Species Classification Conflict

September 7, 2023

Species Classification Conflict

Padmini Arhant

The self- denial for demons pretending as human species gory violence, sodomy, littering and deserting litters from rape with summary executions in the paranoid purge carried out as the norm throughout life is natural.

For that matter, indulgence in orgy in Epstein island or wherever and rendezvous in the Bohemian grove…summarize eclectic debauchery and bipolar mania.

The conflicting personality trait and characteristics shunning own reflection in the guilt ridden profile and legacy is a hot potato prompting insinuations of their life as not theirs rather those they are obsessed with in the narcissistic obsessive disorder.

The leopard changing spots to stripes or the hyenas scavenging on corpses always remain a misfit in any normal civilized environment.

The only option for them is to accept original self correlating with unsavory accounts burdening their soul with irredeemable karmic debts in the self-inflicted sinful existence and journey thereafter.

If you are ashamed of who you are, involving in identity-theft would not transform the biometrics and DNA footprints in any aspect especially in unabsolved crimes and horrific trajectory, the karmic effects guaranteed to accompany the Soul upon demise.

Reconciliation with reality is the preliminary step on clarity paving way for sanity.

Padmini Arhant 




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