India – Eulogizing Late President APJ Abdul Kalam

July 28, 2015

By Padmini Arhant

India mourns the nuclear scientist and former President APJ Abdul Kalam’s demise.

Presidential post in Indian Parliamentary system is ceremonial limiting the role to presiding over diverse events and cultural affairs besides being a functionary upon Presidential governance in states without government due to electoral disputes or situation leading to emergency rule allowing governor as caretaker reporting developments to the President.

President presumed commander-in-chief of defense forces essentially endorse ruling government policy and consistently follows the powerful executive branch headed by Prime Minister’s office.

The President is elected through Parliamentary process with lower and upper house members’ approval of the incumbent administration nominee.

The former President Abdul Kalam appointment extended the tradition of choosing Muslim candidate to the position joining predecessors in Indian politics. The trend maintained to demonstrate secular India.

Ex-President Abdul Kalam nuclear background was an asset to Indian governments in many respect promoting controversial nuclear energy programs in particular.

The former President Abdul Kalam was a strong advocate for nuclear projects representing the government.

The ex-President was prominently engaged to sway public opinion especially on the citizens contested KudanKulam nuclear plant in Indian southern state, Tamil Nadu facilitating political authorities decision override local residents legitimate concerns on the risks involved in nuclear reactors and site operation in the wake of Fukushima disaster that is far from over.

Thereafter the former President designated in retrofit activities conforming to prevalent custom creating para-phenomenon in the increasingly illusive environment.

Dr. Abdul Kalam service in nuclear field and commitment to government as political member acknowledged amongst diverse faction.

The former President APJ Abdul Kalam retains identity in accordance with respective DNA specific to individuals that cannot be modified to suit indoctrination.

Life is an opportunity to emerge, experience and evolve in original state that verifies authenticity.

Sincere condolences to bereaved family and nation on the former President APJ Abdul Kalam’s departure.

Peace to all!

Padmini Arhant















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