United States – Critical Race Theory (CRT)

July 16, 2021

United States – Critical Race Theory (CRT)

Padmini Arhant

Who is behind the controversial critical race theory?

In 2020Black Lives Matter (BLM) and Antifa (supposedly Anti-Fascism) were unleashed in major cities of the United States wreaking havoc with deaths and destruction of lives and livelihoods, torching and burning private and public properties nationwide without any legal implications whatsoever to those behind the unruly mob conduct embarrassing the nation and society at large.

The BLM i.e. BSM (B.S. Movement) together with Antifa proved themselves the progeny of Fascism and feudalism running the gamut in the global stage.

Not to mention, the destructive forces and their agents ever committed to deception, deceit and devious agenda propagate via crony broadcasting networks in social media, the information lifted from ethical and credible entity and domain to malign the source inviting self-inflicting irreversible damage.

Once again, these egregious indulgences clearly distinguish the fake and fraudulent from the original.

In 2021 – the critical race theory is promoted to stir reactions and controversy on the race subject. Unfortunately, the promoters expectations to season and fry the race related ingredients are working as they continue to pit people against each another in some form or another.

Notwithstanding the transgender mania having become the obsessive compulsive disorder affecting the identity politics peddlers, the classic ignoramus surrendered to own folly and personal identity crisis.

The critical race theory is debated as contentious due to the projection of a race and in this instance casting the White population, the oppressor in history.

Needless to say in any situation of abuse, violence and violations, the victimizer and the victims i.e. the oppressors and the oppressed are well aware of the truth and facts without any interpretation or revision of history.

It is important to highlight that those who are crying foul to critical race theory today are nowhere to be seen in the relentless assault on other races, religions, cultures and civilizations that are continuously mocked, ridiculed and denigrated not only in school textbooks but also in every available medium since time immemorial.

In this regard, Hollywood and the so-called authors in literary society have taken the liberty for granted and left others far behind in stereotyping anything and anyone they have targeted a fair game entirely for pecuniary interests. The prejudice playing a role cannot be ruled out in such behavior.

The customs and traditions of race other than their own often described and portrayed as barbaric, primitive and backward in every possible channel and outlet thus far are irrefutable. It always hurts upon own experience of incidents and events that are not necessarily reflected in others pain and suffering. Perhaps that is human nature.

Let it not be forgotten, the divide and conquer strategy is the premise to rein control and dominance throughout imperialistic and colonial supremacy.

There could be no denial in the fact that racial superiority and hierarchy is the norm and prevalent more so today than even before. Any belief to the contrary is superficial and farcical.

The proof is in the cancel culture – the epitome of intolerance to alternative views and contribution.

The concerted efforts and actions in silencing genuine voice with anonymity while ambush the individual life invading home, privacy and identity appropriating to whom so ever they deem suitable fitting their contaminated mindset is regarded their prerogative. None of these despicable engagements on their part are considered shameful or criminal by them.

Otherwise the groups like White Supremacists and Neo-Nazi gatherings in  Charlottesville, Virginia in 2017 would not serve as political tool for those in favor or against race orientation. Likewise the black lives matter, antifa and alike would not be the catalysts for chaos and mayhem even though the outcome serve none including them and those behind these organizations except them deriving bizarre satisfaction from ruinous participation.

Above all, the superiority complex has transcended from race to elitism typically narcissism and nepotism blending the racial mix of similar concoctions on social economic status based on fame, fortune and power in global society.

The billionaire club, celebrity clique, academia flaunting A-Z titles after their name as intellectualism, political circle as world leaders and self-proclaimed statesmanship, media organizations and press touted as power brokers in exaggeration or embellishing records of anyone and anything to boost ratings.

Last but not the least, the religious God men and women especially the former in the costume with flowing robe sweeping the floor they walk on and the long beard competing with their robe in touching the ground is quite a sight to see them performing to the script in the mega theatrics currently representing the so-called global elitism – the contra euphemism for narcissism in the contemporary era.

The world is a circus under the purview of those lost in their lofty ambitions and delirious goals. They struggle and stumble revealing their cluelessness amid the house of cards crumbling on them.

The billionaire club – what anyone does with their personal wealth in their private life is entirely individual discretion. Again, the same principle is not extended to all by the global elitists having assumed the power as entitlement to enroll or expel whom ever they prefer or reject in society. The idea of free speech in the present time is transformed into a privilege. The social media they overwhelmingly own and control albeit due to ordinary citizens engagement in these social platforms as users and consumers are conveniently forgotten forbidding citizens from the public domain for not conforming to their political ideology and faction they represent in the government.

The global elites reserve the rights to be discreet and hold secret meetings as secret society to discuss and strategize on global affairs directly affecting every man, woman, child, their dog and livestock in any situation. However, the content and minutes of the meetings are ever held secret barring public and real independent investigative press knowledge on the matter.

Ironically, they criticize their arch nemesis as recluse for living a normal life and importantly they are irked with their enemy for unwilling to bow taking marching orders from them in reminiscence of enslavement of those they regard not worthy of any respect. The proverbial old habits die hard is prevalent in the indignation of anyone who do not agree with them and roll over in the swamp that are expected and carried out by the servile appointees to the position remaining a front for the secret society and the deep state.

The space travel is a new fad among the latest billionaires who have otherwise declared bankruptcy laying off more than 3250 employees citing global pandemic for massive termination and even sought governments’ assistance at average tax payers expense despite the latter already hit beyond revival. The wealth at their disposal apparently is well spent on extravagant pleasure trip to the galaxy that were otherwise not available to retain the heavily hurt ordinary workers in the worst crisis. The other billionaires on their part justify their stance on pushing merchant fees $7.50 in credit card payments on solar energy to struggling home owners saving the costs from it for their space journey. There are others in the billionaire league whose employees share their grievances on poor working conditions such as long hours with less pay and no incentives on hard labor of thousands of workers contributing to the billionaires’ success story.

Then there are billionaires entrenched in defining and regulating human genome, lifestyle and mind via investments in scientific experiments and altering seeds germination targeting staple diet of mankind and livestock hormone injection…regarded innovative ignoring cataclysmic ramifications experienced right now.

The topic is continued under separate titles highlighting the quandary confronting humanity today.

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant 

Author & Presenter 



Terrorism – Created and Manufactured by Fascism

August 18, 2017

Terrorism – Created and Manufactured by Fascism

By Padmini Arhant

Terrorist attacks anywhere is the result of fascists rule in the world. Fascists manufactured terror to destabilize nations in the name of regime change led to emergence of ISIL and ISIS granting statehood to terrorism and facilitate condemnation of the religion they are associated with i.e. Islam.

The avant-garde contempt for culture and civilizations with traditional heritage prompting terror war against Syria, Iraq and Libya…is continuation of colonial trait.

Anything that is civil, dignified and sacred is targeted under the pretext of democratization and emancipation though they exercise complete liberty to desecrate sites, decimate nations and kill people for economic resources and strategic dominance.

The prevalent psychological disorder among the clique is evident in agitation from repeat failures experienced time and time again. Having no tolerance to facts, truthful presentations and reality, the international syndicate referred to as the deep state by those fearful of repercussions upon identifying them as such in the so-called free world is a strange predicament.

The fascists embrace and participate in Secret Society’s clandestine meetings plotting and planning on how to control over more than seven billion population destiny. They shun public and real press from their activities while authorizing massive surveillance and invasion of others privacy.

They invite mainstream communication media giants to their conclave. The prominent media on their part along with political class and others in the league pledge allegiance to Secret Society and their agenda.

All these events happening in the name of democracy is indeed a unique feature to their version of republic rule.

Though their actions and decisions aptly qualify the definition of fascism, they raise objection to such reference displaying disingenuous position on all things relevant to them and humanity at large.

There is an uproar on Nazi and neo-Nazism conveniently ignoring emulation of what they condemn practiced in illegal invasion, occupation of land subjecting natives of those nations to brutal oppression and persecution. Not to mention their indulgence in sabotage and undermining sovereignty against neighbors in the region or anyone they regard adversary.

The solidarity in denouncing prejudice they epitomize further reveals their cherished image since they are also the neocons fascinated with wars and believe in economic prosperity from perpetual warfare worldwide.

Their ideology and philosophy is violence, terrorism, false propaganda, proxies representing them and their cause, lies and deception to achieve lofty aspirations at the expense of innocent lives and environment peril.

Their claim on environment sanctity consistently violated by them in constant bombing, shelling, underground and overland nuclear testing as exclusive right. The self-proclamation as responsible nuclear powers contradict trajectory.

Notwithstanding offshore and shallow drilling, fracking, and mountain top removal.

They are opposed to any meaningful political or electoral reform, elimination of corruption, fair and equal opportunity to all in society rejecting them as social welfare.  However, them not having any problem with their parasitic existence.

Above all, they not only provide sanctuary to terrorists as the source but also guarantee safe haven to tax evaders, embezzlers and scandalous entities they find useful to maintain status quo.

The world is expected to honor them and accept their rule as democratic not despotism.

They remain the irony of all ironies and yet have difficulty in acknowledgment as such.

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant

Author & Presenter PadminiArhant.com

Spouse in Divine Mission