UN Resolution on Nuclear Disarmament

October 29, 2017

UN Resolution on Nuclear Disarmament

Padmini Arhant

The latest UN vote on nuclear disarmament gaining traction with 112 votes in favor, 44 votes against and 15 abstinences is the beginning to free the world from deadly and devastating nuclear carnage.

The resolution draft from Iran is the Islamic Republic affirmation to nuclear non-proliferation. However, the non-binding measure is perhaps to test reaction. The proposal acknowledgment in theory but not in practice is a persistent problem for global community.

The world faced with existential threat predominantly from major nuclear powers reluctance to nuclear non-proliferation on their part while setting terms and conditions on nations they challenge with military attacks including the favorite line – all options are on the table alluding to potential nuclear option exacerbate global security.

The safe disposal of nuclear arsenal by all nuclear powers without exception regardless of presumption as responsible vs. reckless together with abandoning nuclear testing to enhance nuclear capability and deployment of nuclear weapons in allies’ domain qualifying as de facto possession is the only way to eliminate nuclear danger.

Not surprisingly, the nay sayers to the resolution – United States, Israel, Britain, France and Russia among others decline world peace and safety.

These active nuclear proliferators in violation of non-proliferation treaty ratified in recent times to effect indefinitely contribute to nuclear arms race in acting against international consensus.

Those who call for nuclear disarmament of any other nation would be credible in setting an example starting with them first and then lead the rest in that course. Otherwise the true colors come to light on motives along with legacy in illegal invasion and occupation of foreign land not barring the use of nuclear weapon.

The nations targeted for subjugation in any region are forced into nuclear response preparedness that is known as deterrent strategy. The aggressor such as United States and other permanent members defiance in renouncing nuclear status amid belligerence from them is essentially promoting nuclear armament.

The nations on radar are expected to quit nuclear aspirations. Ironically, those with such demand holding nuclear stockpiles never subject to independent international scrutiny and remain non-compliant in freezing nuclear activities. The stalemate in the absence of constructive approach via dialogue and diplomacy impose undesirable nuclear requirement.

The prominent nuclear powers viz. United States, Russia, Britain, China, France and Israel with established track record on colonization and territorial annexations pursue nuclear empowerment. Simultaneously, they expect those whom they aim at to disarm and oblige. In other words, they expect nations dealing with military incursions on the border to submit to suicidal mission.

Every nation has the right to self-defense and cannot possibly ignore the persistent security issues with provocative military drills and massive troops deployment near their territory.  The ongoing tension between North Korea and United States is precisely the cause and effect situation prompting North Korea to rely on nuclear defense. North Korea has cited the facts on U.S. and allies raid and decimation of Libya, Iraq, Syria, Sudan and Yemen for imperial goals that continues unabated until now.

North Korea slammed with economic sanctions for nuclear plans often criticized as the nation driving citizens to starvation and premature deaths without accepting the contributing factors – sanctions and sources behind protracted confrontation. North Korea’s predicament is whether to capitulate to United States military provocation or stay resilient.

Though nuclear threats are not to be exchanged frivolously, the environment unnecessarily create saber rattling on both sides instead of serious engagement to find common ground in defusing crisis. United States and South Korea ceasing military operation alongside North Korea enacting moratorium on nuclear program would provide opportunity for peace talks through direct involvement rather than proxies and demonstrate commitment to protect lives on all sides that are at stake.

United States and other nuclear states resistance to UN resolution on denuclearization of the world is disillusionment revealing the real forces endangering lives and habitat with no concern for any generation.

Furthermore, the safekeeping of nuclear weapon, maintenance and upgrade of nuclear technology to operate nuclear facility is a phenomenal cost to taxpayers of every nuclear nation that could be allocated in improving living standards like health care, housing, education, retirement plans and infrastructure.

The population suffering from poverty, disease and lack of support in basic survival needs are dying in great numbers with nuclear states investment in nuclear development prioritized over life existence.

Besides, the risks in transportation of nuclear missiles are serious and nuclear accidents like Chernobyl and earthquake triggered Fukushima proved catastrophic. The nuclear ambitions among nuclear states on the high confirmed in the UN negative vote, the policy is alarming leaving the world on the edge for geopolitical dominance.

No climate treaty is meaningful in the nuclear world mistakenly assuming nuclear strength as formidable security asset despite the liabilities of nuclear reckoning.

The leaderships and members behind such decisions fail to recognize reality that they may not want the nation they represent as leaders to relinquish nuclear status,

Nonetheless individually, they do have to part with it like everything else when they depart from the world. 

Most importantly, they need to contemplate on the world they leave behind for future is determined by choices made in the present time.

Peace to all!

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant

Author & Presenter PadminiArhant.com

Spouse in Divine Mission














Iran Nuclear Deal

October 17, 2017

Iran Nuclear Deal

Padmini Arhant

The Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA) between Iran, P5+1 and EU is regarded firm agreement in the backdrop of Iran declared a nation having never attacked any other country in the world.

Iran’s history extends into Central Asia and Indian subcontinent. Nader Shah from Persia invasion of Delhi, India in 1739 and jewels from the famous peacock throne along with massive treasure plundered at that time is documented episode.

Persia now known as Iran subject to imperialist backed monarchy headed by Shah of Iran Mohammad Reza Pahlavi later overthrown in Iranian revolution in 1979 preceded by Britain, U.S. and oligarchy coup against democratically elected Iranian Prime Minister Mohammad Mossadegh in 1953.

Iran also faced imperialism imposed regional conflict lasting eight years from 1980 until 1988 in the protracted war with Iraq during then President Saddam Hussein.

Iran under theocratic order as the Islamic Republic post 1979 revolution has been challenged with sanctions to conform to western policy. The economic sanctions were tightened in the past decade denying medicines and essentials to citizens of the country. The sanctions related fatalities among children in 2011 and 2012 were constant without any respite.

There were no justifications on economic embargo against Iran and similarly the nations targeted by UNSC arbitrary decision while ignoring the states deserving sanctions for human rights violations and sponsoring terrorism.

The Shiite Iran’s regional competitors Wahhabi Saudi Dynasty and Judeo Israel in an effort to contain the rise of Iranian influence insist on intensifying trade restrictions through key allies Britain and United States in particular.

Iran has maintained that any nuclear programs would be for deterrence not in defiance of non-proliferation to which Iran is a signatory long before JCPOA despite being a non-nuclear state in contrast to regional nuclear state Israel opting out of non-proliferation treaty.

Nonetheless, the western demand on Iran at middle eastern allies Israel and Saudi Arabia’s behest to make Iran’s nuclear facility available for International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) inspection continued with UN monitoring and updates confirming Iran’s stagnant nuclear plan.

Unlike Israel, an established nuclear state yet to be confirmed and acknowledged as such in international domain in addition to uninhibited use of nuclear components in air strikes against civilian population in Gaza, Syria and Lebanon, Iran’s stranded nuclear capability was used as false pretext for western sanctions to strangle the oil rich Iran’s economy.

Iran’s persistence in the removal of illegal sanctions alongside repeat UN verifications of Iran’s nuclear site led to JCPOA.

The media implying pride playing a role in accepting or rejecting JCPOA is in fact applicable to those involved and especially United States unwillingness to lift inappropriate sanctions against Iran in the process resulting in JCPOA. Since the argument lost cause in the unsubstantiated Iran’s nuclear ambitions, JCPOA invented reason with conditional easing of sanctions against Iran.

The assurance that JCPOA has halted Iran’s nuclear motion is a political statement given the Islamic state commitment to non-nuclear activity evident in IAEA and UN reports.

Any accord would have statutory limits validating the treaty.

In the nuclear conversation, the nuclear disarmament across the spectrum regardless of stockpiles and capability beginning with United States, Russia, China, Britain, France and Israel leading the trend for other nuclear states India, Pakistan and the rest is a necessity to quell nuclear options frivolously used in the threat against anyone deemed an adversary.

The prolific nuclear arms race and testing among nuclear powers with the recent public pledge from the White House to allocate more funds in modernizing nuclear status is impetus to those perceived vulnerable in the wars for profitability.

United States self-contradictory position pose a credibility factor when sharing concerns over Iran or North Korea’s nuclear affairs. The former legacy in using nuclear arsenal on civilians and thereafter deploying nuclear material in warfare against Vietnam, Iraq, Syria and Yemen until now create the requirement to abolish nuclear weapons in possession of all.

The safeguarding of nuclear site and inventory is a high risk task relying on precision, competence and trustworthiness besides eroding nuclear powers national budget depriving urgent needs such as health care, infrastructure and steady job growth.

Likewise, India and Pakistan’s budget allocation to nuclear maintenance leaves overwhelming population in despair due to lack of basic facilities and many struggling to survive amid poverty and disease.

The irony is nuclear weapons are regarded potent for national security. Meanwhile civilians amongst poor and underprivileged backgrounds are dying from premature deaths in the absence of minimum standards and opportunity. The nuclear states misplaced priorities contributing to preventable mortality compared to the odds of nuclear attack and casualties arising from the event is hardly rational.

Obviously, the unnecessary and unwanted skirmishes from territorial disputes, regional and global dominance quest are driving forces behind nuclear armament.

The hype on Iran’s nuclear deal transferred to nuclear powers viz. United States and all nuclear and non-nuclear nations abandoning nuclear proliferation and aspirations is critical responsibility for the world.

The global consensus and preparation for safe disposal of nuclear ammunitions is no longer a choice but a mandatory requirement to guarantee humanity peaceful existence.

Peace to all!

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant

Author & Presenter PadminiArhant.com

Spouse in Divine Mission
















Fact Check

October 16, 2017

Fact Check

Padmini Arhant

1. Why is war fascinating to factions terrified of losing own life?

2. What makes major nuclear powers think they are responsible despite their track record?

3. Will there ever be accountability on actions and violations by those in position of power both past and present as wells as incognito authority granted immunity on crimes against humanity?

4. Who is anyone to declare war for profitability ignoring massive casualty and major catastrophe?

5. Is the world going to be silent spectators to warfare and potential nuclear confrontation considered a favorite option among those having no desire for peaceful negotiations and dialogue?

6. What are the citizens in the United States prepared to do in the event of yet another deceitful and deceptive Iraq war like mission against North Korea?

7. Why are sanctions against nations protecting own citizens from U.S. and allies threat is the norm?

8. Why not impose sanctions on those in gross human rights violation and oppress citizens in the region viz. Israel, Saudi Arabia and Bahrain?

9. What makes the fearful engage in fear mongering using propaganda and fake news?

10. When will the communication media and entertainment industry be free from hegemony control?

Padmini Arhant

Author & Presenter PadminiArhant.com

Spouse in Divine Mission


United States – Violence and U.S. Policy

October 4, 2017

United States – Violence and U.S. Policy

Padmini Arhant

United States immunity to violence emanates from U.S. domestic and foreign policy.

U.S. weakness and vulnerability to complicity pledging allegiance to the so-called allies Israel and Saudi Arabia political aspirations is well established since the horrific terror attack on September 11, 2001.  The calibrated and coordinated terror assault and thereafter the avalanche of military interventions evolving into sponsoring terrorism until today is the most violent legacy in the new millennium.

When State actors at the national level choose to ignore terror warnings allowing citizens to die on that fateful day, they are directly responsible for mass killings in daylight on their watch.

Similarly, eliminating the NAVY SEALS deployed in pseudo operation in Abbottabad, Pakistan claiming to have assassinated the deceased Osama Bin Laden in 2011 wiping out key witnesses further clarified monumental duplicity.

Above all, protecting those involved in treason against own citizens and country providing them impunity confirms democracy under siege.

The 9/11 attack became the premise granting heads of the administration – the Presidents of the United States transcending political parties the license to kill citizens at home including men and women in uniforms and innocent civilians abroad under the guise of national security they neglected in collusion with forces endangering peace and security in the United States and worldwide.

In order to maintain status quo laden with lies and deception, the White House since 2001 terror attack in succession have violated public trust and ethics in epic proportion.

Regardless of political representation as Republican and Democrat, the White House extra judicial executions against constitutional law authorizing predator drones chasing children, women and men from their humble dwellings in developing nations and war-torn countries in a manner considered a sport for executive office bearers, air strikes with nuclear components post 9/11 more so in the past decade speaks volume of the character of those at the helm.  Ironically, even the Nobel peace prize could not deter such actions during their term in office.

September 11, 2001 set precedence to abuse power misleading the nation at every opportunity using fear and false propaganda for policies serving specific agenda against United States interests.

Unites States republic status is a myth and aptly demonstrated in decisions concerning domestic and international affairs. When government fails people in the deliberate mishandling conforming to secrecy and loyalty to unscrupulous ambitions costing citizens lives and national integrity, the trend is up for adoption attracting fragments within society.

The incumbent President Donald Trump’s rhetoric against North Korea that United States would respond with fire and fury is anything but responsible and helpful. Such statements from the Presidency ignites sparks and lights unwanted elements in the country seeking motivation in the suicide mission.

The repeat episodes of shooting incidents and false flag tactics with patsies attributed to government and congress misplaced priority, media overtones promoting wars and unsubstantiated assertions leading to deceit, tensions and potential nuclear confrontation.

United States foreign incursions ratcheted using 9/11 and subsequently conferring statehood to terrorism in 2012 onwards facilitating ISIL, ISIS, IS emergence not barring the effort to permit Taliban in Afghanistan to launch exile government under Taliban flag declared The Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan, in Qatar’s capital Doha in 2013 under U.S. guidance exemplify combative positions in defiance of peace and diplomacy not to mention the lack of respect for foreign nation’s sovereignty.

Citizens unable to cope with challenges in life apparently take cue from sources they are in contact with such as television at home, government leaderships and representatives constantly visible in every medium available in their life.  The government and congress role is the touchstone for many citizens unable to exercise discernment concerning them and the world around them.

Although shooting rampage escalated in the past decade adapting to instance like public execution of unarmed civilian Miriam Carey at the White House door step in 2013 by then President Barack Obama’s security personnel performing as the firing squad, the selective condemnation of gun violence rejects the salient fact that all lives matter. The lives lost in senseless firing in isolated situation, a crowded place, college campus or imposed terrorism on 9/11 deserves equal recognition and acknowledgment of criminal activity subject to legal consequence.

The reckless policies, approvals and carte blanche executive decisions as well as reactions on sensitive issues influence minds and certain citizens’ behavior in society. The authorities’ peaceful pursuits and disposition in resolving domestic and international crises would be a paradigm shift in the country under external dominance and control.

What that means is rising to the occasion in welcoming rational thoughts and ideas from Senior Cabinet member, the present Secretary of State Rex Tillerson on North Korea and Venezuela for direct communication and removal of sanctions respectively.  Simultaneously, having allies viz. Israel to return billion dollars aid to United States and Saudi Arabia and UAE to contain regional disputes with neighbor Qatar.

Meanwhile, ending conflicts in Syria, withdrawal from Afghanistan, Palestinian statehood terminating Israel’s occupation of the embattled territory are necessary for global peace besides rebuilding United States as reliable partner in settling international disputes and disagreements.

Any opposition in this regard would determine United States policy favoring wanton aggressions and egregious resolve proved catastrophic in recent memory. United States policy aimed at peaceful negotiations and dialogue rather than violent strategies would be productive and critical.

As for gun laws, the banning of assault weapons in public domains with rigorous background checks and regular updates is the preliminary measure required to curb massacre and homicide in addition to media and press fair and balanced reporting refraining from unlawful insinuations is an obligation.

Thank you,

Padmini Arhant

Author & Presenter PadminiArhant.com

Spouse in Divine Mission




United States – 9/11 Anniversary

September 11, 2017

United States – 9/11 Anniversary

Padmini Arhant

The September 11, terror attack with collusion and complicity among members in position of power and authority together with allies viz. Israel and Saudi Arabia is a stigma for United States projected as model democracy and Superpower capable of reducing adversary to stone age. The participation in the event rather than thwarting terror on that day and thereafter not only confirms misplaced priority ignoring citizens survival and safety but also reveals the passion in promoting ill-conceived agenda – The Project for New American Century (PNAC).

The calibrated assault on the fateful day and consequent removal of witnesses and evidences to protect those responsible for the event unveil the sources posing threat to citizens in the United States and humanity at large.

The terror display on September 11, 2001 set precedence for many false flag incidents in the United States in particular.  Additionally, 9/11 serving as the premise for illegal invasions and occupation of foreign land resulting in enormous casualties and destruction of lives that continues until today is by far the worst crime against humanity in modern age.

What the patsies in the 9/11 operation did was overshadowed by those behind the meticulous scheme.

The 9/11 commission to investigate the matter in essence added insult to injury for victims’ families in the outcome designed to concur with the masterminds’ position that the incident was carried out by riff raffs representing al Qaeda whose leader Osama Bin Laden, a valuable CIA asset was guaranteed United States government empathy with visits from FBI checking on his health status in Rawalpindi and Dubai.

In fact, Osama Bin Laden proved indispensable during and after life for those keen on maintaining status quo with repeat terror attacks worldwide even though Osama Bin Laden passed away in 2001.

Meanwhile, the 9/11 architects and protagonists could not wait on military intervention in oil rich Iraq for they were too eager to decimate the country while simultaneously shelling Afghanistan that persists until now.

In order to justify unjustifiable intrusion in foreign nations, the infamous Guantanamo Bay became a novel idea to hold so-called terror suspects declining them habeas corpus i.e. legal representation combined with renditions and abduction of youth especially of Islamic faith dispatched to prison camps in Eastern Europe and elsewhere per United States and allies’ agreement.

Every administration regardless of political affiliation have sustained military actions obliging the military industrial complex and neoconservative doctrine. More so ensuing 9/11 attack the administrations showcased air power in cluster bombs, air strikes, predator drones chasing children, women and men from their humble dwellings, launched nuclear laden missiles, showered depleted uranium and,

Last but not the least the previous administration sponsored terrorism in 2011 continued unabated despite tremendous loss of lives and humanitarian disaster creating refugee crisis.

The irony is all that were started in the wake of 9/11 terror – Guantanamo Bay, Afghanistan war, Prison camps in Bagram and several overseas sites holding many suspects without access to any legal course, terrorism in Syria, Iraq and Libya in 2011 and dividing Sudan into two nations in July 2011 causing chaos and political instability in South Sudan…represents every administration’s legacy with no desire and political will to end gross human rights violation and occupation of foreign land.


Then Why not reinvestigate 9/11 by Independent Committee with no political affiliation and pledge of allegiance to Secret Society?

That would determine United States sovereignty and republic status.

Remembering the fallen ones on 9/11 and multitude victims of warfare following 9/11 would be meaningful upon bringing those who are granted impunity to justice without exception.

However, in the cosmic realm justice might be delayed but never denied upholding fairness and equality.

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant

Author & Presenter PadminiArhant.com

Spouse in Divine Mission




United Nations – Litmus Test

August 31, 2017

United Nations – Litmus Test

Padmini Arhant

The United Nations General Assembly scheduled on September 2nd assuming a new role in the event of UNSC dissolution is critical for the organization poised as an international body.

United Nations with 186 countries as members is headed by key powers nominating their representative as Secretary General rather than the position filled through election by member states considering the international forum expected to preside over global matter unlike the trend until now.

UN annual assembly featuring world leaders’ speeches on common issues besides relevant problems concerning them and their region is the standard format. However, the resolutions to crises are few and far between. Any attempts in this regard suffer setbacks due to obstacles from those against such measure.

The urgency to end conflicts in Syria, North Korea, Yemen, Iraq and Libya…lack political will and initiatives despite massive humanitarian toll, refugee crisis, health and environment hazard from terror sponsorship in Syria, Iraq and Libya while provocative military drills in Korean Peninsula inviting response from North Korean authority.

Not to mention starvation imposed through illegitimate sanctions affecting vast number in the country dealing with such irrational move.

The sources behind ongoing warfare and tensions declining to cease aggression towards nations targeted for economic interests and strategic dominance are primarily responsible for unwanted skirmishes and bloodshed in the regions undermining those nations sovereignty.

Any terms and conditions in disputes would normally apply to all sides for peaceful settlement. The party involved in incursions of a sovereign nation blaming the other and at the same time continuing with military exercise or backing terror outfits as the case may be rejecting international rules and civil engagement forfeit the right to objection to any response from the states bound by national defense.

The provocateurs unwillingness to refrain from activities whether military operations in Korean peninsula, illegal occupation and invasion in Afghanistan or terror manifestation in the Middle East exacerbate situations threatening world peace and security.

United Nations legitimacy is largely dependent on ability to function withstanding pressures, threats, incentives and influence having been the norm since inception to maintain international status quo. The UN concept as an international society is yet to be established with aspiring members unable to enroll and represent their cause and people oppressed by those exerting control over the organization.

Accordingly, United Nations effectiveness is based on implementing the following actions in the upcoming session.

Syria – Ending Syrian conflict with cessation of violence and terrorism. The states in opposition to peace and renouncing terror would clarify motives and inevitably deal with consequences like the ones experienced in the past and present.

Afghanistan – UN vote to end foreign occupation and complete withdrawal of U.S. and NATO troops including private contractors, intelligence agents and operatives from the war torn nation is imperative.

North Korea – The withdrawal of United States base in recognition of Korean nations sovereignty allowing dialogue and diplomacy between South and North Korea to take precedence is paramount to ease frictions in Korean Peninsula. Again, insisting on prolonging strains with military instructions and preparations would only result in defeat and unnecessary confrontation.

Yemen – United States, Israel and allies enabled Saudi intrusion in Yemen producing casualties and widespread disease like cholera could no longer be a Yemeni problem. The termination of bombing and shelling in the North African nation is an immediate requirement to let Yemen emerge from persistent decimation.

Palestine – United Nations General Assembly vote to bring Palestinian plight to conclusion by declaring Palestine statehood is pertinent not only for Palestinians in beleaguered Gaza, West Bank and Jerusalem i.e. occupied Palestine but also verify UN authenticity and effectiveness to act on long standing Middle East issue.

Tibet – Similarly the independence of the Himalayan nation from the People Republic of China annexation deserves attention and recognition of sovereign statehood in addition to membership as a separate country in the UN.

Taiwan – Independent status to be acknowledged as the Far East nation is a UN member.

Sri Lanka – The nation to offer equal rights barring segregation and disenfranchisement of Sri Lankan Tamils in the island nation. The other alternative is full autonomy to Tamil majority provinces to compensate for hard line government policy leading to human rights violation and denial of equal opportunity.

Myanmar – UN to vote on Rohingya Muslims citizenship rights as naturalized inhabitants of the country providing relief to Rohingyas abandoned by global community.

Kashmir – The entire population – both majority and minority rights, purging terror from across the border, demilitarization on both sides in India and Pakistan, independent investigations of abuse on all fronts, granting easy access without bureaucracy interference for citizens to travel for medical treatments and civilian government addressing the needs of all not just the preferred demography is to be promoted and executed to guarantee citizens safety and security in the valley.

Pakistan – Baluchistan and Sindh province grievances cannot be neglected as an internal affair with growing frustration among locals in these territories facing many difficulties jeopardize potential for peaceful coexistence in South Asia.

Likewise, the citizens in Africa, Latin America and indigenous groups subject to civil wars, foreign interventions disrupting political and economic stability and atrocities respectively are to be resolved in a fair and just manner to justify UN embodiment of peace and unity.

Failure in this respect would confirm United Nations power or the lack thereof and perhaps create the requisite for new global platform where all nations regardless of size and stature would contribute to the decision-making process on equal footing eliminating hierarchy.

Finally, the entities outrage at hate sentiments expressed in the organized rally in Charlottesville, Virginia is contradictory given their complacency and participation in genocide in the region and other parts of the world.

Hate and discriminatory practices against any not just the selective few must be condemned without reservations as that would exemplify genuine intolerance to prejudice prevalent towards race, religion, ethnicity, culture, socioeconomic and educational background.

Humanity served to benefit all is the path to sustainable peace and success.

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant

Author & Presenter PadminiArhant.com

Spouse in Divine Mission














Syria – Permanent Peace Ending Terrorism and International Coalition

August 15, 2017

Syria – Permanent Peace Ending Terrorism and International Coalition

By Padmini Arhant


Syria, once known as the cradle of civilization along with Iraq confronted with invasion and occupation through terrorism.

Syria, one of the targets in the Project for New American Century (PNAC) premised on hegemonic goals to destabilize nations in the Middle East and elsewhere has been defending itself in all fronts since 2011.

The secular country has been transformed into battle ground through terrorism. United States and allies in the west as well as Middle East sponsored terror groups supplied with funding, weapons cache and combat training including logistic aid from the beginning i.e. 2011 until now has produced massive casualties, millions of refugees, decimation of culture and heritage sites leaving the population at terror sponsors mercy.

Middle East has been exposed to political dominance and struggles throughout history. However, terrorism was introduced in 2011 to undermine citizens’ efforts for democratic process in the respective nations following Tunisian uprising in North Africa.

Syria sharing vulnerabilities with counterparts in the region due to economic resources and strategic location cornered for foreign and regional subjugation.

United States and allies backed so-called political opposition affiliated to terror networks based on moderates vs. extremists added insult to injury to the people in Syria. The peace talks on Syrian crises sabotaged time and time again by those colluding with terror units and their partners’ in destruction of a sovereign nation.

United States, Israel, Britain, France, EU, Saudi Arabia, Turkey, Qatar, Jordan role besides their de facto in Eastern Europe facilitating arms cargo to terror outfits created ISIL and ISIS evolving from al Qaeda into al Nusra Front deployed to achieve hegemony agenda.

The latest development in territorialized ceasefire reached among United States, Russia, Syria and different sides provides temporary relief for humanitarian aid.

Nonetheless, ending the conflict decisively is necessary for nation building allowing Syrians to live a normal life they have been unjustly deprived via foreign intervention.

Furthermore, the refugee status imposed upon them as a result could be addressed effectively in the safe return of Syrian refugees to homeland.

Syria is obligatory to defend the nation from international intrusion and purge terror from the soil. The lack of political will and credibility to abandon terror organizations surviving on western and middle eastern allies diverse support has led to loss of thousands of innocent lives with many children having become orphans, women and men into widowhood, families torn apart and yet there appears to be no serious commitment to conclude turmoil by the sources and catalysts.

The Superpower status expended in inflicting disasters on nations for strategic control at taxpayers’ expense neglecting myriad issues in the domestic front is a significant problem highlighting priorities for those behind such ambition.

Syrian citizens across the spectrum deserve respite from foreign authorized violence and immense atrocities committed against them thus far. The foreign indulgence regardless of regional or offshore representation is responsible for unspeakable crimes using terror as means to ruin an independent country.

There could be no deliberation or procrastination in respecting sovereignty of other nations and citizens inalienable rights to peacefully exist in their country as these are natural requirements in the world stated as free society.

United States and allies are constantly debating on enforcing restrictions on immigration to the extent of White House proposal to build a great wall to prevent entry by citizens from neighboring country.

Simultaneously U.S. and accomplices insisting on maintaining status quo in occupying foreign land with troops or terror factions like in Syria is the irony.

Syria has been subject to tremendous pain and misery for vested interests though Syria pose no threat whatsoever to United States and allies engaged in the carnage of the country.

These activities exerting aggression against nations regarded a fair game could no longer continue by any major or minor powers especially the nations declared democratic and champions of human rights in contrast to legacy and contemporary trend.

Accordingly, permanent ceasefire with withdrawal of all groups and foreign powers contingency – the illegitimate International Coalition in particular proved terror manifestation is critical for peaceful resolution of the prolonged conflict.

The Syrian defense force, leaderships and citizens concerted labor and participation in contending terror and international coalition offense is commendable and exemplify patriotism to defend the honor of Syria’s statehood.

The liberation of Syria from current skirmishes and terrorism is essential for global peace and security.

I convey my best wishes to Syria in prevailing over terror and hostility.

Peace to all!

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant

Author & Presenter PadminiArhant.com

Spouse in Divine Mission







Independent Probe – Crimes and Abuse of Power

August 4, 2017

Independent Probe – Crimes and Abuse of Power

By Padmini Arhant

The media discussion on conducting probe on Congressional aides should go beyond and involve high profile entities responsible for serious crimes ranging from treason, abuse of power, sponsoring terrorism, authorization of illegal invasion and occupation of foreign land under false pretext to billing the United States taxpayers phony bills that are routine.

Bush-Cheney administration raking a fortune viz. Halliburton and Kellogg Corporation at the expense of army personnel deprived of appropriate facilities during combat situation in Iraq is just one example amongst myriad exploitations.

Under the same administration, the former NAVY SEAL officer Erik Prince founded private army Black Water deployment in Iraq committing atrocities over there. The Black Water resurfaced under Xe Services operating in Pakistan in 2009 and then recruited in Ukraine by successor President Barack Obama administration. None of these regarded worthy of national address. 

The lies and deception on deceased Osama Bin Laden since 2001 maintained throughout both republican and democrat administrations with the latter claiming Abbottabad mission as a landmark victory in the absence of any evidence to public in the United States and the rest of the world. Subsequently, eliminating NAVY SEAL engaged in Abbottabad operation that also submerged along with other crimes at the helm somehow escaped media and press attention. 

BENGHAZI gate like everything else dismissed as unfortunate event despite serious dereliction of duty from the administration and then State Department leading to a major political and security fiasco. 

The former Congresswoman democrat Jane Harman connection to striking a deal on Israeli espionage agent apprehended following FBI investigation swept under the rug with little or no media focus for reasons well known are not the only issues granted impunity from crimes against citizens in the United States and world over.

On the other side – Why not shed light on Pentagon and Federal Reserve yet to account for more than $20 Trillion respectively evaporated with open threats and ultimatums issued to rare Congressional hearing daring to question the department and private institution profiteering from unaccountability?

Is there really a democracy?  If so, 

What kind of democracy would grant carte blanche authority to political parties, administrations, institutions and departments to run a muck and glorify their legacy as remarkable instead of holding them accountable?

Any incident regardless of activity related to ordinary citizen tried by controlled media prior to any formal investigations and charges from relevant authorities. On the contrary, the influential members, organizations and political figures monumental crimes, complicity and deliberate indulgence for self-interest and political aspirations causing enormous liability to the nation and taxpayers are completely ignored as inconvenient.

Their actions compromising national trust and integrity and most importantly resulting in loss of innocent lives in domestic and international front are either vehemently defended or discarded to protect fraternity and maintain status quo.

What democracy would have mandatory health insurance tied to penalty shifting the burden of costs on the saddled middle and lower income category not qualifying under Medicaid or tax credits not meeting premium and healthcare expense?

What democracy would preserve flawed electoral process like the electoral college at national level and Superdelegates in political party viz. United States democratic party overriding voter participation?

Are there any interest or initiatives to reform the archaic failed electoral system?  NO 

Instead any other country such as Venezuela reforming the political system for meaningful all inclusive democracy is condemned and punished with sanctions.

Any investigations and inquiry targeted for political reasons while approving blatant misuse of position, capitalizing from various ventures and deals by members in political circle and around them would not be tolerated in functioning democracy.\

Above all, the media and press collusion in suppressing facts substituted with fabrications and false propaganda is indicative of the demise of democracy.

Is there any more information required in the reality confirming that fascism rules the world?

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant

Author & Presenter PadminiArhant.com

Spouse in Divine Mission




United States – Congress Deal on Sanctions Against Russia, Iran and North Korea

July 22, 2017

United States – Congress Deal on Sanctions Against Russia, Iran and North Korea

By Padmini Arhant

The bipartisan agreement on sanctions against Russia, Iran and North Korea at United States allies’ behest is politically motivated ignoring serious repercussions of such action.

When will there be acknowledgment of destabilizing legacy from U.S. foreign policy architects and game players who continue to inflict immeasurable misery, unrest and political chaos world over?

United States constant meddling and illegal interventions in the Middle East, Latin America, Africa and Asia including the creation of al-Qaeda and the latest ISIS has obstructed global peace and progress with turmoil and tumultuous events having become the norm.

The legislation following cues from forces embarked on vested interests convey message to the world that United States governance is directed by foreign diktat that cares less about negative impact of such initiatives given the unnecessary adversarial environment in the nuclear age.

The current deal is a bad move for reasons cited below.

RUSSIA – Regardless of the endless saga over alleged Russian interference in 2016 U.S. Presidential race causing propaganda fatigue that has run its course and lost novelty, the reruns are nothing more than deflecting public attention from issues concerning the nation and the rest of the world.

The economic, financial and travel sanctions against non-western nations eventually hurt United States and allies position on the economy with domestic businesses having any representation in the nations that are sanctioned unable to carry on operations due to embargo on that country.

In the global economy with interdependency, widespread supply chain, technological connectivity and importantly fuel imports viz. natural gas from Russia to Europe and oil from Iran to other parts of the world could generate fuel crisis. The trade restrictions would ultimately cost the average consumer and businesses in the United States and elsewhere as experienced in the past slowing economic activities all around.  Not to mention the inflation counteracting any positive growth and development.

Besides, the antagonistic approach towards these nations via sanctions proved counterproductive until now. The path of diplomacy and dialogue has long been abandoned replaced with cavalier decisions and aggression exacerbating global relations in the twenty first century.

The impatience and irresponsible reactions are not the solutions to global problems. The initial step in addressing issue is to review and recognize one’s own flaws and deficiencies prior to fault finding and consider pragmatic measures to ease tensions than enforce inappropriate recommendations.

United States pursuing constructive choices and maintaining stable partnership with Russia is paramount. The resolution on several international issues beginning with Ukraine, ending war in Syria, nuclear non-proliferation leading towards disarmament that is critical for life and planet survival are all dependent on peaceful overture.

Again, Paris climate treaty is ineffective in the absence of eliminating nuclear threat and terror sponsorship arming terror networks with chemical and biological weapons alongside conventional weapons cache.

IRAN  – The Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA) reached between P5+1, EU and Iran in Geneva in 2015 was premised on lifting sanctions against Iran in exchange for Iran’s non-nuclear program.

The accord categorically called for adherence on both sides with default from either prompting pre-JCPOA status.

United States Congress heading towards sanctions against Iran at closest ally will would not only jeopardize JCPOA but also compel Iran to the original option on nuclear defense that could no longer be challenged with U.S. reversal on Geneva pact.

NORTH KOREASanctions proved counterproductive as they are with any nation. The notion that depriving North Korean citizens from normal existence would deliver revolt against North Korean government is a gross miscalculation. The starvation imposed via sanctions punish the population producing resentment against those behind the failed strategy adding to nationalism amongst the victims of economic warfare. Furthermore, the prohibition of exports and imports is also barring trade prospects for United States business with the isolated country.

United States presence in the Korean peninsula with provocative military drills on Yellow Sea has promoted North Korea nuclear ambitions in recent memory. The demilitarization and commencement of communication involving fair expectations would be the initial requirement to deescalate conflict.

United States foreign policy moving away from saber rattling and unsuccessful sanctions substituted with amicable and rational proposals would be a paradigm shift in the changing geopolitical dynamics.

All the more reason for nuclear free zone to be global priority in the otherwise nuclear frenzy climate.

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant

Author & Presenter PadminiArhant.com

Spouse in Divine Mission

































Avatar (Reincarnation) – Part II

May 24, 2017

Identity Politics (Hindi)


United States – Bilderberg 2017 Meeting in Chantilly, Virginia

By Padmini Arhant

The global elites with corporate heads, bankers, European Royals and government representatives including officials from the past and present U.S. administrations discreetly gather annually to discuss on world matter.

The leading news organizations from overseas and the United States presence with press editors and chief from Bloomberg, Economic Times, The Financial Times, The Wall Street Journal this year and previously The New York Times and The Washington Post…to name a few are regular at the conclave.

The secret meeting today June 1st – 4th in Chantilly, Virginia slight democracy and transparency considering the decisions made at this gathering are enforced on world population.

The idea of secrecy in unanimous agreement not to disclose issues and details barring minutes of the meeting or press briefing pose serious threat to freedom of press and right to information concerning humanity. The press and media attendees at this assembly remaining silent further explains complicity in events against national and international interest.

The past and present participants’ collusion to maintain the undemocratic tradition with Presidential candidates joining the session witnessed in 2008 and earlier continued until now.

The Bilderberg group as incognito power asserting authority with egregious plan of actions to benefit the group and others pledged allegiance to them is gross violation of access to knowledge and proposals affecting lives and livelihoods of citizens across the globe.

This year agendaWar on Information is not surprising given the misuse of public trust with fake news, propaganda, distortion, subversion and fabrication leading the charts under the guise of free speech waging war against truth and facts condemned as hate speech to suppress reality.

Bilderbergers efforts to contain actual messages and instead supply concocted versions along with irrelevant news serving as major distraction remains the primary goal. Those who have been loyal to secret society stratagem are monetarily rewarded and abundantly credited regardless of their involvements in terror sponsorship and economic deals having serious impact on victims in targeted missions.

The clandestine meeting verifies the credibility or the lack thereof on members’ intention to resolve global problems for greater good rather than personal and vested gains at the majority expense.

Bilderberg group activities are evidently detrimental besides controversial. The exclusivity rejecting people outcry over privacy of the meeting exemplify determination to prolong status quo proved unsustainable.

Any meeting with powerful entities claiming absolute control over destiny of more than seven billion inhabitants and their unwillingness to hold open forum is scandalous not to mention the tolerance to such practice generating false impression as mass approval.

Allowing the convention to be the norm clarifies the state of affairs in systems poised as democracy.

Democracy subjugated in disguise is worse than declared repression.

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant

Author & Presenter PadminiArhant.com

Spouse in Divine Mission



Europe – EU and Election

By Padmini Arhant

In the events led by Supremacists, maintaining bankers and bureaucrats run EU as the ultimate power undermining EU member states sovereignty is the primary goal in European and western nations elections.

Behind the veneer rallying for liberal or moderate governments against conservatives even though there is allegiance to oligarchy from all sides in this respect, the real expectations from global elites is the selection under the guise of election to see pro-EU and conglomerate choice prevail in the election.

Britain – The former conservative Prime Minister David Cameron betting on pro-EU platform in BREXIT referendum cost his term in office despite the TORI representative and then U.S. President Barack Obama, the apparent democrat campaigning in EU favor in 2016.

Fast forward, the liberal candidate Jeremy Corbyn pro-EU stance is welcome amongst EU establishment in semblance to recent France election where the so-called socialist government economics Minister turned born-again neo-centrist French President Emmanuel Macron receiving EU and Supremacy cadre mass approval against oligarchy branded nationalist contestant Marine Le Pen in France.

United States the democratic candidate Hillary Clinton also pro-EU advocate losing the election is regarded a major blow than U.S. citizens and foreign nationals falling prey to 9/11 terror attack and subsequent casualties in Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya and Syria besides elsewhere due to internal collusion and complicity in illegal invasion, occupation and terror sponsorship.

Canada – The current Prime Minister Justin Trudeau of liberal party affirmation to EU emulating predecessor the conservative party Prime Minister Stephen Harper in Canadian politics is indicative of indifference in political affiliation with commonality on their positions towards EU and bankers controlled politics and economy.

Germany The bankers’ chief representative, German Vice Chancellor Angela Merkel remains the all-time favorite for enforcing IMF and ECB authorized austerity defined as fiscal responsibility on euro zone members ignoring dire consequences experienced until now in Greece and other member nations viz. Portugal, Italy, Ireland and Spain.

To summarize on strategy, the oligarchy and global elites controlled world political system evidently seeks representation pledged allegiance to them and their policy.

Any perception on gender bias noted against French candidate Marine Le Pen and Britain’s incumbent Prime Minister Theresa May is offset with endorsement of U.S. Presidential candidate Hillary Clinton and Germany’s VC Angela Merkel considering their positions to stand by EU and financiers ambit.

Likewise, the political parties regardless of right, left, centrist, progressive and independent do not matter. The ex-Prime Minister David Cameron, the conservative touting for EU was cheered as much as the liberal candidate Jeremy Corbyn loyalty to EU.

The shadow powers through UN, IMF, World Bank, EC, ECB and EU with NATO prolonging status quo overrides sovereignty for unipolar authority.

The dysfunctional system continued for fiduciary in the name of democracy denying people fair opportunity to republic representation.

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant

Author & Presenter PadminiArhant.com

Spouse in Divine Mission


Supremacists Rise and Decline

By Padmini Arhant

Jews and Christians half-brothers and sisters Muslims are patronized in the academic and entertainment world.

The western policy sponsoring terrorism and illegal invasion and occupation of Islamic countries worldwide is aimed at two specific goals and they are transforming Muslim youth into terrorists and imposing refugee status on the population.

The worst overture is empathy to anti-Muslim and Islamophobia from the quarters responsible for the trend pioneering prejudice based on race, religion, ethnicity, class and social economic background.

Supremacy and quest for dominance is a psychological disorder emanating from insecurity and inadequacy prompting subjugation and discrimination of anyone regarded a threat to self-asserted exceptionalism.

Supremacists legacy is polarization and exploitation of targets leading to superficial status as dominant force with fear and ignorance guiding them towards violence and sedition.

The Supremacist traits are a result of lack of understanding and humility in accepting diversity as core element of creation.

The paradoxical peculiarity amongst Supremacists seek homogenous society contrasting homophobia although homosexuality practiced in relations and representation. Similarly they express zero tolerance to Islamophobia while being instrumental in Muslim cleansing through terrorism and military interventions in Islamic regions.

Supremacists xenophobic sentiments arise from exclusivity and paranoia barring anything not fitting the profile. The self-contradictory existence and false image eroding individual values contributes to decline.

Hubris indigenous to Supremacy is behind inevitable downfall.

The topic will continue to shed light on events led by Supremacy.

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant

Author & Presenter PadminiArhant. com

Spouse in Divine Mission


Climate Change

The climate treaty would be effective and meaningful upon terror sponsors and arms dealers ceasing activities to save life and the planet.

The multi billion dollars weapons contract with Saudi Arabia and free arms supply to Israel and various terror factions in Syria and Iraq besides weapons reaching groups in South Asia, Latin America and Africa claiming innocent lives and polluting environment impede any efforts on climate change.

United States and Israel backed Saudi Kingdom assault on Yemen resulting in massive casualties and outbreak of cholera and other epidemic impact environment in the region spreading across the world with the free flow of goods and services as well as travel in the global economy.

Any advice from one to another on violation of climate treaty is farcical since G-7 members are responsible for major arms sales and proliferation of terrorism.

Needless to say practising what one preaches would exemplify credibility.

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant

Author & Presenter PadminiArhant. com

Spouse in Divine Mission


Political Scam 

The  Murder Inc. and Masonic society is deceiving the world in claiming the war on terror funded by them proliferating terrorism as lifeline to prolong status quo.  The duplicity objecting to travel ban on Muslim countries as liberal view to refute incumbent administration is simultaneously reversed in bombing the same Muslim nations by both the so-called democrat and republican White House.

What needs to be understood is the travel ban enforced indirectly ensuring there are not many Muslims left to travel with relentless shelling and killings through terror sponsoring since 2011 under presumably liberal Presidency Barack Hussain Obama in the United States that continues until now.

The former President Barack Hussain Obama denying any affiliation with Islam despite the name and lineage never regarded an issue.

Similarly the apparent liberal, left wing and democratic President Barack H. Obama outreach in overturning the lawsuit filed in New York against the right wing Prime Minister of India, Narinder Modi  for instigating communal violence in Gujarat resulting in many casualties with large number of muslims is accepted with admiration.

The present clamor over concern on anti-Muslim or Islam emerging from the western quarters that are committed towards decimating Islamic nations is hideous hypocrisy. 

The anti-Islam agenda is the brainchild for fundamentalists behind Greater Israel under the pretext of Project for New American Century that launched the major terror attack in the United States on 9/11 followed by series of invasions of Muslim countries in different parts of the world.

Accordingly the proxies representing them in the United States and western domain from the right, middle and left including allies in the Middle East and elsewhere remain complicit in the destructive cause.

The western empathy to Muslim refugees having been responsible for their plight and status is conflicting when they would not cease fueling terror and violent interventions in Islamic world. 

Judaism’s half brother Islam sharing the connection with Christianity is exploited for ideological extremism. In the process United States resources are depleted and western sphere targeted in the recent terror attacks convicting Islam in the zero-sum game.

The masterminds and catalysts behind this messed up operation are in a bind and clueless in averting self-inflicted disaster victimizing ordinary people. 

Fomenting and fostering terror is unjustified geopolitical strategy.

One reaps what one sows in life.  

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant

Author & Presenter PadminiArhant.com

Spouse in Divine Mission


Social Hypocrisy 

The nefarious international clique and unscrupulous proxies represented media and communication outlets revealing real character in comments such as waitress, maid, housekeeper, stewardess and chauffeur…clearly indicative of their disdain and condescendence to people in the service and hospitality industry. The same would apply to families world over as overwhelming majority lead a modest life.

The crassness is a classic example of hypocrisy on etiquettes and political correctness across the spectrum.

The ignorant, arrogant and insolent view cleaning up ones’s own mess is beneath someone in contrast to them leaving behind their muck for others. 

By the way, how do these pompous fleecers deal with nature calls? 

Do they have one of their own come to aid given the crony culture?

What is forgotten by these dim parasites and opportunists is their worthlessness to be otherwise due to the same folks waiting around them without whom they would never be important notwithstanding their destructive presence evidently a major liability soon to be vanquished for good reasons.

Besides who do they think they are begging for votes to legitimize their illegitimacy and dependent on the labor?

The same people who are scrubbing floors, serving tables and doing dishes to earn dignified livelihood unlike them amassing wealth from treason, corrupt dealings, embezzlement, tax evasion not barring murder of the people electing them to office and enabling their rise to fame. 

Life with fear and guilt gilded in gold is a waste defeating the purpose of human embodiment ultimately ending in undesirable destination.

Padmini Arhant 

Author & Presenter PadminiArhant.com

Spouse in Divine Mission

Avatar (Reincarnation) – Part II

By Padmini Arhant

In my last segment, I presented a synopsis on incarnation and journey after death highlighting the worlds that exist other than earth.

The topic will be elaborated for better understanding on life after death in my forthcoming book.

Is there a place called hell? – Hell there is.

Who else would know better than hell raisers on earth and their victims?

When beautiful earth is transformed into hell by those inflicting immeasurable pain and misery on others posing no threat to them, their karmic debts could never be evaded as they do with taxes and atrocities committed for centuries to exert supremacy and dominance that continues until today.

In their relentless efforts to maintain status quo with duplicity and hostility, the gatekeepers of hell poignantly chosen their destination upon imminent death since all living beings are subject to mortality regardless of whoever they assume to be in the world.

The irony is those sentencing others to death are fearful of own fatality due to inner fear on the inevitable terminus upon being deceased.  Yet there is no inclination to change course and introspect in self-acknowledgment on crimes and misdeeds in their lifetime.

Whenever the clock is turned counterclockwise evident in the past and contemporary events accelerated in the dawn of twenty first century with medieval feudalism and vassal statehood asserting authority, the conditions terminate the function and the ones behind the operation in any capacity.

The reliance on falsehood and violence barely the lifeline for international clique despite incest amongst them and proxies boarding the doomed vehicle headed towards the cliff.

Additionally, the propaganda to subvert facts is fervent in the hope to prevail in mass deception forgetting the reverse impact experienced in this experiment thus far.

The devious ploys are a gamble with the tide turning against gamblers in fait accompli.

The tradition in creating enemy serving as the premise to invade, occupy and destabilize nations carried out with every administration in the United States and western world.

In the focus on hypocrisy in politics and society – I begin with politics in the world arena.

There are four main rivals among many others for hegemony with whom sable rattling and belligerence continues for unsubstantiated cause.

They are North Korea in Korean Peninsula poised at warning the major creditor China next to Japan holding substantial stake on U.S. Treasury securities besides remaining the largest exporter of goods to the United States having extended the most favored nation (MFN) status to the apparent competitor under former President Bill Clinton and successors thereafter.

Next – Russia. In the wake of overthrow of democratically elected government in Ukraine by EU and United States leaderships under former President Barack Obama and Secretary of State Hillary Clinton prompting Russian interference,

Russia is a convenient reason to boost NATO presence and incursion in the Baltic sea and around eastern and central Europe. Russia was slammed with sanctions for Crimea resulting from U.S. and EU direct role in dismantling Ukraine and installing pro-Nazi government while expressing zero tolerance to incidents cited as Nazism.

In the Middle East –Israel and Saudi Arabia’s arch nemesis – Iran and Syria.

Following United States and NATO illegal invasion of Afghanistan and Iraq in 2001 and 2003, United States and EU key western powers sponsored terrorism in 2011 with spate of recent terror attacks in western sphere is self-inflicted lesion.

Terror sponsors crying foul on terrorism is analagous to  arsonists objecting to fire crackers sale manufactured by them.

More on hypocrisy in politics and society to resume shortly.

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant

Author & Presenter PadminiArhant.com

Spouse in Divine Mission


















headlines in main stream media ratcheting investigations on incumbent administration ties with Russia.















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