United States – Alleged Cyberattack on Government Infrastructure

December 18, 2020

United States – Alleged Cyberattack on Government Infrastructure – Fake News (?) 

Padmini Arhant

According to Fox News / Fake News (?), the United States government infrastructure inclusively not barring national nuclear security administration and Los Alamos National Laboratory daringly under cyber attack.

The Fox News suggesting Russian espionage activities since March 2020 interestingly at the height of first lockdown in the wake of COVID19 pandemic from Wuhan China is double downing on nations forced to combat the deadly virus unleashed on humanity by those funding the bizarre experiment to test the corona virus virulence upon transmission among human species. The Wuhan lab in Hubei province, China set up with funding from Europe and United States billionaires viz. Microsoft’s Bill Gates and Melinda Gates foundation investments in corona virus experiments on Beijing’s oversight said little or nothing on COVID-19 global pandemic despite the ravaging effects world over.

Similarly, on the other side of the globe, India was under military attack by China in the Himalayan region deploying troops and military installations along north and north eastern border of India. The military aggression from Beijing launched and escalated in March 2020 while Indian population was dealing with the pandemic and lockdown crippling health and economy like in the rest of the world.

The mainstream media Fox News report on purported cyber attack against United States listing host of government departments which is almost the entire federal government and three states in the pool as detailed below.

Department of the Treasury, Department of Commerce, National Institutes of Health, Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency, Department of State, Department of Defense, Executive Office of the President i.e. The White House, NASA, United States Postal Service, National Nuclear Security Administration, Los Alamos National Laboratory, Department of Energy, Federal Energy Regulatory Commission, Office of Secure Transportation and at least 3 states in the Union supposedly hacked in the process. The Fox news also lists Microsoft and at least 40 customers of the tech giant accounts along with Fortune 500 companies and Wall Street as victims of the alleged cyber operation in Fox News – Lou Dobbs Tonight on date.

The Fox News described the alleged cyber aggression as biggest ever in geopolitical history. The report emphasis on Russian infiltration and downplaying China’s dominance on Biden family and democratic party is characteristic of mainstream media raising an alarm on one adversary and accepting the other as lesser of the two evils in their narrative beckon attention.

The report detailing alleged cyber warfare presented as gargantuan in magnitude and calling out the current administration under President Donald J. Trump for response to media and deep state representatives reverts the situation on MSM to explain the contradictory stance to their viewers as captive audience in the indefinite lockdown to stymie COVID-19 from Wuhan, China.

Have Fox News and rest of communication networks experienced coup d’etat considering their position being anything but fair, objective and neutral throughout election year and post election?

The media clamor on alleged cyber invasion citing Trump administration compared to media muted reaction to explosive revelations on election corruption, voter fraud, Dominion debacle and Biden family scandals confirm radical change in media reporting undermining journalistic ethics.

The deep state members from either side of the political aisle who voted in favor of President Donald Trump impeachment proceeding voicing their concerns on the alleged cyber perpetration further validate the coup scenario. The deep state prominent members’ alacrity in the proposal on National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) originally introduced and executed by ex-President Barack Obama against United States citizens without due process arouse suspicions on such recommendation in the absence of any verifiable evidence on the reported cyber incursion.

Furthermore, the media in this instance i.e. Fox news failure to share the fact on Trump administration’s immediate action against China CCP espionage activities in Houston, Texas shutting down the consulate and expedited expulsions of those behind national security threat unlike the democratic party and media remaining oblivious to democrat rank and file Eric Swalwell, the member of intelligence committee exposure in China spy gate compromising intelligence and national safety until now is reprehensible.

Not to mention the Biden family deep connection with diverse foreign adversaries debilitating United States status in every respect hardly regarded an issue brushing aside the existential and imminent jeopardy confronting the nation at large.

The media role in dissemination of any information and deep state concerted efforts to subvert truth and reality contributing to mass awakening more than ever. The responsibility lies with every citizen to urge their elected representatives in Congress and Senate to act diligently setting aside political differences and partisanship in serving national interests against China’s sprawling engagement at every level. The status quo aptly apply to other foreign governments such as Russia, Ukraine and any other states intrusion in the United States affairs and involvement with unelected Presidential team and family in quid pro quo directly affecting United States on all matter.

Meanwhile, the relevant federal and state authorities utilizing resources and power to determine veracity on alleged cyber attacks with appropriate measures is critical to contain and thwart any form of foreign or internal security threats against Unites States and the republic.

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant

Author & Presenter 








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