India – Fake Democracy

December 6, 2022


Fake Democracy

Padmini Arhant

पते की बात

चोरी और ऊपर से सीना ज़ोरि बुरा है तो उससे बड़ी अपराध उस चोरी को उचित प्रचार करना अघोर बेईमानी है। ऐसा पाप जन्मों का भोज बने आत्मा पर दण्ड बनता है।उस देश और देश वासियों के लिए गंभीर पीड़ा और कलंक बने युगों तक पाप में लिप्त होता है।

इसमें गर्व की कोई बात नहीं हालांकि व्यक्तिगत और कुल व्यवहार के तौर पर इस प्रकार की हरकतें शर्मिन्दिगी और अपमानित जनक है।

आख़िर में,

बुरी नज़र वालों और कुकर्म दोषियों तुम सब के मुंह काला।

बुरी नज़र वाले तेरा मुंह काला | 

पद्मिनी अरहंत

Politics is usually known for monetized compliments in obsequious culture involving quid pro quo. 

However, the politics that monetize self-organized scripted criticism through hired performers viz. comedians, short skits, satire and the supposedly independent journalism..,on social media such as you tube, the combined theatrics serve as weapons of mass deception (WMD) to discredit constructive relevant non-incentivized criticism for double jeopardy.

Such con job is possible only in fake democracy.

The pseudo criticism which is typically make-believe and paid for is dark clouds masquerading the clear sky i.e. the real critic. Nonetheless, the persistent efforts to mislead is enacted as live democracy.

The other contradictions are – while politics recruited so-called critics are monetarily rewarded, the actual critics challenging status quo on many public issues are murdered in cold blood followed by twitter comment from the head of the state (criminality) – the b**ch deserved to die.

Similarly, the intellect based criticism are punished and sentenced to life imprisonment without bail or shunned to anonymity with fabricated accusations.

Juxtaposed imitation criticism is a sideshow and publicity campaign to counteract reality on little or no tolerance to dissent and disagreement on general and specific state of affairs.

The bi-polar political indulgence is to maintain deceit, disinformation and disingenuous criticism to neutralize the opposite although in vain.

Amidst political struggle to suppress facts with fiction and fraudulence, the fake democracy is exposed reflecting the emperor without clothes in public domain.

Padmini Arhant 

Author & Presenter 


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