Judge Sotomayor’s Confirmation by the Senate Judiciary Committee

July 29, 2009

By Padmini Arhant

Supreme Court Justice Confirmation by the Senate Judiciary Committee

Heartfelt congratulations! to judge Sonia Sotomayor on her confirmation by the Senate Judiciary Committee to the highest court in the land.

Surviving a grueling confirmation hearing qualifies for a ceremonial victory. Judge Sotomayor exhibited perfection in the process that requires patience, knowledge, and skills to address issues and concerns set forth by the committee.

The final confirmation for a full Senate vote scheduled the following week will be a historic event. Besides complementing the existing judiciary talent and expertise, it would transcend identity politics that dominated since the President’s choice of the nominee for the United States Supreme Court.

However, the vehement opposition from the right side of the political aisle authenticates the partisanship prevalent in every national matter. The following news report citing the conservatives’ principles for future nominees – to prioritize fidelity to the law over personal emotions and prejudice is contradictory to their own doctrine and nine years late… considering the Presidential election outcome in the year 2000.

Judiciary Committee OKs Sotomayor for high court – Associated Press July 28, 2009.

Even though they never stood a chance of defeating Sotomayor, her Republican opponents said they gained ground during the confirmation process by getting Democrats to agree that judges should above all be faithful to the law — an idea they said counters Obama’s stated view that a justice should have “empathy.”

“We agreed that judges should be impartial and not pick winners and losers based on some subjective empathy standard or whatever is in the judge’s heart,” said Sen. John Cornyn, R-Texas. “We’ve defined where the judicial mainstream is … and we’ve set expectations, I believe, for future nominees.”

My best wishes to Judge Sonia Sotomayor, the imminent justice to the United States Supreme Court with her challenging new career and look forward to the voice of the democracy legitimized per the constitutional rule based on the humanitarian law.

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant


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