Why Public Option is not an option in the Historic Health Care Reform?

December 29, 2009

    By Padmini Arhant

    During the Presidential election campaign in 2008, despite the encouraging endorsement from the “Majority White,” electorate in Iowa, the media, the African American caucus and the Democratic Party wrote off the Obama candidacy in the wake of New Hampshire and Nevada results favoring the then formidable opponent Hillary Rodham Clinton representing the establishment in the Democratic Party.

    It could be a distant memory. Nevertheless, the reality of an African-American candidate as the 44th President of the United States made possible by the average citizens from all walks of life representing the stars and stripes who came forward in multitudes with donations ranging from a dollar to an affordable amount, seeking the long overdue change in Washington.

    It certainly didn’t emerge from the political realm or within the Party and various African American organizations who were cautiously observing the direction of the political storm.

    Now, when it’s the payback time for the historic election’s beneficiaries to demonstrate the real commitment to the people in a democracy, the political betting is placed on satisfying the insatiable appetite in the form of bribery to the fellow democrats in the Senate caring more about their own financial gains and political future than the republic interest. The reference made to the Democrats in particular because, the Republican minority stance is to oppose not the issue but the party in a majority.

    If it were the Republican administration pushing the agenda, the republican minority would not be wasting time in their innovative tactics to boycott the bill. Unlike the democrats, the party is ever united in their pledge to advance the ideology with further support from the conservative/moderate democrats evidenced in the legislations passed during the Bush administration.

    The republicans have a point. In spite of the filibuster proof majority, the democrats are forced to scramble for votes in the senate and left at the mercy of the conservatives and moderates within their own party. You don’t need foes with “friends” like that suggesting the Democratic Party is merely a platform for these representatives of the special interests’ strategy to enhance the odds on both sides that guarantee them an absolute victory with every legislation.

    It’s worth examining the lobbyists’ orchestrated health care bill.

    For instance, the delay in the Senate voting was perceived to be a drawback for the democrats with the republican members threatening to stall the progress at the behest of none other than the same lobbyists working on both sides. Simultaneously, the over two thousand page dossier prepared by again the lobbyists’ loyalists in the finance committee, became the bone of contention for the opposition minority comparing the voluminous content to a forklift item.

    Besides, the legislation is made effective a year later in the Senate bill i.e. 2014 allowing the industry to prosper with the status quo in the interim. Without effective and robust competition like the public option and the cost reduction schemes from the health care industry, the lobbyists are comfortable with the mandatory insurance on 30 million people and safety net from the federal subsidies to purchase the private insurance in the weak market place.

    Having been satisfied with the Senate bill, the lobbyists win irrespective of the pace and it’s not surprising to note the pre-emptive adoption of the Senate bill against the House bill.

    Are they being indifferent in any way?

    Politics is only concerned about personal salvation. A few democrats’ and an independent’s (as a democrat ‘loyalist’) overt action to promote the special interests’ profit oriented plan over the general population plight only legitimize the minority power against the majority.

    What’s being ignored in the undemocratic and dangerous precedence having become a tradition is that, honoring the minority’s calculated shenanigans simply boosts the special interests’ status to railroad forthcoming legislations already evident in the pending climate change and other bills.

    All that matters right now is a bill to showcase on the D-Day, the “State of the Union” address and the people always expected to remain content with the politics and business “as usual” from Washington and Wall Street.

    Any dissent in this respect is characterized as the die-hard liberalism’s refusal to view the big picture. Contrary to the belief, it’s the progressives who have compromised from the single payer system to the public option and other factors like Medicare buy-ins tossed out of the bill, notwithstanding the infringement on women’s rights, essentially all and any components benefiting the people and the national interest.

    The irony being if not for the progressives’ iron will to stand up against the ‘Tea Party’ movement and similar grandstanding, the health care bill would be history rather than historic.

    The frustration among the progressives is reaching the point of creating a third party entirely on public campaign financing to reflect the true meaning of democracy and challenge the nay Sayers once and for all that ‘Change is inevitable’ through action from the bottom up, exemplified in the 2008 Presidential election.

    Although, the spiritual message emphasized on the human requirement to overcome the negative vices, it’s poignant to elaborate the qualities viz. greed, ego, envy, rage (anger) and hatred are the human beings’ vulnerabilities and centuries have gone by without the lessons being learned regardless of the human spirit’s degradation.

    Contemporary practice scorns the interjection of ethics and morals in the discussions as naïve and unpragmatic. The reason being it’s inconvenient for those indulging in the activities producing short-term gains while neglecting the long-term crisis witnessed in all major national issues such as housing market, energy, health care and environment not excluding the military interventions.

    Therefore, there is no bar on human conduct normally qualifying as“unconscionable.”

    I respond to the requests from the honorable members of Congress Patrick Kennedy, Senator John Kerry, Senator Al Franken and the speaker Nancy Pelosi to stand by President Barack Obama in legislative matter. To them I reiterate the earlier statement that,

    I extend my unwavering support to the Presidency of Barack Obama provided the White House is committed to implement the “Change” promised on the campaign trail in both domestic and foreign policy issues yielding ‘realistic’ change the people can believe and thrive in.

    Unfortunately, with minor exceptions the majority decisions thus far favor the special interests i.e. the oligarchs in the financial, health and energy sectors not to mention the ongoing warfare and general foreign policy signifying the continuation of Bush-Cheney doctrine. The haphazard attempt during the climate summit in Copenhagen was quite disheartening and appropriately admitted by the President.

    Regrettably, the campaign donations to the DNC, DCCC, and DSCC are invested to elect the conservatives and the moderates posing major problems in the legislative matter. It may not be a deterrent factor in fund raising as they have the special interests financing the campaigns.

    However, a monumental task awaits in the coming elections convincing the betrayed electorate justified in their reluctance to support the party or the candidacy that fails to honor the democratic will.

    The recent gubernatorial elections in New Jersey and Virginia serve as good examples in this regard. In addition, the mayoral race in New York with a narrow margin victory to Mayor Mike Bloomberg having outspent his opponent is yet another reminder that performance benefiting the people ultimately delivers the desirable results in the polls.

    Since the political structure in Washington is laid on the Wall Street foundation through campaign financing and deal exchanges, the burden is on the people to join the movement in reclaiming democracy subverted by the power in politics and profits.

    Corruption and Cronyism cannot be eradicated unless there is a concerted campaign finance reform strictly enforcing public financing and rejecting swift boating from the candidacy and/or party in the coming elections. Private financing floats to assist candidates from both parties to survive the mild and vicious campaign attacks through advertisements.

    It’s noteworthy that Goldman Sachs, AIG…invested in both Senator John McCain and the then Senator Barack Obama’s candidacies. Obviously, the contributions rose sharply as one candidate’s winning prospects exceeded another along with the donors’ expectations to return the favor. Politics is amazingly trustworthy in the transfer of power from the people to the actual authorities, the corporations via the legislators. It’s visible in the health care issue and several others.

    Given the prevalent system in politics, it’s imperative for the progressives to run in the coming elections with the public blessings to prevail against the special interests and the greed driven politics. I have been requesting the DNC to transform the Democratic Party with the progressives on whom the nation and the rest of the world can rely upon for the long overdue peace, progress and prosperity.

    Money can buy love, trust and integrity but not truth and rationality. For rationality enables the human mind to recognize the truth behind illusion and reality. Those who are committed to the virtues decline to be a sellout at any costs. Sadly, the honorable principles of many are undermined by the dishonorable deeds of the few.

    Often people who care is mistaken for rivals, the real opponent in disguise trusted to be genuine due to the veil blinding the vision, and it largely stems from fear and personal insecurity that obstructs the human intellect to accept situations with clarity.

    People must rise and ensure their needs are adequately addressed from now on as the health care reform could be the beginning of the end to the self-interest dominance in Washington and Wall Street guided by the maxim “All for me and none for you.”

    Thank you.

    Padmini Arhant


    Senate Preliminary Victory on Procedural Vote

    November 21, 2009

    By Padmini Arhant

    Congratulations! To the American public, President Barack Obama, Senate Majority leader Harry Reid and the Senators casting their votes to enable the health care debate for Senate approval.

    It’s encouraging to witness the commitment from the majority to improve millions of American lives.
    The action was long overdue and it’s just beginning to take fruition. I have no doubt that upon the historic national health care legislation; the American electorate would reciprocate in the 2010 mid-term elections with the appropriate results.

    It’s important to maintain the momentum without substantial compromise on the real benefits and rights of the American people. Again, the bill should encompass robust ‘public option’ component and other factors relevant to the women’s reproductive rights, preserving existing Medicare to senior citizens while accommodating reasonable payments to providers in the government run program . The federal deficit reduction or neutrality is equally essential in the final bill.

    An extraordinary journey, nevertheless the light is visible at the end of the tunnel.

    As stated earlier, I remain steadfast with my support to President Barack Obama and every member in the House and Senate in passing the necessary legislations on various national and international issues.

    Thank you.

    Padmini Arhant

    Senate Vote on Health Care Bill

    November 20, 2009

    By Padmini Arhant

    The Senate health care bill is currently under scrutiny requiring 60 procedural votes to qualify for the Senate voting process. At present, the democrats have 58 votes in favor with two independents unclear and the remaining Republican votes unanimously opposed to the bill. I’ve confidence in the (I) U.S. Senator from Vermont, Bernie Sanders with his support to alleviate the suffering of millions in Vermont and across the nation.

    While the Democrats laying out the facts and figures, the Republican lawmakers are meticulously scanning for flaws in their defense to block the anxiously awaited health care legislation.

    Senate version of the health care bill proposes $848 billion allowing coverage for 31 million uninsured Americans with a CBO (Congressional Budget Office) assessment confirming an impressive $130 billion cost savings otherwise a massive federal deficit reduction over a decade.

    In terms of public benefits, the contentious ‘public option’ substantially compromised with a state opt out plan to appease the opponents against the American interest. Women’s right related to the yet another controversial health topic viz. abortion devised differently from the House Bill. Again, a strategy adopted to lure the conservative vote within the majority.

    The tax increases predominantly aimed at expensive health care policies titled as the ‘Cadillac Insurance Plan,’ with a tax imposition on minimal policies increasing the threshold to $8,500 for individuals and $23,000for family coverage. Likewise, $60 billion tax revenue generated mostly from a marginal hike in Medicare payroll tax by 0.50 percent on individual income exceeding $200,000 and $250,000 on combined household earnings respectively.

    Although, there are reasons for grievances among different groups in the society, Senator Harry Reid’s challenge is understandable given the preparation in the battleground ahead of the voting session. Seeking perfection in the long anticipated health care reform would prolong the matter providing ammunition for the special interests and their paid representatives to terminate the desperately needed national health care.

    I sincerely hope along with the millions of victims from the status quo that the legislators on both sides would rise to the occasion in the tough economic times by honoring the constitutional oath to protect, serve and prioritize the citizens’ plight over other demands. The only way to demonstrate that would be to cast their vote for the health care bill overwhelmingly accepted as the gateway to economic recovery.

    Not only the nation’s eyes are set on the Senate’s important event but also the entire world will be watching the elected officials’ true commitment or the lack thereof to the electorate granting them power in a democracy.

    I remain optimistic on the outcome and convey my best wishes to Senate Majority leader Harry Reid and other Senators for their valuable contribution towards the historic legislation.

    Good Luck! to the members of the United States Senate in the health care bill approval.

    Thank you.

    Padmini Arhant

    A Candid Disclosure

    November 8, 2009

    By Padmini Arhant

    Last night the health care legislation passed by the House of Congress is a major step towards recognizing the American people’s plight in the most stressful economic times. The House members confirmed that their consolidated efforts and commitment to the American electorate could produce the desirable results in the economic, social and environmental cause.

    Health care is relevant to all and no longer an individual matter.

    I had recently fallen ill from women’s related health issue in the months of September and October 2009. Accordingly, I was scheduled for a major surgery on November 4, 2009 – ironically on the anniversary of the historic Presidential election date and around the special elections.

    In order to deal with the health crisis, I had to suspend some activities and focus on the immediate recovery plan. It was a temporary action and not meant to avoid communication at any level. Now, I’m able to resume direct contact with the responsible authorities.

    Even though, the surgery was finalized and the consent forms were handed out for signing three days prior to the operation, I experienced a sudden change with the symptoms disappearing and felt a sense of well being without any medical intervention. Therefore, I had no reason to proceed with the surgery and it was cancelled the day before the scheduled date.

    I attribute the positive outcome to spirituality and enormously grateful for the grace and compassion from the ‘Almighty God.’

    During my illness, I frequently thought about the people diagnosed for a medical condition but unable to undergo treatment due to the lack of affordable insurance and hence deprived of medical care. Needless to say, there are many infants, children, young adults and others who require medical attention and the families are left with hard choices in saving the lives of their loves ones.

    In my case, the medical insurance is mainly used for the routine check-ups as a preventive care with the exception of a foot surgery three years ago. Despite the underutilization, the insurance company – Blue Cross Blue Shield wanted to conduct an interview with me regarding the procedure. Perhaps, the aim was to rule out the pre-existing scenario. Again, the insurance company having profited from my good health all these years had a pre-screening protocol that did not take place because the surgery was cancelled.

    The Senators against public option in the health care bill owe a legitimate explanation to the millions of Americans forced to postpone decisions on life and death matter in the absence of effective competition through federal run health care against the profit oriented insurance industry.

    I emphasize that health care is not a privilege but a necessity for survival. If the richest nation on earth fails to provide a decent health care plan to citizens, the achievements in other areas are meaningless with the public health in jeopardy.

    I sincerely hope that the United States Senate will coordinate with the recently passed House bill without compromising the core element i.e. the federal managed health insurance program at a minimum to help the thousands of ailing Americans rightfully seeking the public option in the embattled health care reform.

    As for as my health is concerned, I’m feeling fine and remain steadfast in my support to the legislative affairs and foreign policies benefiting the people of the United States and the rest of the world.

    I stand by President Barack Obama and the Congress in serving the nation and humanity through legislations and strategies comprising economic growth, social justice and political fairness at home and overseas.

    In compliance with the highest commandment, the purpose of my political involvement is to assist the leaderships in the United States and around the world to establish peace, progress and prosperity for all human beings besides protecting the environment.

    Thank you.

    Padmini Arhant

    Health Care Bill – HR 3962 – Twenty First Century Milestone

    November 7, 2009

    By Padmini Arhant

    Heartfelt Congratulations! To the American public, President Barack Obama, Speaker Nancy Pelosi and the House members for the successful passage of the long overdue Health Care reform.

    The American citizens and the members of the Congress deserve the accolades for the hard work, determination and relentless campaign to reach the milestone in the twenty first century. After several months of grueling discussions, exhaustive debates, and personal experiences shared by millions of suffering Americans, the historic reform is materialized today.

    Despite threats, ultimatums and partisan politics the achievement is indeed remarkable and praiseworthy. Now, it is dependent upon the Senate members to meet with the national expectations in completing the legislative requirement for President Obama’s signature.

    Surely, it was the most contentious battle in the legislative affair and predictably emerged resilient against the anti-progress forces in Washington and Wall Street. There are other equally important issues confronting the nation and the health care legislation has paved the pathway for the ‘Cap and Trade Bill’ and many more to follow in the immediate future.

    Again, the sick and the frail population’s voices heard in the Capitol Hill.

    I hope that the regulations in terms of ‘pre-existing’ conditions, unaffordable premiums…will be effective immediately to allow the urgent caring and medical attention for the vulnerable members in the society.

    Finally, America is on the road to recovery with the health care costs incrementally declining over a decade and simultaneously the approximate 36 million uninsured Americans guaranteed medical coverage that was declared a far-fetched dream by the opponents not long ago. The other factors in the bill will be dissected and critiqued accordingly.

    Nevertheless, the dedication by the individuals across the nation contributed to the phenomenal success of the health care legislation.

    Hope is turning into a reality and Change is inevitable with this new beginning.

    Thank you.

    Padmini Arhant

    Gubernatorial and Congressional Race – 2009

    November 5, 2009

    By Padmini Arhant

    Congratulations! To the winners in the recent election that has revitalized the Republican Party grabbing the gubernatorial race in Virginia and New Jersey, similarly reassured the Democratic side with the historic win in upstate New York and anticipated victory in California that anything is possible in general.

    Since the election outcome, the Republican members’ rhetoric is directed towards the Democrats’ domestic policies particularly the health care reform and the ‘cap and trade’ bill. As usual, some pundits targeted the ruling majority’s agenda and concluded that the electorate’s verdict on Tuesday’s election was the quid pro quo to the Republican minority.

    Politics is convenient. Naturally, the wind is not meant to blow in one direction and more so in a democratic environment. The Republican base and members have all the reasons to be jubilant considering the consecutive defeats in 2006 and 2008. However, interpreting the current two- states election results, as national representation is optimistic and often witnessed in the partisan political arena.

    Synonymously, California would have enthusiastically bid farewell to the incumbent administration given the disastrous performance by the head of the state and the legislature.

    Two common factors were prominent in the electoral results – poor voter turnout and the electorate dissatisfaction.

    Like stated earlier in my letter – ‘2010 Elections – Response to President Bill Clinton’ published on this website, October 15, 2009, category – Politics – United States.

    “The burden is on the elected officials to honor the pledge made on the campaign trails and not become habitual of post-election betrayal during their term in the office. The conventional political trend that maintains a campaign policy and then adapt to the elected term policy to appease all except the ‘average’ electorate has to change to energize the voter turnout.

    Therefore, the voter frustration often leads to abstinence enabling the opposition gain majority by default. It’s typical of every democracy.”

    It’s rather interesting to note the exuberance displayed subsequent to the electoral process, claiming that “conservative resurrection,” is a national warning to the ‘liberal’ or ‘far-left’ policies in Washington.

    Amid confused celebratory moments, it’s essential for a reality check to enlighten the critics’ minds anchored on the ‘progressive’ movement dedicated to bring about the long overdue ‘change’ in Washington and shift focus on the issues demanding urgent action.

    First, the Republican legislators in Washington until date have remarkably protested national progress in every step of the way in line with the conservative ideology to blockade economic opportunity and social equality to the American public regardless of political affiliations.

    Sadly, the political ambition overrides the rationale that poverty, hunger, disease, joblessness…the economic woes are non-discriminatory and affects the people at large.

    When the Republican lawmakers unconstitutionally vowed to derail legislations purely on partisanship, the political characteristics define the elected officials’ individual goal. The standard pretext to vote against public cause is “Big Government” and “Out-of-control” spending.

    At the same time, the fiscal conservatives have absolutely no qualms voting for the disproportionate defense budget producing casualties at an alarming rate, while holding reservations for life saving legislations such as health care and environment.

    Although, the noise is deafening in terms of vehement opposition to the economic stimulus, health care debate, environment etc., the conservatives’ crafty maneuvering of the political discourse without a viable and guaranteed solutions to any national issues confronting the country thus far signifies political ingenuity.

    Having been responsible for the crises – economic, social and international, one would expect the driver driving the bus into the ditch to apply the necessary skills and save lives instead of planning further sabotage. Unfortunately, it’s an unacceptable strategy for the conservatives on both sides of the aisles determined to grandstand the people in a democracy.

    American democracy is viewed as excessively tolerant to inaction in legislative matters that has emboldened the special interest to issue ultimatums through their paid representatives in the Senate and Congress on health care and other public concerns, rendering the government of the people, by the people and for the people a mere political formality.

    Another extremely distressing social topic is –

    ‘The Maine voters’ repealing the Gay rights to ‘Same Sex Marriage.’

    Ironically, nationwide the opposing majority classify them as ‘fervently religious’ and yet conveniently disregard the Universal Gospel that ‘All are created equal.’ The antipathy towards the civil and constitutional right seeking legalization of the marriage is regressive for a modern culture that takes enormous pride as an egalitarian society.

    Reverting to the electoral success, it’s for the Republican governors in the states of Virginia and New Jersey to be the rainmakers with the political capital at their disposal now. Perhaps, they could share the secret formula or ‘mantra’ with their counterparts in other states like California and Capitol Hill to expedite the economic recovery.

    I convey my best wishes to the Governors-elect Robert McDonnell of Virginia and Chris Christie of New Jersey and Congressmen Bill Owens, New York and Lt. Gov. John Garamendi of California in their new challenging roles serving the respective states and constituency.

    Thank you.

    Padmini Arhant

    Health Care Legislation

    October 21, 2009

    By Padmini Arhant

    The Congress is engaged in the Medicare payments to doctors as part of the broader aspect of the health care legislation. Despite the opposition’s insinuations against the government run successful Medicare program, it’s imperative for the lawmakers to sustain the viability of the Medicare and the Medicaid by honoring the providers’ legitimate request for payments increase that would substantially reduce the health care costs currently incurred by the taxpayers through payments to private insurers.

    As stated earlier, the conservative and the moderate Democrats’ unwillingness to support the public option is contributing to the stalemate in the health care legislation. Even though, the recent Washington Post/ABC Poll confirmed that an impressive 57 percent of the American population is overwhelmingly in favor of the ‘public option’ plan, some Democratic legislators’ reluctance to join the majority on this issue is disappointing and deserve a valid explanation for their position that is detrimental to the national interest.

    It’s important for the Democrats opposing the public option to realize that, any skepticism on the viable proposal is a rejection of the long established Medicare with a proven record of reducing the health care costs while simultaneously providing coverage for a significant population, a core objective of the historic health care legislation. The ambiguity on the part of these legislators is justified if the status quo not draining the economy besides hurting the national future which is dependent upon the children, the youth and the baby boomers with inadequate coverage or none at all.

    Whatever may be the reasons for the Democrats resting on the fence, the health matter is a test of the human character to expend the entrusted power for the public welfare against the political gains. The prolonged health care legislation is a strong indication to the American electorate to recognize and distinguish between the legislators’ actions or the lack thereof that should essentially prioritize the people over the special interest represented politics.

    Accordingly, the 2010 mid-term election will determine the voter satisfaction or frustration in this regard. Those lawmakers in favor of the federal public option display commitment to serve the people electing them to power in a democracy.

    The insurance industry has offered the yet another ‘less competitive’ alternative to the federal public option i.e. the state run program and that too only for those unable to afford the ‘insurance industry declared affordable’ payments. Not surprisingly, those in opposition to the ‘average’ American well-being embraced the idea as a brilliant reform when the states’ contemporary performance has been a dismal failure with California being the torchbearer in the dysfunctional event.

    The citizens’ request for a public option is not a favor to them from the elected representatives in a democracy. On the contrary, it’s a constitutional duty of every elected official to work towards the national goals and safeguard the interests of every American representing the stars and stripes.

    Again, democracy is subject to scrutiny during the legislative matters such as health care and the elected officials pledging to defend the public interest are expected to rise to the occasion by demonstrating their true service to the constituents and others nationwide.

    In California, Senator Barbara Boxer believed to be on board with the democratic counterparts on the health care legislation enacting the federal run public option. However, Senator Dianne Feinstein is reportedly wavering on the ‘public option’ component of the bill. The long serving Senators from California are due for re-election in 2010 and the public opinion rely upon the voting records of their elected representatives to the House and the Senate.

    Senator Boxer is presently leading the ‘climate change’ bill and the California Senator’s unequivocal approval of the public option enhances the legislative achievements for the feisty representative.

    Since the concerned health care advocates do not have the absolute assurance from Senator Dianne Feinstein on the ‘public option’ component of the bill, it’s a sincere hope that Senator Feinstein will not hesitate to be remembered as a key reformer in the historic health care legislation.

    The national deficit is the contentious issue for the Republican legislators against any progress. Although, they may have the best intentions in their opposition to the government run public option, it’s rather intriguing to view the self-deprecating legislators from across the aisle in their criticism of the public institution employing them to deliver the service for the greater good of all.

    Apparently, these lawmakers have no issues with the guaranteed income, health care benefits and opportunities to compromise ethics for economics with the special interests in Washington. Ironically, the ‘so-called’ fiscal conservatives are also in the frontline pushing for the economically and strategically disastrous troops increase in Afghanistan. All carried out for the sake of ‘political’ opposition.

    Indeed, politics is complex and the simple solutions are often ignored in the embattled power struggle.

    Health care legislation is a serious matter imploring due diligence, rationale and fortitude for the desired outcome to benefit the present and the future generation. It’s possible only with the federal run public option with an inevitable costs trimming and coverage expansion, the essence of the health care reform.

    Thank you.

    Padmini Arhant

    Health Care Bill from the Senate Finance Committee

    September 16, 2009

    By Padmini Arhant

    Also included is the Response to the Presidential Address to Congress on Health Care Reform.

    According to the latest report from the Associated Press:

    Health care bill advances without bipartisan deal –

    “After months of bipartisan negotiations, Sen. Max Baucus, D-Mont., chairman of the Finance Committee, told associates during the day he intends to unveil a detailed outline of legislation on Wednesday and convene the panel next week to vote on it.

    Baucus’ proposal is certain to shun the liberals’ call for the government to sell insurance, and rely instead on co-ops to offer coverage in competition with private industry. His approach includes a requirement for individuals to buy insurance, with financial penalties for those who don’t. Rather than a mandate for larger businesses to provide coverage for employees, they would be required to defray the cost of any government subsidies their employees would qualify for.”

    Analysis: By Padmini Arhant

    The public officials’ loyalty to the private industry in the health care bill strongly suggests that these officials are making a mockery of the world’s modern democracy emulated by many young and developing nations up until now.

    It is obvious from their openness that they will continue to thumb the electorates’ nose and instead chose to oblige to the whims and fancies of the “Special Interests’ hiring them to deliver the meal in every legislation.

    If these officials have great concern for the welfare and the interests of the industries they are associated with, then why are they wasting their time in public service?

    They might as well work for the private sector and attain the personal financial gains they are looking for in life and leave the public office to the earnest Americans committed to the service of the people and not the ‘Special Interests’ hiring them for mutual benefits.

    There are many qualified, honest and hard working individuals in the American society pledged to serve the people and produce the results in favor of the entire population across the political spectrum.

    It’s time for America to wake up from the deep slumber and restore democracy now by directing the legislature to include the government run ‘public option’ rather than accepting the status quo from the elected officials clearly operating under the guidance of the ‘Special Interests.’

    Has America become so weak that it can’t defend its own democracy invaded by Capitalism conspicuous in the love-fest between Wall Street and Washington?

    Perhaps, the marriage between the Wall Street’s ‘Capital’ and Washington ‘Power’ will be a great model for the marriage counseling.

    The inseparable bond is awesome but when it happens to the detriment of their constituents without the people favored ‘public option’ the public officials’ priorities are clear.

    Unless and until every constituent struggling to make ends meet along with the nervous citizens confronting the lingering economic uncertainties rise to the occasion and demand Washington to address their needs by declining the ‘Special Interests’ decision pushed through the democratically elected officials, it will be too late to challenge the ogre in the health care battle.

    The ‘Special Interests’ investment in media propaganda on the government run ‘public option’ as the bureaucratic meddling in the patient care and the controversial ‘death panel’ is a far-fetched psychodrama displayed at the town hall meetings and the weekend rally in the Capitol.

    However, the camouflaged truth behind the so-called health care reform is, the bureaucrats in Washington and Wall Street are already in control of the citizens’ destiny with their verdict to move on without the government run ‘public option.’

    Again, the Washington and White House ambivalence in the ‘public option’ of the health care bill, despite the grueling tragic experiences shared by many people across the nation regardless of political factions and socio-economic backgrounds is not only disappointing but also thoroughly unacceptable.

    Please don’t forget that all those officials have a guaranteed health care, besides the authority and means to survive during and after their political career regardless of whether they return to power or not. Unfortunately, human nature often motivated to care for self prior to others. It’s prevalent more so now than ever before.

    In the Darwinian ‘survival of the fittest’ environment, nothing is available without a robust fight and it is poignant in the health care debate. It’s the democratic right of every citizen to expect the essential requirement particularly in the health matter that has revealed the true colors of the individuals’ with power.

    Never mind the campaign promise and the constitutional oath while being elected to the office. The gulf between the elitist and the populist is more prominent in the health care matter with the elected officials’ resignation to diminish the SOS from the people granting them with power in a democracy.

    The rebuttal could be that the bill has the mandatory requirement for the private insurers to immediately insure all those ailing patients with pre-existing conditions upon passing the legislation and therefore, declare the issue as resolved.

    With the Senate Finance Committee diligently proposing the private citizens to purchase health insurance bringing more business to their favored party, the health industry,

    Will the private industry cover the disputed 47- 50 million uninsured regardless of the employment situation?

    Who will pay for the citizens who cannot afford the price tag from the private insurers in the absence of the government insurance program?

    Obviously, the taxpayers expected to cover through government subsidies or aid like they are footing the bill right now for patient care at the county hospitals and ensuring the health insurance as well as the hospital industry’s prosperity while the expenses added on to the national deficit.

    Ironically, the objection raised against the government insurance program claiming it would disproportionately increase the national deficit when the Senate Finance Committee proposes exactly that with the non-profit cooperative society funded by the government instead of the direct government involvement such as Veterans Care, Medicare and Medicaid.

    The surreptitious Health Care bill from the Health Care industry via the Senate Finance Committee is a mere fulfillment of the legislative duty because it does not address the real problems of the people classified as the minority later to become the majority without a strong competitor.

    The industry response might be that the price will be competitive for those individuals to pay for it. Even if such magical event were to take place, the million dollar question is,

    How long is the competitiveness effective for the current uninsured to remain in the system with the compulsory insurance purchase enforced upon them?

    Although, the question posed is by no means any concessions towards the elimination of government administered public option, it is absolutely important to determine the timeframe as free market has periodically demonstrated its free will to adjust price to meet the shareholders and the Chief Executives’ extravaganza.

    Notably, the finance industry offering the teaser rates as a decoy on credit cards and home loans, only to be discovered later by the victims upon receiving notifications from the banking sector regarding the atrocious interest rates hikes.

    Interestingly, the myopic view by many to pass the legislation in order to satisfy the process and claim a historic victory ignoring the tragedies of a significant population is a betrayal of the people’s trust in their representatives and a political suicide for the majority party in the 2010 elections.

    It shouldn’t be a surprise when the opposition’s relentless effort to sabotage the health care reform spun around during the mid-term elections as the failure of the ‘hope and change’ Obama care plan resulting in a win-win situation for the obstructionists now and in the immediate future.

    In conclusion, the White House, the House and the Senate’s coherence to the health care conglomerates by marginalizing the weak, the sick, the vulnerable population and everyone else in the landmark legislation is a colossal mistake due to the misplaced trust in the private industry essentially responsible for the health care disaster.

    Thank you.

    Padmini Arhant

    P.S. My Response to the President’s Congressional Address on Health Care Reform

    From: Padmini Arhant

    To: President Barack Obama

    Sent: Thursday, September 10, 2009 5:58:59 PM

    Subject: Re: Not the first, but the last

    Hon. President Barack Obama

    Dear Mr. President,

    Please refer to attachment for details.

    Thank you.


    Padmini Arhant

    Honorable. President Barack Obama

    Dear Mr. President,

    Thank you for laying out the Health Care components to clarify the doubts and confusions surrounding the landmark Health Care legislation.

    As I consider myself extremely privileged to have known you and your sincere desire to serve the American people representing the stars and stripes of this great country, not recently but from the grueling time on the campaign trail, I’m taking the opportunity to share my honest understanding and legitimate concerns regarding this bill.

    I realize the humongous challenges related to the Health Care legislation particularly in dealing with the ‘Special Interests’ force and the worsening partisanship creating a gulf to block the necessary reform, the only hope and salvation for our national economy and the American people , the victims of the heavily politicized and narcissistic Washington culture.

    In your speech, you mentioned that the details would follow in the immediate future and that the Health Care address was to familiarize the nation with the framework of the bill. In this context, we cannot ignore the truth that those who are against any reform are always going to detect flaws regardless of the many concessions already in the bill.

    The reason for the delay in my response to your message is to review the issue rationally given the public plight on affordability and eligibility in the exclusively privatized industry. You are no stranger to this aspect with your passive experience during your mother’s agonizing battle with the terminal illness in the absence of a guaranteed insurer ideally in the form of a ‘single payer’ or at least the ‘public option’ to save and prolong life. Unfortunately, we all know that it is a common tragedy for the many struggling population in our society.

    Obviously, it is a huge mountain to climb with a rugged and slippery slope path. You pledged to the nation last night that you want to be the last President to have aimed at the century old national issue directly affecting every American and emerge successful in the legislation. The consensus among the victims is if the legislation passed to appease those who prioritize their personal interest over the common goal then there was no need to mobilize the nation and raise the hopes of millions during the election campaign and now.

    I don’t think it is fair or morally justified to disappoint and deny the people who are the taxpayers, consumers and electorates the means to exist and stay alive through the absolute ‘single payer’ process or in the least a government administered ‘public option’ and not a non-profit cooperative agency. Again, in comparison the former President George W. Bush took the nation to war on false pretences and the ultimatum ‘either you are with us or with the terrorists.’

    Apparently, rhetoric of that kind proven to resonate among the ‘Nay’ Sayers on the Special Interests’ payroll. Witnessing the opposition to life saving proposal is no surprise at all but that is not the ‘hope and change’ people voted for last November 2008.

    I’m always with you and the great Americans working harder than ever in the legislative matter that promotes equality, fairness and justice for all.

    Health Care legislation is a unique moment for your Presidency to do the right by the people and for the people who really matter in a democracy.

    Overall, your presentation was very impressive and right on target, although I was hoping for a steadfast commitment towards the majority preferred ‘public option’ that is truly meaningful and paramount to reform the status quo.

    I’ll be presenting the brief analysis on your address to the Congress for public view shortly.

    Best Wishes

    Padmini Arhant

    Presidential Address to Congress on Health Care Reform

    September 11, 2009

    By Padmini Arhant

    The President’s address, September 9, 2009 on the Health Care Reform laid out the components to clarify the doubts and confusions surrounding the bill. Despite the vehement opposition from some quarters in their loyalty to the sponsors, the ‘Special Interests’ representing the Health Insurance and the Health Care industry, the President reached out to them to be his ally rather than the adversary.

    The fact of the matter is, with some groups determined to detect flaws regardless of many concessions in the bill, at the expense of the victims in the exclusively privatized sector, they will continue to defend the status quo because of the personal gains. That is the reality of the highly politicized and narcissistic culture in Washington. With these representatives holding the mantle to the power in legislative matter, it would be appropriate for the nation’s Capitol to trade name as ‘the sin city’ with the West Coast casino capitol ‘Las Vegas,’ Nevada, except the latter deserves credit for the openness.

    Ironically, the lawmakers particularly in the Senate and the moderate to conservative House democrats creating the gridlock have sworn allegiance to the industry supplementing their income while turning a blind eye to the plight of the people, the entity behind their power.

    Interestingly, some politicians among them even reminisced about their humble and modest background prior to the acclaimed stature and somehow that emotions surface only during the ‘book’ promotions on prime time television shows and not utilized to relate to the sufferings of the millions in their turf or across the nation.

    Upon challenging them to the task to do the right by their constituents electing them to the office to be their representatives, the message is lost and their support shifted to the corporate financiers as they prove to the electorates that they are indeed the visionaries devising ways to protect their interests and re-election possibilities. Thus, the transformation from ‘public’ servant to ‘private’ servant takes place in the Capitol of the world’s modern democracy.

    Although, the President’s message was clear in terms of assuring affordability, eligibility and costs control, arguably the three major proponents that triggered the health care debate at the dawn of the Presidential campaign and continuing up until now,

    The skepticism by the opponents’ media and their loyalists overshadow the truth behind the contentious issue, their push to drive the robust ‘public option’ out of the equation. Having been successful in eliminating the ‘single payer’ system that would have been an absolute guarantee to fulfill the urgently required health insurance with a non-terminal and unconditional coverage for the millions insured as well as the disputed uninsured population,

    The industry is now resilient through their paid representatives in the Senate and the House to demolish the public option from the bill, a move that is contradictory to the definition of free market. By definition, the free market should allow the consumers to pick and chose at free will among the different providers/purveyors catering products and services at different price and quality to suit market conditions. Since that appears to be a misnomer in the present environment, the industry with the willing legislators on their side adamantly pledged against any viable competition such as the people represented public option.

    Again, according to the Congressional Budget Committee, even with the introduction of the public option in the bill, the proposed participants under the coverage expected to be less than 5% leaving the approximately 95.5% market share to the private insurers.

    To all those pundits and demagogues viciously attacking the genuine voices for the less fortunate who happen to be the majority in the society,

    How much profit is profitable in the vast market share comprising 95.5% to the private health insurers?

    The argument often reversed claiming the corporations’ profit being the national revenue viz. the taxes should spin the economy. Perhaps a valid stance, by no means a reality given the negative impact of the rising health care costs in premiums and health care management. The health insurance has surely been profitable causing liability to the corporations, small businesses and private individuals other than nearly bankrupting the economy. Unequivocally, the health care conglomerate’s real beneficiaries are the CEO’s and the shareholders.

    Besides, in the absence of vigorous competition through ‘public option,’ expecting the private sector that has the formidable monopoly in the national economic issue to conform to the legislative requirement is a cliché. This is poignant especially when the American taxpayers as consumers are still awaiting the ‘accountability’ factor to kick in with the bailed out financial sector’s promise to stimulate the economy through liquidity in the credit market.

    The news media reported that the finance industry’s ‘mischief makers’ admonished by Congress during the bailout and categorically denied of any golden parachutes with the taxpayer dollars. When the session was over after a brief ‘timeout’ for the bad behavior, suddenly the blue sky adorned with none other than the forbidden ‘golden parachutes’ with the finance sectors’ pilots taking off to their favorite paradise.

    So much for the free market’s obedience and respect for rules and regulations in a democracy!

    In the similar context, it is not possible to ignore the anti-regulation agents’ objection to the government participation in the national issue. However, the overwhelming control and dominance of the private industry in the nation governance is cordially welcome in the Capitol Hill corridors, airwaves and the communications media irrespective of the devastating outcome on the economy. It is accepted as perfectly normal for the private sector to meddle in public matter but the flip side becomes explosive at the core minimum.

    The heckling was not limited to the town halls on this issue and prominently displayed by one of the industry representatives during the Presidential address with the accusation of ‘lies’ in the immigration matter.

    On the immigration deal, the shocking detail revealed by the Progressive caucus chair Raul Grijalva, Congressman (D) Arizona, during his interview with Amy Goodman and Juan Gonzalez of Democracynow.org on September 10,2009.

    “And one of the things that is not well with this health reform plan is that legal permanent residents are required to wait five years before they can receive any health benefit, even though they are legal. And we are arguing with the framers of the legislation, as well as the administration, that you’re making people illegal twice. You’ve asked them to go through the process, they legalized their status, they’re permanent legal residents, but yet there’s a penalty attached that you can’t get the benefit for five years. We find that to be double jeopardy.”

    The hypocrisy is conspicuous in this instance. The nation that is proudly declared as the country of immigrants slams the immigrant population with the tax burden on par with the citizens. Meanwhile, the overzealous legislators and the administration architects in the selective amnesia moment about their personal ancestry simultaneously deprive the immigrants from benefits that they are lawfully entitled to as the ‘legal and permanent residents’ soon to be the eligible voters upon naturalization. Such political maneuvers frequently bring the best creativity among the sculptors of the monumental piece.

    To touch base on the President’s bipartisan approach in the highly contested health care legislation, it could be aptly described as ‘Why look for enemies when you have foes within.’

    In the uphill battle to pass the health care reform, the industry has cleverly sabotaged the democratic majority from relying on their own breed.

    Should there be any speculation on why the Senate Finance Committee has not yet presented their version? The President confirmed it during his speech as ‘awaiting the proposal from one committee.’

    More revelations in this respect from the interview with the Congressman Raul Grijalva by Democracynow.org: – Thank you.

    AMY GOODMAN: Congress member Grijalva, I also want to ask you about Senate Finance Committee Chair Max Baucus and his close ties to the healthcare industry. Yesterday, the White House Press Secretary Robert Gibbs said Baucus had distributed his healthcare plan to lobbyists on K Street prior to sharing the plan with other members of the committee.

    “The watchdog website LittleSis.org has revealed Senator Baucus’s chief health adviser, Elizabeth Fowler, is a former executive for the insurance giant WellPoint. Fowler has been called the “chief operating officer” of the healthcare reform process.

    REP. RAUL GRIJALVA: I think the product that has come out from his committee and himself, I really believe that it has no legitimacy in this debate. It’s an insider product. It’s there to protect the industry. It is not there to try to look for that middle ground.

    I consider Senator Baucus’s proposal to be essentially an insider trader move to protect an industry and really doesn’t have validity at all, both political validity or content validity.

    JUAN GONZALEZ: —to basically—it’s on you whether healthcare reform passes or not, any kind of healthcare reform passes.

    REP. RAUL GRIJALVA: Yeah, you can kind of—you can kind of see the winds heading in that direction, where members of the Progressive Caucus, even though the Blue Dogs, twenty-three of them—twenty-three of them have already announced that they will not vote for anything, and so they’ve already canceled their votes and said, “We’re opposed to any reform package.”

    Even though that happens, and it’s publicly stated, I think the winds are going to shift, and the progressive members of Congress are going to be seen as the obstructionists. They’re going to try to be labeled at that. And I’ve said over and over, both to—we have told the administration and our leadership for almost—consistently for a year what we felt were the guiding principles to a public plan. We’ve been consistent. We haven’t backed off.”

    So America, there you have it.

    Why look elsewhere to blame the Republican army…

    When the democratic legion with the exception of those dedicated to their constituents are living up to the reputation of “Politics finds strange bedfellows.” At least the Capitol Hill sanctity spared with no distinction between the ‘same sex marriage’ and ‘the Solemn union of opposite genders.’ Only in the State and Nation’s Capitol the amazing blend between the private ownerships and the public representatives unparallel match revealed against the people empowered democracy.
    Furthermore, the commentary and punditry following the speech obviously varied depending on the ‘Who is for whom’ platform. The opponents presented the entire content as hogwash.

    The former President George W. Bush took the nation to war on false pretences with an ultimatum “either you are with us or with the terrorists.’ The present ‘Nay’ Sayers on the life saving legislation then spellbound by the remarkable rhetoric for the illegal war cast their votes that is draining the national treasury until date.

    Apparently, Washington’s immunity to lies and distortions in the past eight years is aroused with the current ‘truth’ vaccine prepared to protect the people from the widespread epidemic in the form of corruption and cronyism.

    On November 2008, people representing the stars and stripes of this great country enthusiastically voted for the ‘hope and change’ to release themselves from the shackles of Corporate greed and Washington corruption. Now is the time for the elected officials to deliver the promise made on the campaign trail that would testify the strength and character of the real democracy?

    Finally, the President’s speech was impressive and right on target. Nevertheless, the health care reform is truly meaningful only with the steadfast commitment towards the majority preferred ‘public option’ that is paramount to resolve the burgeoning crisis.

    Thank you.

    Padmini Arhant

    Nation Bids Farewell to the Hon. Senator Edward M. Kennedy

    August 29, 2009

    By Padmini Arhant

    The moment has arrived for the nation to acknowledge the final departure of their tireless and long serving representative, Senator Ted Kennedy, the youngest son of America’s beloved family.

    Senator Kennedy, the brave survivor of many family tragedies was a true warrior in various aspects. The Senator zealously battled for the large segments of the society on significant issues and health care was the top priority among them. Senator Kennedy delivered the health care speech with sincere emotion and great concern for the neglected groups in our society.

    Ted Kennedy was not prepared to settle for anything less than universal health coverage and clarified the urgency with authority and conviction. The Senator, as a veteran legislator was all too familiar with the opposition and the politics behind the ‘health care’ reform and anxiously looked forward to realizing his lifetime dream into eventuality. Therefore, it’s a test of the time for his colleagues on both sides of the aisle eulogizing the departed leader’s dynamic role in legislative history to legitimize their words into action in the matter that was appropriately the Kennedy ‘brainchild.’

    In other historic issues, Senator Kennedy’s valiant declaration to endorse the candidacy of the then Senator Barack Obama led to the successful nomination and election of the President Barack Obama as the first African American breaking the long held tradition to the office of Presidency.

    It’s poignant to specify that Senator Ted Kennedy had many aspirations and desires for his fellow citizens and strived to accomplish them ranging from civil rights to equal wages and opportunities for all in every possible social and economic front. Once again, despite the current political atmosphere pervasive of a legion across the party lines to represent the powerful and influential in the society.

    Another phenomenal trend set by the audacious Senator was to join the minority legislators and party members in his opposition to invade a nation, Iraq based on hypothesis and concocted theories validates the experience, foresight and diligence, rare qualities in contemporary politics.

    Life presents choices and decisions are consequential, sometimes with a reversible or irreversible state. Senator Ted Kennedy demonstrated repeatedly by seeking the arduous journey in legislative affairs that it’s easier to default on the promise to the constituents electing public officials to power to do the right for them but rather challenging to live up to the trust and expectations of the republic.

    Ted Kennedy portrayed the latter with poise and passion.

    Considering the long career span of Senator Ted Kennedy, it’s a daunting task to summarize the portfolio sparsely without compromising the achievements in the several hard fought legislative issues.

    The nation comes together to bid farewell to the bastion of peace, freedom and equal rights for all Americans – natives, naturalized and others on American soil.

    As we celebrate the life of Senator Edward M. Kennedy, his legacy must continue beyond the horizon of hopes in the American politics.

    So long, Senator – May your soul rest in eternal peace.

    Thank you.

    Padmini Arhant

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