Terror and Terrorism – Origin and Purpose

March 25, 2016

By Padmini Arhant

Terror is the invention to spread fear and violence for greed and ideology driven goals substituting conventional warfare in the twenty first century.

The traditional wars engaged ground troops and air as well as sea operation i.e. the national and international force. Accordingly, the decision entailed congressional or parliamentary approval which means citizens consent.

Although the trend on wars in the past and present century ignored public opinion and continued with policy on invasion and occupation of foreign land,

The citizens’ protest to illegal wars on false pretexts became prominent in the wake of Iraq war in 2003 amid ongoing war in Afghanistan since 2001 at taxpayers’ expense with no end in sight until now.

Project for New American Century(PNAC) conceptualized and implemented in United States experiencing the initial blow on September 11, 2001.

The doctrine espouses launching terror comparable to nuclear attack on Hiroshima and Nagasaki, Japan in the twentieth century to proceed with lofty aspirations in destabilizing nations that are regarded fair game in the quest for economic and strategic dominance.

Having pursued the path of terrorism against United States on fateful day September 11, 2001 with massive complicity within and outside the nation despite the country’s declared super power status on account of nuclear arsenal and military might,

The masterminds, architects, protagonists and catalysts behind PNAC continue on terror track terrorizing the world for failed strategy.

Relevantly, ISIS and ISIL…emergence is linked to al Qaeda in turn created by then National Security Advisor Zbigniew Brzezinski to counter cold war adversary the former Soviet Union.

Later, al Qaeda had become the useful resource demonstrated on September 11, 2001 and made PNAC mission admissible.

Not only the war was waged against United States on 9/11/2001 in order to accelerate PNAC specified agenda, the nations listed in the dossier were systematically attacked and destabilized for intended objective.

Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya and Sudan have been forced into eternal turmoil along with Syria besides Yemen in the North African region.

Syria was targeted in 2011 to topple the government headed by President Bashar al Assad deploying diverse means especially terrorism channeled via Libya and al Qaeda imported from Afghanistan and North Africa.

United States and Britain with western ally EU, Israel and Middle Eastern coalition such as Saudi Arabia, Turkey, Qatar, Jordan, Kuwait and UAE has sponsored, funded, armed and trained al Qaeda terror operatives developed under names like al Nusra Front, Takfiri, ISIL, ISIS and Daesh in Syria, Iraq and Libya.

The so called war on terror is essentially war against Syrian people for the sole reason of regime change. United States, Britain, France, Israel and EU with Turkey, Saudi Arabia, Jordan and Qatar active promotion of terrorism is witnessed in blowback events in Paris, Brussels and cities in Turkey.

Western and Middle Eastern alliance sowing the seeds of terror and nurturing with continuous supply of ammunitions notwithstanding chemical weapons used against Syrian army personnel as well as civilians is the inherent problem that has grown into menace for Europe and Turkey in particular.

EU resolution in 2012 lifting arms embargo that was effective on terror networks in Syria rather than extending ban on weapons delivery to terror groups has led to emboldened terror unleashed in European capitals today.

Furthermore, the western egregious stance on Syria aiding and abetting terror through their partners in the Middle East proliferated terrorism.

Russia’s participation in the terror infested war in Syria aimed at Daesh, Takfiris, ISIL and ISIS ignited tensions between United States and Russia on the significance.

However, Russia having withdrawn air assaults with the exception of maintaining Naval base on Syrian turf in Tartus and protecting Russian interests following fragile ceasefire are recent developments in the war torn nation.

Syria has been dragged into quagmire as part of PNAC proposition. In western domain the term civil war for the international war using terrorism against Syria is rather misleading and disingenuous ignoring PNAC proponents ulterior motive.

The conventions to end Syrian conflict from onset until today are unsuccessful predominantly due to terror sponsors and benefactors’ reluctance to relent to peaceful outcome.

As a result, the innocent children, women and men in Syria are the victims of senseless and merciless bloodshed with nearly 500,000 dead and two million and more refugees in their homeland and offshore enduring abuse and serious human rights violations by those responsible for Syrian catastrophe.

Europe vehemently opposed to Syrian refugee influx regardless of EU and major western nations viz. Britain, France and Germany as chief EU representative contribution towards terror manifestation in Syria boosting terror grid in the five years old Syrian crisis.

Any terror backlash in Europe and Turkey is the consequence of western powers and allies deployment and recruitment of terror factions in Syria with contagion effect on Iraq and Lebanon.

The misinterpretation of the situation in Syria, Iraq and Libya to suit western and allies position is betrayal of trust threatening national and global security.

PNAC is flawed and a disaster for humanity beginning with United States citizens on 9/11 and the rest of the world.  The devious perseverance annihilated scores of lives and made existence for millions impossible transforming nations into war zones preventing the dawn of peace.

Abandoning the ill fated PNAC ambitions and global supremacy would not only be wise but also imperative to avert burgeoning upheaval on the horizon.

In a just world, PNAC exponents and agents would be held accountable for heinous crimes against humanity and those in position of authority committing treason not to mention the breach of constitutional oath to protect the country and people they were appointed to serve during the term in office.

Project for New American Century is the primary source for terror infiltrated actions and stratagem.

Once again PNAC entities are listed for identification and indictment that would exemplify United States as the land of justice.

I offer my condolence to families grieving over the loss of loved ones in PNAC generated terror.

Peace to all!

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant


The individuals behind the Project for New American Century.

The following names in the list acknowledged as authors, architects and contributors on official PNAC documents.

The entities profile provides insight to PNAC objectives and ongoing conflicts in the world.

Abramowitz, Morton – Senior Fellow at the Century Foundation.

Abrams, Elliot – National Security Council – top advisor on the Middle East. Alumnus of the Heritage Foundation.

Profile: As Assistant Secretary of State for Human Rights and Humanitarian Affairs under Reagan, was responsible for covering up war crimes committed by the U.S. backed Contras. Was charged in connection with the Iran-Contra affair, and pled to lesser charges. Was later pardoned by Bush Sr. The British media reported Elliot was behind the attempted coup against President Hugo Chavez  in Venezuela.

Allen, Richard V. – member: National Security Advisory Board and the Defense Policy Board. President of the Richard V. Allen Company (consulting firm). Senior Fellow at the Hoover Institute.

Profile:  founding chairman for the Heritage Foundation’s Asian Studies Center. Founding member of the Committee on the Present Danger. Former board member of the Center for Strategic and International Studies. Assistant to the President for National Security affairs during the Reagan administration, but forced from office over suspected financial misconduct.

Anderson, Mark A. – Identified in PNAC involvement.

Armitage, Richard – Deputy Secretary of State.

Profile:  Former board member of CACI, the private military contractor whose employees were responsible for torturing prisoners at Abu Ghraib prison in Iraq. Assistant Secretary of Defense for International Security Affairs during the Reagan Administration. Named by the government as one of the people guilty of supplying weapons in the Iran Contra Affair, but never charged.

Au, Andrew Y. – Identified in PNAC involvement).

Bang-Jensen, Nina – executive director of the Coalition for International Justice.

Bao-Lord, Bette – member of the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR director until 2003). Chairman of Freedom House. Wife of ex-ambassador to China Winston Lord, who is Co-chairman of the International Rescue Committee.

Barnett, Roger – professor at the Naval War College (a government facility).

Profile:  Vice President of the National Institute for Public Policy. Professor at Georgetown University.

Bauer, Gary – founder of the Campaign for Working Families, president of American Values.

Profile:  Past president of the Family Research Council. Under Secretary of Education in the Reagan administration.

Bennet, William J. – co-director of Empower America, co-director of Partnership for a Drug-Free America, Distinguished Fellow of the Heritage Foundation. Writer.

Profile: Secretary of Education under Reagan.

Bergner, Jeffrey – study group member of the Commission on National Security 21st Century. Member of the board of trustees for the Hudson Institute and the Asia Foundation. His lobbying company represents a number of weapons contractors, among other major corporations.

Profile:  Staff Director for the Senate Foreign Relations Committee during the Reagan administration.

Bernstein, Alvin – Identified in PNAC involvement.

Bernstein, Robert L. – Professor at the National Defense University (a government facility).

Profile:  worked at the Naval War College (government facility) and in the Defense Department.

Biddle, George – member of the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) and Senior Vice President of the International Rescue Committee (allegedly a relief organisation).

Bolton, John R. – Under Secretary of State for Arms Control and International Security.

Profile:  Senior Vice President of the American Enterprise Institute. Assistant Secretary for International Organization Affairs for the Department of State under Bush Sr. Assistant Attorney General for the Department of Justice under Reagan.

Boot, Max – Senior Fellow of the National Security Studies. Contributing Editor for the Weekly Standard.

Profile: editor of the Wall Street Journal, writer and editor for the Christian Science Monitor.

Bork, Ellen – Deputy Director of the PNAC.

Profile:  Transatlantic Fellow of the German Marshall Fund.

Boschwitz, Rudy – Presidential appointee to the Holocaust Memorial Council. One of the top fund-raisers for Bush Jr. in 2000. Founder of Home Valu Inc. Minnesota Senator (1978-1991).

Buckley, William F. Jr. – owner of National Review magazine.

Profile: CIA agent in the Fifties. Hosted the television show Firing Line.

Bush, Jeb – Governor of Florida.

Profile: Banned convicted felons from voting in the 2000 presidential election, using an extremely inaccurate system to remove voting rights; allowed ineligible absentee ballots to be counted.

Cambone, Stephen A. – Under Secretary of Defense for Intelligence, Special Assistant to the Secretary and Director for Program Analysis and Evaluation – Department of Defense.

Profile:  Special Assistant to Donald Rumsfeld just prior to current appointments. Director in the Defense Department during the Bush Sr. administration. Past deputy director in SRS Technologies (Defense contractor).

Carlucci, Frank – Chairman Emeritus of the Carlyle Group and Nortel Networks. Member of the board of United Defense Inc. Considered a protégé of Donald Rumsfeld.

Profile:  Chairman of the Carlyle Group (1993-2000). Secretary of Defense during the Reagan administration. Deputy Director in the CIA. CIA agent. Accused of being behind the assassination of Congo Prime Minister Patrice Lumumba during the Sixties, but never charged.

 Cheney, Dick – Vice President. Member of the Council on Foreign Relations. Employee(?) of Halliburton – draws a one million dollar per year salary.

Profile: worked for Donald Rumsfeld in 1969. Presidential assistant to Gerald Ford. Secretary of Defense for Bush Sr. Halliburton CEO 1995 to 2000; gains the company 3.8 billion dollars in federal contracts and guaranteed loans. 

Upon becoming Vice President, Halliburton receives billions of dollars in Iraq contracts not tendered to other companies. Behind installing Rumsfeld, Paul Wolfowitz, John Bolton, and Elliot Abrams into their current positions in government. Wife Lynne Cheney is a senior fellow with the American Enterprise Institute. Daughter Elizabeth Cheney is Deputy Assistant Secretary of State for Near East Affairs.

Clemons, Steven C. – Executive Vice President of the New America Foundation.

Cohen, Eliot A. – professor at Johns Hopkins University. Member of the Council on Foreign Relations.

Profile:  professor at the Naval War College. Previously worked for Donald Rumsfeld.

Cropsey, Seth – Director of the International Broadcasting Bureau.

Profile: Director in the Heritage Foundation. Visiting Fellow in the American Enterprise Institute. Assistant Editor of the Public Interest (1976-77). Hudson Institute researcher. Deputy Under Secretary in the Department of the Navy during the Reagan administration.

DeConcini, Dennis Webster – Chairman of the Board of Directors for the National Center for Missing & Exploited Children.

Profile:  eighteen years as Senator from Arizona. Member of the Balkan Action Committee.

Dale, Helle – Director in the Heritage Foundation.

Decter, Midge – Writer. Heritage Foundation director. Wife of Norman Podhoretz. Claims to worship Donald Rumsfeld and has written a book for Rumsfeld admirers.

Dobriansky, Paula – Under Secretary of State for Global Affairs.

Profile:  Senior Vice President (Washington office) of the Council on Foreign Relations prior to appointment. Deputy Assistant Secretary for Human Rights and Humanitarian Affairs for the Department of State in the Reagan administration.

Donnelly, Thomas – Deputy Executive Director of the PNAC.

Profile: Director of Strategic Communication and Initiatives for Lockheed Martin Corp. (weapons contractor).

Eberstadt, Nicholas – consultant for the State Department, consultant for the Bureau of the Census. Member of the American Enterprise Institute.

Edgar, Robert (Rev. Dr.) – General Secretary of the National Council of Churches of Christ. Ordained as an United Methodist. Former Congressman.

Epstein, David – employee at the Office of Secretary of Defense – Net Assessment.

Etzioni, Amitai – founder of the Communitarian Network, and editor of their magazine. Was Senior Advisor to the White House on Domestic Affairs during the Carter administration.

Fautua, David – Identified in PNAC involvement).

Feulner, Edwin J. Jr. – Heritage Foundation.

Profile:  advisor to President Reagan.

Forbes, Steve – President, CEO, and Editor-in-Chief of Forbes magazine.

Profile:  campaigned twice for the Republican nomination for president. Directed the dissemination of propaganda on Radio Free Europe and Radio Liberty during both the Reagan and Bush Sr. administrations.

Fradkin, Hillel – member of the Advisory Committee on International Education – Department of Education. Part of Benador Associates, a publicity firm handling clients such as PNAC members R. Perle, J. Woolsey, F. Gaffney, C. Krauthammer, and M. Boot.

Profile: Fellow in the American Enterprise Institute prior to government appointment.

Friedberg, Aaron – Vice President’s Deputy National Security Advisor.

Profile: Fellow of the Council on Foreign Relations. Consultant for the CIA.

Fukuyama, Francis – President’s Council on Bioethics. Member of the Council on Foreign Relations.

Gaffney, Frank – President and CEO of the Center for Security Policy, Washington Times columnist, brother of Devon Gaffney-Cross.

Profile: worked for Richard Perle during the Reagan administration.

Gaffney-Cross, Devon – member of the Defense Policy Board (Pentagon). Member of the Board of Directors of the Center for Strategic and Budgetary Assessments. Sister of Frank Gaffney.

Gejdenson, Sam – owns Sam Gejdenson International. Congressman (D) 1981 – 2000.

Gerecht, Reuel Marc – Senior Fellow of the PNAC, Resident Fellow of the American Enterprise Institute.

Profile:  former CIA agent (1985 – 1994). CBS News consultant on Afghanistan.

Goldman, Merle – Adjunct Professor for the Foreign Service Institute of the State Department.

Goure, Daniel – consultant for the Department of State, the Department of Defense, and the Department of Energy. Vice President of the Lexington Institute. Was a Study Team Leader for the Institute of Peace (1990-91).

Halperin, Morton H. – director for the Council on Foreign Relations and for the Open Society Institute.

Hefferman, John – Identified in PNAC involvement).

Hooper, James R. – Executive Director of the Balkan Action Council.

Ikle, Fred C. – Distinguished Scholar for the Center for Strategic and International Studies. Member of the Council on Foreign Relations.

Profile:  Under Secretary of Defense for Policy in the Reagan administration.

Jackson, Bruce – President of the Project on Transitional Democracies. President of the Committee on NATO.

Member: Council on Foreign Relations, International Institute for Strategic Studies, Board of Advisors for the Center for Security Policy.

Profile: Director of Strategic Planning for Lockheed Martin Corp. (weapons contractor). Worked for Richard Perle, Paul Wolfowitz, and Dick Cheney during the eighties.

Joyce, Michael S. – founder of Americans for Community and Faith-Centered Enterprise, an organisation created to help push through Bush Jr.’s “Faith-Based Initiative”. Member of the Research Council of America. Was part of the Presidential Transition Team for Reagan.

Kagan, Donald – Hillhouse Professor of History and Classics at Yale University. Writer. Father of Frederick and Robert Kagan.

Kagan, Frederick – Professor of military history at West Point.

Profile:  co-wrote, with his father Donald and other PNAC contributors, “While America Sleeps”.

Kagan, Robert – co-founder of the PNAC. Contributing Editor for the Weekly Standard and the New Republic; columnist for the Washington Post. Member of the Council on Foreign Relations. Husband of Victoria Nuland, Deputy National Security Advisor to the Vice President.

Profile:  Deputy in the Department of State under Elliot Abrams during the Reagan administration.

Kampelman, Max M. – Lawyer. Member of the Board of Trustees for Freedom House. Member of the Board of Advisors for the Jewish Institute for National Security Affairs.

Karatnycky, Adrian – member of the Council on Foreign Relations, and Freedom House.

Profile:  worked for the New York Times, Washington Post, and Washington Times.

Kemble, Penn – Department of State – Head, Eminent Persons Group, Sudan Slavery Commission. Senior Fellow in Freedom House.

Kennedy, Craig – President of the German Marshall Fund.

Khalilzad, Zalmay – Ambassador to Afghanistan, Special Presidential Envoy to Afghanistan and Special Presidential Envoy to the Free Iraqis.

Profile:  Senior Director of the National Security Council (2001 – 2003). Accused by candidates in the Afghan elections of arranging President Hamid Karzai’s victory. Worked for Paul Wolfowitz at the State Department in 1984 – 1985. Advisor to Unocal for their proposed gas pipeline project through Afghanistan (1997).

Killebrew, Robert B. – Colonel (retired)

Profile: Security Strategies study member for PNAC. Consultant to a variety of army and private institute military projects.

Kirkpatrick, Jeane – on the executive committee of Freedom House and the board of advisors of the Jewish Institute for National Security Affairs. Member of the Council on Foreign Relations and the Committee on the Present Danger. Former U.S. Ambassador. Member of the National Security Council under Reagan.

Koh, Harold Hongju – Dean of Yale.

Profile: Assistant Secretary of State for Democracy, Human Rights and Labor in the Clinton administration.

Kovler, Peter – Nixon Center Advisory Council. Balkans Action Committee.

Krauthammer, Charles – Presidential appointee to the President’s Council On Bioethics. Columnist for the Washington Post. Contributing Editor for the New Republic and the Weekly Standard. Member of the Editorial Board for the National Interest and the Public Interest.

Kristol, William – co-founder of the PNAC. Columnist for (and co-founder of) the Weekly Standard.

Profile:  Chief of Staff to Vice President Dan Quayle, Secretary of Education Chief of Staff under William Bennett during the Reagan administration.

Lagon, Mark P. – Deputy Assistant Secretary of State.

Profile:  fellow of the Council on Foreign Relations. Deputy Director of the House Republican Committee. Senior advisor to Jeane Kirkpatrick – American Enterprise Institute.

Lasswell, James – Employee of GAMA Corporation (war games, military training via software).

Lehrman, Lewis E. – on the Board of Trustees for the Heritage Foundation and the American Enterprise Institute. President and co-founder of the Citizens for America.

Libby, I. Lewis – Assistant to the President, and Chief of Staff to the Vice President.

Profile:  after graduating law school, went to work for Paul Wolfowitz (1981 – 1985) at the State Department. Hired again by Wolfowitz in 1989, this time at the Pentagon.

Lindberg, Tod – Research Fellow at the Hoover Institute. Editor of Policy Review journal.

Mack, Connie III – Congressman for Florida. Previously served in the Florida House of Representatives (2000 – 2003).

Maletz, Christopher – Assistant Director of the PNAC.

Markey, Mary Beth – Executive Director for the International Campaign for Tibet. Worked in the Senate Foreign Relations Committee prior to 1996.

Martinage, Robert – consultant for the Center for Strategic and Budgetary Assessments.

McKivergan, Daniel – Deputy Director of the PNAC.

Profile:  research director for The Weekly Standard (1995 – 1997). Legislative director for Senator John McCain (2000), and for Congressman Dan Miller (1997).

Meese, Edwin III – Heritage Foundation.

Profile: Attorney General during the Reagan administration. Investigated for his involvement in the Iraq Bechtel pipeline deal (which also involved Donald Rumsfeld) – not prosecuted, but resigned.

Meilinger, Phil – U.S. Naval War College.

Muravchik, Joshua – Resident Scholar for the American Enterprise Institute. Member of the Board of Advisors for the Jewish Institute for National Security Affairs.

Owens, Mackubin – professor at the Naval War College (a government facility).

Owens, Wayne – Deceased (December 18, 2002).

Profile:  eight years as Congressman (D) for Utah.

Peretz, Martin – owner and Editor-in-Chief of the New Republic magazine.

Perle, Richard N. – Pentagon Policy Advisor (resigned February 2004), member – Defense Policy Board.

Member: Balkan Action Committee, Committee on the Present Danger, American Enterprise Institute associate. On advisory board of the Jewish Institute for National Security Affairs.

Profile: Assistant Secretary of Defense under Reagan. FBI suspected Perle of spying for Israel in 1970 – not prosecuted.

Pletka, Danielle – Vice President of Foreign and Defense Policy for the American Enterprise Institute.

Profile: senior staff member of the U.S. Senate Committee on Foreign Relations (1992-2002).

Podhoretz, Norman – member of the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR). Husband of Midge Decter, father-in-law of Elliot Abrams.

Porter, John Edward – member of the RAND board of Trustees.

Profile: Congressman until 2000.

Quayle, J. Danforth – was Vice President under Bush Sr.

Rodman, Peter W. – Assistant Secretary of Defense for International Security Affairs.

Profile:  Staff Director of State Department Policy Planning under Reagan.

Rosen, Stephen P. – Harvard professor.

Profile: professor at the Naval War College. Director in the National Security Council under Reagan.

Rowen, Henry S. – member of Department of Defense Policy Board. Presidential appointee to the Commission on the Intelligence Capabilities of the United States Regarding Weapons of Mass Destruction.

Profile: Assistant Secretary of Defense for International Security Affairs under Bush Sr. RAND Corporation president 1967–1972.

Rumsfeld, Donald – Secretary of Defense.

Member: Hoover Institution board of trustees, RAND Corporation, Empower America board, Freedom House board, Balkan Action Committee, Committee on the Present Danger, Center for Security Policy.

Profile: Congressman from 1962 to 1969. Member of Nixon’s cabinet. Member of Gerald Ford’s cabinet and Secretary of Defense. Chaired Ballistic Missile Threat (“Rumsfeld”) Commission in 1998.

Scheunemann, Randy – on PNAC Board of Directors, U.S. Committee on NATO Board of Directors. Treasurer for Project on Transitional Democracies. Lobbyist.

Profile: Office of the Secretary of Defense – Consultant on Iraq Policy (2001).

Schmitt, Gary – Executive Director of the PNAC. Consultant to the Department of Defense.Member of the Board of Directors of the U.S. Committee on NATO. Visiting Fellow at the Brookings Institute. Adjunct Professor at John Hopkins University.

Profile:  Executive Director of the President’s Foreign Intelligence Advisory Board under Reagan.

Schneider, William Jr. – Chairman of the Defense Science Board for the Department of Defense. President of International Planning Services, works for the lobbying company Jefferson Consulting Group. Previously served on the “Rumsfeld Commission”.

Shaw, Sin-Ming – resident scholar at Oxford University’s Oriel College.

Shulsky, Abram N. – Director: Defence Department’s Office Of Special Plans, a division created by Paul Wolfowitz.

Profile:  Worked for the RAND corporation. Worked under Richard Perle in the Defense Department during the Reagan administration.

Shultz, Richard – Professor of International Politics at the Fletcher School. Holds Chairs at the Naval War College and the U.S. Military Academy. Fellow at the Institute of Peace.

Simon, Paul – Deceased (Dec. 9/03). Former Democratic Senator.

Sokolski, Henry – Executive Director of the Nonproliferation Education Center.

Profile:  was Resident Fellow in the Heritage Foundation and the Hoover Institution. Was a Senior Legislative Aide for Senator Dan Quayle.

Solarz, Stephen J.– vice chairman of the International Crisis Group. Member of the Council on Foreign Relations.

Profile: Congressman for New York (1975-93)

Sonnenfeldt, Helmut – Brookings Institution.

Profile: member of the National Security Council. Advisor to President Nixon.

Sussman, Leonard – executive director of Freedom House. Was a journalist in New York.

Sweeney, John J. – President of the American Federation of Labor – Congress of Industrial Organizations (AFL-CIO). Member of the Council on Foreign Relations.

Taft, William Howard IV – Chief Legal Advisor to the Department of State.

Profile: assistant to Casper Weinberger in the Nixon administration.

Thornburgh, Dick – Lawyer. Past governor of Pennsylvania. Attorney General in the Reagan and Bush Sr. administrations.

Tkacik, John – Heritage Foundation. President of China Business Intelligence. Worked in the State Department during the Reagan administration.

Turner, Ed – Identified in PNAC involvement).

Vickers, Michael – Director of Strategic Studies for the Center for Strategic and Budgetary Assessments. Creator of “Future Warfare 20XX” games. Former CIA agent.

Waldron, Arthur – board member of Freedom House, member of the Council on Foreign Relations.

Profile:  professor at the Naval War College (1991-97).

Wallop, Malcolm – Heritage Foundation. Founder and Chairman of the Frontiers of Freedom.

Profile: part of the Rumsfeld Commission. Senator for Wyoming (1977 – 1995).

Watts, Barry D. – Director of Program Analysis and Evaluation – Office of The Secretary of Defense.

Profile:  before government appointment, was a director in Northrop Gruman (weapons contractor).

Webb, James – was Secretary of the Navy and Assistant Secretary of Defense during the Reagan administration.

Weber, Vin – member of the National Commission on Public Service. Member of the German Marshall Fund – board of trustees. Co-founder of Empower America. Partner in Clark & Weinstock.

Profile: Congressman for Minnesota 1980 – 1992.

Weigel, George – Senior Fellow at the Ethics and Public Policy Center.

Profile:  co-founded National Endowment for Democracy.

Weinberger, Caspar W.– writer.

Profile:  past publisher and chairman of Forbes magazine. Secretary of Defense under Reagan. Indicted on felony charges for his participation in supplying missiles to Iran, but pardoned by President Bush Sr.

Weyrich, Paul M. – President of the Free Congress Research and Education Foundation. National Chairman of Coalitions for America.

Profile: co-founded Heritage Foundation. Co-founded the Moral Majority. Past treasurer of Council for National Policy.

Williams, Christopher A. – Department of Defense – Special Assistant to Donald Rumsfeld. Lobbyist for Boeing and Northrop Grumman Corporation (weapons contractors).

Profile: member of Pentagon’s Deterrence Concepts Advisory Panel, and member of Pentagon’s Defense Policy Board during Bush Jr. administration.

Windsor, Jennifer L. – Executive Director of Freedom House.

Profile: previously held various positions at the U.S. Agency for International Development.

Wolfowitz, Paul – Deputy Secretary of Defense, and Assistant to the Vice President.

Profile:  Head of the State Department’s Policy Planning Staff under Reagan. Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for Regional Programs under Carter.

Woolsey, R. James – member of the Defense Policy Board, member of the Deterrence Concepts Advisory Panel, and member of the National Commission on Energy Policy. Trustee for the Center for Strategic and International Studies. Chairman of the Board of Trustees for Freedom House. Honorary Co-Chair of the National Security Advisory Council.

Profile: Director of the CIA during Clinton administration.

Wortzel, Larry – Director in the Heritage Foundation.

Zakheim, Dov S. – Member of the advisory board for the American Jewish Committee, member of the Council on Foreign Relations, and Adjunct Scholar for the Heritage Foundation. Under Secretary and Chief Financial Officer for the Department of Defense (resigned April 15, 2004).

Zoellick, Robert B. – U.S. Trade Representative and member of President’s Cabinet.

Profile: Under Secretary of State for Economic and Agricultural Affairs, then White House Deputy Chief of Staff in the Bush Sr. administration.



















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