Is Stock Market Rigged like Everything Else?

August 30, 2022

Is Stock Market Rigged like Everything Else?

Padmini Arhant

While misogynists and prejudiced predators are preoccupied in their usual incorrigible discrimination and hate mongering of their specific target,

The real pertinent question beckon attention and response.

Is Stock Market Rigged like Everything Else?

In the era of rigged elections, various questionable and shady practices in anything and everything goes legitimized in economic sector, in the areas of health  and wellness causing the devastating pandemic for profitability, currency adjustments in devaluation, waging wars to boost weapons trade and last but not the least the alma mater in corruption – politics, the genuine concern over stock market performance to suit the whims and fancies of those controlling the gamut is natural and alarming at the same time.

The trending information on stock market maneuvering and management to best accommodate the goals of major players in the all for us viz. the exclusive filthy wealthy and none for you meaning the rest designated at their mercy is nothing new.

The difference in the present time is exposure of manipulation within either via technology and / or caustic interjections to hinder or hype stock value creating dynamics against market buoyancy.

However, there are many reasons leading to the interference in natural market conditions that are obviously veiled defying transparency.

In the world largely submitted to opaqueness and secrecy for vested and personal interests in financial and economic sector in return reining influence over politics, the natural process of anything rising well and above sustainability susceptible to gravity and contrarily the plateau elevation is a parallel dimension.

The stock market in itself attracts all sorts of bidders and traders contributing to further complexity.

Padmini Arhant 

Author & Presenter 


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