India – Who is the real enemy?

December 4, 2022

India – Who is the real enemy?

Padmini Arhant

Who is the real enemy of India?

None other than the ones defending status quo and the leadership Narendra Modi presiding epidemic corruption, black money and historic polarization especially having usurped to power on defeating corruption in 2014.

The leadership responsible for India losing territories to hegemonic China and surrendered economy to domestic oligarchs. The oligarchs, corrupt political establishment and bourgeois in society in return depleting Indian economy and stashing illicit wealth overseas empowering foreign economy.

Indian human capital and natural resources are on sale in perpetuity for individual and vested enrichment in continuation of legacy unique to India in transmigration of Indian population for labor  worldwide and colonization of India by foreign power with no end in sight. 

Yet the question is raised if not Narendra Modi then who?

Could anyone be worse than the present leadership in dual simultaneous demolition of India’s territorial integrity handed over to hegemony next door and economic viability under domestic oligarchy monopoly and control?

Indian territories slowly and stealthily seized by neighbor and India’s key economic partner China transformed into trillion $ economy with India typically feeding the ravenous appetite of China.

As for PM Narendra Modi’s leadership attributes regarded amongst specific crony circle as irreplaceable (?) in itself present India in the most awkward and vulnerable situation.

First and foremost, none are indispensable ever since world creation and moving forward well beyond into the future.

Second, any leadership ducking press meet not having held an impromptu or for that matter the routine tele-prompter assisted single press-conference since election to public office in 2014 until today exemplify lack of knowledge and confidence to address public concerns and grievance barring prior arrangement and defensive mechanism from media and various protective contingency.

Importantly, the leadership relentlessly committed in cancel culture with gag order, silencing and censorship of real independent investigative questions daring authorities and power on series of violations, betrayal and treason at best demonstrate liability and at worst culpability.  

Third and last,

The wolf hiding in sheep clothing retain original identity and not the one in disguise.

पते की बात

चोरी और ऊपर से सीना ज़ोरि बुरा है तो उससे बड़ी अपराध उस चोरी को उचित प्रचार करना अघोर बेईमानी है। ऐसा पाप जन्मों का भोज बने आत्मा पर दण्ड बनता है।उस देश और देश वासियों के लिए गंभीर पीड़ा और कलंक बने युगों तक पाप में लिप्त होता है।

इसमें गर्व की कोई बात नहीं हालांकि व्यक्तिगत और कुल व्यवहार के तौर पर इस प्रकार की हरकतें शर्मिन्दिगी और अपमानित जनक है।

आख़िर में,

बुरी नज़र वालों और कुकर्म दोषियों तुम सब के मुंह काला।

बुरी नज़र वाले तेरा मुंह काला | 

पद्मिनी अरहंत

The leadership branded and promoted as the popular one would not fear challenge from general population whether the contestant is ex-serviceman like the former national border security force personnel Tej Bahadur Yadav who by the way held numerous open press meets unlike the incumbent contender Narendra Modi in 2019 or ever.

The real soldier Tej Bahadur Yadav was fraudulently disqualified from electoral process from Varanasi against Narendra Modi in 2019 by Modi and Shah. 


Anyone among 1.4 billion population who apparently have potential to lead multinational companies as CEO’s but not eligible to run government in India?

Go figure!

Padmini Arhant 

Author & Presenter


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