Mexico Massacre – Drug Warfare and Arms Trade

November 2, 2010

By Padmini Arhant

Mexico has been terrorized by the drug cartels with the civilian massacre rising by the day.

The drug warfare is taking toll on the innocent lives and draining the national economy.

The drug gangs target is not limited to the local population. As mentioned earlier the brutal killings of 72 migrant workers in late August at Tamaulipas state near the US border shocked the nation and escalated crossfire between the perpetrators and the security force.

Among the drug networks, the Zetas are considered the most notorious and ruthless having claimed responsibility for many gruesome atrocities across the country. They are also dreaded for the indiscriminate violence against the vulnerable population.

The Zetas are characterized as the renegade cartel wreaking havoc across the nation right now.

Their reputation in inflicting carnage and destruction ranks high in comparison to the splinter groups held responsible for similar crimes.

The Zetas have aroused interest and scrutiny leading to a new revelation.

According to the latest reports – the founders of the Zetas were extraordinaire Mexican troops and acquired training in the early 1990’s from Americas 7th Special Forces Group, also known as “snake eaters” at Ft. Bragg, North Carolina.

Apart from the navigational and communication skills, the training apparently involved the basic to extreme weaponry use such as machine guns and automatic firearms.

The US Defense Department former national director and Pentagon Special Forces commander, currently a professor at the US National Defense University, Craig Deare confirmed that –

“The Zetas are none other than the US trained Mexican Armed Force from the Airmobile Special Forces Group (GAFE) regarded an elite division in the Mexican military.

Further, Professor Deare elaborated on the specific US training to the Mexican personnel comprising ‘counter-insurgency and ironically counter-narcotics operations’ with the exclusion of the advanced commando techniques that are regularly taught at Ft. Bragg.”

The reports suggest an interesting factor in this respect for world attention.

Ft. Bragg provides training for armed forces from worldwide. Hence the Mexican personnel receiving counter-insurgency maneuvers are not regarded as unusual.

However, the ex-military officials’ and general perception is the particular skills attained by the Zetas during their US training prepared them as professional narcotic dealers and mercenaries.

The Mexican President Felipe Calderon has committed 50,000 troops to combat the drug kingpins of various organization but the Zetas remain a force to reckon with especially after an estimated 30,000 lives lost in the past four years.

Grotesque violence includes decapitation and torture defiantly displayed on the main street and cyberspace notwithstanding other form of criminal activities such as engaging poor migrants into flesh trade and fatally assaulting students during private celebrations.

Even the expectant mothers are not spared in the mass executions attracting detest from other drug traders condemning the GAFE militia otherwise the Zetas for their abhorrent means in drug trafficking.

The ex-commander Deare reckons over 500 GAFE members had Special Forces training under the defined program drawing the Mexico Attorney General Office attention in 1999.

Laura Carlsen, the director, Americas program of the International Relations Center reportedly shared the information that subsequent to the US training, GAFE personnel relinquished service in the Mexico military to pursue the career as henchmen initially for the Gulf cartel and later set up their own organization – the Zetas, based on the Mexican top brass military radio code ‘Z.’

It was also pointed out that the Zetas show mercy to none in their violence against the general public.

In addition, the GAFE defections from the Mexican military is said to be significant raising an alarm for the Mexican government while the US trainers not surprised at the exodus.

The experts urge the US to investigate the methods used in the Special Forces training program for the Mexican armed forces contributing to the intriguing transformation in their human conduct.

In a similar context, the training from the Guatemalan Kaibiles, described as the unrelenting special operations force is equally found detrimental to the Mexican military personnel morale.

Within the state, the Mexican police are accused of protecting the drug cartels exacerbating the federal authorities’ battle against the narcotic agents.

Another observation being the Special Forces overseas training predominantly the US assignment combined with the meager salary in the military and police service are driving the individuals to inextricable occupation causing horrendous tragedies.

The Congress stalled $1.3billion US pledge under the 2007 Merida plan to fund the Mexican drug war is rejected by the population due to the inherent risks against its sovereignty and the potential threat to citizens’ rights.

Since nothing happens without a cause, it is essential to explore the underlying facts on the rebel groups’ emergence.

It is indicated in the reports that;

GAFE (The US trained Mexican Special Forces) was established in 1994 to curb the Zapatista rebels in southern Mexico.

The Zapatistas origin is related to NAFTA – The North American Free Trade Agreement between Canada, USA and Mexico.

Zapatistas emerged in the same day as NAFTA – January 1, 1994.

Zapatistas, the native rebel group was formed to protest NAFTA – the most unpopular treaty is referenced as the “death sentence” on Mexican population because of the flawed agreement that facilitated subsidized US crops for entry into Mexican market identical to the trade imposition on the Caribbean nation Haiti in the same period that ultimately crippled the once self-sufficient Haitian economy.

Prior to signing the NAFTA agreement, it is noted that the affluent trade partners ignored the population concerns on this issue and,

Subsequently, the Zapatistas was formed to defend the rural farming community deprived of livelihood.

In 1994, NAFTA led to Zapatistas which in turn was eliminated by GAFE.

GAFE has evolved into ‘Zetas,’ the dangerous and feared drug cartel.

GAFE was strengthened with US training and support through exposure to drugs trade surpassing any NAFTA benefits. The drug trade incentivized with uncontrolled borders allowing among many goods the disproportionate illegal drugs that successfully displaced the rural community and pushed the starving unemployed youth to drug peddling for survival.

The phenomenal annual revenue from the booming narcotics industry is evaluated between $19 billion – $40 billion and proved to be potent in the terror recruitment.

Unequivocally, the Mexican government has a daunting task in winning the war against the drug cartel.

The Mexican President Felipe Calderon could review the strategies in the drug war and address them appropriately.

First and foremost – Identify and replace the corrupt sources in the law enforcement division, Mexican Military and security personnel deployed to fight the nefarious drug gangs.

Then maintaining decent salary for the police force, the Military and the security officials from top to bottom would deter accepting bribes and promote loyalty to the nation.

Serious problems lie in the Special Forces Training GAFE – techniques and the motive for defection require thorough investigation and stringent measures to reverse the course.

Prohibiting counterproductive training to the Mexican Special Forces by US or other groups is necessary to terminate the Zetas and other drug cartel’s growth.

National guards across the border to block drugs and arms trade activities for which the United States cooperation is paramount. It would effectively restrict the supply and ease the burden on the Mexican state.

State wide inspection and crackdown on illegal drugs and arms exchange should lead to major breakthrough.

Most importantly, redefining NAFTA from Free Trade Agreement to Fair Trade Agreement would improve economic conditions and create jobs for the struggling communities.

The concerted efforts by Mexico, United States, Canada and Latin America could expedite the inevitable victory in the contentious drug war.

Mexico must realize that it is not alone in the crusade. Poignantly, none are invincible and the drug cartels are no exception.

Best Wishes to Mexico for long lasting peace, security and prosperity.

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant


Masacre de México – Guerra de Medicina y Comercio de Armas

Por Padmini Arhant

México ha sido aterrorizado por los cárteles de medicina con la masacre civil que se eleva antes del día.

La guerra de medicina toma el peaje en las vidas inocentes y drena la economía nacional.

El objetivo de cuadrillas de medicina no es limitado con la población local. Como mencionado antes las matanzas brutales de 72 trabajadores migratorios a finales de agosto en el estado de Tamaulipas cerca de la frontera estadounidense impresionaron la nación y escalaron el fuego cruzado entre los autores y la fuerza de seguridad.

Entre las redes de medicina, los Zetas son considerados el más celebre y despiadados habiendo reivindicado muchas atrocidades espantosas a través del país. Ellos también son temidos para la violencia indiscriminada contra la población vulnerable.

Los Zetas son caracterizados como el cártel renegado que causa estragos a través de la nación ahora mismo.

Su reputación en infligir carnicería y filas de destrucción altas en comparación con los grupos disidentes sostuvo responsable de delitos similares.

Los Zetas han despertado el interés y el escrutinio que conduce a una nueva revelación.

Según los últimos informes – los fundadores del Zetas eran tropas mejicanas extraordinaire y adquirieron la formación a principios de los años 1990 de Américas 7o Grupo de Fuerzas Especial, también conocido como “comedores de serpiente” en Pies. Bragg, Carolina del Norte.

Aparte de las habilidades de navegación y habilidades de comunicación, la formación por lo visto implicó el básico al uso de armamento extremo como ametralladoras y armas de fuego automáticas.

El Departamento de Defensa estadounidense antiguo director nacional y comandante de Fuerzas Especial del Pentágono, actualmente un profesor en la Universidad de Defensa Nacional estadounidense, Craig Deare confirmó esto-

“Los Zetas son ninguno además de los EE.UU se entrenó la Fuerza Armada mejicana del Grupo de Fuerzas Especial Aeromóvil (GAFE) consideró una división de la elite en los militares mejicanos.

Adelante, el Profesor Deare se explicó en los EE.UU específicos que se entrenan al personal mejicano que comprende ‘la contrainsurrección e irónicamente las operaciones de contranarcóticos con la exclusión de las técnicas de comandos avanzadas que son con regularidad enseñadas en Pies. Bragg.”

Los informes sugieren un factor interesante a este respecto para la atención mundial.

Pies. El Bragg proporciona la formación para fuerzas armadas de por todo el mundo. De ahí el personal mejicano que recibe maniobras de contrainsurrección no es considerado como extraño.

Sin embargo, la percepción y general de los funcionarios ex-militares es las habilidades particulares alcanzadas por el Zetas durante su formación de EE.UU los preparó como distribuidores narcóticos profesionales y mercenarios.

El Presidente mejicano Felipe Calderon ha cometido 50,000 tropas para combatir los pernos reales de medicina de varia organización pero los Zetas permanecen una fuerza para calcular con sobre todo después de aproximadamente 30,000 vidas perdidas en los cuatro años pasados.

La violencia absurda incluye la decapitación y la tortura de modo provocativo mostrada en la avenida central y ciberespacio no obstante otra forma de actividades criminales como la contratación de especies migratorias pobres en el comercio de carne y fatal asalto de estudiantes durante celebraciones privadas.

Incluso las madres futuras no son ahorradas en la atracción de ejecuciones de masas detestan de otros comerciantes de medicina que condenan la milicia GAFE por otra parte el Zetas para sus medios detestables en el tráfico de drogas.

El ex-comandante Deare calcula a más de 500 miembros GAFE tenía Fuerzas Especiales que se entrenan conforme al programa definido que llama la atención de Oficina de Ministro de Justicia de México en 1999.

Laura Carlsen, el director, el programa de Américas del Centro de Relaciones Internacional según se informa compartió la información que subsecuente a la formación estadounidense, el personal de GAFE abandonó el servicio en los militares de México para perseguir la carrera como secuaces al principio para el cártel de Golfo y más tarde establecer su propia organización – los Zetas, basados de la radio militar de cobre superior mejicana cifran ‘Z’.

También fue indicado que los Zetas no son clementes a ninguno en su violencia contra el gran público.

Además, las defecciones GAFE de los militares mejicanos es dicho ser el levantamiento significativo de una alarma para el gobierno mejicano mientras los entrenadores estadounidenses no sorprendidos en el éxodo.

Los expertos impulsan los EE.UU a investigar los métodos usados en el programa de formación de Fuerzas Especial para las fuerzas armadas mejicanas que contribuyen a la transformación intrigante en su conducta humana.

En un contexto similar, la formación del guatemalteco Kaibiles, descrito cuando la fuerza de operaciones especial implacable es igualmente encontrada perjudicial a la moral de personal militar mejicana.

Dentro del estado, la policía mejicana es acusada de proteger los cárteles de medicina que exacerban la batalla de las autoridades federales contra los agentes narcóticos.

Otra observación que es las Fuerzas Especiales en el extranjero entrenando predominantemente la asignación estadounidense combinada con el sueldo pobre en el servicio militar y de policía conduce a los individuos a la ocupación inextricable que causa tragedias horrendas.

El Congreso se paró la promesa estadounidense de 1.3 mil millones de dólares bajo el plan de Mérida 2007 de financiar la guerra de medicina mejicana es rechazada por la población debido a los riesgos inherentes contra su soberanía y la amenaza potencial para los derechos de los ciudadanos.

Ya que nada pasa sin una causa, es esencial explorar los hechos subyacentes en la aparición de los grupos de rebelde.

Es indicado en los informes esto;

El GAFE (los EE.UU entrenaron Fuerzas Especiales mejicanas) fue establecido en 1994 para contener a los rebeldes de Zapatista en México del sur.

El origen Zapatistas está relacionado con NAFTA – el Tratado de Libre Comercio entre Canadá, EE. UU y México.

El Zapatistas surgió en el mismo día que NAFTA – el 1 de enero de 1994.

Zapatistas, el grupo de rebelde natal fue formado para protestar por NAFTA – el tratado más impopular es referido como “la pena de muerte” en la población mejicana debido al acuerdo defectuoso que facilitó cosechas estadounidenses subvencionadas para la entrada en el mercado mejicano idéntico a la imposición comercial en la nación caribe Haití en el mismo período que por último mutiló el una vez la economía haitiana autosuficiente.

Antes de la firma del acuerdo NAFTA, es notado que los compañeros comerciales abundantes no hicieron caso de las preocupaciones demográficas en esta cuestión y,

Posteriormente, el Zapatistas fue formado para defender la comunidad de actividades agropecuarias rural privada del sustento.

En 1994, NAFTA condujo a Zapatistas que por su parte fue eliminado por GAFE.

El GAFE ha evolucionado en ‘Zetas’, el cártel de medicina peligroso y temido.

El GAFE fue reforzado con formación estadounidense y apoyo por la exposición al comercio de medicinas que supera cualesquiera beneficios de NAFTA. El comercio de narcóticos incentivized con el permiso de fronteras incontrolado entre muchos bienes las medicinas ilegales desproporcionadas que con éxito desplazaron la comunidad rural y empujaron a la juventud desempleada que pasa hambre a drogar la venta ambulante para la supervivencia.

Los ingresos anuales fenomenales de la industria de narcóticos en auge son evaluados entre 19 mil millones de dólares – 40 mil millones de dólares y probados para ser potentes en el reclutamiento de terror.

Inequívocamente, el gobierno mejicano tiene una tarea desalentadora en la ganancia de la guerra contra el cártel de medicina.

El Presidente mejicano Felipe Calderon podría examinar las estrategias con la guerra de medicina y dirigirse a ellos apropiadamente.

Antes que nada – Identifican y sustituyen las fuentes corruptas en la división de aplicación de la ley, Militares mejicanos y personal de seguridad desplegado para luchar contra las cuadrillas de medicina infames.

Luego manteniendo el sueldo decente para la policía, los Militares y los funcionarios de seguridad de arriba abajo desalentarían sobornos de aceptación y promoverían la lealtad a la nación.

La mentira de problemas seria en las Fuerzas Especiales que Entrenan GAFE – técnicas y el motivo para la defección requiere que investigación cuidadosa y medidas rigurosas invierta el curso.

La prohibición de la formación contraproducente a las Fuerzas Especiales mejicanas por EE.UU u otros grupos es necesaria para terminar el Zetas y el otro crecimiento de cártel de medicina.

Las guardias nacionales a través de la frontera para bloquear medicinas y armas cambian actividades para las cuales la cooperación de los Estados Unidos es suprema restringiría con eficacia el suministro y aliviaría la carga en el estado mejicano.

Declare amplia inspección y medidas enérgicas en medicinas ilegales y el cambio de armas debería conducir a la brecha principal.

El más importantemente, la redefinición de NAFTA del Acuerdo de Cambio Libre al Tratado Comercial Justo mejoraría condiciones económicas y crearía empleos para las comunidades de lucha.

Los esfuerzos concertados por México, Estados Unidos, Canadá y América Latina podrían acelerar la victoria inevitable con la guerra de medicina discutible.

México debe realizar que no es solo en la cruzada. Conmovedoramente, ninguno es invencible y los cárteles de medicina no son ninguna excepción.

Felicidades a México para paz durable larga, seguridad y prosperidad.


Padmini Arhant


October 16, 2008

By Padmini Arhant

The twenty first century paved way to a new era in trade and commerce.

In the economic sector, the twentieth century policies such as NAFTA, CAFTA, and MFN… implemented to benefit the trading nations.

The economic model carried out on trial and error basis with deficiencies within yielded the net outcome.

The long-term strategy was to promote mutual economic growth and development.

There are different views and opinions on these trade policies.


Source: – Thank you.

The Pros and Cons of NAFTA

By Katrina C. Arabe -Thank you.

Here are both sides of this raging debate:

Supporters say:

? The accord has stimulated democratic reform and opened markets in Mexico.

? According to the Bush administration, the agreement has been “improving lives and reducing poverty in Mexico.”

? The administration also claims that NAFTA has led to income gains and tax cuts amounting to about $930 each year for the average U.S. household of four.

? Many of the 20 million new jobs the U.S. generated from 1993 to 2000 can be attributed to the free-trade bloc that NAFTA created, the administration continues.

And negatives such as the escalating U.S. trade deficit and three years of dwindling factory jobs should be pinned on feeble demand abroad and the U.S. recession, certainly not on NAFTA, the administration contends.

? NAFTA brought in a flood of foreign investment and contributed to a 24% rise in Mexico’s per capita income. “NAFTA gave us a big push,” Vicente Fox, President of Mexico, tells Business Week. “It gave us jobs. It gave us knowledge, experience, technological transfer.”

Detractors contend:

? The agreement has taken a toll on both U.S. and Mexican jobs, according to the Institute for Policy Studies (IPS). While real wages for Mexican manufacturing workers declined 13.5%, more than half a million U.S. employees have entered government retraining programs after their companies moved production south or north of the border, says IPS.

? NAFTA has wiped out Canadian social programs, purports IPS.

? The pact has also destroyed Mexico’s small farmers, says IPS, bringing in an influx of subsidized U.S. food imports. In fact, about 1.3 million farm jobs have been lost since 1993, indicates a recent report by the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace. “NAFTA has been a disaster for us,” remarks pig farmer Julian Aguilera to Business Week.

? The Carnegie report also concluded that the pact has generated few new jobs in Mexico and might only be credited for a “very small net gain” in jobs in the U.S.

? The new study also found that NAFTA has been ineffective in stemming the tide of illegal Mexican immigrants entering the U.S. to find jobs. In fact, according to most estimates, the number of Mexicans working illegally in the U.S. surged to 4.8 million in 2000, more than twice the 1990 total.

What’s the Verdict?

So is NAFTA a success or a failure? While its backers and bashers continue to take impassioned positions, many choose the middle ground. In a recent Business Week article, Jeffrey Garten writes,

“When it came to job generation vs. destruction in the U.S., NAFTA’s impact has been pretty much a wash.” And the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace comes to the same conclusion, calling the pact “neither the disaster its opponents predicted nor the savior hailed by supporters.”


The Pros and Cons of CAFTA –

Thank you.

By Cantor, Martin – Thank you.

Publication: Long Island Business News

Now that the Central American Free Trade Agreement-Dominican Republic is law, the question that lingers is whether it benefits Long Islanders.

For certain, CAFTA benefited President George W. Bush and congressional Republicans, who are trying make the GOP the place for the growing and politically influential Hispanic community. This strategy has helped Bush with the regional Hispanic population, who believe that great economic and job growth will result from CAFTA.

There is no doubt that eliminating tariffs and removing trade barriers makes commerce efficient, less costly and more profitable while also bringing hope that the profits would result in better working conditions and higher worker wages. CAFTA will succeed for global businesses, many of which call Long Island home.

But it may not live up to the hype of creating jobs and safer workplaces.

For Hispanics, who are Long Island’s fastest growing minority group, the hope was that the savings generated from eliminating trade barriers would be reinvested in plant and equipment in their countries of birth. The belief was that this reinvestment would expand manufacturing capacity and create a demand for jobs, thus improving living standards for the families and friends left behind.

Supporters of CAFTA say jobs and higher wages would reduce the flow of the undocumented workers because there would be little reason to come to this region in search of better salaries. Additionally, since many of these individuals work on Long Island to send money back home, some of the wages earned on Long Island could now remain here and help the local economy.

However, the reality is that there’s skilled labor at lower costs in the Far East. All of those locations present stiff competition.

With Long Island’s growing Hispanic community becoming an important regional economic segment that desires goods from Central America, one benefit may be that regional Hispanic entrepreneurs can use free trade to import lower cost goods for this expanding consumer market.

This may be the lasting legacy of CAFTA. That the United States, Canada, Central America, Mexico and the Dominican Republic have united in a trading bloc offering Long Island and its Hispanic entrepreneurs an opportunity for new economic growth.

Source: – Vladimir N. Pregelj, Economics Division. –

CRS – Issue Brief – Thank you.

Most-Favored-Nation Status of the People’s Republic of China.

On May 31, 1996, President Clinton issued his determination to extend China’s waiver and most-favored-nation (MFN) status for another year; and, on June 21, 1996, he issued a determination renewing the trade agreement with China for another 3-year term (through January 31, 1998).

On June 27, 1996, the House failed to pass H.J.Res. 182, which would have disapproved the extension of China’s waiver and MFN status, thus allowing both to remain in force through July 2, 1997. The House did, however, adopt a resolution (H.Res. 461) calling on various committees to hold hearings and report out appropriate legislation to deal with China on a variety of issues, including trade, weapons proliferation, human rights, and military policy.

Effects of Withdrawing China’s MFN Status —

Termination of China’s MFN status would result in duty increases on about 95% of U.S. imports from China. The cost effect of the increases would vary among the various product groups, but would on the whole be substantial.


Source: – Thank you.

Pro and Cons of Outsourcing

Outsourcing has many advantages but at the same time it has some disadvantages that cannot be ignored. So let us look at some outsourcing pros and cons.

Pros of Outsourcing

Outsourcing as a trend has come into major scrutiny by the workers and media alike in the developed countries.

But most economists are sure that this condition is just a temporary one and will die down as conditions develop and people start taking a mature outlook towards outsourcing.

The Outsourcing advantage lies in the fact that it helps companies cut costs and stay ahead in the competition.

Outsourcing also benefits the citizens in developed counties as it provides high quality products at a cheaper rate also with better customer service.

Advantages of Outsourcing

• Companies can save up on operational costs. In fact most companies can cut their operating costs to half by outsourcing

• Get access to cheaper and more efficient labor

• Cut up on labor training cost

• Get access to better technologies at a cheaper cost

• Increase productivity

• Concentrate on core competencies

Companies today want to make use of the outsourcing advantage in order to progress and stay abreast of the competition.

This is the reason why more and more companies irrespective of certain failures are entering the race of outsourcing.

Cons of Outsourcing

Outsourcing is seen by companies in developed countries and workers in developing countries as a boon. But is the situation really that green? Let us look at some disadvantage of outsourcing.

Disadvantages of Outsourcing

• The company that outsourcers can get into serious trouble if the service provider refuses to provide business due to bankruptcy, lack of funds, labor etc

• Outsourcing requires the control of the process being outsourced by transferred to the service provider. Thus the company may loose control over its process

• The service provider in developing countries generally services many companies. So there are many chances of partiality owing to more payment by other parties

• The current employees in the company that outsourcers may feel threat due to outsourcing and may not work properly

• The attitude of people in the developed countries against companies that outsource is generally bad

These disadvantages are the reasons why companies should think twice before outsourcing.
Companies should adopt a planned approach towards outsourcing taking into account the interests of employees and customers alike and come up with a balanced advance.

Outsourcing services simply to beat competition or to follow your competitors can lead to problems in the future.



Samuel Adams – Thank you.

Journal of Policy Modeling, 2008, vol. 30, issue 5, pages 725-735

Abstract: This paper examines the impact of globalization on income inequality for a cross-section of 62 developing countries over a period of 17 years (1985-2001).

The results of the study indicate that globalization explains only 15% of the variance in income inequality.

More specifically, the results show that (1) strengthening intellectual property rights and openness are positively correlated with income inequality; (2) foreign direct investment is negative and significantly correlated with income inequality but this is not robust to different model specifications; (3) the institutional infrastructure is negatively correlated with income inequality.

The study’s findings and the review of the literature suggest that globalization has both costs and benefits and that the opportunity for economic gains can be best realized within an environment that supports and promotes sound and credible government institutions, education and technological development.

Review and Analysis: By Padmini Arhant

The current unemployment rate in the United States is 6.1 percent.

All of the above factors combined with the serious financial crises contribute to the decline in the job market.

The current Stock Market volatility is a reaction to the multifaceted problems surrounding the economic infrastructure.

With the interventional policies by the governments and the monetary authorities worldwide, the U.S. and global markets should stabilize slowly but steadily.

Meanwhile, the equity and liquidity markets with cash and lending instruments should facilitate the required rebound in the market.

It was determined that the credit markets’ resistance is from the weak sales projection by the Retail industry, which is related to reduced consumer spending resulting from high unemployment rate.

It is imperative for the business groups to focus on the employment situation now, hurting their operation and survival in the global economy. The depletion of capital resources and credit crunch is one of the factors for the massive layoffs at present.

Restoration of American jobs is paramount to the revival of the U.S economy.

The stabilizing of the U.S. economy will boost market confidence and the performance level.

This would also contribute to the strengthening of the U.S. dollar much required to offset Trade deficits.

The Corporations and the governments must coordinate their efforts to review,

1. Policies like NAFTA, CAFTA, MFN, Outsourcing … with fundamental flaws and reestablish a renewed structure to benefit the American workforce and the international competitive labor.

2. Renegotiate treaties and agreements with WTO members and other agencies…ILO at home and overseas to redesign models with fair trade policies, employment practices and environment laws.

3. Prioritize and protect American jobs and labor laws over shareholders interests and corporate profits. By doing so, the increased productivity would yield the desired stock value for the Corporations.

4. International labor force is equally important in the equation. Appropriate measures … required to curb the exploitation of cheap labor in poorer and under developed nations by the multinational corporations.

5. The developing nations currently benefiting from U.S corporate investments through outsourcing should reciprocate with return investments on U.S. goods and services. The general options are to purchase high-end products and engage U.S. companies for infrastructure projects.

The concern for the loss of American jobs is legitimate. Any frustration and anxiety by the American work force is also normal.

Since, U.S. economy is the foundation of the global economy; idle American work force is counter-productive for Corporations shipping jobs overseas in pursuit of market share of the emerging economies.

The sluggish U.S. economy will not serve well for the global economies dependent on U.S. trade.

On another serious note, the print press and media have an ethical and moral responsibility to portray the global economic environment and the activities in a fair and responsible manner.

Any rhetoric diminishing the economic progress/status and professional talent of other nations such as the one recently cited by the researcher specializing in globalization in San Jose Mercury News article, will hinder the new world order effort — aimed at providing prosperity for all.

Ironically, both the news organization and the consultants fail to identify the real beneficiary i.e. the Corporations in the outsourcing deals and other trade policies.

It would be more appropriate for these individuals to be part of the solutions rather than a problem.

Inevitably, U.S. prosperity is vital for global progress.

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant