Israel – War and Aggression over Peace

September 17, 2022

Israel – War and Aggression over Peace

Padmini Arhant

Israel latest bombing of Syria and ongoing occupation with oppression and persecution of Palestinians is proved counterproductive.

The nuclear Israel claimed the only democratic state in the Middle East hopelessly relying on aggression and violence to exert political stance delivered nothing but tensions and hostility.

Citing historic events going back several thousands of years in relentless propaganda in justification of the present Israeli acrimony is futile. Furthermore no nation or society based on race, religion and any convenient denominations could impose malevolence over current population who are not responsible for the past humanitarian crimes against any particular sect or demography.

Unfortunately, the trend not unique to Israel alone.

As a matter of fact the position prevalent in the so-called world’s largest democracy Indian ruling government preaching peace but not practicing in reality is the irony. The grudge against specific segment i.e. muslims in India over centuries old Mughal invasion and aftermath serve ideological discriminatory agenda driven towards a majoritarian statehood.

Similarly Indian government foreign policy monetizing Russian invasion from cheap oil imports essentially boosting Russian carnage of Ukraine with thousands of lives violated while sporting peace badge is an insult to injury for the victims in the prolonged warfare.

Again the western Europe viz. Germany, Austria, Finland…prominently and eastern Europe EU member Hungary defiance in energy dependence on Russia economically finance Russia’s war on Ukraine.

The western Europe strategy ignore own security stake in the complex trade and military engagement with and against Russia at Ukraine’s expense. Notwithstanding the security volatility for the rest of  Europe.

The political catharsis expose self and vested interests in the make- believe public disposition.

Likewise Israel favoring Russian invasion of Ukraine rejecting Ukraine President Volodymyr Zelensky’s televised plea to Israeli Kenesseth mocked upon the reference the final solution the Nazis sought to enforce on the Jews paralleled to Russia’s ambitions for Ukraine.

Israel’s defense contrarily the offense foreign policy as major weapons supplier to war zones arming brutal regimes earlier in Sri Lanka in 2009 against unarmed Tamil civilians or the indefinite bloodshed in Yemen with United States and Israel as key military arsenal providers to Saudi Arabia and coalition extending the never ending Yemen turmoil are not mere defense trade involvement.

Israel funding, weaponizing and facilitating medical treatment to terror outfits with synonymous accusations on Iran and Turkey in the onslaught on Syria is anything but peace seeking democratic norm.

Syrians and the population in the middle east including Israelis in Israel are forced to endure militarized environment in the continuous bombing and shelling of the region.

Israel’s non-military yet direct human rights violation also brought to light in the sale and distribution of the controversial spyware Pegasus and alike to governments and desperate despots anywhere.

The cyber weapons procurement under the guise of espionage activities against terror groups widely deployed targeting civilians like journalists, authors and political critics bear evidence in the anti-humanitarian and anti-democratic values of the state of Israel and the so-called democratic patrons.

In the strange political dynamics, Israeli politics forging alliance with Arab political factions to gain political majority in Kenesseth somehow not pursued in Israeli – Palestinian peace process. The political will to mend ties and form coalition for position of power and authority not necessarily desired in the art of peace and freedom for all as basic human right.

The pragmatic approach to live and let others live in peace for collective progress and prosperity in the meager lifetime of all human beings is ominously missing in politics and policy-making fueling death and destruction as the only means of survival and dominance.

Such principle against conventional wisdom eye for an eye turning the world blind apparently not even a concern amongst those confusing mirage for oasis in the desert.

Reiterating earlier statement elaborated in Israel-Palestine Peace Treaty on this website, Israel’s peace, security and stability lies on recognition of Palestinian statehood with sovereignty and independence to Palestinians in the over seven decades of occupation and repression denying civil rights and dignified existence.

Upon peace-making with independent Palestine, Israel’s relation with neighbors especially Syria, Lebanon, Iran, Iraq and others would normalize on the horizon.

Never too late to choose the path of peace and solidarity renouncing endless enmity and antipathy.

Padmini Arhant 

Author & Presenter 


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