California Proposition 8 Victory

August 6, 2010

By Padmini Arhant

Heartfelt Congratulations! To the LGBT community and Gay rights advocates on the recent victory.

On August 5, 2010 the California federal court Judge Vaughn R. Walker ruled against Proposition 8 that banned same-sex marriage.

The issue had been long contested by the opponents through various avenues – legal, ballot and legislative measures.

Yesterday’s ruling confirms the unconstitutionality surrounding the voter supported Proposition 8 that deprived society’s specific members the equal rights in all matter.

With this verdict, a significant progress has been made thus far.

The debate has evolved into a much better understanding of the prevalent social injustice prompting legislative actions by the Democratic Congress to protect these citizens from discriminatory practices including,

President Barack Obama’s actions extending equivalent benefits to federal employees and gay rights expansion in every possible dimension, not to mention the initiative to repeal ‘Don’t ask don’t tell,’ policy in the military.

There is still a great deal of efforts required in invoking natural empathy, the inherent human quality latent in the contemporary society,

For the civil union continues to be the political choice over legitimacy to formalizing the marital status.

Nevertheless, the gay rights movement has gained impressive momentum through myriad sources and it will soon be triumphant nationally in this regard.

Incremental winnings provide optimism in the targeted goals and the gay members deserve to prevail at every opportunity.

Any society that believes in – “All are created equal in every respect,”

They would unequivocally favor the simple desire for “same-sex,” marriage among their fellow human beings without subjecting them to individual perceptions.

Best Wishes and Good Luck! To the gay activists for more positive outcome not only in this issue but also the ‘don’t ask don’t tell,’ matter.

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant

California Status Quo under Republican leadership

February 5, 2010

By Padmini Arhant

Courtesy extended to enlighten the ignorant and the oblivious presenters representing the selective news media.

California economic and social calamity is falsely attributed to the “liberals” in the state by the illusionists in the magic kingdom.

Therefore, it’s important to dispel the myth and introduce sanity in the political discourse.

Being compelled by civic duty to lay facts against fiction – pervasive with respect to the California state affairs, the following data is presented for accuracy.

Fact Check: Source –
– Thank you.

The current governor is Arnold Schwarzenegger, a Republican who was elected on October 7, 2003.
He was reelected on November 7, 2006.

His current term will expire on January 3, 2011.

The Governor of California is the highest executive authority in the California state government, whose responsibilities include making annual “State of the State” addresses to the California State Legislature, submitting the budget, and ensuring that state laws are enforced.

*The Executive Budget – The governor has the final responsibility for preparing and submitting to the legislature an annual budget containing most of anticipated state income and expenditures.

The final budget requires a two-thirds approval of the legislature.

* The Veto – The governor has the option to veto a bill within 12 days after being received from the California State Legislature. The Legislature can override a veto by a two-thirds majority vote in both the Assembly and the Senate. The governor may exercise a line-item veto, rejecting individual items in any appropriations bill.
A Californian Perspective – By Padmini Arhant

Regarding “The final budget requires a two-thirds approval of the legislature”The Republican minority have successfully derailed legislation proposal to revive the state economy resulting in an embarrassing prolonged budget crisis.

Californians’ interest on every issue ranging from job creation, education, health care, energy to environment has been rejected by the Republican members due to the pesky ‘two-third’ legislature approval.

The republican minority in the State of California emulates their counterparts in Capitol Hill and takes enormous pride in the California Status quo, i.e. successive budget deficits with no revenue based on ideological stance against tax increases on wealthy corporations and individuals.

Furthermore, the republican fiscal policy dictated by the doctrine:

“Ready my lips, No New Taxes.” That cost the former President George H.W. Bush his second term – is the formula widely used with the draconian cuts affecting the large consumer population from the younger to the older citizens in the state and across the nation.

In the absence of pragmatic approach to the burgeoning economic crisis,

The “Golden State,” is now a bankrupt state under Republican leadership with a state deficit at a staggering $19.9 billion and still bleeding because of the dominant Republican ideology in the State Assembly and legislature akin to the republican representatives’ performance in the United States Congress.

California has been under Republican duress regardless of the party ratio. The State Treasury is forced to issue I.O.U’s to creditors and furloughs (mandatory reduction in working hours) to the state employees in the year 2009 and 2010.

In addition, California being the eighth largest economies in the world is governed by clueless Republican leadership determined to drive the state economy over the cliff with the Republican candidates vying for the governor position to exacerbate the crisis, otherwise to accomplish the task.

Similarly, the Republican candidate – the Hewlett Packard former CEO, Carly Fiorina competing for the U.S. Senate against the incumbent – Democrat Senator Barbara Boxer, is conspicuously avoiding the public furor over the massive layoffs carried out under her management, reportedly leading the company to the brink of insolvency.

Conservative media and press is aggressively engaged in camouflaging Republican leadership and the minority representatives’ flaws by denigrating the democratic majority in California, dealing with a similar dilemma experienced by the fellow democrats in the Capitol Hill.

With democracy undermined during the national and state elections and expected to worsen with the Supreme Court conservative justices’ decision, it’s necessary for the Californians and the rest of the nation to be discerning in the media propaganda targeting the captive audience and concerned citizens.

Democracy is meaningful with citizens’ participation in the information process to counteract the widespread rumors, distortions and fear mongering tactics applied to evade responsibility in various discipline – predominantly by the controversial news media anchors/talk show hosts and last but not the least the selective legislators as the elected representatives.

Citizen reaction and involvement is the effective means to bring about the ‘Change,’ desperately required in the state and national politics.

Reality being – the political decisions or the lack thereof determine the ‘average’ citizens present and future.

So, please remain alert and exercise your democratic rights by calling your representatives to perform their duties for which they were elected to the public office.

Democracy thrives with the well-informed electorate.

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant

California Public Education Crisis

November 23, 2009

By Padmini Arhant

The world-renowned budget fiasco in California has led to its recognition as the ‘failed’ state in the nation. Through drastic budget cuts targeting the nerve of the economic system such as education, health care and other essential programs for children and elderly, the legislators and the Governor in Sacramento have successfully desecrated the Golden State into a bankrupt state.

As a result, the Californians are forced to bear the brunt of the ideology driven governance steadfast in prolonging the crisis rather than accepting pragmatic solutions offered to the elected officials least concerned or affected by their disastrous performance.

In the past week, the students in California were compelled to protest the atrocious 32 percent increase in undergraduate educational fees costing above $10,000 a year in the next fall, comparatively triple the cost a decade ago. Apparently, the UC Regents’ callous decision made after a 10 percent hike earlier this year.

Further, the authorities are wasting no time in salting the wound with employee furloughs, laying off non-tenured faculty leaving the students to attend virtual instructions, alternatively increased class size and slashing courses to the detriment of quality education.

Amid the health care reform characterized by the opposition as the ‘government take over’ of the private industry, the pitfalls from the privatization of public education cannot possibly be ignored.

The reasons provided for the appalling measures by the UC President Mark Yudof and campus leaders are the 20 percent decline in the state funding towards the UC budget. Whereas according to the UC faculty it’s been a phenomenal year of income for the UC System with revenue flowing in from various sources such as the federal stimulus funds, research grants, medical profits, proceeds via sale of parking, housing and medical services throughout California.

Another noteworthy issue being the massive recruitment of administrators at the expense of the teaching faculty and the students exacerbated the victims’ plight. In adherence to the corporate policy, the top hierarchy with earnings above $200,000 to $500,000 in the administration compensated with excessive salary packages and extravagant bonuses apart from discreetly sharing a small percentage of profits with senior administrators, athletic coaches and star faculty.

Yet in a new revelation, the UC seemingly lost $23 billion in the past two years due to investments in toxic assets and real estate mimicking the short-term gain strategy in the Wall Street. Subsequently, the most vulnerable members i.e. the students and faculty are mandatorily bailing out the institution from the financial mismanagement.

Firing non-tenure track faculty that teach over half of the university enrolment, substantial student fees, work overload with simultaneous salary reduction on workers, refusal to negotiate with unions are reported to be taking place.

The astonishing aspect is the privatization of the public education leading the UC President Yudof to lend $200 million to the state in an effort to earn profit from the interest, declaring such options ‘profitable’ compared to the institutional core academic activity. Again, UC is reportedly on a comfortable $20 billion budget with no requirement for draconian methods adopted against the struggling students and other members, the victims in the greed driven racket.

Source: The above-mentioned accounts partly cited from Bob Samuels, president of the University of California, American Federation of Teachers. He runs the blog Changing Universities. during the interview on by the host Amy Goodman – Friday, November 20, 2009.

Similarly, Zen Dochterman, UCLA student taking part in the protests made the following plea:

“I’m a student representing no one.

We are under no illusions. The UC Regents will vote the budget cuts and raise student fees. The profoundly undemocratic nature of their decision making process and their indifference to the plight of those who struggle to afford an education or keep their jobs can come as no surprise. We know that the crisis is systematic. It reaches beyond the regents, beyond the criminal budget cuts in Sacramento, beyond the economic crisis, to the very foundations of our society.

But we also know that the enormity of the problem is just as often an excuse for doing nothing. We choose to fight back, to resist where we find ourselves, the place we live and work, our university. We therefore ask that those who share in our struggle lend us not only their sympathy, but their active support.

For those students who work two or three jobs while going to school, to those parents for whom the violation of the UC charter means the prospect of affordable education remains out of reach, to laid-off teachers, lecturers, to students turned away, to workers who have seen the value of their diplomas evaporate in an economy that grows without producing jobs, we say that our struggle is your struggle, that alternative is possible if you have the courage to seize it. We are determined that the struggle should spread. That is the condition in which the realization of our demands becomes possible.”

True Perspective – By Padmini Arhant

Unarguably, the state of California is in shambles. The dilemma is the structural damage caused by the lack of leadership in Sacramento. In addition, the obstinacy NOT to resolve the burgeoning budget deficit with result-oriented actions is having a pronounced impact on the residents across the spectrum.

On the other hand, the public educational institutions run as a private enterprise entrenched in the philosophy that regards ‘Profit as Prophet’ is widespread in the growing culture based on – “All for me and none for you.”

There is urgency for California and the nation to address the serious educational demands directly linked to the economy and the future. Undergraduate education is the stepping-stone for any individual to survive leave alone attaining a decent life in the competitive global economy.

These students are the immediate valuable resources for the American business and work force in the human capital criteria. It’s a travesty to deny them an affordable education in the dire economy with staggering unemployment widening the gap between the ‘haves’ and the ‘have-nots.’ Obviously, the priority among the head of the institutions is to safeguard their personal interest over that of the nation.

It’s no rocket science to figure out that nations cannot exist or sustain without the prolific academic environment focused on providing least expensive and high quality education for all. Any compromises as noted in the latest event appropriately calls for the removal of the entities responsible for the embarrassing distressful situation brought upon the students and the teaching faculty expected to be learning in the classrooms rather than imploring to the oblivious authorities at the institutions and the state assembly.

Recently, civil disobedience for various legitimate causes mired by unnecessary arrests and extreme use of force undermining democracy. It’s imperative to release the students in custody and instead divert attention on those appointed as the head of the institutions viz. UC President Mark Yudof and the Governor of California along with the legislators for failing to fulfill the constitutional duties towards the citizens of California. Perhaps, it might be worth considering a recall given the deliberate negligence of legislative responsibility.

The students, teaching faculty and the workers should not be subject to monstrosity demonstrated in the worst educational battle. Ironically, the students and teaching faculty as taxpayers are denied fair opportunities in the backdrop of Wall Street bailouts, bureaucracy and sheer incompetence prevalent in Sacramento and the UC system.

Hence, it’s incumbent on the UC regents to repeal the proposal and undemocratic action with respect to student fees, staff layoffs and other activities inevitably hampering the economic recovery.

Congress should approve federal grants and educational stimulus with a stipulation that funds to be explicitly used for better and cost effective academic purpose, and simultaneously restrict educational institutions from squandering the funds in speculative Wall Street investments.

Finally, Students should continue their education and defy the unfair fee imposition by maintaining the peaceful dissent until the issue is resolved in their favor.

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant

Gubernatorial and Congressional Race – 2009

November 5, 2009

By Padmini Arhant

Congratulations! To the winners in the recent election that has revitalized the Republican Party grabbing the gubernatorial race in Virginia and New Jersey, similarly reassured the Democratic side with the historic win in upstate New York and anticipated victory in California that anything is possible in general.

Since the election outcome, the Republican members’ rhetoric is directed towards the Democrats’ domestic policies particularly the health care reform and the ‘cap and trade’ bill. As usual, some pundits targeted the ruling majority’s agenda and concluded that the electorate’s verdict on Tuesday’s election was the quid pro quo to the Republican minority.

Politics is convenient. Naturally, the wind is not meant to blow in one direction and more so in a democratic environment. The Republican base and members have all the reasons to be jubilant considering the consecutive defeats in 2006 and 2008. However, interpreting the current two- states election results, as national representation is optimistic and often witnessed in the partisan political arena.

Synonymously, California would have enthusiastically bid farewell to the incumbent administration given the disastrous performance by the head of the state and the legislature.

Two common factors were prominent in the electoral results – poor voter turnout and the electorate dissatisfaction.

Like stated earlier in my letter – ‘2010 Elections – Response to President Bill Clinton’ published on this website, October 15, 2009, category – Politics – United States.

“The burden is on the elected officials to honor the pledge made on the campaign trails and not become habitual of post-election betrayal during their term in the office. The conventional political trend that maintains a campaign policy and then adapt to the elected term policy to appease all except the ‘average’ electorate has to change to energize the voter turnout.

Therefore, the voter frustration often leads to abstinence enabling the opposition gain majority by default. It’s typical of every democracy.”

It’s rather interesting to note the exuberance displayed subsequent to the electoral process, claiming that “conservative resurrection,” is a national warning to the ‘liberal’ or ‘far-left’ policies in Washington.

Amid confused celebratory moments, it’s essential for a reality check to enlighten the critics’ minds anchored on the ‘progressive’ movement dedicated to bring about the long overdue ‘change’ in Washington and shift focus on the issues demanding urgent action.

First, the Republican legislators in Washington until date have remarkably protested national progress in every step of the way in line with the conservative ideology to blockade economic opportunity and social equality to the American public regardless of political affiliations.

Sadly, the political ambition overrides the rationale that poverty, hunger, disease, joblessness…the economic woes are non-discriminatory and affects the people at large.

When the Republican lawmakers unconstitutionally vowed to derail legislations purely on partisanship, the political characteristics define the elected officials’ individual goal. The standard pretext to vote against public cause is “Big Government” and “Out-of-control” spending.

At the same time, the fiscal conservatives have absolutely no qualms voting for the disproportionate defense budget producing casualties at an alarming rate, while holding reservations for life saving legislations such as health care and environment.

Although, the noise is deafening in terms of vehement opposition to the economic stimulus, health care debate, environment etc., the conservatives’ crafty maneuvering of the political discourse without a viable and guaranteed solutions to any national issues confronting the country thus far signifies political ingenuity.

Having been responsible for the crises – economic, social and international, one would expect the driver driving the bus into the ditch to apply the necessary skills and save lives instead of planning further sabotage. Unfortunately, it’s an unacceptable strategy for the conservatives on both sides of the aisles determined to grandstand the people in a democracy.

American democracy is viewed as excessively tolerant to inaction in legislative matters that has emboldened the special interest to issue ultimatums through their paid representatives in the Senate and Congress on health care and other public concerns, rendering the government of the people, by the people and for the people a mere political formality.

Another extremely distressing social topic is –

‘The Maine voters’ repealing the Gay rights to ‘Same Sex Marriage.’

Ironically, nationwide the opposing majority classify them as ‘fervently religious’ and yet conveniently disregard the Universal Gospel that ‘All are created equal.’ The antipathy towards the civil and constitutional right seeking legalization of the marriage is regressive for a modern culture that takes enormous pride as an egalitarian society.

Reverting to the electoral success, it’s for the Republican governors in the states of Virginia and New Jersey to be the rainmakers with the political capital at their disposal now. Perhaps, they could share the secret formula or ‘mantra’ with their counterparts in other states like California and Capitol Hill to expedite the economic recovery.

I convey my best wishes to the Governors-elect Robert McDonnell of Virginia and Chris Christie of New Jersey and Congressmen Bill Owens, New York and Lt. Gov. John Garamendi of California in their new challenging roles serving the respective states and constituency.

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant

Pulse of the Economy

June 11, 2009

By Padmini Arhant

With a finger on the pulse of the economy, the recent reports on employment, housing, financial and stock market post stimulus funding worth $787 billion approved by Congress in February 2009, has drawn both praise and criticism from different quarters. The praise is always welcome and encouraging for any administration and the Obama administration is no exception to the rule, particularly when they are relentlessly engaged in stabilizing the economy as the top priority.

Whereas, the criticism aimed at the President is no revelation considering the partisan Washington atmosphere. The results thus far, indicate the current national unemployment rate at 9.2% against 8% in the pre-approval stimulus package forecast. Further, the reports reveal the economy shed 1.6 million jobs with the White House claiming 150,000 jobs saved since the passing of the stimulus measure. Obviously, it’s a contentious issue for all Americans receiving pink slips for paychecks and IOU’s in the state of California respectively.

The main criticism being the Obama administration’s optimistic approach in selling the stimulus plan not correlating with the job market results, a fair analysis is due to clarify doubts and speculations on the stimulus plan prospects and its effect on the economy.

According to the White House and other reports, only $44 billion i.e. 5.6% spent from the $787 billion stimulus funds with an accelerated investment committed this summer. In light of the above scenario, the 150,000 jobs rescued towards 5.6% funding is a confirmation of President Obama’s cautious and calculated expectation from the economy.

Even at the present conservative trend, the job market results for the remaining 94.4% of the stimulus fund upon targeted investment should adequately restore the employment rate from the growing underemployment and unemployment status with a combined saved and created job ratio yielding approximately 2,528,571jobs in a similar environment.

It is not uncommon for the critics and analysts to focus on the dismal job market figures affected since the onset of the economic recession in December 2007. The skeptics’ myopic view neglecting economic progress in other areas is attention worthy. Various reliable sources confirmed the financial sector strengthening with the bailout funds interjection in an effort to amortize the toxic assets from the sub-prime mortgage debacle. The leading financial institutions such as Bank of America, J P Morgan and Chase and other banks in the top ten range enabled capital management viability proven in the balance sheets.

The rapid foreclosures primarily responsible for the declining housing prices nationwide conversely contributing to the median home prices plateau with the 47 percent foreclosed homes resold in the entire Bay Area in April 2009 compared to 52 percent in February 2009 – indicating the desirous regress in foreclosures and signs of early recovery in the housing market.

The reports also confirm the home sales and value up for month and down for the year attributing to the Obama administration’s strategy of “the combination of lower prices, average mortgage rates of 5 percent or less for smaller loans, and a new $8,000 federal tax credit for first-time buyers” in the anemic housing market.

When the foreclosures pervasively diminished or extinguished nationwide with the stimulus programs, the housing market rebound will be visible motivating the lenders to participate in the melting liquidity market. However, caution required with the rising bond market’s pressure on interest rates imperative in alleviating the housing market crisis.

In the stock market – the significant gains by the commodity market and technology sector reflected in the recent rally is invigorating. Other industries lagging behind in performance likely to benefit from the steadily easing financial market credit crunch, promoting private sector investments directly related to boosting the job market, housing market and consumer spending essential for speedy economic recovery.

As for the quasi investment deals in the GM takeover causing pandemonium among the well-wishers across the aisle, the taxpayers’ financial commitment to rescue jobs slighted for political bickering. The ‘bankruptcy’ triggered cynicism about the government imprudence in investment goals with taxpayer dollars, while conveniently ignoring the fact that the auto industry problem originated during the former administration’s era and their $17 billion initial investment in the corporation set for failure.

Ironically, the temporary and modest government intervention in the free market characterized as ‘nationalization’ of industries necessitating required action from colossal mismanagement.

Meanwhile, the Obama administration’s objective in the GM deal to avert the deepening crisis in the frail industry challenged by the competitive global market is a thoughtful approach. Now with taxpayers as the majority shareholder in the once iconic corporation the management goals anticipated to synchronize with the twenty first century demands ensuring excellence in purpose, productivity and profitability.

Moving on to the other pertinent and popular health care issue debated and discussed to reject rather than embrace the premise of the President Obama’s health care plan – choice, affordability and quality, the perfect remedy to relieve the economy from the health care burden costing the nation in trillions while leaving the uninsured in millions.

Despite the innuendoes and insinuations about the mounting debt, the investments miscategorized as ‘squandering’ in the national economy ranging from health care, education, energy, environment, housing to financial sector and other industries is a pledge towards substantial economic security for the present and future generation.

The controversy surrounding the diverse investments costs applied to two particular sources viz. borrowing from China and tax hikes on the corporations and wealthy groups. Contrarily, the tax breaks to the top ten percent in the highest income bracket and corporations evading tax through tax havens with limited free market regulation or deregulation in the past eight years aside from being counterproductive resulted in approximately $9.5trillion dollars national debt with a cumulative effect on the status quo of the economy.

There was no clamor over the increasing liabilities on the baby boomers and the younger generation in the extravagant spending on illegal wars with a guarantee to fund itself from oil revenues in Iraq…an unequivocal myth until date.

Then the financial sector bailout with respect to AIG and oligarchs to a tune of $700 billion and more in 2008 with no accountability or transparency exacerbated the liquidity crisis against the intended proposal. Interestingly, the past events currently dismissed as irrelevant claiming that Obama administration disavow the incidents pertaining to the prior administration yet owe an explanation for the phenomenal deficit, the previous administration’s legacy to its successor.

Only if the opposition’s present vigilance on fiscal responsibility existed from 2000-2008, perhaps the People’s Republic of China and The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia would be vigorous competitors to the world financier ‘The United States.’

The demands from the conservative right exceedingly high launched with rhetorical comments and negative attacks such as “false Prophet’s failed Presidency.”

In the absence of any ideas and solutions to the burgeoning crises created by the previous administration’s historical blunders serving testimony to the beacon of incompetence and failures in Presidential history, the political posturing is paradoxical.

With respect to the economy in the ‘Golden State of California’, the clock is ticking for the state and the local government authorities to resolve the budget crisis and close the $24 billion deficit in the state budget and $73 million in the San Jose City budget.

Even though the strategy in both situations is scrambling to wipe the deficit by any means with mostly eliminating the vital services and benefits to the weak, the poor and the vulnerable, the repercussions of draconian cuts with no tax increases will far outweigh the immediate illusory results not barring the political risks in the 2010 gubernatorial elections.

Following the special election results on May 19, 2009, it’s incumbent on the state legislature to adopt several guidelines and viable options provided by concerned citizens through many sources in resolving the fiscal crisis. There is no patent right on the thoughts in the matter affecting the entire state and the community at large. It is a patriotic and civic duty of every citizen volunteering suggestions to deal with the stalemate confronting the California state legislature.

Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger’s recent comments on undocumented workers and their plight aptly placed the sensitive immigration issue in perspective. It’s time for the Governor to translate into action by issuing drivers license to the undocumented workers in the State of California that would not only aid the budget but also enhance the opportunity as the preliminary step towards legalization of the Californian residents.

More often, the leadership is subject to test the will, wisdom and courage against the odds exclusively the unpopular decision eventually ending in greater good for all.

I wish Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger and Mayor Chuck Reed of San Jose ‘Good Luck’ in their decisions appropriate to defend many but might offend few in the process.

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant

Proposition 8 Results

May 27, 2009

California gone ideological!

The California Supreme Court results upholding Proposition 8 to ban ‘Same Sex Marriage’ received with mixed reaction. Those behind the Prop 8 success were jubilant over the verdict, while the victims of flawed ballot initiative disappointed at the highest judiciary’s ruling against its own decision legalizing “Same Sex Marriage” a year ago.

Society has different forces working for and against various causes. Whenever certain members in the society isolated for reasons considered obviously discriminatory by the fair minds, all avenues explored to gain equality and justice. In this situation, the victims being the gay community relentlessly pursued the legitimate course for their equal rights. The opposition vehemently denied fairness to the segregated members of the society.

The recent developments since the California Supreme Courts’ ruling last year in favor of the issue followed by ballot measures with excessive propaganda particularly by religious institutions yielding marginal victory and subsequent action by the highest court deserve scrutiny.

Even though, the court maintained the earlier decision based on the constitutional law granting equal rights to all citizens regardless of race, religion, gender and sexual orientation, somehow this time, the same court claims the upholding of Proposition 8 initiated with blatant bias and fervent activism against the victims as justification for their backtracking in human rights.

The Proposition 8 mandate on November 4, 2008 was undemocratic and unscrupulous on all accounts. This in itself, demerit the consideration to honor the so-called will of the people by the justices of the California Supreme Court. Therefore, aptly qualifies for an appeal.

Justice is blind but at times ethics and integrity beckons reasoning for sound judgment to protect innocents’ rights. Power accompanied by wisdom and courage demonstrates notable actions.

The decision makers in the judicial system formally trained to follow the rule of law typically set in stones even going back to Stone Age. Unfortunately, such rigidity in the system fails to embrace and acknowledge the transformation via progress in the society. Therefore, creating opportunities for loopholes and pathway leading to an undesirable outcome forcing specific members to remain outcasts in the society as witnessed in the gay community matter.

Clearly, the judicial authorities obligated to the constitution and the will of the people in a democracy effectively shackled in the confines of the law protecting some most of the times, while neglecting the rest during the moment requiring diligence and rationality.

Hence, in the absence of due amendments to the procedures and applicable Bill of Rights, the existing laws do not always conform to the society’s progress. Similarly, the ballot initiatives and special elections misused for political agenda wasting taxpayers’ dollars in a virtually bankrupt economy reflects hypocritical action by those calling for fiscal responsibility and spending cuts hurting the weak and the vulnerable.

They only serve the special interest groups and religious institutions violating the constitution emphasizing the separation of Church and State.  Again, one should not ignore the double standards in this context with the entities’ selective demand to the victims to respect the constitution and the rule of law.

Interestingly, the Proposition 8 status quo ruling coincides with President Barack Obama’s announcement of the Supreme Court Nominee for the next Justice of the United States Supreme Court, Judge Sonia Sotomayor. The President’s expectations in his nominee included empathy apart from fidelity to the constitution and the rule of law in reaching decisions affecting human lives. Not surprisingly, the term ‘empathy’ attracted criticisms from those unwilling to think outside the box, in this instance the legal framework.

Today, the Proposition 8 ruling would be honorable upon the judicial system requirement to display empathy where appropriate in addition to the exclusive practice of law. A legal system that strictly adheres to Text Books’ theory is contradictory to a society subscribing to pragmatism as genesis for new era culture.

As for the far right and the ultra conservative nexus celebrating victory over injustice to the targeted group of people, it’s time to rescue them from their own shortcomings with a subtle reminder that nothing is permanent in the eternal cycle of natural changes. Needless to state the once majority rule is down to a bare minority with representation threatened at every level of political system.   Possibly, confirming the reality in 2010 gubernatorial election in California.

Ironically, in the President’s choice of the Supreme Court Nominee, Judge Sonia Sotomayor’s personal and professional biography diagnosed and the New Haven, Connecticut firefighters’ matter brought forward as reverse discrimination and condemned by the moralists. Meanwhile, rejoicing the short-lived Prop 8 event inevitably to triumph in the immediate future.

In the case of the New Haven firefighters subject to verification of facts, discriminatory practices against individuals or groups regardless of them being the majority or minority better abandoned in recognition of equal rights for all and promotion based on meritocracy rather than reparation related to history will be in society’s best interest.

The religious segment on their part played a dominant role financing the favorable voting on Proposition 8. These groups under the guise of non-profit organizations violated the IRS code explicitly prohibiting political activities. Their negative propagation against “God’s beloved children” is unconscionable in spiritual and ethical sense. Deeds causing pain and agony to other human beings carried out in the name of religion or the representative are equivalent to sacrilegious in the highest order.

Using religion as a tool to promote inequality and injustice is the present norm and the prevalence attributed to ignorance of the laws of nature and general creation. Perhaps, the following message could be a revelation to all those conspicuously against the children of god, the gay community –

Homosexuality is natural with scientific evidence and not experimental as admitted by some heterosexuals since time immemorial. Homosexuality stigmatized as an epidemic and moral degradation of societal conduct, when religious scandals involving young children continue until date.

The intriguing aspect of the morality issue is the “people in glass houses casting rocks at others.”

Those religious institutions proclaiming ‘Epiphany’ and declaring homosexuality a preference rather than a unique orientation in the wide spectrum of natural diversity, owe explanation towards accepting variation in environmental species with a spectacular range in fauna and flora yet rejecting distinction in human species.

It’s tragic and an assault on human intellect by extreme ideologues to portray all loving and peaceful creator, the authority on malicious intervention in natural course of action.

Furthermore, it is twenty first century and United States, the modern democracy having engaged in democratization of regions with complex cultural heritage and inherent inequalities has a primary responsibility in setting an example of providing unconditional equal rights, privileges and justice to citizens from all lifestyles. Failure in doing so raises credibility issue for the nation regarded as the leader of the free world.

United States’ diversity and social progress truly reflected in the justice system following the constitution based on inclusive not exclusive rights.

Gay community as the children of God is an integral part of the society and “Same Sex Marriage” is their civil and constitutional right and unequivocally proven in the next and final legal battle in California.

Society fair well when all things are equal.

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant

California State Affairs

May 18, 2009

By Padmini Arhant

Special Election:

Sacramento is struggling with the fiscal budget crisis and dependent on California voters to help the legislators finalize on the tax hikes and spending cuts through ballot measures scheduled on Tuesday, May 19, 2009.

There are important issues on the ballot awaiting voters’ yah or nay that deserve attention.

Proposition 1 A: Controlling state spending, extending temporary taxes 2 years – Yes (due to status quo).

Hard times teach all a lesson to review, reflect and respond to the situation. In the current crisis – the polarization among the majority and minority with the two-third majority vote compliance creates gridlock in the legislative matter. In addition, the deepening state crisis has little room for negotiations, hence requires prudence in the legislations.

Those in favor of spending cuts justified in their position as long as the cuts are not affecting the vulnerable groups like children, elderly, disabled, mentally ill patients and vital programs such as K-12 and community college education. The possible areas for funds diversion or elimination should be the ones that are no longer valuable in revenue or benefit to the community at large. Often, previous budgets might have funding for a particular project or service that might be redundant and need re-evaluation prompting to either replace or discard, as it may be appropriate.

Temporary tax hikes for two years is a reasonable measure to deal with the economic realities including the credit crunch by the service oriented government sector.

Proposition 1B: Restoring $9 billion owed to schools – a resounding Yes.

As stated earlier in the blogposts titled Balancing California Budget and California Budget Deficiencies on this website, it’s improper to classify funding towards education as ‘spending’ rather than ‘investment.’

K-12 and college education is the foundation for any economy. The work force being the engine of the economy dependent on quality education and training essential to succeed in the highly competitive global economy.

Investment in early education and community college as well as state universities is an absolute priority without exception to eliminate socio-economic disparities contributing the related problems…poverty, disease, crime etc.,ultimately affecting the general economy.

Proposition 1 C: Borrowing $5 billion from future lottery profits – Yes (Based on reality).

Prop. 1A principle applies over here. Borrowing funds in the financial market with severe liquidity crisis is a challenge and any available avenue to salvage the budget deficit is a better strategy.

Proposition 1 D: Diverting the money earmarked for children’s services – Positively NO.

Again, the service adequately qualifies as an ‘investment.’ Children are the future and depriving them from programs benefiting their welfare is counterproductive.

Proposition 1 E: Diverting money from care for mentally ill – NO (Not a viable option).

Despite being immoral to marginalize the feeble for the sake of able, expecting positive outcome from diversion is a misconception.

Proposition 1 F: Denying raises to lawmakers, governor – Unequivocally Yes.

Compromises and sacrifices serve the society well during difficult times particularly when it happens from the top bottom rather than the other way around.


Budget Deficit Reconciliation:

According to news reports, the budget deficit laid out in two scenarios – Ballot measure approval or failure.

Upon approval the deficit stands at $15.4 billion, contrarily the failure would yield a staggering $21.3 billion through mid 2010 and could get worse if the revenue projections do not correlate with actual earnings around that time.

The estimated total budget for the fiscal year starting in July 2009 is $84 billion.

Obviously, the disproportionate combination of revenue loss and investments/expenses yielded a stalemate.

The economic downturn led to the severe loss in tax revenue directly affecting the funding for various services and programs. Meanwhile, the recipients and beneficiaries of the services remain constant or increased since the last budget.

California confronted by the urgent action to resolve the financial crisis. Government organizations are predominantly service sectors engaged in providing public services to the residents of the state, counties and cities. In such atmosphere, the only and perhaps the major source of income is taxes collected from individuals, corporations, levies, fees and other charges that may be applicable on various items.

When the economy slides rapidly as it has since 2007, it drastically affects the income source via taxes. Unfortunately, the percentage of population receiving the services that typically represents investments/expenses, do not always drop to accommodate the economic decline.  If anything, it either remains unchanged or rise gradually increasing the burden on the budget.

It’s human nature to assume false sense of security during economic boom that leads to an ill-prepared situation for inevitable budget crisis. Combined with the common error is the ideology of the legislators who hold the crisis hostage to justify their political means. Regrettably, actions of this nature by ‘Kamikaze’ pilots produce devastating results.

Many compelling reasons provided to vote for the propositions served on the ballots scheduled early next week. Obviously, the importance laid on the opportunity to derive $6 billion borrowing from the future lottery earnings to survive the immediate crisis.

The circumstance is somewhat similar to SOS from the protective-gearless team at the cliff edge requesting the rescue squad (the voters in this case) to assist them in descending the slippery slope with minimal skull and bone injury.

Since the solution to the budget crisis relies on the revenue and spending equation, exploring ways to generate the deficit amount- $21.3 billion urgently needed to resolve the crisis. It appears that a wide area in spending cuts reviewed and essential programs and services streamlined to meet the challenge. Any further measures to divert funds from these sources i.e. Prop 1B, D and E, would exacerbate the crisis in the long run. It’s noteworthy that preventive care is always cost effective than cure.

The best alternative is to examine the revenue path to raise income for the burgeoning problem. No matter how one circumvents the situation, temporarily raising taxes is an irreversible reality and the only guaranteed avenue to salvage the deficit debacle.

1. Sales tax on items purchased via on-line is legitimate and widely applied around the world.

2. Gasoline tax would be appropriate around this time, considering the decrease in oil prices

3. In the transportation sector – airport tax, port fees, levies, import duty, quota items,
documentation fees and charges are some areas worth revising.

4. Closing state tax-evasion loopholes to derive income is yet another reliable source.

5. Marginal increase in the parking fees at beaches and parks are attention-worthy.

6. Sale/Leasing government buildings to federal agencies and corporations seeking sports
venues would be suitable for income source.

7. Issuing drivers license and allowing all undocumented workers to register their vehicles
would not only generate income for the state, it would also strengthen state and national
security with the documentation of all residents in the state.

Subsequently, acquiring vehicle insurance by the undocumented workers would minimize the burden on registered owners in addition to stimulating the economy through insurance industry.

8. Entertainment tax receipts from the philanthropic entertainment industry would sufficiently
provide for the deficit cut.

9. In the environmental front – cap and trade emission upon legislation should create opportunity for
state income.

10.The state should not discount borrowing from the federal government given the ‘bailout’ season
prevailing in Washington right now.

11. Among the spending cuts – Abolition of death penalty in California and elsewhere would be a groundbreaking rule aside from being earth shattering for the opponents. Besides reflecting the contemporary modern society, it is morally, ethically and financially right on target.

According to legal professionals directly involved in the state criminal justice system, millions of dollars squandered on the perennial appeals and criminal proceedings leaving the inmates on death row for an indefinite period.  Instead, life sentence without parole and having them involved in the activities that would pay for their upkeep in the prison is the ideal strategy. Prison systems and jails in the state would benefit from a major transformation in serving as the reform and revenue center rather than a medieval archive and a liability on the taxpayers.

The legislators’ iron will to defend their failed policies and ideologies has contributed to the special election event in California on May 19, 2009.  Voters across the state of California must realize that abstinence from voting any time in a democracy is renunciation of personal and constitutional right.  The moral equivalence of discarding the exclusive right would be to entrust life in the hands of the lawmakers primarily responsible for the embarrassing fiscal mismanagement.

Desperate times calls for desperate measures and the electorate have an awesome responsibility towards themselves, families and fellow citizens to exercise diligence and cast ballots in saving the golden state from potential bankruptcy.

Special election is a reminder that two-third majority law in budget and other legislation in both state and federal level best replaced by a simple majority rule for democracy to function efficiently.

Californians can only save California on the brink of collapse on Tuesday, May 19, 2009 with an overwhelming majority approval of the Propositions as recommended above.

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant

Omnibus Spending

March 5, 2009

March 5, 2009

It has been the topic of the day and rightfully so. The American taxpayers’ wallet is drained for various bailouts from financial institutions to auto industry and others waiting in line for their respective turn.

Is it the present administration’s fault that the nation is dependent on borrowings and charity?

The response varies as it depends on the network and the guests appearing on the programs to discuss economy, finance and stock market.

Those nostalgic about the previous administration claim that it is entirely the current administration’s fault.

For some reason their calculation of the incumbent administration in office since swearing in i.e. January 20, 2009 up until now works out to three months, unless they have a custom made calendar that converts every year into leap year with some months extending beyond thirty one days and somehow only the Democratic administrations are privileged to such magical occurrence.

To shed light on the relevant topic of spending bill $410 billion approved by the Senate and awaiting the President’s signature, there appears to be some legitimate concerns regarding the infamous “earmarks” or “pork barrel” issue that always finds its way into every legislative bill.

According to news media, 40% of GOP members and 60% of Democrats are responsible for the estimated 8,570 earmarks worth $7.7billion . The following article supports it.

March 4, 2009

Senate votes to keep earmarks in bill – By David Espo, Associated Press – Thank you.

“The Senate voted overwhelmingly to preserve thousands of earmarks in a $410 billion spending bill Tuesday, brushing aside Senator John McCain’s claim that President Barack Obama and Congress are merely conducting business as usual in a time of economic hardship.

McCain’s attempt to strip out an estimated 8,500 earmarks failed on a vote of 63-32.

The Arizona’s senator’s proposal also would have cut roughly $32 billion from the measure and kept spending a last year’s levels in several federal agencies.

Last year’s Republican presidential candidate said both he and Obama pledged during the campaign to “stop business as usual in Washington,” and he quoted the president as having said he would go line by line to make sure money was spent wisely.

The White House has said Obama intends to sign the legislation, casting it as leftover business from 2008. Spokesman Robert Gibbs pledged Monday that the White House will issue new guidelines covering earmarks for future bills.

McCain’s proposal drew the support of 30 Republicans and two Democrats, and the outcome reflected the enduring value of earmarks to lawmakers. While polls routinely show these pet projects to be unpopular, local governments and constituents often covet them.

The maneuvering came on legislation to assure continued funding for several federal agencies past March 6. At $410 billion, the bill represents an 8 percent increase over last year’s spending levels, more than double the rate of inflation.

Republicans made two other attempts during the day to reduce spending in the bill, but failed both times.

Sen. Dan Inouye, D-Hawaii, chairman of the Senate Appropriations Committee, said McCain’s call to hold spending level with a year ago “doesn’t account for inflation.”

As an example, he said some programs would have to be cut if federal workers were to receive a pay raise.

The House passed the legislation last week, and Democratic leaders are working to clear it without changes so the president can sign it by Friday.

While Republican opposition in the House focused more on the bill’s overall spending, McCain and allies turned the Senate spotlight squarely on earmarks.

“How does anyone justify some of these earmarks:

$1.7 million for pig odor research in Iowa;

$2 million ‘for the promotion of astronomy’ in Hawaii;

$6.6 million for termite research in New Orleans;

$2.1 million for the Center for Grape Genetics in New York,” he said.

He also noted the legislation includes 14 earmarks requested by lawmakers for projects sought by PMA Group, a lobbying company at the center of a federal corruption investigation. Sen. Tom Coburn, R-Okla, said he would seek to have them removed.

Taxpayers for Common Sense estimates the legislation contains 8,570 disclosed earmarks worth $7.7 billion. House Democrats declined to provide an estimate of the number of pet projects in the bill, and put their cost at $3.8 billion.”



It is evident from the article and news media discussions that this particular bill primarily aimed at stimulating the economy has some of its priorities mixed up. As stated earlier in my article “Economic Recovery Plan” earmarks or estimates for pet projects is a contentious issue with notable reasons for objection by some lawmakers.

This is no longer a partisan issue as both parties have participants in varying percentages responsible for wasteful spending. On the one hand, we have economic turmoil with American families receiving pink slips instead of paychecks and children literally dependent on charity for survival.

There are worse situations like in the golden state of California, northern Californian school district is forcing K-12 students in public schools to stay home on Friday, making it a four-day week due to again “messed up priorities” by the State legislators. The victims in the merciless fund slashing are none other than the educators and students.

Qualified teachers’ job contracts are terminated because of severe cuts in essential programs like education. The head of this state living up to the reputation of the title “Terminator” leaving students seeking help from parents, peer group, neighbors, and strangers/aliens on the cyber space or even outer space.

Do the pet projects’ sponsors have any idea how desperate the situation is for those struggling to make ends meet particularly with a fear mongering of the “socialism” concept by the capitalist panderers denying the failure of capitalism in the absence of regulatory process?

What does this mean to parents dealing with job insecurity and lack of support to take care of the children on the day, they should be in school?

Hoping the children will be protected by guardian angels while they are at work and risking visits from a social worker on accounts of child neglect and possible abuse.

Those who lack the support of extended family relying on hired help in this perilous economy have to choose between the safety of their children and the tight family budget, since borrowing is out of question with indefinite freezing of the credit market to families and small businesses.

One might assume the federal aid to states should address these problems. Even though the federal aid has been approved for this purpose, whatever benefits allocated for education and relief to families in the federal stimulus package is siphoned off by the state budget targeting the same programs.

The state legislators had to emerge victorious in the long fought battle to balance the budget using people at the bottom of the socio-economic scale as the sacrificial lambs.

Obviously, on the other hand both state and federal lawmakers favoring the pet projects vigorously debate in the House and the Senate floor to defend their own jobs as pet projects is an insurance for re-election in their constituency.

If surplus funds are the reasons for earmarks, why not allocate those funds to the deserving entity i.e. the taxpayers in the economy. It would make sense for taxpayers to use their own money to spend on their dependents’ education, health care and housing payments.

It is conclusive that earmarks like the ones highlighted in the articles should have never been inserted in the first place, and now regardless of whose business is being taken care of i.e. whether previous or present administration, the burden is squarely on the taxpayers with the passing of this bill loaded with unnecessary and meaningless pet projects.

American taxpayers were promised on the campaign trail about the elimination of earmarks by both parties and now is the time to honor that commitment without any reservation.

In the real world, students can enroll in the best educational institutions only upon excellent academic achievement, similarly secure dream jobs (during the glorious days) and stick with it purely on competence.

Unfortunately, the entities to whom the criteria should apply i.e. Washington and Wall Street are exempt from performance based hiring or firing despite their successful duo disastrous mismanagement of the world’s economic power, the U.S. economy.

Taxpayers as voters have the power to promote and implement the agenda in 2010 to realize the campaign slogan “Change is effective when it happens from the bottom up and not from the top bottom.”

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant

Balancing California Budget

February 12, 2009

The golden state is in deep economic crisis, sharing the status quo of the nation.

As per – California would have the 7th highest GDP in the world if thought of as a country (not including the US as a whole, if so, it would be 8th).

A great state like California being the epicenter for – besides earthquakes,


Biotech and stem cell research

Entertainment symbolized by Hollywood

Diverse talent and skill pool making outstanding contributions in various fields.

Yet, the fundamental responsibility of the state government to balance the budget postponed indefinitely due to partisan politics with Republican minority misusing the two-third majority approval against the incumbent Democrats in the legislature.

As a result, the taxpayers of the economy are abandoned and the entire population is at the mercy of the minority rule upholding the conventional ideology against contemporary wisdom.

It is Déjà Vu for those following the federal government struggle to get the economic stimulus bill approved by both Houses of Congress.

The dilemma of balancing the budget with the political parties’ resistance to compromise is a daunting task for any administration. It is beyond comprehension that failed policies and inconvenient principles continue to dominate the center stage at both state and federal level in legislative matters.

California budget deficit currently at $42 billion with unemployment skyrocketing to 9.3% and expected to worsen by the year-end;

Clearly, the economic recession is widespread and taken severe toll on the present and future taxpayers of the economy.

How does the state reduce the budget deficit of $42 billion?

Generally, the options would be exploring ways to generate revenues and cutting costs proven liabilities with no income or other benefits to the taxpayers of the economy.


How does the state generate revenues?

Usually, the government revenue sources are taxes paid by individuals and Corporations.

They are in the form of income tax, estate tax, corporate tax, payroll tax, sales tax, customs and excise duty on export and import items as well as fees and charges for any government provided services. If the state has other assets in the form of government bonds and treasury bills, they comprise negotiable instruments to borrow money.

In addition, the government could potentially expect income from investments in industries via quasi contracts, state run institutions, sale and/or leasing of government land to private sectors and trade goods and services with neighboring states or foreign governments. Some states find ways and means to share natural resources with their neighbors within and outside the nation for income.

Then, a federal aid to boost social services, health and educational programs is other channel for financial assistance.

Obviously tax increases is the common strategy for meeting budget shortfall. If income and aid are available from stated sources, then funding expenses is affordable.
Spending or Costs Elimination:

In this category, the lawmakers vehemently opposed to tax increases propose massive cutbacks and reduction in spending by a sweeping shutdown of essential services and programs with dire consequences in the long term.

Ironically, investment in education, health, housing, energy and environment are easy targets as “wasteful spending” for legislators in opposition to tax hikes during budget crisis. Those policy makers fail to understand the importance of protecting and nurturing the beneficiaries of these programs as they contribute to the economy today and tomorrow as taxpayers.

Lately, legislators have taken a swipe at education or investment in public school systems at both state and federal levels. It is tragic that such measures are even contemplated leave alone legislated in the industrialized and advanced nation that should be leading the world in K-12 educational program.

The public school system in the State of California and across the nation is in shambles. The infrastructure and the general classroom environment are in desperate need of face-lift to improve academic performance by students of all socio economic backgrounds.

Every dollar spent in a child is an investment in future.

Complete overhauling is required in areas like classroom size, materials including new Textbooks, enriched curriculum with emphasis in Math and Science, Music and Arts, Sports facilities, recruitment of qualified teaching staff, Teachers’ salary, training and professional development, new energy efficient buildings regardless of districts and zones in every state.

Undoubtedly, education must be a priority with K-12 system being the foundation for young minds entering the academic world. The reason United States is lagging behind in international standards is due to neglect of our school system particularly the early learning stage (K-12) when the opportunity to help every student thrive is available to educators.

Therefore, the state and the federal government are obligated to enhance achievements in educational programs through investments in the state-of-the-art educational system.

Similarly, health, housing, energy and environment are equally important as the taxpayers benefit from adequate health care, proper housing, affordable energy, clean and safe environment.
Pragmatic Solutions:

The best option to reconcile California budget is to consider both tax increases and costs reduction as suggested by many analysts and experts on this issue.

According to the analysis by San Jose Mercury News, February 8, 2009

Budget spending outpaced inflation and state’s growth.

Interestingly, the social services and K-12 education received proportionately less funding as compared to the extra spending identified in Criminal Justice, health care and filling the gap for the reduced vehicle license fee in the analysis of actual spending in 2007-2008.

First, action is required to identify the revenue sources via tax increases.

1. Marginal increase in Sales Tax of goods and services including the sales on the cyberspace would provide an even tax distribution for the society.

2. Increasing Vehicle License fee for all is necessary to address the massive deficit. In this context, it is important to raise another explosive issue of undocumented workers in California without drivers’ license or vehicle registrations.

Issuing drivers license and allowing all undocumented workers to register their vehicles would not only generate income for the state, it would also strengthen state and national security with the documentation of all residents in the state.

Subsequently, acquiring vehicle insurance by the undocumented workers would minimize the burden on registered owners in addition to stimulating the economy through insurance industry.

At present any vehicle registration or insurance by undocumented workers carried out in a back alley manner depriving the state due proceeds.

3. Target items for tax increase to reduce health care costs such as tobacco, hard liquor products and items subject to possible health abuse.

4. In the establishment of social standards, tax increases on winnings through gambling and advertisement sales of pornography (assumed to be a multibillion dollar industry) is justified to make way for important social services and programs.

5. Review and revise taxation policy for California Corporations hoarding income in tax havens along with their offshore subsidiaries.

6. Airport tax, Port fees, dutiable goods, customs and excise duty are other sources of revenue.

7. Increase tax on entertainment industry to pay for education, kids welfare, community hospitals, colleges and institutions.

8. Specific environmental protection act by levying heavy penalties on environmental pollution (air, land and sea) through negligence such as oil spilling, carbon emissions and violation of aviation standards.

9. Marginal increase in gasoline tax would enable energy efficient programs such as solar, wind and hydro thermal power.

10. Last but not the least, leasing government land to corporations and scientific institutions, university laboratories or airline industry with enforcement of strict environmental regulations, not excluding sale of government assets no longer useful in the short or long run.
Costs Reduction:

Criminal Justice System:

A thorough examination of the Criminal Justice system is necessary from the analysis and news reports.

The State must devise a mechanism to reduce prison population through major social reforms at all levels beginning with the juvenile detention center.

Further, the parole system, three strikes law and other misdemeanor charges reassessed and offenders deployed in monitored community services rather than crowding prisons is the ideal strategy to cutback spending.

Health Care:

Healthy Approach to reducing health care costs –

Medicaid for senior citizens and economically disadvantaged population.

Promoting preventive care with immunizations.

Early diagnosis of diseases through annual or bi-annual medical checkups and

Subsidized prescription drugs through tax incentives to pharmaceutical and bio-tech industry are few possibilities to deal with health care crisis.

Counseling services and Therapy for psychological and other mental health problems as a preliminary screening process to ease the substantial costs in this regard.

General well being encouraged through active life combined with healthy diet in schools and other areas of the community.

Vehicle License Fee backfill – To be reinstated as outlined above.

General Government – Electronic record keeping and updating technology would considerably improve efficiency and prohibit excessive spending in administrative services.

Higher Education – Engagement in community development activities in return for student loans is a progressive cost recovery scheme.

Transportation – Cost savings methods and effective transportation means aimed at conservation of time and energy recommended for this expense.

Resources and environment – Best to follow guidelines suggested above for environment.

All other costs and spending not discussed or highlighted must be carefully reviewed and those proven redundant with no benefit to taxpayers or the State eliminated to reconcile the budget.

Time for Action by California Legislators

Investment in better education and all of the essential services means building future with healthy, responsible and productive citizens as opposed to increasing prison population demanding major diversion of funding to criminal justice system.

There is an urgency to underscore the fact that not all taxpayers necessarily benefit and appreciate the frugal tax savings by preventing tax increases because such action favors the wealthy minority while leaving the majority marginalized in a society.

If the legislators really care for their constituents and the state/nation they pledge to serve, they need to pause and reflect on the realities of depriving majority of the population to decent lifestyle and economic prosperity, the predominant cause of the current sluggish consumer spending.

Often, provision of unemployment and social security benefits, Medicaid, health insurance, food stamps…dismissed as socialized enigma in a Capitalist economy. Unfortunately, a reminder is required that subscribers of these benefits and services ultimately contribute to the success of the capitalist system as consumers of various products and services.

As stated earlier in the blogpost titled Redistribution of Wealth, Oct 31, 2008,

Promoting economic status as highlighted above…

Eventually, create a fair system of sharing the economic burden by all rather than only by the affluent ones.

Such farsighted and permanent solutions are in direct contradiction to the myth and misnomer of the doctrine against short term tax increases essential to combat severe economic recession.

Socialism, Marxism may well be the nemesis to Capitalism,

Capitalism cannot thrive without consumerism – – That is the fact

California budget crisis must be resolved with no further delay.

It is time for legislators to set the priorities right to fit in with the new millennium goals.

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant

Time for Action on Auto Rescue Plan

December 16, 2008

Once again, partisan politics prevails over national interest in the backdrop of the economic crisis due to skyrocketing foreclosures, credit crunch and now,

Record unemployment at 6.7%, expected to rise further from the lack of action by the legislators, leaving the fate of the million workers in our nation hanging in balance.

The extreme demands by the legislators voting against the rescue plan to,

The United Auto Workers (UAW) union to agree to steep wage cuts to bring their pay equivalent to the Japanese auto industry is preposterous and poses the legitimate question to them in return.

Have these legislators made similar demands to the CEO’s of the auto industry prior to urging UAW to agree to such double standards?

Further, the following question from a wise representative of democracy to the so-called lawmakers otherwise the boulders contributing to the roadblock or failure of any important legislation is praiseworthy.

Even though the question is in context with the California State of affairs, it is still relevant as the Californian legislators particularly the Republican Party representatives have sworn to mimic their federal counterparts in escalating the economic recession.

Ref: Mercury news, December 12, 2008 – Thank you.

"What sacrifices are our leaders making?

Considering the latest estimates of the financial crisis facing California, I think we should all be asking our elected officials what sacrifices they plan to make during these hard times.

We the taxpayers are bracing for increases in taxes and fees, decreases in services, huge layoffs of public and private sector employees.

I have yet to hear anything about cuts being considered to the compensation, pension plans, health care, car allowances, per diem, etc., that our representatives enjoy.

The fact is that these so-called leaders are at the helm of this shipwreck.

Ultimately, it is their responsibility to run this state in a fiscally responsible manner.

They have failed miserably.

We should demand that any plan to bridge this budget gap start with cuts to those who failed us. "

Ken Kramasz


The demand is fair and justified.

More grinding facts on the consequences of bailout failure:


Article: Suppliers see their demise if Big 3 become insolvent

By Bill Vlasic and Leslie Wayne, New York Times.

Ref: Mercury News, December 12, 2008 – Thank you.

The excerpt from the article deserves attention.

“The hypotheticals about the domino effect of the companies’ troubles through the vast network of auto supplier firms – which employ more than twice as many workers as the carmakers – are becoming real.

Top of Pyramid

The Big Three, and their foreign competitors, are what most people think make up the entire auto industry.
But the car manufacturers are just the top of the pyramid.

While GM, Ford and Chrysler employ 239,000 people in the United States, the country’s 3,000 or so auto suppliers have more than 600,000 workers.

Most of the suppliers are not highly waged; they have no big pensions,…

Washington has a myopic view of the auto industry.

They just think of the Big Three and don’t think of us,” i.e. the suppliers.


Challenge the Opponents:

What strategy or proposal the White House and the opposing legislators have in mind about the economy?

So far, they have been highly successful with their dogmatic policies that have led the economy towards recession.

With the lack of action in this matter, the collapse of other industries is imminent worsening the situation comparable to a black hole.

Aren’t they satisfied with the calamities they have brought upon this nation, that they are further determined to see through the peril before their much-awaited departure from the White House?

All these legislators including Senate Democrats in opposition to saving jobs and helping families through this rescue plan ought to think wisely, as they might be inadvertently putting themselves on notice in 2010.

For some, it might happen even sooner as there is a process called recall in a democratic system.

The people of the United States have learned a harsh lesson through Bush administration.

Conventional wisdom dictates that when something is of no value, it is best to discard and replace it with one of use that serves the purpose.

In the case of the incumbent administration, the notion might be what harm any inaction might do now as the term is nearing end.

History will do its part with judgment on the performance of any administration regardless of the cosmetic presentation by the representatives of the outgoing administration.

Notwithstanding the impending justice to be delivered for crime against humanity specifically violation of constitution thus far by oligarchy and their members.

In addition, the repercussions of the failures of any administration or individuals representing a political party cannot be ignored, especially if they are encouraging their clan (as it appears to be the norm in contemporary politics including democracy ) to retain Power further down the road.

No matter, how one circumvents the situation leading to the downfall of the once prosperous economy, the fact remains that willful negligence or malevolent policy to settle scores with opponents will result in their own ouster from the positions as legislators.

The elimination of the namesake lawmakers aka troublemakers will be the result of illogical conduct and abuse of power against the people and nation they falsely pledge to serve at all times and diligently during crisis.

Options for the White House to salvage the demise of the political party they represent in the coming elections is to act in the best interests of the people who are the electorate with the ability to entrust Power through electoral process.

Up until recently, the serious backlash suffered by the Republican Party represented by the incumbent administration in 2006 and 2008 is ominous that those who fail to deliver their commitments to democracy will share similar outcome reaching the point of no return to power.


Action Required:

It is incumbent on the Treasury department and the White House to come forward and immediately release the unused $15 billion from the $350 billion financial bailout draw down currently held in cash to rescue the autoworkers and millions of jobs at stake.

Failing to avert the inevitable collapse of the industries providing food and livelihood for the electorate with power to elect officials to serve the public will be detrimental to the success and approval of the final bailout $350 billion defending the finance industry.

The authorization of the $15 billion from the current $350 billion is imperative barring any mandatory demand for wage cuts and benefits to the workers and UAW.

Any conditions to the rescue plan will apply to the CEO’s of the industry from cashing in bonuses and extravagant remuneration including kickbacks and shady Washington deals with the lobbyists by the legislators elected to protect national interest rather than self-interest.

Urgency of this auto rescue measure will prove the effectiveness of democracy in action.

Therefore, it is the responsibility of the Treasury department along with the White House to act promptly by releasing the cash held $15billion from the previously approved taxpayers’ $350 billion for the financial bailout and save the American workforce as well as the economy.

Procrastination rather than action in this matter will lead to the unrequested irrelevance and perhaps the end of a major political party in the coming elections by making way for the emergence of new political faction in the near future.

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant

P.S. The suggested plan of action also applies to the California legislators, currently engaged in threatening democracy and progress in all fronts of the legislation.

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