
January 18, 2011

By Padmini Arhant

Race is a contentious matter. Hence thoughts are presented in this blog – an innovative medium to express views and comments.

Cyberspace is a platform where the voiceless can have a voice or be heard through someone on their behalf on any issue.

It is not necessary to go through the Red Tape or be newsworthy to be a news item in the prominent media and print press. There is no requirement to be part of any influential circle either.

An average citizen with internet access can state an opinion or recount an experience that is relevant to all or none. It has unequivocally revolutionized communication in the new millennium.

Mankind Giant Leap in this regard is poignant.

However, have we made progress in human relations?

Why is it difficult for the most intelligent species in the animal kingdom hierarchy to co-exist in harmony and accept one another as human beings first and then anything next?

We have been gifted with the discriminatory power. Unfortunately, it is being used effectively for negative purpose than otherwise.

It is believed that ‘God created all equal.’

Do we all think like the creator?

Perhaps then the status quo would be delightfully different.

Since evolution many battles and wars have been fought over land, wealth, resources…with the ulterior motive being Power and dominance of one segment over another.

The global dire situation is attributed to human quest for endless needs at other inhabitants’ peril. Human suffering along with several species extinction are caused by environment abuse largely recognized as greed.

Historically people in general are stigmatized and victimized by fellow human beings.

We are living in an imperfect world – Yet there is a desperate search for perfection among humans.

People come in all shapes and sizes notwithstanding variation in skin pigmentation – the acknowledgment on the unique genetic composition could promote higher tolerance.

Will this world be an exciting place as it is now in the absence of such diversity around us in all aspects?

It is evident in human history that a secular and diverse society achievements are substantial compared to a homogeneous society.

The collective talent available in the heterogeneous society is a formidable challenge for those against the concept.

There could be no better example than the United States having triumphed the trials and tribulations of homogeneous vs. heterogeneous society.

This great nation’s phenomenal success in every field is the result of the cosmopolitan intellectual and varied skills maintained since origin.

It is a country that set precedence in modern times for other nations to embrace multiculturalism and secularism as milestones for humanitarian progress.

Then why is race a sensitive topic to discuss?

Can discriminatory practice towards human beings be ever eliminated in any society?

If that happens, it will be Utopia. Why seek heaven or paradise?

Nonetheless there is hope considering that goodness still exists in the paradoxical universe.

The racial and cultural diversity is complex for it presents prospects and problems in every domain.

The world will be peaceful and prosperous if people could receive one another as the member of the human race.

Importantly rather than detecting flaws in others it would be wise to acknowledge one’s own shortcomings that every individual possess at some level regardless of identity.

Introspection is self-cleansing and a natural process to develop empathy.

Should the entire race and culture be held responsible and vilified for an individual or a group of individuals’ action or behavior?

Regrettably, human tendency to analyze others based on predisposed views and speculations is not uncommon creating obstacles in relationships.

Then what about nobility demonstrated by human beings of a particular sect that is targeted for any wrong doing?

Should society ignore the positive contributions of these individuals even if they are presumed a minority?

There is no particular race or culture that is spared about anything in the contemporary society.

We can overcome prejudice only if human beings can alienate themselves from the qualities and characteristics that allow conflict over compassion, caring and consideration for others.

It is up to mankind to practice goodness for pervasive happiness.

There could be no better legacy than virtuous deeds that would benefit all.

The truth is – despite tremendous accomplishments in science and technology,

Mortality is certain and no one is assured eternal life on earth.

The other reality being when we all bleed; the color of the blood is the same no matter who we are!

These facts prove the theory that ‘all are created equal.’

Thank you.



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