Unapologetic Politics

April 21, 2023

Unapologetic Politics

Padmini Arhant

Update : 04/24/2023  – Politics presently evolved into unbridled lawlessness over a period of time with self-granted political impunity.

Ordinary citizens paid taxes and tax payer funded agencies like income tax, intelligence agency and judiciary are increasingly misused by regimes and overt or covert authorities in power for political reasons such as political witch hunt and selective targeted partisan judicial trials and proceedings.

Taxpayers have the right to decline tax payments inappropriately squandered by politics for subversion of democracy, constitutional law and violation of individual rights via arbitrary income tax raids, harassment through intelligence agency and illegal perverse actions like surveillance and judicial politicization.

All of this maintained in the absence of political transparency and accountability which is otherwise imposed on ordinary citizens in society as the rule of law.

Padmini Arhant 


Update 04/21/2023 : The politics’ rule of law for society in the contemporary setting is only meant for ordinary citizens, majority of whom are law-abiding in most parts of the world and the other being those whom politics selectively target for political reasons.

Otherwise politics is renowned for flouting own laws and rules exempting lawmakers as lawbreakers with political immunity.

In a real democracy, the rule of law would be applicable to all without exception. The system would have none above law barring concessions on position, status and relationship with office bearer.

Furthermore, the rule of law would commence with politics considering the lack of transparency and accountability amidst massive corruption and collusion with political bias maintained as standard practice.

In politics like the so-called world’s largest democracy, overwhelming majority have criminal records and political factions have close ties with local and underworld criminals and Don who then join them as member of the state legislative assembly and Parliament. 

Such was the reality with the latest state sponsored killing of the Muslim brothers Atiq and Ashraf Ahmed in public on camera. The two were accused as the don of the local mob whose relations with Indian regional and national politics was no hidden secret and found to be mutually beneficial. 

Then there are members in Indian cabinet in New Delhi like BJP’s Smriti Irani committing perjury about educational qualifications in legal Affidavit of the filing on political candidacy. Yet granted several cabinet posts with no ramifications whatsoever.

Juxtaposed, the former National defense force border security personnel Tej Bahadur Yadav was falsely disqualified on the grounds of  candidacy application not in order unlike Smriti Irani’s flagrant known falsification of personal credentials. 

One rule for cronies and surrogates in political class and rigorous imposition on ordinary citizen in this instance ex-servicemen from national defense. 

It is about time, criminal representation i.e. those with criminal records are denied candidacy in politics in line with democracy and equal justice. The economic sector adopts the policy in this regard by refusing job offers to those with criminal background.

Why should the public as voters and taxpayers be punished with criminal representation? 

The members in politics should also be subject to same scrutiny on scandals and endeavors found unlawful with abuse of power and public office misused for personal and political advantage burdening taxpayers and average citizens enormous debt and economic liability. This is a common experience amongst citizens in most regions of the world. 

Politics with ruling, coalition and opposition along with others in the economy in similar status are obligatory to surrender their illegal wealth held in offshore accounts and investments in tax havens prior to making lofty promises on curbing corruption or forming legitimate government during campaign rally. 

Importantly, it is also incumbent on politics across party lines and political factions to submit to independent investigation on disproportionate assets which would perhaps eliminate none in the republic battle on corruption.

To summarize, the politics under constitutional oath and statutory law require all of them from top to rank and file to be the example in upholding and observing the rules and regulations, the laws they legislate and enact on general society. 

With lawmakers slighting and dismissing laws they pass, the status quo make the political body redundant and legislations meaningless for crimes begin with politics and become pervasive. 

Padmini Arhant 

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The political scheme behind Buddhist leader His Holiness Dalai Lama public interaction with an Indian boy reportedly eight years of age abruptly requesting a hug and then on whatever ensued raise following questions.

Why was there no condemnation directly from the Indian government in New Delhi regarding the Indian and foreign media extrapolation of the incident especially with Dalai Lama being the permanent resident of India in exile and the other relevant member – the Indian boy in yellow T-Shirt with camera focus on letter P during the episode?

Why is Hollywood wannabe playing the scripted role with commentary such as inappropriate touching in the video?

Those who are behind this vile despicable propaganda  ought to explain who was playing whom in politics organized theatrics with media and Hollywood charlatan Gaga participation in yet another contrived engagement intended to spark controversy.

The Buddhist leader Dala Lama had presided over this event in February 2023 and the video goes viral in April 2023 nearly three moths later. Around the time when New Delhi regime feet is on fire on many contentious issues such as Adani fiasco and Pulwama gate.

The issue drawing attention in this entire choreographed event is the extremely sensitive and thin skin head of the Indian state have never admitted nor apologized for criminal political legacy like many counterparts in politics.

In Indian PM’s case from demonetization deception to Pulwama slaughter and various criminal involvements are dismissed as political expediency. Contrarily the Indian head of the administration demands apology from others regardless of the origin of the problem and consequence being self in the first place.

On whose behalf, the Buddhist leader Dalai Lama was coerced into apology with the Buddhist leader’s office statement emphasis expressing remorse on alleged “hurt with words” presented in the usual innuendo? 

What about the distortion of my life, gender, stealing identity and biography, fifteen years of unpaid work, depletion of my hard earned personal assets only to be made fun of by uncouth ungrateful political and economic opportunists profiting at mine and my family’s economic distress? 

All of that and more enforced ruthlessly by evil forces with entire contingency comprising vicious malicious exploiters taking credit for my contributions thus far and dumping their corrupt criminal ignominious profile on me? 

Where is the apology and regret for willful violations and gross offenses cowardly and deceitfully unleashed on me and my family through nuances and insinuations by politics, media, entertainment and whatever possible means till now? 

I reiterate those who have had a free ride and taken undue advantage of me and my family remain indebted to us with time and karma appropriately settling debts in accordance with natural and cosmic law.

None escape karmic debts in living and upon death. 

The Buddhist leader Dalai Lama apologizes to everyone whereas others culpable in the defamation owe nothing to none not even the Buddhists around the world whose sentiments and feelings deeply hurt in the shame game. Their belief is pawned in the whole calculated false portrayal which is shameful and reprehensible.

According to Indian government’s IT sleeper cells, Beijing’s CCP is behind Smear Campaign against Dalai Lama. The allegation against CCP from Indian government via social media unemployed youth recruits prompt the legitimate question to CCP in Beijing.

When is Beijing viz. CCP going to apologize to people of China and the rest of the world on COVID 19 and cooperate with international investigation on corona virus leak from Wuhan lab, Hubei Province in China?

When are all those including politics responsible for funding gain of function research producing deadly virus to consume millions of lives going to come forward and accept responsibility?

The presumptuous group’s complete disrespect for life in general impetus to gamble with human immunity in bio-engineered virus messing around with pathogen virulence.

The indulgence and collusion is misuse of science like everything else religion, politics, social engineering, human identity and more…all taken for granted among radical minds declared politics claiming ultimate authority with no accountability.

Whatever, whoever and however these concoctions are hatched and distributed in politics’ sleazy response to factual presentations,

The contemporary politics gone rogue, criminal and abusive misusing people mandate against people on any and all matter is the established system. 

The arbitrary killing of defense force for political gains.

The public execution of citizens to masquerade own violations.

Judiciary misused for political vendetta highlighting hypocrisy.

Violating individual rights centered on invasion of home, space, privacy with spying, eavesdropping, prying, snooping, harassment…lewd crude conduct and perversions to a new level much to self-embarrassment and disgrace of the nation as well as society they represent in the position of power.

Meanwhile politics double standard cloaked in secrecy with classified information. On personal dwelling not satisfied in barricaded barbed compound and goes further exploiting privilege with taxpayer funded lifetime security personnel to gun down unarmed civilian accused as trespasser in public square.

All of the above are litany of political crimes committed in the name of authority in the so-called democracy.

Where is the apology on all these accounts leading nation, society and the world to their choice of destination – a bottomless dark tunnel?

The politics today is defiantly corrupt with mob rule under the guise of democracy misleading and harming social, moral and ethical consciousness.

Politics is nothing more than showmanship and leadership and associates paraded as celebrity rather than recognizing their duty in public service paid for by taxpayers in the economy.

The politics designed to destroy conduciveness and harmony more geared towards hunger for eternal power at the expense of constitutional governed democracy.

Politics is the existential threat endangering life with lawlessness among lawmakers normalized misusing law, power and public wealth for self -enrichment and empowerment.

Notwithstanding nepotism, dynasty and identity politics and alike displacing meritocracy with plutocracy, kleptocracy, mobocracy and inheritance of power lasting several generations.

The political class and establishment in unison surrendered to New World Order – One authority in a pyramid structure obedient and obsequious to global criminal clique running the gamut.

What is more convenient and suitable in exerting global diktat and reining mass control?

The handling of 180 members from 180 nations per United Nations membership around the world with each member representing the nation as the head of the state under one party pledging allegiance to New World Order in the global arena.


The global syndicate having to do deal with 8 billion or more human population in varying dynamics and complexities to no end.

Even a simple mind can guess the obvious to the above query representing the current global power situation.

Is it surprising or anyway odd to find politics increasingly the field of affluent with members as millionaire and billionaire amassed wealth whilst in public service supposedly on meager income?

If not the self-proclaimed penniless or pauper with maxed out credit card and delinquent student loans from 30 years ago presenting the humble background on campaign trail and upon entry in public office walk-out as super wealthy with politics having Midas touch – anyone in politics guaranteed super rich status at the taxpayers and ordinary citizens’ economic decline.

The younger generation unfortunately pay dear price in brutal egotistical politics.

Padmini Arhant


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