Nepal India Lipu Lekh Dispute

May 11, 2020

Nepal – India 

Mount Kailash Lake Manasarovar Lipu Lekh Dispute 

Padmini Arhant

The world is battling corona virus and Indian government under Prime Minister Narendra Modi and Hindutva BJP engaged in misplaced priorities leaving the 1.3 billion population oppressed and suppressed in political, economic and social problems.

Now in the worst global pandemic New Delhi Central authority deprive the overwhelming majority the desperately needed economic and health emergency relief to survive and overcome the crises.

Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s extravagant indulgence splurging ordinary Indian taxpayers hard earned money to construct a new Parliament House seizing funds from Defense budget and abandoning corona virus containment that has alarmingly exploded in Narendra Modi’s home state Gujarat and the northern region appropriately merit public scrutiny.

India’s middle class, the lower income together with the poorest of the poor in particular are confronted with economic and health apocalypse under the present administration of PM Narendra Modi.

Amid extreme health challenges and excruciating economic conditions hurting the entire nation at large, PM Narendra Modi’s government emulating China in unwanted and unnecessary territorial disputes especially with a friendly conciliatory neighbor, the Himalayan state, Nepal on Lipu Lekh – the road that leads to Sacred Mount Kailash and Holy Lake Manasarovar attracting pilgrims and followers of God Shiva from India, Nepal and worldwide is Indian government’s political maneuver to deflect public attention from burgeoning issues in the domestic front. 

The landlocked Himalayan State, Nepal for better or worse located between two neighbors India and China continues to face assertive and even aggressive territorial annexations from either side in recent memory.

Any nation deemed powerful on military, geographical, political and economic basis targeting anyone presumed little, weak and vulnerable in size and strength is a sign of contraction for the former underestimating serious repercussions in exerting dominance. History is testament to the fact. 

The world has come a long way and in the present time experiencing seismic shift in turn of events as a result of repeat mistakes and egregious involvement by those having presumptuously assumed dominance over others as their given right and entitlement.

Notwithstanding Karmic effects in correcting the wheel of justice to represent truth and fairness in all matter. 

Nepal is a nation committed towards secular, peaceful and diplomatic means to resolve issues of any kind with neighbors big and small in any dimension. However, the same are yet to be demonstrated by either India or China increasingly competing with one another in undermining neighboring states sovereignty and territorial integrity creating multifaceted potential quagmire.

Nepal is a country proudly situated in the foothills of Himalayas, the heavenly abode of God Shiva and the pilgrimage to Mt.Kailash is a major revenue source for the Himalayan State whose population heavily depend on seasonal tours and treks providing employment and business opportunity to the otherwise economically struggling developing nation.

Big countries facilitating growth and development in other nations without hegemonic interests and territorial aspirations would deliver mutual prospects rather than overpowering them with unacceptable occupation and invasion of their sovereign territory.

India under Prime Minister Narendra Modi driven by hardline political and fundamentalist ideology steering the nation towards undesirable trail proved not beneficial in improving bilateral and multilateral relations in the region near and far. 

Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s government focus on mitigating the rapid spread of corona virus saving and protecting lives leaving none behind in the immediate calamity along with executing meaningful effective economic plans and urgently required financial package, monetary assistance to all states and union territories in India is the hour of need.

Finally, no nation regardless of status could arbitrarily claim territorial rights with voluntary investment in other nation’s infrastructure premised on political and hegemonic goals denying the original state sovereignty to disputed territory.

The irreversible sovereign rights of victim nations apply to all situations dealing with active and passive territorial possessions by countries through force and coercion taking undue advantage of the respective positions in the geopolitical landscape.

Accordingly the contested territory Lipu Lekh and any other sovereign boundary and border of the Himalayan State Nepal in South Asia in dispute with India and China to be solemnly recognized as Nepal’s geographical domain in compliance to respecting territorial integrity of sovereign nations in the world. 

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant 

Author & Presenter 











Spiritual Journey – My Holy Pilgrimage to Mt.Kailash and Lake Manasarovar

September 26, 2019

Spiritual Journey – My Holy Pilgrimage to Mt.Kailash and Lake Manasarovar

Padmini Arhant

Padmini Arhant on Parikrama or Circumambulation of Mt. Kailash

Padmini Arhant interaction with God Shiva during Parikrama of Mt.Kailash

Holy Union with my beloved God Shiva in his heavenly abode Mt.Kailash and a Holy Purification in Sacred Lake Manasarovar fulfilled my life time spiritual aspiration.

My spiritual journey to Mt.Kailash involving circumambulation of Mt.Kailash entirely by foot for three days without hiring any pony or helicopter ride provided me unique opportunity to demonstrate will power and Spiritual commitment.

The trek popularly referred to as Parikrama in Hindu Religion and KORA in Buddhism. 

Mt.Kailash situated more than 5900 meters or nearly 20,000 feet above sea level.

Mt.Kailash and Lake Manasarovar pilgrimage is indeed the toughest spiritual pilgrimage in the world. 

I remain ever grateful to the one and only God Shiva for his grace and blessings showered during this magnificent pilgrimage with perfect weather critical for trekking the treacherous and tortuous terrains of the Himalayas, the majestic Mt.Everest on the way to Mt.Kailash is a feast to pilgrims and trek enthusiasts on expeditions.

The highlights and interesting experience to beautiful Mt.Kailash and Lake Manasarovar -the true paradise on earth will feature shortly on this site.

Thank you Amazing Almighty God Shiva for everything!

Padmini Arhant

Author & Presenter