Libya – Revolution Victory

September 4, 2011

By Padmini Arhant

People led revolution in Libya is on the path to liberating the North African nation from tyranny and oppression lasting more than four decades.

Libyan uprising that began in February 2011 has been through a fierce battle with at least 50,000 martyrs and many innocent lives lost to gain control of Tripoli – the capital under siege until the recent development enabling anti-Gaddafi forces to take control of the beleaguered nation.

It has been an ordeal demanding resilience, perseverance and sacrifices to reach the milestone marking a significant achievement in Libyan history.

Libyan citizens having suffered enormously in terms of casualties are able to see the light at the end of the tunnel making remarkable progress in their march to freedom.

After prolonged deliberation to global citizens’ request on ‘No-Fly Zone,’ humanitarian aid and sanctions against the fallen leader Muammar Gaddafi and family in Libya,

The UN Security Council certain resolutions supplemented the actions against the embattled government emboldened after nearly being ousted in the earlier peaceful demonstration against them.

Otherwise the initial non-violent citizens movement evolved into a full-scale civil war with military intervention and use of ammunitions in the Libyan pro-democracy struggle.

Subsequent to revolutionaries’ momentum in March 2011,

The considerably weakened Libyan leadership seeking political refuge in Venezuela was strengthened through external influence over the heir apparent now a fugitive – Saif al-Islam Gaddafi vowed to a bloodbath in the aftermath of people power success with a stronghold in Eastern Libya capturing Benghazi and prompting National Transitional Council formation.

Furthermore NATO and U.S. clearly expressed intentions against removal of Gaddafi along with delayed strategy in eliminating Gaddafi controlled air power on military and communication capability escalated atrocities in the protracted warfare.

Additionally, NATO mishaps targeting civilians and freedom fighters were demoralizing and fortunately the revolution’s resolve throughout confrontation maintained focus on the mission.

Nonetheless NATO and U.S later effort in protecting civilians through selective demolitions of regime installations procured from defense supplies influx into Libya prior to political unrest provided some relief to the combat zone.

Evidently, the close ties between MI6, the CIA and Libyan intelligence during Gaddafi power solidified oppressive rule allowing direct access to oil resources to western interests.

In the post Gaddafi era, the National Transitional Council decision to reject international military presence in Libya is wise and building solidarity among Libyan population could be instrumental in regaining sovereignty lost during repressive leadership with foreign intrusion.

Tribal forces willing to surrender to National Transitional Council authority could be conditionally accepted upon returning weapon stockpiles in their possession and assistance in apprehending the overthrown leader Muammar Gaddafi and most importantly Saif al-Islam still remaining at large.

NTC peaceful alliance with tribal segments would deter resurgence from Gaddafi and loyalists facilitating unified Libya.

It is crucial for National Transitional Council to bring all factions together in republic interest while being cautious delineating ideology driven infiltration within revolution.

Western powers involvement limited to humanitarian services and nation building through mutual trade benefits with democratic Libya could promote better relations and iron out mistrust given the Western-Middle Eastern trajectory.

Politically independent Libya could transcend nationality treating immigrant workers from Africa and elsewhere humanely in the pro-Gaddafi mercenary role investigation.

Perhaps segregating the genuine labor groups from those hired by the dictatorship would ease the burden on the judicial process and prevent prison overcrowding in the country with immediate infrastructure repair and rebuilding requirement.

Twenty first century Libya inviting women in active governance would accelerate anticipated growth bridging the inequality gap in social and economic sectors besides sustaining law and order in the crimes against women.

Marginalized demography could be uplifted with fair opportunity in political, economic and social domain.

Restoring essential utility provisions like electricity, clean water and proper sanitary conditions to avoid spread of disease are imperative for efficient functioning unlike the obstacles experienced in post Saddam Hussein Iraq causing public frustration over basic inconvenience.

Protecting national security, natural environment and oil fields are the priority for the new government with people participation through democratic elections in reasonable timeframe again not replicating Egypt in the power transition.

Indeed a glorious moment for all Libyans especially the victims having endured persecution and patriots in their determination to deliver free Libya with promising future.

Congratulations! To people of Libya, foot soldiers including the Army command,

Chairman of National Transitional Council, Mustafa Abdul Jalil and NTC members,

For the heroic commitment to national liberty,

NATO, United States, Arab League and international community for the logistic and humanitarian support.

International Criminal Court for indictments against the former head of Libya Muammar Gaddafi, Saif al-Islam and family on human rights violation and abuse of power in the crimes against humanity.

Hopefully, ICC proceedings will be carried out in a timely manner for efficacy of an international body set up to promote justice.

Best Wishes to Libyan republic for peaceful and bright beginning extending beyond the horizon.

Peace to all!

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant


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