South America – Ecuador Presidential Election 2013

February 20, 2013

By Padmini Arhant

Congratulations! To President Rafael Correa on re-election to third term and Vice President Jorge Glass to serve South American nation Ecuador.

Ecuador people power once again aptly demonstrated in the electoral outcome.

Despite constant threats underestimating Ecuadorians resilience, the full frontal U.S. coup d’état against President Rafael Correa government successfully thwarted in 2010 with Republic rising to the occasion in defiance of Washington policy towards Latin America perceived as easy targets for political destabilization.

Ecuador is an exemplary model in the region along with Venezuela and Bolivia – the three major contentions for United States and western powers due to these South American nations’ commitment to their people and national interest unlike the latter allegiance to hegemony.

Ecuador has emerged from turbulent past into steady and stable democracy worthy of emulation considering republic governance and strong leadership prioritizing citizens’ requirements reflective in multilateral development across the country.

Whenever political representation of people rather than campaign financiers and special interests i.e. the shadow powers like in the United States assumes responsibility and diligently engage in addressing national issues, progress is imminent with ability to overcome challenges at any time.

Ecuador in this regard exemplify through democratic process and political power determination to serve people alleviating suffering with better living standards alongside strategies to maintain and improve economic conditions for all in the state.

Upon consistency and regular monitoring with appropriate checks and balances on economy including political situation notwithstanding attention to social and environmental demands would guarantee stability and sustainable growth for Ecuador.

As long as people power remains the authority protecting their rights to self-determination, no overt or covert foreign intervention from within or outside could undermine national sovereignty and territorial integrity as admirably displayed in 2010 with intense resistance from mainstream population in Ecuador.

Continuation on constructive path would indeed deliver greater prospects for Ecuador in the new term under President Rafael Correa and Vice President Jorge Glass.

Wishing the people and leaderships in Ecuador lasting peace and prosperity with a promising future.

Peace to all!

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant


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