Point of No Return is Dead End

April 11, 2023

Point of No Return


Dead End

Padmini Arhant

Anything incorrigibly corrupt, criminal and vulgar in misogyny invoking and provoking identity politics exemplifying ill-treatment and abuse of women in their own family and society – the narcissism and chauvinism evolved into fascism reaching the point of no return wreaking havoc is harbinger of self-annihilation.

The decadence with no desire to deviate from destruction is a dead end reflected in status quo with democracy on sale attached to price tag and upended to suit the faulty fake fraudulent might rather than righteous right.

The goon gutter politics, the variety crony minion media and entertainment industry…in Indian society servile and subservient to Satans’ shenanigans running the gamut in global arena are reminded of Indian epics conclusions in the prevalence of misogynist culture. The male and female sycophants eagerly surrendered to satanic dominance met their fate accordingly in the end justifying the means reality.

Considering the culture and identity appropriation mania and obsession trending right now, the following aptly represent the imminent justification leading to termination.

When chosen by evil to serve as proxy, puppet and pawn, the choice in any position, capacity and act is and belong to evil league and destiny. No second guessing there.

The pseudo posturing and presentation with mimicry such as fist and other gestures only reveal the conspicuous falsehood i.e. impostors. 

Indian epics from Ramayana to Mahabharata and various legendary events had women – goddess Adi Sakti as Sita, Draupati, Durga, Lakshmi, Saraswati, Ganga and alike…representing valor, honor, justice, beauty, fertility, prosperity, kindness, compassion, benevolence, wit, knowledge and intellect, above all purity, sanctity and virtues…comprehensively the composite Mother Nature and Mother Earth appropriated the demons and their obsequious male and female recruits to an apocalyptic end for their evil actions and mass voluntary collusion lured by power, fame, fortune and publicity in semblance with contemporary events.

Regardless of world transition since creation, the evil and wicked together with their groveling contingency never prevail and ultimately perish succumbing to their malevolence. 

It would be foolish and presumptuous of evil and representatives to assume anything otherwise this time.

Padmini Arhant


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