mind overcoming shortcomings like greed, envy, ego, prejudice and hatred prompting violence as the means to achieve goals is the preliminary step towards self-emancipation from personal guilt that would ultimately liberate the soul from eternal suffering.

Life offers choices for individuals to exercise discretion and discernment in decisions setting the direction dependent on preferences in this regard. 

The conscientious dealings and deliberate indulgence in harmful performance delivers outcome accordingly even though any success might be temporary due to inherent flaws and plain dishonesty.

On Diwali, the tradition to meet and greet family as well as friends sharing delicious sweets and different preparations creates harmony reminding the essence of cultural heritage rich in customs and human values enhancing prospects for peaceful co-existence.

The fireworks decorating the skyline and colorful lights on homes and temples are not merely symbolic but also emphasize the natural potential to dispel darkness within and around through illumination.

Diwali is an opportunity to energize human spirit spreading peace and positive attributes paving way for a promising future.

May the auspicious festivity with spiritual grace eliminate all obstacles in the arrival of Golden Age i.e. Satyug expeditiously marking the end of the Dark Age otherwise known as Kalyug. 

Felicitations to all observing Diwali for religious reason or social interaction!

Diwali Ki Shubh Kamnayein! Deepavali Nal Valthukal

Peace to all!

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant







Religious Festival – Eid al-Fitr Mubarak To Followers of Islam

August 9, 2013

By Padmini Arhant

Felicitations on the religious occasion of Eid al-Fitr to Muslims around the world!

The festival marking the end of holy month Ramadan observed with fasting and prayers is rejoiced in full splendor and social activity.

Celebration in tranquility enhance the essence of customs and traditions with a purpose to appreciate the benefactor – Almighty God’s benevolence to mankind.

However, the contemporary situation mired with senseless violence motivated by greed and quest for dominance targets innocent lives resulting in turmoil.

Those behind political and social unrest notwithstanding propaganda misuse power for agendas detrimental to humanity interest.

The sectarian or communal discord is caused to create a wedge in society and between nations thwarting peace at every opportunity.

Such representation cares for none except their ambitions at the vast majority expense.

The appropriate response to violent aspirations and deception is to reject the premise and strive for peaceful resolution on issues made complex with external intervention while remaining committed towards ending prolonged conflict or political stalemate.

The consolidated actions promoting solidarity transcending differences for common benefit could be instrumental in overcoming challenges surrounding national and international goals.

Hopefully reason and pragmatism would guide in decision-making process delivering meaningful and progressive outcome.

Wishing followers of Islamic faith joyous Eid al-Fitr with Almighty God’s blessings for pervasive peace and harmony necessary to achieve growth and development.

Eid-al Fitr Mubarak to Muslim Ummah!

Peace to all!

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant

Spiritualism – Felicitations on Holy Month Ramadan Commencement

July 10, 2013

By Padmini Arhant

Felicitations! To followers of Islam observing the holy month of Ramadan.

Almighty God initiated and established religions represents peace and harmony with service to humanity regarded the primary purpose.

Islam like other religions is the epitome of peace, humility and sanctity with trust in God.

In the holy month, the pious and faithful adhere to fasting from dawn to dusk praying for self and others well being in the arduous life journey.

Religious prayers and customs provide opportunity for self-purification enabling better performance in daily life.

The greed motivated activities adopting violence as the means contributes to people suffering around the world.

Furthermore, the erosion of human qualities and characteristics attributed to self-interests at others expense exacerbates victims experience.

Human approach to life espousing compassion, mutual respect, understanding and cooperation for common good is productive permeating peace and stability.

The conscious indulgence aimed at harming individuals or collective members in society and ultimately the nation at large invariably has adverse impact on sources in accordance with natural law – reaping what they sow in life.

All actions bear consequences and none exempt from judgment regardless of personal views and disposition in this context.

Human form with discriminatory power is a gift to exalt rather than deteriorate in functionality. The challenge remains in exercising discernment and sincere commitment towards positive development.

Contemporarily, forces aspiring dominance target nations to cause civilization collapse that essentially leads to self-destruction.

The rise of fallacious and presumptuous power declining natural process is self-defeating and expedite imminent downfall.

The divine intervention ends degeneration directing evolution in the path of preservation and recreation of energy to reflect Supreme Being manifestation.

Any obstacles to prevent pre-determined events are illusive and evasive deployment resisting inevitable outcome favoring mankind.

Human efforts for elevation in spirit demonstrating humanitarian values by caring and sharing attributes would guarantee universal benefit.

The will to succeed in self-emancipation from negativities naturally leads to salvation.

May the unnecessary warfare,unrest and human ordeal across the globe cease with merciful and generous God’s blessings!

Wishing Muslims and non-Muslims inner peace and unity during much anticipated Holy Ramadan and thereafter.

Peace to all!

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant

Spiritualism – Happy Easter! 2013

March 31, 2013

By Padmini Arhant

Happy Easter! To all celebrating this important and joyous day when Lord Jesus appeared before the ardent disciple and apostles confirming the Lord’s resurrection to life following crucifixion that is observed as Holy Friday.

Lord Jesus Christ sacrifice was not only to absolve the world of sins and impurities but also to teach mankind the choices available to them in self-redemption and that being righteousness utilizing discriminatory power to distinguish between right and wrong at every opportunity.

Upon exercising will to deter negativity often misleading human mind, anyone could experience peaceful existence when they vow not to harm them or others and,

Instead strive to outreach the distressed, needy, defenseless and voiceless…especially now in the hour of great turmoil and senseless violence causing destruction to many innocent fellow beings on earth.

Lord Jesus exemplified his teachings providing guidance in overcoming vices often creating obstacles in the path of light.

When there is self-determination and resolve to abstain from temptations generating unnecessary problems for individual and surrounding that qualifies as conquest over dominant factor.

Human attempt to achieve peace within is a preliminary step towards normal living and enables proper functioning without fear, grievance and dissatisfaction.

The contemporary age is grappling with confusion not knowing contentment in material value and illusion in reaching for mirage as the real image driven by aspirations ignoring immeasurable adversity primarily to the source in the form of personal suffering subsequently inflicted on the members close and far away.

Whenever desires are beyond control transforming into overwhelming greed or even worse contempt for the imaginary enemy rather than recognition of own characteristics proved to be degenerative, the process results in precipitous self-decline and succumb to ill-fate.

Life is unpredictable like the ocean waves and appreciation for self-possessions with development of attributes such as sharing would promote benevolence found in the vastness of the sea representing creator’s magnanimity towards all creations contributing to ecological balance critical in inter-dependent yet independent survival.

Easter is an occasion to felicitate the return of Lord Jesus Christ in glory and acknowledgment of Almighty God as the benefactor in pervasive manifestation.

Happy Easter to all around the world!

Peace to all!

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant

Spiritualism – Islam Milad an-Nabi –Prophet Muhammad / Mohammad (PBUH) Birth Anniversary

January 27, 2013

By Padmini Arhant

Happy Birth Anniversary of Prophet Muhammad / Mohammad (PBUH)! on Friday January 25, 2013 also known as Milad an-Nabi celebrated by followers of Islam around the world.

Islam’s Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) – the holiest and most revered religious figure epitomizes justice, peace and harmony.

With spiritual guidance from Almighty God Allah, the holy religion of Islam spread through Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) and facilitated by Holy Scripture Quran enlighten mankind on the purpose of life and meaningful existence.

Synonymous to all other religions initiated and established by Supreme divine force,

Islam provides vision, hope and path to salvation i.e. purification from sins in order to live a guilt free life further enabling soul to rest in peace upon discarding physical body that is known as death or demise.

In conjunction with joyous birthday celebration of Islam’s favorite Prophet Muhammad (PBUH), many Muslim nations also observed ‘Muslim Unity’ week considering prevalent discord from western orchestrated violence throughout Muslim world.

Reviewing current situation worldwide with Middle East in particular, Islam is under siege and needs to be liberated from forces misusing the holy religion for regional and geopolitical dominance.

Besides adherence to strong principles demonstrating courage and integrity, there is an urgent requirement among Muslim community to display solidarity transcending sectarianism in recognition of all denomination not only within Islam but also extending to other faiths and non-religious groups in their society.

Strength lies in unity and peaceful means involving dialogue to resolve problems – the effective defense against foreign threats undermining sovereignty at every opportunity.

Human character personified in love, compassion and commitment towards peace as well as non-violence guarantee success leading to fulfillment of genuine aspirations in life.

Islamic countries cooperation promoting trade, financial aid and humanitarian assistance to oppressed, beleaguered and economically disadvantaged nations in Middle East, Africa and Asia would substantially improve living conditions for vast majority in abject poverty.

Non Aligned Movement (NAM) as an international body comprising global memberships assuming the role in passing resolutions with member nations general consensus is the only pragmatic approach for dealing with crises and dispute settlement.

NAM unlike UN has rotating Presidency without hierarchy such as P5+1 and second tier consisting 15 members council invariably undermined with superpower syndrome.

Moreover UN organization has lost credibility due to systemic failure in ending conflict in Syria resulting in enormous loss of lives and infrastructure destruction.

Freezing Israeli settlements expansion in the occupied Palestinian land and,

Subjecting nuclear states U.S. and Israel for international verification and sanctions against them for violation of international law in every respect.

UN Secretary General appointment, responsibility and decision making is in shadow powers control. The ideology driven policies are the reasons for status quo.

Nations are targeted with excruciating sanctions that tantamount to economic warfare in addition to military aggression.

The violators are rewarded while those in compliance of every UN resolution and international rules are consistently isolated with inhumane and arbitrary embargo not even exempting medicines and food supplies to victims of gross injustice.

Case in point – Iran, Syria, North Korea, Cuba and Haiti…among other developing nations subjected to crippling sanctions maintaining the tradition of slow and painful killings of respective nationality.

Above all, UNSC is the problem more than a solution to humanity today.

UN also responsible for sponsoring wars across the globe through UNSC primarily abused with veto power on critical matter viz. Palestinian statehood, Western powers illegal invasion and occupation of nations among many important issues contributing to world population plight.

United States, Britain, France and Germany prominently misuse UNSC for agenda under false pretexts threatening global peace and security.

Henceforth, NAM earns the reputation of being the legitimate international authority replacing UN specifically UNSC in enacting peace proposals and implementing recommendations on international affairs.

In conclusion, Islam’s holiness and likewise other religions sanctity cannot be tarnished with ignorance and impropriety.

God’s created religions are sacrosanct and will continue to dispel darkness exemplified in Prophet Muhammad / Mohammad (PBUH) mission as the shining bright light since time immemorial.

Best Wishers to people of Islamic faith and rest of the global society in pursuit of peace and happiness conforming to different religious teachings convergence on the message of universal empathy and benevolence for collective progress and prosperity.

Peace to all!

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant

Spiritualism – Islam, Muharram Commemorating Shia Imam Hussain (PBUH) Martyrdom

January 5, 2013

By Padmini Arhant

The faithful followers of Islam – Shia, Sunni, Alawites, Druz and Sufism… are all children of Allah – Almighty God – the creator, protector and benefactor of life.

Shia Muslims gathered to perform Arbaeen ritual in the holy city Karbala in Iraq on the 40th and last day of mourning observed during Muharram honoring the great sacrifice of third Shia Imam, Imam Hussain (PBUH), the grandson of Islam’s beloved Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) maintaining the family tradition in humanitarian service.

Historic evidence on Imam Hussain (PBUH) with family and 72 companions valiant battle against Yazid, representing tyranny in seventh century marked the day of Ashura providing mankind guidance on the distinction between good and evil.

Imam Hussain (AS) and members martyrdom was not in vain considering the courage and integrity to defend righteousness and just cause against aggression admirably exemplified with dignity.

Again Imam Hussain (AS) commitment throughout resistance is an incredible source of inspiration not only to people of Islamic faith but entire world.

In the contemporary era, fragmentation in society facilitates foreign invasion and occupation.

Imperialism and colonization would not emerge let alone succeed upon national solidarity and patriotism.

The main avenues for foreign usurpation or infiltration are treason and narcissism among certain factions in society or diaspora paving way towards national subjugation.

With respect to Muslims plight and attack on Islam, the problems unequivocally attributed to clannish dynasty rule alternatively subservience to external forces for individual gains such as power along with wealth amassment witnessed in despotic regimes and their oppression as well as persecution of own population.

Al-Saud Kingdom and Gulf allies Yemen, Tunisia, Egypt, Libya, Bahrain, Qatar, Kuwait, UAE, Jordan, Turkey and elsewhere Pakistan, Afghanistan and Azerbaijan…prominently serve western interests costing citizens lives and destiny not to mention the surrender of sovereignty at will.

Although such posturing is contradictory to Islam and spiritual descendants (PBUT) principles aptly demonstrated in respective dedication to mankind.

The trend continues with sectarianism and fundamentalism benefitting foreign invaders agenda of divide and conquer strategy.

Muslims world over especially in the war torn nations enduring extreme violence like in Pakistan, Afghanistan, Somalia, Sudan, Yemen, Iraq and others under relentless foreign incursion or aided assault viz. Syria, Palestine, Lebanon, Iran, Bahrain, Oman, Jordan, Qatar, UAE, Saudi Arabia and Egypt are required to transcend barriers to unity i.e. remain unified in the demand for liberty and rights to self determination.

All are urged to solidify support regardless of sect, religion and delineations identifying one another as citizen of the country sharing common aspirations and individual dreams in life.

Nation’s strength lies in people power to rise to the occasion against challenges confronting them.

Accordingly, the situation affects the country at large allowing predators to exploit weaknesses within society fomenting unrest and turmoil to their advantage.

Reviewing ongoing conflicts with some nations struggling more than the other, hegemonic influenced discord is widely promoted in vulnerable and sensitive territories for easy access and dominance under crises resolution pretext.

While sponsoring terrorism and heinous crimes against innocent civilians through overt and covert operations ranging from direct involvement to proxy wars, the belligerence deterrence effective in unanimous dissent to foreign intervention in sovereign internal matter.

As for repressive governance reflected in brutal crackdown against peaceful protesters imposing ban on assembly curbing freedom of expression ominously prove departure from democracy and totalitarian rule.

Society tolerance to intolerance breeds injustice and embolden authoritarianism.

The atrocity against any particular segment like abandonment of Rohingyas in Myanmar or Palestinians and targeted killings of Shias in Pakistan, Saudi Arabia, Bahrain, Iraq including Alawites in Syria with Saudi cleric decree to violate Syrian women rights constitutes sacrilege of Islam besides defiance to national and international law.

Those responsible for fellow Muslims and non-Muslims alike immense suffering invite grueling experience upon them invoking judgment in accordance with their action towards victims of abusive power and economic status.

Poignantly, clashes in Israeli and western societies for instance the orthodox vs. unorthodox or other distinctive traits defining individuality are non-existent or seldom occur limited to communication exchange unlike events witnessed in Muslim and non-western countries constantly related to identity oriented communal disputes viz. sect, religion and caste splitting communities with eventual impact on social fabric threatening national security.

The solution to endless strife is harmony and acknowledgment of each other as human beings prior to classifications that stokes sentiments against natural purpose.

Changing perceptions on diversity in the form of appreciation over denunciation would cultivate mutual respect and guarantee relative calmness relevant to peaceful co-existence.

Moreover, socio economic hierarchy whether religious denomination or caste systems wherever applicable are entirely human generated concepts revealing flagrant rejection of divine law indoctrinated on fairness, equality and justice.

In general, proper understanding, education and awareness combined with discernment in application of knowledge extremely important in the outreach to ostracized and marginalized demography duly qualified for basic rights and privileges otherwise only available to those claiming entitlements in the superficial segregation.

Social behavior conforming to inclusiveness and disavow exclusivity elevates human character delivering positive results on issues concerning personal and public dilemma.

Religious teachings and oracles are meant to dispel darkness and myths surrounding baseless arguments confined to thoughts collected on instinctive or impulsive reaction ignoring facts for hypothesis.

Finally, Muslims coming together in solid expression declining counterproductive ideology and dissipating powers malevolent practices lay the foundation for political, economic and social emancipation.

Remembrance of saints like Imam Hussain and progeny (PBUT) significant contribution is best depicted in emulation sowing seeds of love and understanding for flowers in full bloom permeating environment with serene beauty and fragrance.

Wishing Muslim brothers, sisters and rest of the world pleasant present comparable to enchanting perfume from garden of tranquility yielding a promising future.

Peace to all!

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant

http://youtu.be/capMObCpFPc http://youtu.be/rJz79LA1qUE

Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays!

December 24, 2012

By Padmini Arhant

Many celebrate Christmas rejoicing the birth of Lord Jesus.

Lord Jesus epitomized God’s message to mankind espousing values such as compassion and equality.

The Lord’s sacrifice was not only to absolve humanity of their sins but also to direct them towards righteousness – the only path to redemption and salvation.

Considering the status quo with injustice, tyranny and violence inflicted upon innocent lives worldwide,

Human suffering attributed to abuse of power and excess greed in disobedience of inner conscience.

The pursuit of non-violence and peaceful discourse is the absolute and effective measure in resolving any crises confronting global society.

With religions exploited for exclusive gains, the forces behind distortion and defamation unfortunately promoting divisive policies including extremism resulting in violent clashes within society.

The reproachable conduct by those in position of authority even indulging in harmful practices contributing to unnecessary unrest rather than exercising rationality for common good.

For instance the controversial gun control debate in the United States emanating from tragic and appalling spate of shooting incidents deserves proper understanding and clarification to guide society in adopting pragmatic and balanced approach leading to desirable outcome – protecting lives in every respect.

To address any problem especially burgeoning issues threatening safety and security of citizens, determination of the cause, means and motives are important to establish sustainable system.

Society persistence in rejecting violence experienced not merely in national domain but throughout the world is the preliminary step followed by liberating political structure from massive vested interests influence could lead to relatively calm environment.

The mainstream media hypocrisy is pronounced in their selective empathy on situations related to loss of lives in the domestic front.

Meanwhile, the MSM role in advancing agenda through choreographed events on behalf of terror sponsors producing death and destruction also responsible for national crime escalation.

Since governments and their policies represent nations,

The public perception given the paradigm shift in governance reflected in concentration of power in the executive branch with congress rendered irrelevant and dysfunctional is fomenting fear and unwanted criminal behavior.

Moreover, certain segments in society emulate government in resistance to humanitarian benefit.

In this context – United States nuclear status declining Non-Proliferation Treaty or IAEA verification and conducting subcritical nuclear test in Nevada desert in December 2012 on the self-proclaimed responsible vs. reckless argument echoed in the gun discussion.

Similarly United States illegal wars with incriminating past and present justifying violence and violation of human rights significantly impact society.

Public scrutiny on government authorized ‘Fast and Furious’ program across the border to Mexico or arms shipment to Syria via Gulf allies Qatar, UAE and Turkey are required to terminate conventional arms race.

The economic sector aggressive lobbying usurps power and political leaderships loyalty to campaign financiers betray electorate and pass legislations detrimental to national progress.

National Rifles Association (NRA) – the prominent lobbyist for defense industry combined with gun owners citing second amendment possibly in deterrence to state authoritarianism is a dilemma in pervasive elimination of arms possession.

Further, handgun magazines and semi-automatic rifles sales reportedly surged on EBay and Walmart stores with global largest retailer apparent adherence to stock range comprising the lethal weapon used in Sandy Hook elementary school tragedy.

Reiterating the stance on this matter – stricter gun control laws banning assault weapons regardless of size and potential is long overdue.

Alongside institutionalized transparency and accountability with independent oversight on legislative, executive, judiciary and government agencies functions would allay legitimate concerns due to prevalent unconstitutional and undemocratic laws viz. Patriot Act, FISA, NDAA and harassment in national airports under false flag operation.

The increased government probes with surveillance drones and civil rights erosion evolving into martial law denying citizens legal process and subjecting them to military tribunal instead of civilian proceedings confirm departure from democracy.

Initially covert and lately overt assertion of authority exceeding normal standards primarily responsible for skyrocketing firearms sales not to mention the U.S. administration bizarre relaxation of rules allowing citizens to carry assault weapons in public transports like trains and areas viz. parks endanger life all around.

Restricting government activities to providing services besides law and order maintenance confined to democratic principles would mitigate growing mistrust against those elected to power and their misplaced priority.

Enforcing national and international arms embargo and complete nuclear disarmament is the permanent solution to global security and peace.

Elsewhere – Vatican with substantial followers of Christianity seeking moral guidance regrettably entrenched in secrecy is contradictory to Lord Jesus teachings on truthfulness and qualities defining human character.

Institutions and religious organizations bear greater responsibility in exemplifying as paragon of virtue.

Pope Benedict XVI ex-Butler Paolo Gabriele was arrested and sentenced to 18 months in prison for allegedly stealing papal documents and revealing them to Italian press.

The accused shared his genuine reasons commenting on ethical deterioration in the diocese.

Paolo Gabriele – the 46-year-old Vatican citizen and father of three children: reportedly stated:

“I was trying to save the church from ‘evil and corruption’ within it.”

According to latest report, Pope Benedict XVI granted ‘Christmas Pardon’ to the former employee.

However, Paolo Gabriele advised to leave Vatican with his family and denied employment in the city.

Religious occasions are a reminder to wholeheartedly accept and apply the doctrine in daily life for self-purification and enrichment.

Appreciation of Lord Jesus and venerable souls of other religions initiated with Almighty God’s blessings is best demonstrated in universal peace, love and harmony.

Wishing Merry Christmas and Felicitation to all religions in the joyous celebration of respective festivals in the year 2012!

Peace to all!

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant

http://youtu.be/S9JLbxgMyhg http://youtu.be/VInCKglcdcM

Hindu Festivals – Shubh Diwali / Deepavali and Karthigai Deepam Celebration

November 16, 2012

By Padmini Arhant

The Hindu festival of lights Diwali or Deepavali followed by Karthigai Deepam celebrated to illumine homes and spiritually the minds for peaceful existence.

Diwali being the main festival for most Hindus emphasizes on positive virtues enabling smooth transitions in life journey with happiness and sadness reflecting the emotional state that impact well being and routine activity.

The celebration is also important for it brings joy during festive season adding splendor from colors depicted in Rangoli (artistic display using dry powder) usually in front porch or prayer area of the house besides the social custom of exchanging gifts such as delicious Indian sweets and dry fruits on that day.

Diwali is an occasion to express felicitations reviving human spirit for peace and prosperity in life.

Hindu festival Diwali is usually observed anywhere between two to three days with spectacular fireworks in the evenings decorating the sky enhancing the starry night like sparkling diamonds on black velvet overlay attracting gaze in all directions eager to catch the glimpse of glitter – an extraordinary delight shared amongst all.

Diwali is significant in promoting harmony and pleasure experienced through greetings with family and friends while many seek divine blessings in their offerings to deities of individual choice – although Lord Vishnu and Devi Lakshmi are generally worshipped on this day in relation to respective incarnations for mankind benefit.

Subsequent to Diwali is another festival of lights known as Kartikai Deepam devoted to Lord Kartik – the Son of God Shiva and Goddess Parvati.

Lord Kartik birth is symbolic and preordained to pronounce goodness and renounce negative traits contributing to suffering and turmoil.

Since celestial angels known as Krithika raised Lord Kartik, the Lord assumed the name Kartikeya representing the brilliance of light to dispel darkness – the hindrance to knowledge and mind purification essential for redemption leading to salvation.

The religious function again observed for minimum two consecutive days extending to a week, the households lit with traditional lamps add brightness to modern ambience in appreciation of rich cultural heritage cherished over generations as proud legacy.

Festivals in general mark the occasion to rejoice and remember the essence of religious events often defining the purpose in life with moral guidance along side providing diversity enrichment in secular society.

Wishing all Hindus and others in India and around the world a serene and successful year and beyond with universal progress derived from unity, liberty and equality.

Shubh Mangala Diwali, Diwali Mubarak, Deepavali Nal Valthukal, Happy Diwali!

Shubh Kartigai ThiruNaal, Greetings for Kartigai Festival!

Peace to all!

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant

http://youtu.be/tX3hAHeQnR4 http://youtu.be/ElKW1iZw7Rg http://youtu.be/wxil1RXpo2Y http://youtu.be/bc31a0xd1FU

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