United States – I want to be President

June 12, 2023

United States

I want to be President

Padmini Arhant

Presidency and Prime Ministership synonymously is a magic spell intoxicating those addicted to it. Never mind the position that of a puppet to incognito forces pulling strings from behind.

The United States Presidential election in November 2024 has the usual buzz on who is in and who should not be in the Presidential contest.

While the Republican representation is sheer number only i.e. they are merely the number to make the fake contest somewhat real with chosen candidate in the final outcome on November 4, decided ahead of time by those running the world gamut.

On the democrat side, the incumbent President Joe Biden having publicly stated re-election bid brings the former President Barack Obama to continue endless term in office brimming with hopelessness as hope and more of the same and worse in the name of change.

Then there are similar contenders with Presidential quest lasting lifetime. The prominent one being none other than two time Presidential candidate Hillary Rodham Clinton dropping more than subtle hints to be a once more contestant.

The democrat former Presidential candidate Hillary Clinton endorsing democrat voters’ concern over incumbent President Joe Biden’ age as an issue in the re-election bid in 2024 is not limited to sharing a view.

The public statement from democratic contender Hillary Clinton invite speculations from all quarters on the endorser’s desire to take a shot at the Presidency for the third time in the hope of lucky charm playing a role.

In 2016 democratic primary, the democrat party was exposed big time promoting the former Presidential candidate Hillary Clinton over the Vermont Senator Bernie Sanders who was popular among millennials in that race.

The internal warfare and aggressive politics within democrat political party came to light and proved in the blunt murder of Seth Rich, the 24-year-old who was shot dead in broad daylight in Washington D.C. during that election season.

The young supporter and democrat party worker Seth Rich favoring Bernie Sanders at that time experiencing disappointment and betrayal upon stumbling over secret email within democrat party was literally shot down silencing the young party worker to maintain democrat party decision on Hillary Clinton as the democrat Presidential nominee.

Like in all political crimes such as murder, rape and corruption scandals, the victims’ families are barred from seeking truth and investigations into killing of their young family members in the hands of politics for exclusive political motive.

Yet another example in this context is the elimination of entire NAVY SEAL deployed in the so-called assassination of long dead al-Qaida leader Osama Bin Laden in Abbottabad mission in Pakistan in preparation for then incumbent President Barack Obama re-election in 2012.

The former President Barack Obama’s prospects were abysmal considering consecutive electoral shellacking in 2010 mid-term Congressional election and gubernatorial race as well as local polls nationwide under the leadership.

Again the NAVY SEAL families plea to then government in 2012 and thereafter for independent probe was declined and the matter laid to rest.

The NAVY SEAL recruited in Abbottabad mission on May 2, 2011 became the casualties barely three months later on August 6, 2011 aboard Vietnam era chinook helicopter brought down in Afghanistan apparently by Taliban in the height of United States and NATO occupation and militarization of the country in 2011.

The political crimes involving killing of innocent civilians like Seth Rich, a democratic political party aide in 2016 or members of defense forces such as NAVY SEAL TEAM SIX in the Abbottabad mission hoax in 2011 are all a fair game for politics exercising carte blanche authority violating lives with political impunity.

Fast forward 2023, the democrat party boom gate restricting California governor Gavin Newsom (perhaps nuanced in adherence with moronic trend on innuendo and insinuations against real target) from participation in massive propaganda waged by media controlled and conducted survey stating overwhelming democrat base in the blue state California are against their Governor joining the contest.

Interestingly, the recent so-called poll numbers released in the backdrop of the California Governor Gavin Newsom smoothly skating through French Laundry COVID 19 stigma and comfortably prevailing over Republican opponent and conservative radio talk show host Larry Elder in the right to recall vote in September 2021 with Californian voters 61.9% refusing to oust the governor from office.

Subsequently the California governor Gavin Newsom re-elected with 59.2% vote for another five year term in office in 2022 until 2027.

The bulwark clearly indicative of the democrat political party trepidation on Presidential reserves being challenged within upon the Californian governor real intentions to swipe at the Presidential chance.

Already the black caucus and influential names in democrat party in open public calling of the California Governor Gavin Newsom have strongly advised the aspiring contender against throwing the hat in the ring so to speak long before the current pandemonium from political media on all sides and affiliation.

The black caucus represented by South Carolina’s democrat representative and former whip in the House of Congress James Clyburn and California’s democrat party former Mayor of San Francisco Willie Brown whose name has been linked with the current Vice President Kamala Emhoff Harris in the extra marital affairs column.

The incumbent VP Kamala Emhoff Harris publicly confirmed with images in social media on her relationships with African American prominent names such as Montel Williams, the tabloid talk show  host besides long term relationship with the former Mayor of San Francisco Willie Brown during her Presidential bid in 2020.

The two members from African American race Congressman James Clyburn and former Mayor Willie Brown have voiced their strong opinion in public record backing re-election of the current administration i.e. continue status quo emphasizing on the VP Kamala Emhoff Harris’ elevation opportunity not to be upset by any candidacy like the California Governor Gavin Newsom or others within democrat party or from outside.

The true colors shining through in Presidential nominee and Vice Presidency albeit not qualified in any stretch of imagination with dismal performance nonetheless locked and sealed in the name of those pre-selected and approved by the party obeisance to behind the scenes operatives is a done deal in politics.

The democrat polity in this century is nothing new although the extremism and political tactics adopted ramming over anybody however, throwing anyone under the bus or bullet train etc. is revved up in the twenty first century model.

The 2008 Presidential campaign of then Senator from Illinois Barack Obama opted to pay over $100 million in barely 1-2 mins commercial to mainstream media only to lose in the highly contentious democrat primary.

Juxtaposed, then Senator Barack Obama campaign rejected the African American foot soldiers’ request to pay $10 for gas in the door to door deployment of campaign workers for free with no payment.

The workers were to beg residents for votes on the candidate’s behalf against the fierce democratic contender Hillary Clinton in the state of Pennsylvania as it was nationwide.

The outcome resulted positive for the democratic opponent Hillary Clinton winning Pennsylvania in the 2008 Primary with no lesson learned from those who exploit people for personal political gains.

A similar movie has featured earlier from the democrat party in the 1976 Presidential election.

The plot thickened with tantrums flying around from then controversial democratic nominee belonging to famous political family in the country late Edward (Ted) Kennedy, the senator from Massachusetts insisting on self-nomination against then challenger – the former Governor of Georgia Jimmy Carter.

The democrat party is not unique in political reservations for the Presidential post.

The Republican Party have their internal party politics with selective members from the Bush dynasty exhausting turns over few generations on entitlements to highest public office and governorships in the red states.

The dogged fight in the Presidential nomination beginning with primary to finish line in the national election is sequential with the movie casting different performers in the theme only too familiar to the audience viz. the electorate.

The message from – I want to be President is;

An individual’s ambition amongst political contenders often dismiss ethics, norm, principles, fairness, loyalty, gratitude to party workers in the least and instead prioritize own ruthless pursuit submitting to self-centeredness and surrendered to pre-disposed agenda of those reining ultimate authority.

That being the reality, the youth and citizens of any age pledging their valuable life, time, money and resources to such tradition whether in politics or any celebrityhood as free workers and fans alike are better off divesting in own life and family becoming the exemplar achiever and a role model for the next generation in line.

After all, those who use others’ free service in their rise to the helm in political career or stardom in any other field such as entertainment seldom remember the names that contributed to their success let alone the members in the political party, organization or the fan club.

To the contrary, the reverse custom claiming the one whom they don’t want to know conveniently imposing anonymity and brazenly seizing their achievements and profile in identity theft and illegal appropriation as beneficial to selves and their league is prevalent more than ever.

Accordingly, ordinary citizens working towards personal accomplishments paving way for pervasive progress of humanity at large is in essence altruistic neutralizing the contemporary worsening narcissistic culture.

At the end of the day,

Who cares about – Who wants to be the President?

When the puppeteers directing the stage enforce pre-determined choice in the gimmick known as election.

Padmini Arhant



United States – Policy and Decisions

June 9, 2023

United States

Policy and Decisions

Padmini Arhant

“New York State (NYS) Senate approves bill giving illegal immigrants health care after feds agree to pick up tab.”

It is well known that politics never hand out anything for nothing. There is no free lunch.

Although, politics taking from citizens all they have and giving nothing is the trend. It starts from the campaign trail. In a way, the strategy is get to know me as to who exactly I am and for that matter collectively who we are in politics so you don’t turn around and complain that politics is deception and vice versa.

The campaign designed to deceive people with phony invites like lunch or dinner with the candidate and demand donations. What it means is essentially you are paying for yours and candidate as well as their family meal if at all the invite is real and not a deception, the latter is normally the pattern.

You pay the candidate for the fake invitation until your bank accounts are depleted and you become the subject of their mockery for life.

That’s the true face of those protected in politics regardless of their flagrant violations and corrupt criminal legacy buttressed with established duplicity as well as deceit -the signature trait.

The proof of the pudding is in their personal dealing with own family denying child support to the child they are obligatory to leaving the burden on tax payers like everything else.

The case in point – Hunter Biden hiding financial status to evade parental duty on child support to his child and similarly,

The former President Barack Obama disowning his love child with Miriam Carey depriving the child of due family and financial care.

Now as for the blue state New York senate bill to enroll illegal immigrants for free health care – courtesy tax payers entire United States considering the Federal government offer to pick up the tab unravel the following.

The federal government generosity to cover illegal immigrants’ health care a year before Presidential election due in November 2024 is an incentive viz. bribe to the families, community and ethnicity linked to illegal immigrants to vote for the political party and incumbency in particular.

The federal assistance in this regard is a political maneuver around the time the Presidency and democrat political party are confronted with historic disapproval revealed in the latest public poll.

In terms of long term adverse effect with this kind of deal is the White House sending wrong message to all those nations’ government arguably not providing necessary economic opportunity or any stable financial employment situation for the people forcing them to flee their respective countries risking their lives with families to arrive as illegal immigrants in the United States.

As such, the current White House administration completely ignoring the border crisis with the influx of political and economic refugees in Southern borders and California in the west coast has contributed tremendous strife and serious problems for the states in addressing housing, education, health care and food requirements with many arrivals among them children dispatched on their own in the company of strangers not barring criminal elements exploiting the plight of the families seeking better life for their next generation.

The foreign governments on their part need to accept responsibility to mitigate the persisting outflow from their country.

The foreign governments majority of them being developing economies need to realize these conditions as a result of citizen exodus from their shores.

In losing their citizens that too younger population to United States and other prospective destinations is not good for their economy in the near or long term basis.

The expatriation would deprive these nations from native population not only to support their economy and aging population as retirees and senior citizens, the national demography in return would comprise and depend on immigrant labor and skills like in Europe under European Union trans-migration and trade policy to sustain economic activity in the absence of own population growth.

Notwithstanding the distinct cultural heritage being diluted and / or dissipating is a natural occurrence in these transformations born out of economic management.

United States government rather than extending an open invitation with open borders to people in dire and desperate economic needs or political unrest in their countries, the status alluding to vote bank creation for political vantage leading to inevitable gerrymandering that are not uncommon in politics,

United States administration would be better off providing the expatriates’ nations economic subsidies and either exemption or concessions in trade tariffs on goods and services that are beneficial to United States economy.

United States adopting policy aimed at mutual economic gains, would enable developing economies to build their nations without having to allow their citizens leave the country of origin.

The win win trade decisions would facilitate financial security and better future for the people in developing economies and anywhere, the minimum expected by every citizen around the world from politics and economic sector.

Above all, curbing corruption would be the place to start for political and economic viability.

Padmini Arhant



Supremacy Hypocrisy

June 8, 2023

Supremacy Hypocrisy

Padmini Arhant

Supremacy definition. – fallacy, idiocy, lunacy, secrecy, invasion of privacy, fantasy and above all hypocrisy.

Supremacy rule of law – hold self above law while subvert law to criminalize supremacy’s target.

Supremacy’s premise – demonize, patronize, trivialize, miniaturize and obsessively eulogize target.

Resurrection to life umpteen times in the process – WOW!

What else?

Supremacy reserves the right to ridicule, slander and incessantly indulge in identity appropriation of the target as entitlement. The race baiting and religion connotation besides gender, appearance especially fixation on baldness, sexual orientation etc., are the favorites among identity politics absurdity.

The attitude is not limited to verbal engagement rather visualized and distributed in social media, print and television network as AGT, BGT and any other GT’s out there serving as nothing more than satans’ smoke screen (SSS) to facilitate Frankenstein prank yet again such as COVID 19 on the people presumed sheeple with more in the offing of similar or even more devastating in the making.

Accordingly, the insanity on race and identity appropriation clarify supremacy and slavish contingency preoccupation in shunning own identity.

When you shove and impose your race, identity and whatever that is exclusively yours on someone not even remotely associated, linked or tied to you in any respect, and importantly someone whom you despise the most exhibited in your routine behavior, the pattern is indicative of your embarrassment about your race, origin and profile.

Ironically, self-disgust and lack of self-respect is prompting such ludicrous indulgence to dump oneself on someone you hate so much.

Relevantly no matter whom you pile on me as me in your hostility and animosity towards me, none can change or modify my biological data and origin codified in DNA specific to every individual species in existence and fossil remains since creation and moving forward into the future.

Perhaps the image below summarize the reality.

Identity Correction 

Padmini Arhant 



Monumental Crimes and Accountability

June 3, 2023

Monumental Crimes



Padmini Arhant

While Washington partisan politics’ clock is stuck on only one date pertaining to one issue – January 6, 2021, Capitol Hill incident, the forces crying foul on Capitol Hill event care less about them setting precedence in this regard in many parts of the world with the latest being Kiev Maidan Square protest in 2014 leading to the current Russian aggression against Ukraine.

Ukraine literally upended with willful wanton meddling and intervention by then administration headed by former President Barack Obama and Vice President Joe Biden along with then State Department run by former Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton and the likes of Victoria Nuland and late Republican Senator John McCain and others to add bipartisanship in stirring unrest on global camera visibly provoking the Nazi and neo Nazi crowd in Kiev in 2014 was not all that took place at that time.

The Kiev people assembly – Ukrainian Parliament was stormed by United States and EU authorized violent insurrection on world view with the camera capturing the demolition of democracy.

The violence intensified with then democratically elected leader President Viktor Yanukovych violently removed from office at gun pointed at the President along with entire cabinet ministry overthrown from office on that date.

Since that moment until now, Ukraine is thrown into chaos, political instability, deaths and destruction facilitating Russian annexation of Crimea and now the endless Russian invasion of once peaceful independent sovereign Ukraine.

The Ukraine status quo rests entirely due to above mentioned violent intervention from then Washington administration and EU authorized violent uprising in 2014.

Notwithstanding Clintons and Biden family corruption scandals in Ukraine under Barack Obama Presidency alongside appointment of neo-Nazi government in Ukraine by the same administration in Washington preoccupied on January 6, Capitol Hill to masquerade own criminality in Ukraine – one among many intrusions in other parts of the world.

Why is Jan 6, Capitol Hill incident is insurrection whereas Kiev Maidan Square political riot and storming into Ukrainian Parliament with violent displacement of democratic government held at gun point and subsequently appointing neo-Nazi administration by Washington not even considered a crime despite the action in Kiev exceeding insurrection inflicting political carnage and warfare in Ukraine?

As though these weren’t enough, then administration of the ex-President Barack Obama overseeing the bio-engineered corona virus funded and promoted with a sealed deal in 2015 between United States government agency – NIAID headed by Director Anthony Fauci and 2020 corona virus vaccine manufacturer Moderna is a heinous crime against humanity in the first quarter of the twenty first century.

Where is the accountability for these monumental crimes committed with political impunity?


Why are those responsible as the then head of the administration in the White House and NIAID Director and others are held above law despite their involvement in the deadly pathogen manufactured in Wuhan lab, China with United States and Europe funding?

The COVID19 evolving into worldwide pandemic not only targeted global population, the world economy was decimated in the bio warfare causing irredeemable losses and catastrophic impact on people’s lives, livelihoods with developing economies forced into further generational debt slavery world over.

Yet those who presided, participated and responsible for bio-engineered COVID 19 health disaster remain scot-free with the only incident deemed criminal is January 6, 2021 in Capitol Hill.

None of the above outlined Washington, EU and China manufactured and executed political, Russian warfare against Ukraine, COVID 19 related health and economic crises respectively are regarded relevant or worthy of investigation and accountability.

COVID19 was not limited to claiming lives in millions, the pre-meditated calculated health calamity seized human life, liberty, general well-being and sanity leaving the world in utter despair and mayhem.

The victims in millions and family members could not even perform final rites or have a last glimpse of their loved ones who succumbed to the virus that was preventable and should have been shut down during the known experimental days in Wuhan lab, Hubei Province in China since 2002 – 2015.

Instead vaccine manufacturing deal was made in 2015 between U.S. government agency NIAID and private company Moderna in anticipation of the pandemic based on investments in the highly controversial gain of function research that catapulted the pathogen virulence killing millions of lives around the world.

Not surprisingly, the vaccine production rolled out in 2020 by Moderna.

COVID19 is an unforgettable unforgivable bio-warfare unleashed in the modern history of mankind.

The protection of members responsible for COVID19 monstrosity might escape politics controlled justice in the world.

However, the judgment against every one of them will be delivered upon their imminent departure from this world in accordance with cosmic law exempting none from settling karmic burden of sins committed by them as their privilege and prerogative. 

As such they are prisoners of guilt in this lifetime unable to run away from within with everlasting liability and culpability eclipsing their illegally amassed wealth and treasure they have depriving others of their legitimate existence and economic sustenance.

What awaits one upon demise is important than what one claim to possess in living.

The life termination includes dispossession of all material status and worldly possessions not even sparing skin and bones left behind in the soil.

The only certainty is death experienced with soul leaving the earthly body accompanied by indisputable karma held accountable barring prejudice and preference with the wheels of Justice in other world determining appropriate verdict as destiny.

The murder inc. and evil reining control over the world affairs wreak havoc inviting inevitable reckoning upon them.

No wonder, death is feared the most amongst those imposing ill-will, pain and suffering on others pending harvest of what they sow in living.

Padmini Arhant



Life Lessons

June 1, 2023

Life Lessons

Padmini Arhant

1. Never feed mouths that are habitual of biting the hands that feed or fed them before.

2. Never host parasites that are pathological irreversible necrotic organisms by nature.

3. Don’t waste time and energy that desperately seek attention through provocation, harassment and narcissism.

4. The howling wolves and scavenging jackals are unadaptable to environment contradictory to their origin and habitat.

5. Those living others’ life through invasion and colonization evolved into obsession are self-declared corpse with nothing to live for except intrude in others’ personal life.

6. The best attitude to nastiness, bitterness and unprovoked hostility is to live own life to the fullest and happiest like never before making the most of the rain and sunshine.

7. Never mind the fools in paradise for they alone have to deal with rude awakening.

8. Identity theft is equal and similar to one plus one never equal to one.

9. Greed and envy consume the source leaving emptiness as the net value.

10. Those with nothing to offer demand a lot more and everything from others.

11. Trust is easily and readily violated. Mistrust the repeat untrustworthy at all costs is the trusting testimony.

12. Heed life lessons and lay mistakes to rest once and for all.

Padmini Arhant 



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