Syria – Crisis Resolution

February 5, 2012

By Padmini Arhant

The political unrest in Syria emanating from prolonged oppression is Arab Spring motivated and in semblance with other Arab States experience viz. Libya for government transfer of power,

Syrian peaceful and non-violent protest has transformed into armed conflict between the rebels and government security force.

Arab Spring is the culmination of mainstream frustration over political repression, economic disparity and social inequality within society.

The violent confrontation in Syria beginning with government crackdown witnessed even in the so-called democracies against peaceful assembly triggered the relentless street demonstration.

Meanwhile, western powers with discriminatory dealings record in response to Arab Spring demand for political freedom are perceived as opportunists to exploit situation in their favor for economic and/or strategic interest.

Considering the western instigated killings in Bahrain, Yemen and procrastination in Tunisia, Egypt not barring leading Libya into civil war, the intervention thus far has been detrimental for revolutions in the region.

The majority of authoritarian regimes being close western allies or hegemony approved puppet governments,

The substantial mistrust against western proposals largely premised on regime change with military might cannot be underestimated given the ideology driven Project for New American Century targeted goals for global dominance.

Although the vested interests vary with geopolitical dynamics,

Syrian turmoil is attributed to government failure in maintaining dialogue with political opposition as well as the people through trusted and respected intermediary in the society.

President Bashar Al Assad authorization of civilian attacks using armed forces is reprehensible and a major misstep in the attempt to quell dissent.

The continuous violence lasting over eleven months especially in Homs and Damascus outskirts was facilitated by arms influx into the state providing arms dealers incentive for ammunition supply.

Influential powers as Security Council members share responsibility for Syrian status quo.

Arming the government and opposition in Syria for balanced retaliation is the repeat of Libyan episode.

An eye for an eye would blind the world is evident in Syrian political struggle.

The anti-government in Syria is not distinctive in terms of civilian representation due to western focus on Syria linked with Iran.

The reports on CIA and Mossad infiltration alongside Saudi Arabia covert participation through armed militia are a liability for any regional or international resolution.

Similarly Arab League mission in Syria to monitor the disturbance had a huge credibility issue with member states default on  human rights and political system denying republic rule.

Any foreign interference with ulterior motive would falter in the required action.

UN Security Council resolution posed to bring stability in Syria in the absence of political fairness against militancy apparently contributed to two members i.e. Russia and China veto the proposal.

The contentious issues are UN arms embargo against Syrian government but not on the insurgency and ambiguity in the draft language stating ‘all means necessary’ similar to Libyan interception that led to military aggression and massive civilian casualty.

UNSC polarized view and decisions on Middle East in general with US veto on Palestinian statehood, discarding UN appointed counsel Justice Richard Goldstone report on Gaza in 2009 and complicity in escalating tensions against Iran with crippling sanctionsseverely jeopardize council members’ integrity and impartiality in carrying out the anticipated measures in Syria.

The expansion of UNSC permanent membership inviting Brazil, Japan, South Africa, Turkey, Norway and India…to conform to contemporary economic and political paradigm is out of consideration for the council set up in twentieth century.

In light of the inherent shortcomings, the expectation for unanimity on global disputes is often challenging creating apprehension among members with reservations on human rights violation accord given the individual profile in this context.

United Nations organization purpose to defend the weak and vulnerable or step forward in recognizing Palestinian sovereignty is not necessarily the UNSC goal reflected in the misuse of veto power.

Syria heading in the direction of Libya with current mutiny has no alternative but ceasefire on all sides i.e. both the government and anti-government factions unconditional disarmament is imperative to stop the bloodshed in order to resume dialogue for peaceful political transition.

President Bashar Al Assad acknowledgment of citizens’ demand for democratic rule would defend Syria from foreign invasion and legitimize the leadership role in allowing republic governance to succeed as the viable political resolution.

The political opposition in Syria – Syrian National Council, Local Coordination Committee and Free Syrian Army…delineation from foreign association would clarify the groups’ authenticity subject to Syrian nationals final approval through political referendum.

Western powers ambition to expedite military incursion in Syria under humanitarian pretext imitating Libya would be counterproductive.

Instead internationally recognized non-profit and A-political humanitarian organization access to heal the wounded and attend to the displaced population could alleviate the suffering besides dispelling any speculations on potential civil discord.

United Nations service limited to UNHCR and UNICEF operation on the ground could further assist in the humanitarian aid.

There is urgency to refrain from violence on behalf of the government and opposition alike enabling civil discourse for constructive outcome.

Procrastination in political consensus would exacerbate the prevalent chaos weakening national security.

Solidarity among political leaderships, academics, scholars and peace activists in Syrian civil society could contain the clashes and mediate peace talks honoring Syrian electorate choice of government.

The inevitable change could not be stalled with political uprising having claimed many innocent lives and government determination to extend authoritarianism might replicate events in Egypt and Libya.

Syrian authority and anti-government segments are urged to lay their arms and adopt non-violent means for fruitful negotiations with immediate effect.

President Bashar Al Assad government reining control over political dissidents generated disintegration and political compromise would perhaps reverse the trend towards republican democracy.

Peace and liberty are the fundamental rights of all citizens regardless of faith, race and gender.

The desire to dominate and deprive individual freedom foments radicalism at one extreme and reason for foreign occupation in another.

Syrian citizens like fellow Arabs have endured persecution and fatalities until now,

The sacrifices would not be in vain with peace and democracy on the horizon.

Wishing the people of Syria eternal peace, progress and prosperity.

Peace to all!

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant


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