United States – Supreme Court Ruling dé·jà vu

December 18, 2020

United States – Supreme Court Ruling dé·jà vu

Padmini Arhant

Then conversation between author Wayne Allyn Root and Dr. Gina Loudon in June 2015 on Supreme Court Ruling on Obamacare and fast forward to 2020, the United States Supreme Court guarantee on Obamacare and rejecting Texas lawsuit  against four swing states WI, MI, PA and GA on constitutional violation in the Presidential race 2020 reflect status quo discussed in the video below.

The facts on Barack Obama misusing IRS against republican Tea Party members isolating them in the pursuit and subsequently FBI framing General Michael Flynn in 2016 and investigations thereafter once again confirm the author Wayne Allyn Root’s conviction on abuse of power by Barack Obama. The enactment of National Defense Authorization Act, the controversial NDAA aimed at United States citizens on then government headed by Barack Obama’s radar to be tried in military tribunal in contradiction to civilian court of law was a direct violation of civil rights and democratic system.

The republican Senate majority leader Mitch McConnell recent acquiescence to Presidential election 2020 outcome and further advising republican members in the Senate not to object or disrupt vote counting on January 5th, 2021 is dé·jà vu considering the pattern from both SCOTUS and Senate majority leader as well as some republican members in the Senate and Congress.

Notwithstanding judiciary in lower and higher courts, the judges appointed during former President Barack Obama administration abdication of constitutional duty in the Presidential election 2020 lawsuits conforming to public opinion on collusion with deep state clarify corruption and ethical deficit.

Is United States Supreme Court Justice John G. Roberts Jr. and Senate Republican members under political pressure?

Dr. Gina Loudon and author Wayne Allyn Root discussion published in public domain on June 27, 2015

resonate today in latest developments related to election and other matter.

Thank you.

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant

Author & Presenter



China Ties Chinatized Global Status Quo 

China’s ties with members in politics and economy world over benefitting China CCP and more so the United States Presidential election 2020 revelations on stronger and deeper financial quid pro quo with various key members like Biden family, Kamala Emhoff aka Harris and others Chinatized / hypnotized in calculated Beijing move to supersede the long targeted competitor United States. The advantage to Beijing from investments in Biden family and team is exponential in a well maneuvered economic and strategic management.

Appropriately, time to sanitize chinatized (china ties) swamp that might also alleviate COVID-19 pandemic.

Padmini Arhant



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