U.S., U.K. and UN Stance on Libyan Council in Benghazi

March 31, 2011

By Padmini Arhant

It’s been over a month for the National Transitional Council set up in Benghazi comprising professionals and regular workers across the mainstream occupation.

Yet the United States, U.K. and the UN have not recognized the council considering the direct meeting with the council leaders by the U.S. Secretary od State in Paris in March 2011 not barring the western intelligence surveillance of the council members and their activities.

The people appointed council in Benghazi have courageously demonstrated viability despite the violence against them by Muammar Gaddafi intensified with the loyalists’ constraints on their status.

From the Benghazi resident Iman Al-Obeidi abduction and captivity to ground assault against opposition by forcefully arming civilians in the western front – Gaddafi regime is anything but under pressure from U.S led coalition in the ‘Operation Odyssey Dawn.’

The United States strategy is not clear especially in the face of the Libyan leadership gaining control of the oil fields that were recently captured by the opposition in Ras Lanuf, Brega, Uqayla, Bin Jawad…and other key locations.

Although the military operation is said to have debilitated Gaddafi defense capabilities – the resurgence against ill-equipped Libyan opposition apparently driving the civilian fighters to retreat.

The strange development in the deposed leadership’s advantage raises the following questions that require clarifications from the global powers engaged in Libya.

What is holding the United States, United Kingdom and the United Nations from rejecting the brutal dictatorship by legitimizing the republic represented and appointed National Council in Benghazi?

France and Qatar’s decision on council recognition is pragmatic and instantaneously convey a strong message to the unlawful leadership in Tripoli.

Muammar Gaddafi control over communication media through state television for false propaganda against honorable citizens like Iman Al-Obeidi and other victims in the Libyan revolution is obviously an effective tool to quell dissent and the persistent attacks are carried out via mass medium as an alternative air power.

Given the situation that is strengthening Gaddafi’s position –

Why is the television tower still left at the regime disposal for misuse and clearly undermining the stated objectives of the international effort?

The former Foreign Minister and importantly national security adviser to Muammar Gaddafi – Moussa Koussa’s recent defection is ominous for the autocratic power.

However, the momentum gained by Gaddafi troops against the Libyan opposition cannot be ignored for it prolongs the conflict stalemate induced in the military intervention.

If today – Gaddafi forces regain authority over the opposition held western oil fields then there is a sudden climax with Gaddafi army restraining attack allowing the revolution to occupy the same territories followed by an immediate reversal to reflect the opposition vulnerability.

Perhaps this cat and mouse game could be halted once for and all to save U.S. and coalition taxpayers dollars desperately required in the respective domestic investments with attention directed at Muammar Gaddafi removal from power, which has been categorically eliminated from the immediate goal.

There is no denial that Libyan massacre has hurt the ‘world conscience,’

Nonetheless refraining from actions viz. recognizing people council in Benghazi as the poignant step towards ousting Gaddafi government combined with seizing communication assets creates a default position favoring the root of all evil.

Hence the Libyan warfare could be decisively concluded with the U.S., U.K. and UN declaration of the Libyan people choice – National Transition Council as the legitimate authority against the belligerent leadership Muammar Gaddafi who fled the country soon after the uprising per U.K. foreign minister statement at that time,

But then mysteriously appeared to conduct the ensuing civil war through aerial bombings not previously considered during the defeat in the eastern part of the country is rather intriguing.

International views aside, the Libyan population never accepted Muammar Gaddafi as the head of the state in the repressive rule over four decades.

Now the sentiments are pronounced with an emphatic demand for Muammar Gaddafi to step down and face trial on the heinous crimes against humanity.

The burden is on the International Criminal Court to prove the independent jurisdiction in humanitarian matter and the esteemed judicial power validity instituted for the purpose of delivering justice to global citizens.

The judicial process could not only end the unnecessary quagmire having claimed thousands of innocent lives, it would also set precedence for other oppressors currently involved in bloodshed to retain power.

Besides there are the economic and environment costs in the timeless military aggression supposedly focused on ‘civilian protection,’

When ground reality showing opposition targeted in the newly captured territories and chased away from the western region.

Notwithstanding the events being contradictory to the defined military mission.

Further the emphasis on ‘Muammar Gaddafi’ not being the interest in the military pursuit during the U.S President latest speech on Libya generates a perception of safety assurance to the demonstrably weak and wilting figurehead projected otherwise with no credibility among the people.

Leaving Muammar Gaddafi in power – the leadership having unleashed tyranny on own nationals is complacency that could also be regarded by the victims as complicity in this political turmoil with serious repercussions.

Libyan success is squarely based on expediting Muammar Gaddafi departure from Libya for judicial proceedings in the International criminal court.

Failure in this respect particularly with all the available evidences would severely impact the participating powers’ ability to resolve political crisis.

Meanwhile, Libyan revolution must not be discouraged from moving forward and it is absolutely essential for every Libyan yearning for basic human rights – political freedom, individual liberty, social equality and economic prospects to support the pro-democracy movement by peaceful means to overthrow forty-two years of Muammar Gaddafi government

Libyan revolution must not forget that justice is on their side and they will prevail in the battle for democracy.

Perseverance and steel resolve would guarantee the desirable outcome.

Best Wishes to the brave hearts in the Libyan liberation cause.

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant






















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