Vishwa Kalyan Award (VKA) 2018 Ceremony

January 3, 2019

Vishwa Kalyan Award (VKA) 2018 Ceremony

Padmini Arhant

Vishwa Kalyan Award or Universal Benefit Award 2018 virtual ceremony.


The recipients of VKA exemplify hope and altruism with self sacrifice and extraordinary commitment towards humanity and environment cause. VKA celebrates these real heroes and honors them for their selfless actions to promote peace, justice,  liberty and above all clean and healthy environment braving state sponsored fatal sniper attacks, thwarting terrorism and confronting oppression in the world.

The majority of VKA awardees being posthumous recipients will ever remain the shining light dispelling darkness. They are worthy of emulation and admiration for their deeds and dedication towards humanitarian and environment goals.

Congratulations! to Vishwa Kalyan Award 2018 and previous years recipients for setting precedence in righteousness, compassion and courage.

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant

Author & Presenter


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