Judgment in Kingdom of God

July 27, 2023

United States

Economy Status Quo

Padmini Arhant

As usual the art of embellishing record carpeting reality is nothing new in politics.

The pulse of the economy is sensed in three important rubrics with the middle income class bearing the burden and they are;

Taxes, Interest rates and Inflation.

United States – Economy Status Quo


Judgment in Kingdom of God

Padmini Arhant

Sins and crimes are directly related to deeds in life.

The deeds determine human character and neither  creed nor power, influence, fame, fortune expended to masquerade decaying inner self from within.

Regardless of religious and non-religious stance as atheist or agnostic, the judgment on human behavior and lifetime profile including the past and present is entirely based on personal conviction and commitment in alleviating burden of sins and negativities often ignored as inconvenient and irrelevant.

The baggage upon unchecked and rejected exacerbate internal pain and suffering with inescapable guilt becoming the punishment and judgment on self for all wrongdoings and harmful conduct.

The worst sinful engagement is never learning from earlier mistakes and contrarily steadfast in committing more of the same or severe with no penance and expecting redemption as entitlement.

No prophet, messiah or savior from any faith and alternatively quoting psalms from religious texts and scriptures rescue the soul defiant in evading responsibility of one’s own serial offenses involving extreme violence taking lives of another, malignant hurtful deliberate involvements causing immeasurable grievances to victims and survivors.

Additionally, several diverse unsavory characteristics not barring corruption, criminality, treason and perversion when in position of power and authority abusing the status against those deemed weak and vulnerable in the paradoxical justification of sadistic pleasure and egotistical satisfaction exacerbate own state of mind in the self-inflicting conflict.

Such indulgence common among the presumptuous mighty and powerful flaunting position of power and clout only expose their frailties, flamboyance and falsehood turning the tide against them sooner than later in their lifetime.

KARMA’s (one’s action) potency is significant in attempts or involvement in destruction of others through violation of their life and rights that is typically self-destructive.

Self-destruction impetus egregious decisions and violent legacy completing the circle by affecting the source responsible for endless crimes and sinful sinister activities throughout life.

Judgment in God’s kingdom is flawless weighing on unsettled karmic debts with no remorse and lack of humility and failure in recognizing self-deterioration to the point of no return.

At the end of the day – it is none other than one’s own deed or Karma is the judge, jury and executioner presiding over the ultimate fate as destiny with Soul bereft or bestowed peace in living and importantly upon departure from the world depending on the individual’s life account.

Padmini Arhant




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