World Without Governments

January 20, 2021

World without Government


Padmini Arhant

Is it a coincidence to witness history repeating itself today in the United States replicated worldwide?

Get ready for GREAT RESET say financial cartel and oligarchy run governments installing corrupt scandalous candidacies and administration to power.

The GREAT RESET vigorously promoted by clueless Joe Biden in the minuscule campaign appearance in 2020 may not have been noticed by many in the United States and across the globe.

GREAT RESET – The financial system and economic structure worldwide reset to aggravate debt culture is the agenda.

The sinister concept drowning humans in lifetime and generational debt to serve self-proclaimed elites that are actually narcissists is no surprise.

The secret society and deep state swamp usually herald their devious plan from Davos, Switzerland through World Economic Forum held annually to drop the ball on those who pay attention to such mega event.

Create a crisis and transform that crisis into opportunity for opportunists to enslave humans across the globe has been operative since evil empire’s existence.

What’s new with this Great Reset?

There is nothing ever new about deep state swamp actions. The same old ideas, strategy are recycled through administrations and governments installed by them through rigged election.

Since the deep state swamp and members are committed to proving me wrong on all issues though anything presented as reality from them is falsehood and fraudulence including the latest inauguration of corruption and fraud as democratic,

The deep state swamp proving the information on Great Reset wrong would indeed be a great relief for humanity ending their ruinous policy once and for all.

Great Reset – Focused on eliminating cash economy. The cash transactions are largely replaced with credit and debit card that are already in practice. The credit card and various loans ranging from house mortgage, car loans, business loans to student loans and any other borrowings related to health and other family commitments are just a few examples in the debt cycle.

The debt vortex confines human population with monetary obligations from the young age of 18 years until retirement and beyond.

Students are bogged down with debts even before they start any career. The cost of education and job opportunities are not necessarily parallel and intersect at any point to guarantee every graduate suitable employment or any employment until certain time extending over a year and longer.

Farmers plight is even more agonizing across the globe. The farmers suicide in industrialized nation like the United States, emerging economies India and  developing nations world over has been alarming. The tragic situation is primarily linked with burgeoning debts and stagnancy in revenue despite moderate to higher crop yield in agriculture.

Humans are conditioned to this pattern making survival difficult to impossible for many worldwide.

Furthermore, the central bank in any nation printing money for circulation within country for economic activities are doubled down with widespread borrowing within and outside. The emerging and developing economies are unable to control inflation with excess borrowings by governments and citizens alike to pay debts rather than interjecting economy with capital investments increasing domestic productivity and employment.

The developing nations are forced into borrowing from international monetary authorities like the World Bank, IMF, China Central Bank, European Central Bank (ECB) as well as others in Europe.

These nations are left with no other option than surrender to indefinite debt servicing without any economic stimulus. Additionally their people as human capital in the deal are subject to exploitation. As permanent debtors, these nations’ national assets and natural resources are used as collateral subjugating nation and people all together in the financial bargain.

The financial system predominantly functions on borrowed money to run governments, economy and daily life. The borrowings are heavily burdened with interests which in return are transferred over to every man, woman and child including the ones that are yet to be born in this world.

Interests and taxes cripple human liberty, progress and prosperity while financially, economically and politically empowering financial cartel and oligarchs comprising selective few to rule the world on their terms and conditions. The nation’s constitution, rule of law, election integrity, democratic process and ultimately sovereignty upended in their exclusive gains defrauding citizens as electorate and taxpayers in the country.

How does the government shift responsibility on interest payments on their huge borrowings from private entity – the Federal Reserve not in any shape or form affiliated with United States government?

The government transfer financial liability to ordinary people by taxing them on their labor viz. personal income tax, home owners paying property tax, investments in stocks and shares, any other valuable assets like land, commodities such as gold, silver, now cryptocurrency and all tangible commercial items of value…all of them attract tax to run government. The goods and services tax as sales tax or value added tax (VAT) are separate that all consumers pay regardless of economic status.

The Federal Reserve in the United States is a private enterprise established as central monetary authority with a monetary policy designed to favor members of core financial groups in the international domain with no checks and balances whatsoever.

There has never been a verifiable internal and no external audit on the Federal Reserve thus far. The self appointed federal reserve with multi-trillion dollar United States economy on the private entity’s oversight has zero tolerance to any hints on transparency and accountability from them.

As a matter of fact, the last time the bipartisan effort in this respect – the rare members Republican Congressman Ron Paul from Texas and democrat Alan Mark Grayson from Florida from the right and left introduced in

H.R.1207 — 111th Congress (2009-2010)

Sponsor: Rep. Paul, Ron [R-TX-14] (Introduced 02/26/2009)
Committees: House – Financial Services

Federal Reserve Transparency Act of 2009 – “Repeals the authority of the Comptroller General to carry out an onsite examination of an open insured bank or bank holding company only if the appropriate federal regulatory agency has consented in writing. (Retains the authority of the Comptroller General to audit a federal agency.)

Directs the Comptroller General to complete, before the end of 2010, an audit of the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System and of the federal reserve banks, followed by a detailed report to Congress.”

The action resulted in democrat congress member from Florida’s 8th congressional district, Alan Grayson, the co-sponsor of the Federal Reserve Transparency Act of 2009 unseated and repeatedly stymied in the congressional and senate bid ending the congressman political career for daring to question the private organization Federal Reserve designated as United States Central Monetary Authority. The congressman Alan Grayson also had to deal with aggressive tactics from those not comfortable with the bill authorizing Federal Reserve audit.

Subsequently, then federal reserve chairman Ben Bernanke declined response to Congress on $2.2 trillion to international banks and institutions at the House Financial Services Committee hearing adding frustration among members like then Republican congressman Dr. Ron Paul from Texas and democrat Alan Grayson from Florida and few others in the committee.

The Fed Chairman Ben Bernanke response was ‘I don’t know’ on where and who received $2.2 trillion of U.S. taxpayers money.

Former President Barack Obama Endorse Wall Street CEO’s Bonus 

The video content on the House Financial Services Committee Hearing in 2009 with then Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke appearance before the Committee.

Courtesy – C-SPAN2 – Thank you.

Federal Reserve Balance Sheet off chart 

Federal Reserve Pervasive Power 

Monetary Policy Authority, Systemic Regulator, Bank Regulator, Consumer Credit Control

Taxpayer Protection 

Former President Barack Obama Called Out by Democrat Congressman 


For Continuation of Predecessor George W. Bush and Dick Cheney Policy 

Former President Barack Obama Called Out by Democrat Congressman 

REP. Paul Kanjorski

Citing lack of Transparency on Funding Federal Reserve at the Congressional Briefing 

The update will continue in due course.

Padmini Arhant 




One Response to “World Without Governments”

  1. World Without Governments – Great Reset Financial Fiasco Part 2 | on January 29th, 2021 4:23 pm

    […] World Without Governments […]

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