World – Irony and Idiocy (Social Paradigms and Security)

February 22, 2016

By Padmini Arhant

The highlights are social paradigms and security.

Holocaust – The reference is to discriminatory killings of Jewish population in the twentieth century. However, the colonial era genocide in Africa, Asia, Middle East and Latin America not necessarily regarded in the category confirming selective connotation.

Relevantly Israeli authorities’ occupation of Palestine and persecution of Palestinians resulting in destruction of lives and livelihoods for nearly seven decades apparently do not fit the definition either.

Colonialism in the twenty first century targeting race, religion, sectarian, caste and community divide for global dominance promoted as acceptable norm.

Despite propagation on holocaust, Nazism favored in the dismissal of Nazi cohorts’ decisive role as permissible involvement. The trend continued in contemporary Israeli Palestine and Ukraine crisis.

UNSC evolved into P5+1 with the addition of Germany in the absence of Israel’s objection clarifies congruence.

Germany exerting authority as influential power against EU and euro members demonstrated in Greece economic and political affairs.

Furthermore, Germany’s active participation as NATO ally in western interventions in foreign land and unilateral decisions on ground troop incursion in Tunisia under the pretext of training Tunisian soldiers against western sponsored al Qaeda offshoots Daesh, al Nusra Front and other groups summarize hegemonic goals.

Obviously holocaust in these terms is the event of the past with outreach to sources behind much publicized experience prioritized for vested interests.

Elsewhere social unrest is the smoke screen to prevent political establishment policies and activities from scrutiny. The subversion of real concerns in society as anti-government initiatives describes the tendency towards police statehood. 

Security – Citizens held hostage under the guise of national and global security.  The shift from conventional warfare to manufacturing and proliferating terror for hegemony aspirations facilitate gross misuse of power in direct violation of civil rights and basic freedom.

Security is convenient tool for terror organizers in massive surveillance, communication access and intrusive measures with little or no respect for constitution guaranteed individual privacy and citizens act.

Western backed terror outfits are funded, armed and deployed in Syria, Iraq, Libya and North Africa directly and through lackeys in the Middle East – Saudi Arabia, Qatar, Turkey, Jordan and alike in the so-called war on terror.

Terrorism is deplored amid fueling terror with ammunitions and artillery supply to factions for supremacy.

Hosting false flag shooting and terror incidents with 9/11 setting precedence in the United States along with classifying information on various crimes is the strategy to prolong fear, hostility and suppression of liberty. 

Safety is threatened by none other than forces enabling terror by providing resources to terror networks engaged in worldwide operation.

In other settings security is suitable to crackdown public dissent on government performance and burgeoning issues affecting lives in society.

Security is the secret weapon to evade accountability with zero tolerance to peaceful assembly and general dissatisfaction.

The irony in both social paradigm and security is actions paradoxical to disposition verifying duplicity without acknowledgment.

Electing governments pledged allegiance to anti-republic status compromise sovereignty not to mention idiocy in such complicity.

Peace to all!

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant






















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