United States – Policy and Decisions

June 9, 2023

United States

Policy and Decisions

Padmini Arhant

“New York State (NYS) Senate approves bill giving illegal immigrants health care after feds agree to pick up tab.”

It is well known that politics never hand out anything for nothing. There is no free lunch.

Although, politics taking from citizens all they have and giving nothing is the trend. It starts from the campaign trail. In a way, the strategy is get to know me as to who exactly I am and for that matter collectively who we are in politics so you don’t turn around and complain that politics is deception and vice versa.

The campaign designed to deceive people with phony invites like lunch or dinner with the candidate and demand donations. What it means is essentially you are paying for yours and candidate as well as their family meal if at all the invite is real and not a deception, the latter is normally the pattern.

You pay the candidate for the fake invitation until your bank accounts are depleted and you become the subject of their mockery for life.

That’s the true face of those protected in politics regardless of their flagrant violations and corrupt criminal legacy buttressed with established duplicity as well as deceit -the signature trait.

The proof of the pudding is in their personal dealing with own family denying child support to the child they are obligatory to leaving the burden on tax payers like everything else.

The case in point – Hunter Biden hiding financial status to evade parental duty on child support to his child and similarly,

The former President Barack Obama disowning his love child with Miriam Carey depriving the child of due family and financial care.

Now as for the blue state New York senate bill to enroll illegal immigrants for free health care – courtesy tax payers entire United States considering the Federal government offer to pick up the tab unravel the following.

The federal government generosity to cover illegal immigrants’ health care a year before Presidential election due in November 2024 is an incentive viz. bribe to the families, community and ethnicity linked to illegal immigrants to vote for the political party and incumbency in particular.

The federal assistance in this regard is a political maneuver around the time the Presidency and democrat political party are confronted with historic disapproval revealed in the latest public poll.

In terms of long term adverse effect with this kind of deal is the White House sending wrong message to all those nations’ government arguably not providing necessary economic opportunity or any stable financial employment situation for the people forcing them to flee their respective countries risking their lives with families to arrive as illegal immigrants in the United States.

As such, the current White House administration completely ignoring the border crisis with the influx of political and economic refugees in Southern borders and California in the west coast has contributed tremendous strife and serious problems for the states in addressing housing, education, health care and food requirements with many arrivals among them children dispatched on their own in the company of strangers not barring criminal elements exploiting the plight of the families seeking better life for their next generation.

The foreign governments on their part need to accept responsibility to mitigate the persisting outflow from their country.

The foreign governments majority of them being developing economies need to realize these conditions as a result of citizen exodus from their shores.

In losing their citizens that too younger population to United States and other prospective destinations is not good for their economy in the near or long term basis.

The expatriation would deprive these nations from native population not only to support their economy and aging population as retirees and senior citizens, the national demography in return would comprise and depend on immigrant labor and skills like in Europe under European Union trans-migration and trade policy to sustain economic activity in the absence of own population growth.

Notwithstanding the distinct cultural heritage being diluted and / or dissipating is a natural occurrence in these transformations born out of economic management.

United States government rather than extending an open invitation with open borders to people in dire and desperate economic needs or political unrest in their countries, the status alluding to vote bank creation for political vantage leading to inevitable gerrymandering that are not uncommon in politics,

United States administration would be better off providing the expatriates’ nations economic subsidies and either exemption or concessions in trade tariffs on goods and services that are beneficial to United States economy.

United States adopting policy aimed at mutual economic gains, would enable developing economies to build their nations without having to allow their citizens leave the country of origin.

The win win trade decisions would facilitate financial security and better future for the people in developing economies and anywhere, the minimum expected by every citizen around the world from politics and economic sector.

Above all, curbing corruption would be the place to start for political and economic viability.

Padmini Arhant




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