March 15, 2024



Join the Communication Portal 

Padmini Arhant

Dear World,

The website since creation in 2008 until now spanning over sixteen years having published and presented over 3000 content materials in blog posts, articles, audios, videos, short films etc.,in diverse format and a wide range of topics is due for database management requiring the distribution of load shared by the portal

The original site will continue as together with sub-domain

The new portal will feature more interactive content relevant to global society and environment.

I take this opportunity and thank all those for the attention and interest as visitors, viewers not excluding constructive criticism barring personal virulent attacks thus far.

The arduous excruciating journey battling censorship, gag imposition, cancel culture, provocation, wanton disruption, abuse, misogyny, prejudice, nicknamed nameless, voiceless faceless to justify undemocratic, unconstitutional, unethical unruly anonymity, isolation and,

The other extreme identity misappropriation as the norm despite condemnation and objection citing personal right violation together with the monicker from the presumptuous so-called authentic intelligence branding as Artificial Intelligence debunked on several occasions and substantiated in natural settings using nature endowed brain and intelligence for all living species.

Needless to say the combative ad hominem misogyny endured by me till date from those are a lame strategy in the nuanced attacks against me that has been appropriately dealt with time and time again exercising my inalienable individual right against enemy of natural freedom and uniqueness mistaken by latter as selective privilege.

Besides, my tireless contributions sacrificing thousands of hours entirely for free at no charge to none of my prime productive life benefiting many around the world is significant.

Unfortunately, among them the users and abusers as opportunists, wannabes in particular taking advantage in all these years phenomenally gaining in the game continues not without exposing them and their original profile at the end of the bargain.

After all, fraudulence cannot be masqueraded for ever in equivalent to hyenas can never resist scavenging at any given moment.

Meanwhile, the nameless, faceless and voiceless false propaganda is relentlessly challenged and rebutted by me with in your face audios and videos on many issues especially the most sensitive controversial international crises till date.

Importantly, the audacious speaking the TRUTH impromptu and presentation of incontrovertible factual data topping the commitment is humbling in the extraordinary honor as the representative of the divine mission. 

Padmini Arhant 


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