God or Man – Who is Humanity’s Enemy?

July 19, 2019

God or Man – Who is Humanity’s Enemy?

Padmini Arhant

Courtesy – Newsweek Image on the article. Thank you.


Who is humanity’s enemy?

Without a shadow of doubt, man is the enemy and existential threat to lives in general. Men in power along with women subordinates conduct activities endangering lives and environment with no regrets thus far.

The term mankind is a misnomer falsely defining human kindness. It was a reminder to man to be kind towards all.

In the real world, cruelty towards fellow humans, animals and plant species characterizing unkind behavior and heinous crimes witnessed from those in position of power, authority and influence alternatively the weak, cowardly and callous hurting and harming innocent and vulnerable members near and far.

Knowledge is useful and powerful. However, lack of proper understanding and application of knowledge could prove detrimental. Semi-baked i.e. half or inaccurate knowledge is more dangerous than unawareness.

Ignorance is bliss and could also be an abyss.

Knowing the unknown phenomenon God requires self-cleansing and soul searching developing an aura within to rise above normal existence delineating self from the concept of me, myself and I behind possession of all things material that are immaterial in the quest for truth and eternal peace.

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant

Author & Presenter PadminiArhant.com



July 13, 2019


Padmini Arhant


Welcome to Self-Empowerment.

Self-Empowerment is the base for Republic empowerment.

The governments are run by oligarchy i.e. Corporatized system using public funds. Privatization is the trend in the globalized economy. The chief beneficiaries in privatization are corporations and shareholders. Corporatized governance deny ordinary citizens fair access and opportunity.

Corporate run government policies exclusively favor them. Corporatized governance bear no responsibility on losses to taxpayers and severe damages to economy as well as environment. There is minimal or no oversight on deals benefitting companies on government projects viz. defense contracts handled by private company.

Hence, no checks and balances which means none held accountable on corruption. Transparency is a misnomer with no internal and importantly external audit.

For example – The U.S. government deployed private army Blackwater later dubbed as Xe and now changed into Academi committed atrocities in Iraq, Afghanistan…and in Ukraine with license to kill besides gross human rights violations.

Oligarchy run governments use national defense force as private army for wars, destabilization of sovereign foreign nations and derail economy via sanctions. These actions are directed by organizations, think tanks and institutions representing oligarchy hegemonic goals and strategic dominance.

Government in reality is Corporation’s proxy delivering corporate interests. Government’s other wing is special interests group with own political ideology.

This leaves the government as representatives of private entities and organizations. Citizens are merely used as instrument to legitimize illegitimacy through election. Elections are run by oligarchy with massive funding in campaigns and candidacy.

Governments pledge allegiance to corporate financiers behind election campaign.

In fact, it is ordinary folks money circulated between governments and corporate funders. Ordinary people tax money generously handed to corporations by government. These handouts involve major tax breaks, government subsidies and many exemptions seldom distributed or trickle down to bottom in the workforce. The big corporations in return utilize a portion of common citizens money converted into slush funds and invested in election campaigns to secure government loyalty.

Major corporations enjoy the most favored company (MFC) status in quid pro quo.

Corporate owned media and political party run TV networks to control communication.

Free speech is a one way street with a dead end allowing only government to mislead muted audience. Ordinary citizens voices are muzzled and their advocates subject to government scrutiny. The system is fraudulently declared democracy while stifling republic status.

There is little or no tolerance to alternative perspectives and they are regarded a threat to authority.

As a result, freedom is under siege creating do or die situation. However, there is hope.

How can citizens free themselves from shackles?

Ordinary people in society are taxpayers, workers and consumers at large. Yet, average citizens are denied fair economic opportunity, income and social equality.

First, identify corporations behind government including companies and groups in disguise.

Then, remember you – the consumer possess the power towards Self-Empowerment.

Your decision to buy or avail products and services as end customer impact business.

Accordingly, boycott companies engaged in depriving your individual rights and economic progress.

Election reform is mandatorily required. Enforce ballot paper electoral process to prevent vote rigging and fraud witnessed time and time again in the so-called democratic elections.

Public mandate via referendum on public financing of election is the beginning. Setting election expenditure with strict limits and guidelines is critical. Similarly, demand political parties to disclose their donors and funders in public domain.

Set up cross verification process to confirm accuracy on political funding and voting. Political parties funding should be checked at all times and not just limited to election season. 

Reject political factions and candidates vying for public office as corporate agent.

Bar candidates with criminal records, serious civic violations and corruption charges.

These are preliminary steps towards freeing society from oligarchy and organizations run government.

Again, remind yourself and them that consumer is the ultimate authority determining success and failure of economy and politics.

Watch out for fake government critics launched on social media and main street to deceive public on factual events confirming democracy and constitution crises in society. The government organized pseudo semi-baked clowns are paid trolls to stymie genuine voice. Poor imitation is self-mockery and buffoonery of the paid performer. 

Audience exercising discernment in recognizing original from fakery dished out of bakery would be wise. 

Rise to the occasion and claim your liberty, the inalienable natural right of all beings in the world. 

Freedom is non-negotiable right of all citizens barring hierarchy and prejudice. 

Get started in Self-Empowerment to make this world a better place for all not selective few in society. 

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant

Auhtor & Presenter PadminiArhant.com



India – Perilous Status

July 12, 2019

India – Perilous Status 

Padmini Arhant



PM Narendra Modi and Home Minister Amit Shah governance epitomize violence, sedition, treason, corruption and polarization.

In the absence of political opposition, the Tukde Tukde duopoly along with hooligans abusing social media besides groveling crony mainstream media (MSM) and the ever sleazy entertainment industry are hell bent on self-disastrous trail.

PM Narendra Modi and Home Minister Amit Shah have empowered the North Eastern State Nagaland more than the State’s wish list.

Nagaland is granted autonomy with separate constitution, flag, currency and passport. The State is also approved to represent itself as an independent entity in the United Nations Assembly.

Who is the Tukde Tukde gang?

Narendra Modi and Amit Shah or those whom they target for expressing concerns over endless crimes committed in the name of religion, hideous political ideology and mindless egotistical self-inflicting pseudo superiority syndrome.

Those who engage in destructive cause against anybody or the nation, they meet their fate accordingly with end justifying the means and above all KARMA.

India is in a serious ethical and constitutional crises under Narendra Modi and Amit Shah run banana republic.

Their idea of destruction poignantly directed at them is the fact not recognized by them and their recruits in the self-termination mode.

Indian leaderships and Celebrities – accept responsibility for your failures and realize the enemy within you whether World Cup Cricket debacle or economic and social decline rather than using scapegoat on anything and everything found politically inconvenient. 

Last but not the least, abandon celebrity worship and primitive feudalism dominant in the caste, creed system paralyzing society. 

Padmini Arhant

Author & Presenter PadminiArhant.com



Business – Greed Mightier than Gravity

July 10, 2019

Business – Greed Mightier than Gravity

Padmini Arhant

When business profits rise so does greed.

Human nature succumb to greed unable to resist the pull stronger than gravitation witnessed throughout mankind history.

The adrenaline surge experienced in soaring profits and market shares could also blindside entrepreneurs not exercising relevant executive wisdom.

Courtesy – Images from Business Insider Articles July 10th, 2019. Thank you. 

Amazon fined a College student $3,800 for returning a rented textbook 4 days late!


The pilots delivering Amazon packages say working conditions are unsafe, and it’s a medical risk.

Amazon – Your customer service is par excellence. Your company is pledged to absolute customer satisfaction. However, the feat is impossible without employees and workers performance across the spectrum.

Businesses recognition of the ultimate truth that employees especially the ones at the bottom to middle management deprived of mega profit sharing and customers together make any business operation successful and profitable.

As a proud customer of your products and others in the open market – I request Amazon and other companies to take care of their employees and staff besides customers and clients benefiting from those employees hard work and significant contribution.

By the way that student fine $3,800 is unreasonable and unrealistic. There is obviously a better way to discipline customers and anyone using business service such as renting textbooks within certain parameters without further weakening the weaker demography viz. students and lower income groups in the economy.

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant

Author & Presenter PadminiArhant.com
